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* This is the file for your custom settings.
* Settings presenting in instance-config.php override settings in config.php
* If you copy settings from config.php, don't forget to check if there are any other settings depending on whatever settings you change.
* This example file contains some of the settings that are most likely to be changed
// ----------------------------------- Basic credentials ------------------------------------
$cf['KU_NAME'] = 'Øchan'; // The name of your site
$cf['KU_SLOGAN'] = '<em>Oops! Divided by zero!</em>'; // Site slogan, set to nothing to disable its display
$cf['KU_RANDOMSEED'] = 'ENTERANOTHERRANDOMSHIT'; // Type a bunch of random letters/numbers here, any large amount (35+ characters) will do
// ---------------------------------------- Database ----------------------------------------
$cf['KU_DBHOST'] = 'localhost'; // Database hostname. On SQLite this has no effect.
$cf['KU_DBDATABASE'] = '0chan'; // Database... database. On SQLite this will be the path to your database file. Secure this file.
$cf['KU_DBUSERNAME'] = 'root'; // Database username. On SQLite this has no effect.
$cf['KU_DBPASSWORD'] = ''; // Database password. On SQLite this has no effect.
// ---------------------------------- HTML cache settings -----------------------------------
// Deferred html rendering. REQUIRES special nginx configureation, refer to UTIL/nginx.snippets.conf
$cf['I0_DEFERRED_RENDER'] = false; // If true, HTML files will be rendered upon request. Default is false.
$cf['I0_FORCE_HTML_NOCACHE'] = false; // When AJAX-ing HTML, force no-cache (default: off (server must handle this, recommended for local debugging only))
// -------------------------------------- Live updates --------------------------------------
// REQUIRES node.js running properly configured updates.js (see UTIL/updates)
$cf['KU_LIVEUPD_ENA'] = false;
$cf['KU_LOCAL_LIVEUPD_API'] = ''; // A local address that PHP can access
$cf['KU_CLI_LIVEUPD_API'] = $cf['KU_LOCAL_LIVEUPD_API']; // A remote address that a browser can access. Default setting is for local testing
// Your credentials that must match the credentials in updates.js
$cf['KU_LIVEUPD_SITENAME'] = 'your_chan_id';
$cf['KU_LIVEUPD_SRVTOKEN'] = 'you_chan_token';
// ------------------------------------ Capshka settings ------------------------------------
$cf['KU_DEFAULT_CAPTCHA_TYPE'] = 'hcaptcha'; // ('default'|'hcaptcha'|'off') Default captcha type.
// hcaptcha credentials
$cf['I0_HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY'] = 'your_site_key';
$cf['I0_HCAPTCHA_SECRET'] = 'your_secret_key';
// Default captcha settings
$cf['KU_CAPTCHALANG'] = 'num'; // Default captcha language to be used if no captchalang cookie is present. Supported values: ru, en, num (numeric)
$cf['KU_CAPTCHALIFE'] = 150; // Captcha time-to-live in seconds
$cf['KU_CAPTCHALENGTH'] = rand(4, 7); // Captcha length in letters, rand(a, b) can be used to create random length from a to b.
// --------------------------------------- CSS styles ---------------------------------------
$cf['KU_STYLES'] = 'modern:newdark:photon'; // Styles which are available to be used for the boards, separated by colons, in lower case. These will be displayed next to [Home] [Manage] if KU_STYLESWIKUHER is set to true
$cf['KU_DEFAULTSTYLE'] = 'newdark'; // If Default is selected in the style list in board options, it will use this style. Should be lower case
// -------------------------------------- Limitations ---------------------------------------
$cf['KU_NEWTHREADDELAY'] = 300; // Minimum time in seconds a user must wait before posting a new thread again
$cf['KU_REPLYDELAY'] = 7; // Minimum time in seconds a user must wait before posting a reply again
// ------------------------------------- Page settings --------------------------------------
$cf['KU_THREADS'] = 10; // Number of threads to display on a board page
$cf['KU_REPLIES'] = 5; // Number of replies to display on a board page
// ---------------------------------- Attachment handling -----------------------------------
$cf['KU_FFMPEGPATH'] = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg'; //path to FFMPEG, on windows it's usually 'C:\ffmpeg\bin' (REQUIRED for videos)
$cf['KU_YOUTUBE_APIKEY'] = 'your_api_key'; //Your personal anal probe ID. Can be obtained it Google Dev. Console
$cf['I0_YOUTUBE_DL_PATH'] = ''; // Path to youtube-dl binary. If not empty, youtube-dl will be used instead of default API (in this case you won't need KU_YOUTUBE_APIKEY)
// ------------------------------------- Misc settings --------------------------------------
$cf['I0_CURL_PROXY'] = false; // Proxy to use when fetching external resources, for example 'socks5h://' — to connect through TOR
$cf['KU_USE_GESHI'] = false; //Use original code highlighter from like the cargo cultist you are
$cf['KU_MODLOGDAYS'] = 7; // Days to keep modlog entries before removing them
// ------------------------------------- Paths and URLs -------------------------------------
// Uncomment and change the following lines if you don't want the site to be domain-agnostic
// $cf['KU_WEBPATH'] = '//'; // The path to the index folder of kusaba, without trailing slash. ( or or just // for protocol-agnostic (flexible) behavior)
// $cf['KU_DOMAIN'] = ''; // Used in cookies for the domain parameter. Should be a period and then the top level domain, which will allow the cookies to be set for all subdomains.
// ---------------------------------- Location and language ---------------------------------
$cf['KU_LOCALE'] = 'ru'; // The locale of kusaba you would like to use. Locales available: en, de, et, es, fi, pl, nl, nb, ro, ru, it, ja
$cf['KU_SUPPORTED_LOCALES'] = 'ru|en';
$cf['KU_TIMEZONE'] = 'Europe/Moscow'; // The time zone which the server resides in
$cf['KU_DATEFORMAT'] = 'D Y M d H:i:s'; // For example: 'd/m/y(D)H:i';