# Concourse **Concourse allows you to build pipelines to automatically run tests, actions and build images whenever you need it (time based, when something happens...)** ## Concourse Architecture Learn how the concourse environment is structured in: {% content-ref url="concourse-architecture.md" %} [concourse-architecture.md](concourse-architecture.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ## Run Concourse Locally Learn how you can run a concourse environment locally to do your own tests in: {% content-ref url="concourse-lab-creation.md" %} [concourse-lab-creation.md](concourse-lab-creation.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ## Enumerate & Attack Concourse Learn how you can enumerate the concourse environment and abuse it in: {% content-ref url="concourse-enumeration-and-attacks.md" %} [concourse-enumeration-and-attacks.md](concourse-enumeration-and-attacks.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ## References * [https://concourse-ci.org/internals.html#architecture-worker](https://concourse-ci.org/internals.html#architecture-worker)