GetOne("SELECT `name` FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "boards` WHERE `name` = " . $tc_db->qstr($_GET['board']) . ""); if ($board_name != '') { $board_class = new Board($board_name); if ($board_class->board['locale'] != '') { changeLocale($board_class->board['locale']); } } else { die('Invalid board.'); } $board_class->InitializeDwoo(); $board_class->dwoo_data->assign('isexpand', true); $board_class->dwoo_data->assign('board', $board_class->board); $board_class->dwoo_data->assign('file_path', getCLBoardPath($board_class->board['name'], $board_class->board['loadbalanceurl_formatted'], '')); if (isset($_GET['preview'])) { require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/parse.class.php'; $parse_class = new Parse(); if (isset($_GET['board']) && isset($_GET['parentid']) && isset($_GET['message'])) { die('' . _gettext('Post preview') . ':
' . $parse_class->ParsePost($_GET['message'], $board_class->board['name'], $_GET['parentid'], $board_class->board['id']) . '
'); } die('Error'); } if( isset($_GET['after']) && (int)$_GET['after']!=0 ) { $refreshq = ' AND `id` > ' . $tc_db->qstr((int)$_GET['after']); $getnewposts = true; } else { $refreshq =''; $getnewposts = false; } $posts = $tc_db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM `'.KU_DBPREFIX.'posts` WHERE `boardid` = ' . $board_class->board['id'] . ' AND `IS_DELETED` = 0 AND `parentid` = '.$tc_db->qstr($_GET['threadid']) . $refreshq . ' ORDER BY `id` ASC'); if( count($posts)==0 ) die(); global $expandjavascript; $output = ''; $expandjavascript = ''; $numimages = 0; $embeds = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT filetype FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "embeds`"); foreach ($embeds as $embed) { $board_class->board['filetypes'][] .= $embed['filetype']; } $board_class->dwoo_data->assign('filetypes', $board_class->board['filetypes']); foreach ($posts as $key=>$post) { if ($post['file_type'] == 'jpg' || $post['file_type'] == 'gif' || $post['file_type'] == 'png') { $numimages++; } $posts[$key] = $board_class->BuildPost($post, false); $newlastid = $post['id']; } $board_class->dwoo_data->assign('numimages', $numimages); $board_class->dwoo_data->assign('posts', $posts); $board_class->dwoo_data->assign('getnewposts', $getnewposts); $output = $board_class->dwoo->get(KU_TEMPLATEDIR . '/board_thread.tpl', $board_class->dwoo_data); if ($expandjavascript != '') { $output = '' . _gettext('Expand all images') . '' . $output; } echo $output; ?>