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2024-06-16 21:50:48 +02:00
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* See COPYING for further information.
* ---
* Copyright (c) 2011-2024, Lukas Weber <laochailan@web.de>.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2024, Andrei Alexeyev <akari@taisei-project.org>.
// Adapted from https://github.com/noporpoise/sort_r
#include "sort_r.h"
/* Isaac Turner 29 April 2014 Public Domain */
#include <stdlib.h> /* qsort_r(), qsort_s() */
#include <string.h> /* needed for memcpy() */
sort_r function to be exported.
base is the array to be sorted
nel is the number of elements in the array
width is the size in bytes of each element of the array
compar is the comparison function
arg is a pointer to be passed to the comparison function
void sort_r(void *base, size_t nel, size_t width,
int (*compar)(const void *_a, const void *_b, void *_arg),
void *arg);
# define _SORT_R_LINUX
# define _SORT_R_BSD
# define _SORT_R_WINDOWS
/* Using our own recursive quicksort sort_r_simple() */
#if (defined NESTED_QSORT && NESTED_QSORT == 0)
#define SORT_R_SWAP(a,b,tmp) ((tmp) = (a), (a) = (b), (b) = (tmp))
/* swap a and b */
/* a and b must not be equal! */
static void sort_r_swap(char *restrict a, char *restrict b, size_t w)
char tmp, *end = a+w;
for(; a < end; a++, b++) { SORT_R_SWAP(*a, *b, tmp); }
/* swap a, b iff a>b */
/* a and b must not be equal! */
/* restrict is same as restrict but better support on old machines */
static int sort_r_cmpswap(
char *restrict a,
char *restrict b, size_t w,
int (*compar)(const void *_a, const void *_b, void *_arg),
void *arg)
if(compar(a, b, arg) > 0) {
sort_r_swap(a, b, w);
return 1;
return 0;
Swap consecutive blocks of bytes of size na and nb starting at memory addr ptr,
with the smallest swap so that the blocks are in the opposite order. Blocks may
be internally re-ordered e.g.
12345ab -> ab34512
123abc -> abc123
12abcde -> deabc12
static void sort_r_swap_blocks(char *ptr, size_t na, size_t nb)
if(na > 0 && nb > 0) {
if(na > nb) { sort_r_swap(ptr, ptr+na, nb); }
else { sort_r_swap(ptr, ptr+nb, na); }
/* Implement recursive quicksort ourselves */
/* Note: quicksort is not stable, equivalent values may be swapped */
void sort_r_simple(
void *base, size_t nel, size_t w,
int (*compar)(const void *_a, const void *_b, void *_arg),
void *arg)
char *b = (char *)base, *end = b + nel*w;
/* for(size_t i=0; i<nel; i++) {printf("%4i", *(int*)(b + i*sizeof(int)));}
printf("\n"); */
if(nel < 10) {
/* Insertion sort for arbitrarily small inputs */
char *pi, *pj;
for(pi = b+w; pi < end; pi += w) {
for(pj = pi; pj > b && sort_r_cmpswap(pj-w,pj,w,compar,arg); pj -= w) {}
/* nel > 6; Quicksort */
int cmp;
char *pl, *ple, *pr, *pre, *pivot;
char *last = b+w*(nel-1), *tmp;
Use median of second, middle and second-last items as pivot.
First and last may have been swapped with pivot and therefore be extreme
char *l[3];
l[0] = b + w;
l[1] = b+w*(nel/2);
l[2] = last - w;
/* printf("pivots: %i, %i, %i\n", *(int*)l[0], *(int*)l[1], *(int*)l[2]); */
if(compar(l[0],l[1],arg) > 0) { SORT_R_SWAP(l[0], l[1], tmp); }
if(compar(l[1],l[2],arg) > 0) {
SORT_R_SWAP(l[1], l[2], tmp);
if(compar(l[0],l[1],arg) > 0) { SORT_R_SWAP(l[0], l[1], tmp); }
/* swap mid value (l[1]), and last element to put pivot as last element */
if(l[1] != last) { sort_r_swap(l[1], last, w); }
pl is the next item on the left to be compared to the pivot
pr is the last item on the right that was compared to the pivot
ple is the left position to put the next item that equals the pivot
ple is the last right position where we put an item that equals the pivot
v- end (beyond the array)
^- b ^- ple ^- pl ^- pr ^- pre ^- last (where the pivot is)
Pivot comparison key:
E = equal, L = less than, u = unknown, G = greater than, E = equal
pivot = last;
ple = pl = b;
pre = pr = last;
Loop into the list from the left and right at the same time to find:
- an item on the left that is greater than the pivot
- an item on the right that is less than the pivot
Once found, they are swapped and the loop continues.
Meanwhile items that are equal to the pivot are moved to the edges of the
while(pl < pr) {
/* Move left hand items which are equal to the pivot to the far left.
break when we find an item that is greater than the pivot */
for(; pl < pr; pl += w) {
cmp = compar(pl, pivot, arg);
if(cmp > 0) { break; }
else if(cmp == 0) {
if(ple < pl) { sort_r_swap(ple, pl, w); }
ple += w;
/* break if last batch of left hand items were equal to pivot */
if(pl >= pr) { break; }
/* Move right hand items which are equal to the pivot to the far right.
break when we find an item that is less than the pivot */
for(; pl < pr; ) {
pr -= w; /* Move right pointer onto an unprocessed item */
cmp = compar(pr, pivot, arg);
if(cmp == 0) {
pre -= w;
if(pr < pre) { sort_r_swap(pr, pre, w); }
else if(cmp < 0) {
if(pl < pr) { sort_r_swap(pl, pr, w); }
pl += w;
pl = pr; /* pr may have gone below pl */
Now we need to go from: EEELLLGGGGEEEE
Pivot comparison key:
E = equal, L = less than, u = unknown, G = greater than, E = equal
sort_r_swap_blocks(b, ple-b, pl-ple);
sort_r_swap_blocks(pr, pre-pr, end-pre);
/*for(size_t i=0; i<nel; i++) {printf("%4i", *(int*)(b + i*sizeof(int)));}
sort_r_simple(b, (pl-ple)/w, w, compar, arg);
sort_r_simple(end-(pre-pr), (pre-pr)/w, w, compar, arg);
#if defined NESTED_QSORT
static void sort_r(void *base, size_t nel, size_t width,
int (*compar)(const void *_a,
const void *_b,
void *aarg),
void *arg)
int nested_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return compar(a, b, arg);
qsort(base, nel, width, nested_cmp);
#else /* !NESTED_QSORT */
/* Declare structs and functions */
#if defined _SORT_R_BSD
/* Ensure qsort_r is defined */
extern void qsort_r(
void *base, size_t nel, size_t width, void *thunk,
int (*compar)(void *_thunk, const void *_a, const void *_b));
#if defined _SORT_R_BSD || defined _SORT_R_WINDOWS
/* BSD (qsort_r), Windows (qsort_s) require argument swap */
struct sort_r_data
void *arg;
int (*compar)(const void *_a, const void *_b, void *_arg);
static int sort_r_arg_swap(void *s, const void *a, const void *b)
struct sort_r_data *ss = (struct sort_r_data*)s;
return (ss->compar)(a, b, ss->arg);
#if defined _SORT_R_LINUX
typedef int(* __compar_d_fn_t)(const void *, const void *, void *);
extern void (qsort_r)(void *base, size_t nel, size_t width,
__compar_d_fn_t __compar, void *arg)
__attribute__((nonnull (1, 4)));
/* implementation */
void sort_r(
void *base, size_t nel, size_t width,
int (*compar)(const void *_a, const void *_b, void *_arg),
void *arg)
#if defined _SORT_R_LINUX
qsort_r(base, nel, width, compar, arg);
#elif defined _SORT_R_BSD
struct sort_r_data tmp;
tmp.arg = arg;
tmp.compar = compar;
qsort_r(base, nel, width, &tmp, sort_r_arg_swap);
#elif defined _SORT_R_WINDOWS
struct sort_r_data tmp;
tmp.arg = arg;
tmp.compar = compar;
qsort_s(base, nel, width, sort_r_arg_swap, &tmp);
/* Fall back to our own quicksort implementation */
sort_r_simple(base, nel, width, compar, arg);
#endif /* !NESTED_QSORT */