lasers: improve collision; move to lasers/
Moved quantization out of the draw code. The laser is now quantized once per frame, and the segment data is used for both collisions and rendering. Player motion is now accounted for as well, preventing phasing through thin lasers. The overall result is more precise *and* faster collision detection.
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 965 additions and 728 deletions
@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* See COPYING for further information.
* ---
* Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber <>.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev <>.
#include "taisei.h"
#include "laser.h"
#include "laserdraw.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "stageobjects.h"
#include "stagedraw.h"
#include "renderer/api.h"
#include "resource/model.h"
#include "util/fbmgr.h"
#include "util/glm.h"
#include "video.h"
Laser *create_laser(cmplx pos, float time, float deathtime, const Color *color, LaserPosRule prule, LaserLogicRule lrule, cmplx a0, cmplx a1, cmplx a2, cmplx a3) {
Laser *l = alist_push(&global.lasers, (Laser*)objpool_acquire(stage_object_pools.lasers));
l->birthtime = global.frames;
l->timespan = time;
l->deathtime = deathtime;
l->pos = pos;
l->color = *color;
l->args[0] = a0;
l->args[1] = a1;
l->args[2] = a2;
l->args[3] = a3;
l->prule = prule;
l->lrule = lrule;
l->collision_step = 1;
l->width = 10;
l->width_exponent = 1.0;
l->speed = 1;
l->timeshift = 0;
l->next_graze = 0;
l->clear_flags = 0;
l->unclearable = false;
l->collision_active = true;
l->ent.draw_layer = LAYER_LASER_HIGH;
l->ent.draw_func = laserdraw_ent_drawfunc;
ent_register(&l->ent, ENT_TYPE_ID(Laser));
l->lrule(l, EVENT_BIRTH);
l->prule(l, EVENT_BIRTH);
return l;
Laser *create_laserline(cmplx pos, cmplx dir, float charge, float dur, const Color *clr) {
return create_laserline_ab(pos, (pos)+(dir)*VIEWPORT_H*1.4/cabs(dir), cabs(dir), charge, dur, clr);
Laser *create_laserline_ab(cmplx a, cmplx b, float width, float charge, float dur, const Color *clr) {
cmplx m = (b-a)*0.005;
return create_laser(a, 200, dur, clr, las_linear, static_laser, m, charge + I*width, 0, 0);
static float laser_graze_width(Laser *l, float *exponent) {
*exponent = 0; // l->width_exponent * 0.5f;
return 5.0f * sqrtf(l->width) + 15.0f;
static void *_delete_laser(ListAnchor *lasers, List *laser, void *arg) {
Laser *l = (Laser*)laser;
if(l->lrule) {
l->lrule(l, EVENT_DEATH);
objpool_release(stage_object_pools.lasers, alist_unlink(lasers, laser));
return NULL;
static void delete_laser(LaserList *lasers, Laser *laser) {
_delete_laser((ListAnchor*)lasers, (List*)laser, NULL);
void delete_lasers(void) {
alist_foreach(&global.lasers, _delete_laser, NULL);
bool laser_is_active(Laser *l) {
// return l->width > 3.0;
return l->collision_active;
bool laser_is_clearable(Laser *l) {
return !l->unclearable && laser_is_active(l);
bool clear_laser(Laser *l, uint flags) {
if(!(flags & CLEAR_HAZARDS_FORCE) && !laser_is_clearable(l)) {
return false;
l->clear_flags |= flags;
return true;
static bool laser_collision(Laser *l);
void process_lasers(void) {
Laser *laser = global.lasers.first, *del = NULL;
bool stage_cleared = stage_is_cleared();
while(laser != NULL) {
if(stage_cleared) {
if(laser->clear_flags & CLEAR_HAZARDS_LASERS) {
laser->timespan *= 0.9;
bool kill_now = laser->timespan < 5;
if(!((global.frames - laser->birthtime) % 2) || kill_now) {
double t = fmax(0, (global.frames - laser->birthtime)*laser->speed - laser->timespan + laser->timeshift);
cmplx p = laser->prule(laser, t);
double x = creal(p);
double y = cimag(p);
if(x > 0 && x < VIEWPORT_W && y > 0 && y < VIEWPORT_H) {
create_clear_item(p, laser->clear_flags);
if(kill_now) {
.sprite = "flare",
.pos = p,
.timeout = 20,
.draw_rule = pdraw_timeout_scalefade(0, 1, 1, 0),
laser->deathtime = 0;
} else {
if(laser_collision(laser)) {
ent_damage(&global.plr.ent, &(DamageInfo) { .type = DMG_ENEMY_SHOT });
if(laser->lrule) {
laser->lrule(laser, global.frames - laser->birthtime);
if(global.frames - laser->birthtime > laser->deathtime + laser->timespan*laser->speed) {
del = laser;
laser = laser->next;
delete_laser(&global.lasers, del);
} else {
laser = laser->next;
static inline bool laser_collision_segment(Laser *l, LineSegment *segment, Circle *collision_area, float t, float segment_width_factor, float tail) {
float mid_ofs = t - l->timespan * 0.5f;
float widthfac_orig = segment_width_factor * (mid_ofs - tail) * (mid_ofs + tail);
float widthfac = 0.75f * 0.5f * powf(widthfac_orig, l->width_exponent);
collision_area->radius = fmaxf(widthfac * l->width - 4.0f, 2.0f);
if(lineseg_circle_intersect(*segment, *collision_area) >= 0.0f) {
return true;
if(global.frames >= l->next_graze) {
float exponent;
collision_area->radius = laser_graze_width(l, &exponent) * fmaxf(0.25f, powf(widthfac_orig, exponent));
assert(collision_area->radius > 0);
float f = lineseg_circle_intersect(*segment, *collision_area);
if(f >= 0) {
player_graze(&global.plr, segment->a + f * (segment->b - segment->a), 7, 5, &l->color);
l->next_graze = global.frames + 4;
return false;
static bool laser_collision(Laser *l) {
if(!laser_is_active(l)) {
return false;
float t_end_len = (global.frames - l->birthtime) * l->speed + l->timeshift; // end of the laser based on length
float t_end_lifetime = l->deathtime * l->speed + l->timeshift; // end of the laser based on lifetime
float t = t_end_len - l->timespan;
float t_end = fmin(t_end_len, t_end_lifetime);
if(t < 0) {
t = 0;
LineSegment segment = { .a = l->prule(l, t) };
Circle collision_area = { .origin = global.plr.pos };
float tail = l->timespan / 1.6f;
float width_factor = -1.0f / (tail * tail);
for(t += l->collision_step; t < t_end; t += l->collision_step) {
segment.b = l->prule(l, t);
if(laser_collision_segment(l, &segment, &collision_area, t, width_factor, tail)) {
return true;
segment.a = segment.b;
segment.b = l->prule(l, t_end);
return laser_collision_segment(l, &segment, &collision_area, t_end, width_factor, tail);
bool laser_intersects_ellipse(Laser *l, Ellipse ellipse) {
// NOTE: this function does not take laser width into account
float t_end_len = (global.frames - l->birthtime) * l->speed + l->timeshift; // end of the laser based on length
float t_end_lifetime = l->deathtime * l->speed + l->timeshift; // end of the laser based on lifetime
float t = t_end_len - l->timespan;
float t_end = fmin(t_end_len, t_end_lifetime);
if(t < 0) {
t = 0;
LineSegment segment = { .a = l->prule(l, t) };
for(t += l->collision_step; t < t_end; t += l->collision_step) {
segment.b = l->prule(l, t);
if(lineseg_ellipse_intersect(segment, ellipse)) {
return true;
segment.a = segment.b;
segment.b = l->prule(l, t_end);
return lineseg_ellipse_intersect(segment, ellipse);
bool laser_intersects_circle(Laser *l, Circle circle) {
Ellipse ellipse = {
.origin = circle.origin,
.axes = circle.radius * 2 * (1 + I),
return laser_intersects_ellipse(l, ellipse);
cmplx las_linear(Laser *l, float t) {
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
l->collision_step = fmax(3, l->timespan/10);
return 0;
return l->pos + l->args[0]*t;
cmplx las_accel(Laser *l, float t) {
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
l->collision_step = fmax(3, l->timespan/10);
return 0;
return l->pos + l->args[0]*t + 0.5*l->args[1]*t*t;
cmplx las_weird_sine(Laser *l, float t) { // [0] = velocity; [1] = sine amplitude; [2] = sine frequency; [3] = sine phase
// XXX: this used to be called "las_sine", but it's actually not a proper sine wave
// do we even still need this?
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
return 0;
double s = (l->args[2] * t + l->args[3]);
return l->pos + cexp(I * (carg(l->args[0]) + l->args[1] * sin(s) / s)) * t * cabs(l->args[0]);
cmplx las_sine(Laser *l, float t) { // [0] = velocity; [1] = sine amplitude; [2] = sine frequency; [3] = sine phase
// this is actually shaped like a sine wave
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
return 0;
cmplx line_vel = l->args[0];
cmplx line_dir = line_vel / cabs(line_vel);
cmplx line_normal = cimag(line_dir) - I*creal(line_dir);
cmplx sine_amp = l->args[1];
cmplx sine_freq = l->args[2];
cmplx sine_phase = l->args[3];
cmplx sine_ofs = line_normal * sine_amp * sin(sine_freq * t + sine_phase);
return l->pos + t * line_vel + sine_ofs;
cmplx las_sine_expanding(Laser *l, float t) { // [0] = velocity; [1] = sine amplitude; [2] = sine frequency; [3] = sine phase
// XXX: this is also a "weird" one
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
return 0;
cmplx velocity = l->args[0];
double amplitude = creal(l->args[1]);
double frequency = creal(l->args[2]);
double phase = creal(l->args[3]);
double angle = carg(velocity);
double speed = cabs(velocity);
double s = (frequency * t + phase);
return l->pos + cexp(I * (angle + amplitude * sin(s))) * t * speed;
cmplx las_turning(Laser *l, float t) { // [0] = vel0; [1] = vel1; [2] r: turn begin time, i: turn end time
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
return 0;
cmplx v0 = l->args[0];
cmplx v1 = l->args[1];
float begin = creal(l->args[2]);
float end = cimag(l->args[2]);
float a = clamp((t - begin) / (end - begin), 0, 1);
a = 1.0 - (0.5 + 0.5 * cos(a * M_PI));
a = 1.0 - pow(1.0 - a, 2);
cmplx v = v1 * a + v0 * (1 - a);
return l->pos + v * t;
cmplx las_circle(Laser *l, float t) {
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
return 0;
// XXX: should turn speed be in rad/sec or rad/frame? currently rad/sec.
double turn_speed = creal(l->args[0]) / 60;
double time_ofs = cimag(l->args[0]);
double radius = creal(l->args[1]);
return l->pos + radius * cexp(I * (t + time_ofs) * turn_speed);
void laser_charge(Laser *l, int t, float charge, float width) {
float new_width;
if(t < charge - 10) {
new_width = fminf(2.0f, 2.0f * t / fminf(30.0f, charge - 10.0f));
} else if(t >= charge - 10.0f && t < l->deathtime - 20.0f) {
new_width = fminf(width, 1.7f + width / 20.0f * (t - charge + 10.0f));
} else if(t >= l->deathtime - 20.0f) {
new_width = fmaxf(0.0f, width - width / 20.0f * (t - l->deathtime + 20.0f));
} else {
new_width = width;
l->width = new_width;
l->collision_active = (new_width > width * 0.6f);
void laser_make_static(Laser *l) {
l->speed = 0;
l->timeshift = l->timespan;
void static_laser(Laser *l, int t) {
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
l->width = 0;
l->collision_active = false;
laser_charge(l, t, creal(l->args[1]), cimag(l->args[1]));
DEFINE_EXTERN_TASK(laser_charge) {
Laser *l = TASK_BIND(ARGS.laser);
l->width = 0;
l->collision_active = false;
float target_width = ARGS.target_width;
float charge_delay = ARGS.charge_delay;
for(int t = 0;; ++t) {
laser_charge(l, t, charge_delay, target_width);
@ -11,83 +11,7 @@
#include "taisei.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "projectile.h"
#include "resource/shader_program.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "laserdraw.h"
typedef LIST_ANCHOR(Laser) LaserList;
typedef cmplx (*LaserPosRule)(Laser* l, float time);
typedef void (*LaserLogicRule)(Laser* l, int time);
cmplx pos;
cmplx args[4];
// NOTE: in the future we may reuse this to customize the SDF application shader
ShaderProgram *shader attr_deprecated("Specialized shape shaders are no longer supported");
LaserPosRule prule;
LaserLogicRule lrule;
// NOTE: this field is considered private
LaserRenderData _renderdata;
Color color;
int birthtime;
int next_graze;
float timespan;
float deathtime;
float timeshift;
float speed;
float width;
float width_exponent;
float collision_step;
uint clear_flags;
uchar unclearable : 1;
uchar collision_active : 1;
#define create_lasercurve1c(p, time, deathtime, clr, rule, a0) create_laser(p, time, deathtime, clr, rule, 0, a0, 0, 0, 0)
#define create_lasercurve2c(p, time, deathtime, clr, rule, a0, a1) create_laser(p, time, deathtime, clr, rule, 0, a0, a1, 0, 0)
#define create_lasercurve3c(p, time, deathtime, clr, rule, a0, a1, a2) create_laser(p, time, deathtime, clr, rule, 0, a0, a1, a2, 0)
#define create_lasercurve4c(p, time, deathtime, clr, rule, a0, a1, a2, a3) create_laser(p, time, deathtime, clr, rule, 0, a0, a1, a2, a3)
void delete_lasers(void);
void process_lasers(void);
Laser *create_laserline(cmplx pos, cmplx dir, float charge, float dur, const Color *clr);
Laser *create_laserline_ab(cmplx a, cmplx b, float width, float charge, float dur, const Color *clr);
Laser *create_laser(cmplx pos, float time, float deathtime, const Color *color, LaserPosRule prule, LaserLogicRule lrule, cmplx a0, cmplx a1, cmplx a2, cmplx a3);
bool laser_is_active(Laser *l);
bool laser_is_clearable(Laser *l);
bool clear_laser(Laser *l, uint flags);
cmplx las_linear(Laser *l, float t);
cmplx las_accel(Laser *l, float t);
cmplx las_sine(Laser *l, float t);
cmplx las_weird_sine(Laser *l, float t);
cmplx las_sine_expanding(Laser *l, float t);
cmplx las_turning(Laser *l, float t);
cmplx las_circle(Laser *l, float t);
void laser_make_static(Laser *l);
void laser_charge(Laser *l, int t, float charge, float width);
void static_laser(Laser *l, int t);
bool laser_intersects_circle(Laser *l, Circle circle);
bool laser_intersects_ellipse(Laser *l, Ellipse ellipse);
DECLARE_EXTERN_TASK(laser_charge, {
BoxedLaser laser;
float charge_delay;
float target_width;
// TODO remove this stub header
#include "lasers/laser.h"
#endif // IGUARD_laser_h
@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
#include "taisei.h"
#include "laserdraw.h"
#include "laser.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "renderer/api.h"
#include "resource/model.h"
#include "util/fbmgr.h"
@ -84,9 +86,6 @@
* even more VRAM waste (albeit a little bit) and slightly complicating the tile addressing logic.
* But the rect packing proposal can also fix this trivially.
* - It may be beneficial to separate the curve quantization/simplification code from the renderer.
* It can be used to optimize collision detection, and we can use the same line segment data to
* handle collision and rendering.
@ -103,10 +102,6 @@
* [4] And we can actually do it in a single draw call this time!
// Should be set slightly larger than the
// negated lowest distance threshold value in the sdf_apply shader
#define SDF_RANGE 4.01
#define TILES_X 8
#define TILES_Y 7
// Maximum number of lasers that can be rendered "at once",
@ -146,22 +141,9 @@ static struct {
UNION_CAST(char*, Laser*, \
UNION_CAST(LaserRenderData*, char*, (rd)) - offsetof(Laser, _renderdata))
UNION_CAST(LaserRenderData*, char*, (rd)) - offsetof(Laser, _internal.renderdata))
typedef struct LaserInstancedAttribsPass1 {
union {
struct { cmplxf a, b; } pos;
float attr0[4];
union {
struct {
struct { float a, b; } width;
struct { float a, b; } time;
float attr1[4];
} LaserInstancedAttribsPass1;
typedef LaserSegment LaserInstancedAttribsPass1;
typedef struct LaserInstancedAttribsPass2 {
union {
@ -183,12 +165,6 @@ typedef struct LaserInstancedAttribsPass2 {
} LaserInstancedAttribsPass2;
typedef struct LaserSamplingParams {
uint num_samples;
float time_shift;
float time_step;
} LaserSamplingParams;
static void laserdraw_ent_predraw_hook(EntityInterface *ent, void *arg);
static void laserdraw_ent_postdraw_hook(EntityInterface *ent, void *arg);
@ -334,192 +310,32 @@ void laserdraw_shutdown(void) {
static void laserdraw_prepare_state_pass1(void) {
r_clear(CLEAR_COLOR, RGBA(SDF_RANGE, 0, 0, 0), 1);
r_clear(CLEAR_COLOR, RGBA(LASER_SDF_RANGE, 0, 0, 0), 1);
r_uniform_float("sdf_range", SDF_RANGE);
static bool laserdraw_prepare_sampling_params(Laser *l, LaserSamplingParams *out_params) {
float t;
int c;
c = l->timespan;
t = (global.frames - l->birthtime) * l->speed - l->timespan + l->timeshift;
if(t + l->timespan > l->deathtime + l->timeshift) {
c += l->deathtime + l->timeshift - (t + l->timespan);
if(t < 0) {
c += t;
t = 0;
if(c <= 0) {
return false;
float step = 0.5;
out_params->num_samples = c / step;
out_params->time_shift = t;
out_params->time_step = step;
return true;
static float calc_sample_width(
Laser *l, float sample, float half_samples, float width_factor, float tail
) {
float mid_ofs = sample - half_samples;
return 0.75f * l->width * powf(
width_factor * (mid_ofs - tail) * (mid_ofs + tail),
r_uniform_float("sdf_range", LASER_SDF_RANGE);
static int laserdraw_pass1_build(Laser *l) {
LaserSamplingParams sp;
// PASS 1: build the signed distance field
if(!laserdraw_prepare_sampling_params(l, &sp)) {
// The actual work happens in laser.c:quantize_laser(),
// since we use the segment data for collisions too.
// Here it's simply copied into our vertex buffer.
int nsegs = l->_internal.num_segments;
if(nsegs < 1) {
return 0;
// PASS 1: build the signed distance field
LaserSegment *segs = dynarray_get_ptr(&lintern.segments, l->_internal.segments_ofs);
SDL_RWwrite(ldraw.pass1.vb_stream, segs, sizeof(*segs), nsegs);
// Precomputed magic parameters for width calculation
float half_samples = sp.num_samples * 0.5;
float tail = sp.num_samples / 1.6;
float width_factor = -1 / (tail * tail);
// Maximum value of `1 - cos(angle)` between two curve segments to reduce to straight lines
const float thres_angular = 1e-4;
// Maximum laser-time sample difference between two segment points (for width interpolation)
const float thres_temporal = sp.num_samples / 16.0;
// These values should be kept as high as possible without introducing artifacts.
// Number of segments generated
int segments = 0;
// Time value of current sample
float t = sp.time_shift;
// Time value of last included sample
float t0 = t;
// Points of the current line segment
// Begin constructing at t0
cmplxf a, b;
a = l->prule(l, t0);
// Width value of the last included sample
// Initialized to the width at t0
float w0 = calc_sample_width(l, 0, half_samples, width_factor, tail);
// Already sampled the first point, so shift
t += sp.time_step;
// Vector from A to B of the last included segment, and its squared length.
cmplxf v0 = a - l->prule(l, t0 - sp.time_step);
float v0_abs2 = cabs2f(v0);
float viewmargin = l->width * 0.5f;
FloatRect viewbounds = { .extent = VIEWPORT_SIZE };
viewbounds.w += viewmargin * 2.0f;
viewbounds.h += viewmargin * 2.0f;
viewbounds.x -= viewmargin;
viewbounds.y -= viewmargin;
FloatOffset top_left, bottom_right;
top_left.as_cmplx = a;
bottom_right.as_cmplx = a;
for(uint i = 1; i < sp.num_samples; ++i, t += sp.time_step) {
b = l->prule(l, t);
if(i < sp.num_samples - 1 && (t - t0) < thres_temporal) {
cmplxf v1 = b - a;
// dot(a, b) == |a|*|b|*cos(theta)
float dot = cdotf(v0, v1);
float norm = sqrtf(v0_abs2 * cabs2f(v1));
if(norm == 0.0f) {
// degenerate case
float cosTheta = dot / norm;
float d = 1.0f - fabsf(cosTheta);
if(d < thres_angular) {
float w = calc_sample_width(l, i, half_samples, width_factor, tail);
float xa = crealf(a);
float ya = cimagf(a);
float xb = crealf(b);
float yb = cimagf(b);
bool visible =
(xa > viewbounds.x && xa < viewbounds.w && ya > viewbounds.y && ya < viewbounds.h) ||
(xb > viewbounds.x && xb < viewbounds.w && yb > viewbounds.y && yb < viewbounds.h);
if(visible) {
LaserInstancedAttribsPass1 attr;
if(w < w0) {
// NOTE: the uneven capsule distance function may not work correctly in cases where
// radius(A) > radius(B) and circle A contains circle B.
attr = (LaserInstancedAttribsPass1) {
.pos = { b, a },
.width = { w, w0 },
.time = { -t, -t0 },
} else {
attr = (LaserInstancedAttribsPass1) {
.pos = { a, b },
.width = { w0, w },
.time = { -t0, -t },
assert(attr.width.a <= attr.width.b);
SDL_RWwrite(ldraw.pass1.vb_stream, &attr, sizeof(attr), 1);
top_left.x = fminf( top_left.x, fminf(xa, xb));
top_left.y = fminf( top_left.y, fminf(ya, yb));
bottom_right.x = fmaxf(bottom_right.x, fmaxf(xa, xb));
bottom_right.y = fmaxf(bottom_right.y, fmaxf(ya, yb));
t0 = t;
w0 = w;
v0 = b - a;
v0_abs2 = cabs2f(v0);
a = b;
float aabb_margin = SDF_RANGE + l->width * 0.5f;
top_left.as_cmplx -= aabb_margin * (1.0f + I);
bottom_right.as_cmplx += aabb_margin * (1.0f + I);
top_left.x = fmaxf(0, top_left.x);
top_left.y = fmaxf(0, top_left.y);
bottom_right.x = fminf(VIEWPORT_W, bottom_right.x);
bottom_right.y = fminf(VIEWPORT_H, bottom_right.y);
l->_renderdata.bbox.top_left = top_left;
l->_renderdata.bbox.bottom_right = bottom_right;
return segments;
return nsegs;
static void laserdraw_pass1_render(Laser *l, int segments) {
@ -527,8 +343,8 @@ static void laserdraw_pass1_render(Laser *l, int segments) {
FloatRect vp_orig;
r_framebuffer_viewport_current(fb, &vp_orig);
FloatRect vp = vp_orig;
int sx = l->_renderdata.tile % TILES_X;
int sy = l->_renderdata.tile / TILES_X;
int sx = l->_internal.renderdata.tile % TILES_X;
int sy = l->_internal.renderdata.tile / TILES_X;
vp.w /= TILES_X;
vp.h /= TILES_Y;
vp.x = sx * vp.w;
@ -550,8 +366,8 @@ static void laserdraw_prepare_state_pass2(void) {
static void laserdraw_pass2_build(Laser *l) {
// PASS 2: color the curve using the generated SDF
FloatOffset top_left = l->_renderdata.bbox.top_left;
FloatOffset bottom_right = l->_renderdata.bbox.bottom_right;
FloatOffset top_left = l->_internal.bbox.top_left;
FloatOffset bottom_right = l->_internal.bbox.bottom_right;
cmplxf bbox_midpoint = (top_left.as_cmplx + bottom_right.as_cmplx) * 0.5f;
cmplxf bbox_size = bottom_right.as_cmplx - top_left.as_cmplx;
@ -561,8 +377,8 @@ static void laserdraw_pass2_build(Laser *l) {
FloatRect frag = bbox;
frag.offset.as_cmplx -= bbox.extent.as_cmplx * 0.5;
frag.x += VIEWPORT_W * (l->_renderdata.tile % TILES_X);
frag.y += VIEWPORT_H * (l->_renderdata.tile / TILES_X);
frag.x += VIEWPORT_W * (l->_internal.renderdata.tile % TILES_X);
frag.y += VIEWPORT_H * (l->_internal.renderdata.tile / TILES_X);
LaserInstancedAttribsPass2 attrs = {
.bbox = bbox,
@ -625,8 +441,8 @@ void laserdraw_ent_drawfunc(EntityInterface *ent) {
assert(ldraw.render_state.free_tile < TILES_MAX);
laser->_renderdata.tile = ldraw.render_state.free_tile++;
alist_push(&ldraw.render_state.batch, &laser->_renderdata);
laser->_internal.renderdata.tile = ldraw.render_state.free_tile++;
alist_push(&ldraw.render_state.batch, &laser->_internal.renderdata);
if(!ldraw.render_state.pass1_state_ready) {
// Pop out of entity-wide state into lasers-wide state
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev <>.
#ifndef IGUARD_laserdraw_h
#define IGUARD_laserdraw_h
#ifndef IGUARD_lasers_draw_h
#define IGUARD_lasers_draw_h
#include "taisei.h"
@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ typedef struct LaserRenderData LaserRenderData;
struct LaserRenderData {
int tile;
struct {
FloatOffset top_left, bottom_right;
} bbox;
#endif // IGUARD_laserdraw_h
#endif // IGUARD_lasers_draw_h
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* See COPYING for further information.
* ---
* Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber <>.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev <>.
#include "taisei.h"
#include "internal.h"
LaserInternalData lintern;
void laserintern_init(void) {
assert(lintern.segments.num_elements == 0);
dynarray_ensure_capacity(&lintern.segments, 2048);
void laserintern_shutdown(void) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* See COPYING for further information.
* ---
* Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber <>.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev <>.
#ifndef IGUARD_lasers_internal_h
#define IGUARD_lasers_internal_h
#include "taisei.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "dynarray.h"
typedef struct LaserSegment {
union {
struct { cmplxf a, b; } pos;
float attr0[4];
union {
struct {
struct { float a, b; } width;
struct { float a, b; } time;
float attr1[4];
} LaserSegment;
typedef struct LaserInternalData {
DYNAMIC_ARRAY(LaserSegment) segments;
} LaserInternalData;
extern LaserInternalData lintern;
// Should be set slightly larger than the
// negated lowest distance threshold value in the sdf_apply shader
#define LASER_SDF_RANGE 4.01
void laserintern_init(void);
void laserintern_shutdown(void);
#endif // IGUARD_lasers_internal_h
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* See COPYING for further information.
* ---
* Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber <>.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev <>.
#include "taisei.h"
#include "laser.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "stageobjects.h"
#include "stagedraw.h"
#include "renderer/api.h"
#include "resource/model.h"
#include "util/fbmgr.h"
#include "util/glm.h"
#include "video.h"
typedef struct LaserSamplingParams {
uint num_samples;
float time_shift;
float time_step;
} LaserSamplingParams;
void lasers_init(void) {
void lasers_shutdown(void) {
Laser *create_laser(
cmplx pos, float time, float deathtime, const Color *color,
LaserPosRule prule, LaserLogicRule lrule,
cmplx a0, cmplx a1, cmplx a2, cmplx a3
) {
Laser *l = objpool_acquire(stage_object_pools.lasers);
alist_push(&global.lasers, l);
l->birthtime = global.frames;
l->timespan = time;
l->deathtime = deathtime;
l->pos = pos;
l->color = *color;
l->args[0] = a0;
l->args[1] = a1;
l->args[2] = a2;
l->args[3] = a3;
l->prule = prule;
l->lrule = lrule;
l->width = 10;
l->width_exponent = 1.0;
l->speed = 1;
l->collision_active = true;
l->ent.draw_layer = LAYER_LASER_HIGH;
l->ent.draw_func = laserdraw_ent_drawfunc;
ent_register(&l->ent, ENT_TYPE_ID(Laser));
l->lrule(l, EVENT_BIRTH);
l->prule(l, EVENT_BIRTH);
return l;
Laser *create_laserline(cmplx pos, cmplx dir, float charge, float dur, const Color *clr) {
return create_laserline_ab(pos, (pos)+(dir)*VIEWPORT_H*1.4/cabs(dir), cabs(dir), charge, dur, clr);
Laser *create_laserline_ab(cmplx a, cmplx b, float width, float charge, float dur, const Color *clr) {
cmplx m = (b-a)*0.005;
return create_laser(a, 200, dur, clr, las_linear, static_laser, m, charge + I*width, 0, 0);
static void *_delete_laser(ListAnchor *lasers, List *laser, void *arg) {
Laser *l = (Laser*)laser;
if(l->lrule) {
l->lrule(l, EVENT_DEATH);
objpool_release(stage_object_pools.lasers, alist_unlink(lasers, laser));
return NULL;
static void delete_laser(LaserList *lasers, Laser *laser) {
_delete_laser((ListAnchor*)lasers, (List*)laser, NULL);
void delete_lasers(void) {
alist_foreach(&global.lasers, _delete_laser, NULL);
bool laser_is_active(Laser *l) {
// return l->width > 3.0;
return l->collision_active;
bool laser_is_clearable(Laser *l) {
return !l->unclearable && laser_is_active(l);
bool clear_laser(Laser *l, uint flags) {
if(!(flags & CLEAR_HAZARDS_FORCE) && !laser_is_clearable(l)) {
return false;
l->clear_flags |= flags;
return true;
static bool laser_prepare_sampling_params(Laser *l, LaserSamplingParams *out_params) {
float t;
int c;
c = l->timespan;
t = (global.frames - l->birthtime) * l->speed - l->timespan + l->timeshift;
if(t + l->timespan > l->deathtime + l->timeshift) {
c += l->deathtime + l->timeshift - (t + l->timespan);
if(t < 0) {
c += t;
t = 0;
if(c <= 0) {
return false;
float step = 0.5;
out_params->num_samples = c / step;
out_params->time_shift = t;
out_params->time_step = step;
return true;
static float calc_sample_width(
Laser *l, float sample, float half_samples, float width_factor, float tail
) {
float mid_ofs = sample - half_samples;
return 0.75f * l->width * powf(
width_factor * (mid_ofs - tail) * (mid_ofs + tail),
static int quantize_laser(Laser *l) {
// Break the laser curve into small line segments, simplify and cull them,
// compute the bounding box.
l->_internal.segments_ofs = lintern.segments.num_elements;
l->_internal.num_segments = 0;
LaserSamplingParams sp;
if(!laser_prepare_sampling_params(l, &sp)) {
return 0;
// Precomputed magic parameters for width calculation
float half_samples = sp.num_samples * 0.5;
float tail = sp.num_samples / 1.6;
float width_factor = -1 / (tail * tail);
// Maximum value of `1 - cos(angle)` between two curve segments to reduce to straight lines
const float thres_angular = 1e-4;
// Maximum laser-time sample difference between two segment points (for width interpolation)
const float thres_temporal = sp.num_samples / 16.0;
// These values should be kept as high as possible without introducing artifacts.
// Time value of current sample
float t = sp.time_shift;
// Time value of last included sample
float t0 = t;
// Points of the current line segment
// Begin constructing at t0
cmplxf a, b;
a = l->prule(l, t0);
// Width value of the last included sample
// Initialized to the width at t0
float w0 = calc_sample_width(l, 0, half_samples, width_factor, tail);
// Already sampled the first point, so shift
t += sp.time_step;
// Vector from A to B of the last included segment, and its squared length.
cmplxf v0 = a - l->prule(l, t0 - sp.time_step);
float v0_abs2 = cabs2f(v0);
float viewmargin = l->width * 0.5f;
FloatRect viewbounds = { .extent = VIEWPORT_SIZE };
viewbounds.w += viewmargin * 2.0f;
viewbounds.h += viewmargin * 2.0f;
viewbounds.x -= viewmargin;
viewbounds.y -= viewmargin;
FloatOffset top_left, bottom_right;
top_left.as_cmplx = a;
bottom_right.as_cmplx = a;
for(uint i = 1; i < sp.num_samples; ++i, t += sp.time_step) {
b = l->prule(l, t);
if(i < sp.num_samples - 1 && (t - t0) < thres_temporal) {
cmplxf v1 = b - a;
// dot(a, b) == |a|*|b|*cos(theta)
float dot = cdotf(v0, v1);
float norm = sqrtf(v0_abs2 * cabs2f(v1));
if(norm == 0.0f) {
// degenerate case
float cosTheta = dot / norm;
float d = 1.0f - fabsf(cosTheta);
if(d < thres_angular) {
float w = calc_sample_width(l, i, half_samples, width_factor, tail);
float xa = crealf(a);
float ya = cimagf(a);
float xb = crealf(b);
float yb = cimagf(b);
bool visible =
(xa > viewbounds.x && xa < viewbounds.w && ya > viewbounds.y && ya < viewbounds.h) ||
(xb > viewbounds.x && xb < viewbounds.w && yb > viewbounds.y && yb < viewbounds.h);
if(visible) {
LaserSegment *seg = dynarray_append(&lintern.segments);
if(w < w0) {
// NOTE: the uneven capsule distance function may not work correctly in cases where
// radius(A) > radius(B) and circle A contains circle B.
*seg = (LaserSegment) {
.pos = { b, a },
.width = { w, w0 },
.time = { -t, -t0 },
} else {
*seg = (LaserSegment) {
.pos = { a, b },
.width = { w0, w },
.time = { -t0, -t },
assert(seg->width.a <= seg->width.b);
top_left.x = fminf( top_left.x, fminf(xa, xb));
top_left.y = fminf( top_left.y, fminf(ya, yb));
bottom_right.x = fmaxf(bottom_right.x, fmaxf(xa, xb));
bottom_right.y = fmaxf(bottom_right.y, fmaxf(ya, yb));
t0 = t;
w0 = w;
v0 = b - a;
v0_abs2 = cabs2f(v0);
a = b;
float aabb_margin = LASER_SDF_RANGE + l->width * 0.5f;
top_left.as_cmplx -= aabb_margin * (1.0f + I);
bottom_right.as_cmplx += aabb_margin * (1.0f + I);
top_left.x = fmaxf(0, top_left.x);
top_left.y = fmaxf(0, top_left.y);
bottom_right.x = fminf(VIEWPORT_W, bottom_right.x);
bottom_right.y = fminf(VIEWPORT_H, bottom_right.y);
l->_internal.bbox.top_left = top_left;
l->_internal.bbox.bottom_right = bottom_right;
l->_internal.num_segments = lintern.segments.num_elements - l->_internal.segments_ofs;
return l->_internal.num_segments;
static bool laser_collision(Laser *l);
void process_lasers(void) {
Laser *laser = global.lasers.first, *del = NULL;
bool stage_cleared = stage_is_cleared();
lintern.segments.num_elements = 0;
while(laser != NULL) {
if(stage_cleared) {
if(laser->clear_flags & CLEAR_HAZARDS_LASERS) {
laser->timespan *= 0.9;
bool kill_now = laser->timespan < 5;
if(!((global.frames - laser->birthtime) % 2) || kill_now) {
float t = fmaxf(0, (global.frames - laser->birthtime) * laser->speed - laser->timespan + laser->timeshift);
cmplx p = laser->prule(laser, t);
double x = creal(p);
double y = cimag(p);
if(x > 0 && x < VIEWPORT_W && y > 0 && y < VIEWPORT_H) {
create_clear_item(p, laser->clear_flags);
if(kill_now) {
.sprite = "flare",
.pos = p,
.timeout = 20,
.draw_rule = pdraw_timeout_scalefade(0, 1, 1, 0),
laser->deathtime = 0;
} else {
if(laser_collision(laser)) {
ent_damage(&global.plr.ent, &(DamageInfo) { .type = DMG_ENEMY_SHOT });
if(laser->lrule) {
laser->lrule(laser, global.frames - laser->birthtime);
if(global.frames - laser->birthtime > laser->deathtime + laser->timespan*laser->speed) {
del = laser;
laser = laser->next;
delete_laser(&global.lasers, del);
} else {
laser = laser->next;
static inline Rect laser_bbox_rect(Laser *l) {
return (Rect) {
static bool laser_collision(Laser *l) {
if(!laser_is_active(l)) {
return false;
int num_segs = l->_internal.num_segments;
if(num_segs < 1) {
return false;
bool graze = global.frames >= l->next_graze;
double graze_maxdist = 42;
double graze_dist = graze_maxdist;
cmplx graze_pos = 0;
Rect bbox = laser_bbox_rect(l);
if(graze) {
cmplx graze_bbox_ofs = graze_dist * (1 + I);
bbox.top_left -= graze_bbox_ofs;
bbox.bottom_right += graze_bbox_ofs;
if(!point_in_rect(global.plr.pos, bbox)) {
return false;
LaserSegment *segs = dynarray_get_ptr(&lintern.segments, l->_internal.segments_ofs);
LineSegment plrmotion;
cmplx plrpos = global.plr.pos;
bool player_moved = false;
if(global.plr.velocity != 0) {
player_moved = true;
plrmotion.a = plrpos - global.plr.velocity;
plrmotion.b = plrpos;
for(int i = 0; i < num_segs; ++i) {
LaserSegment *lseg = segs + i;
LineSegment s = { lseg->pos.a, lseg->pos.b };
if(player_moved && lineseg_lineseg_intersection(plrmotion, s, NULL)) {
// Prevent phasing through laser beams
return true;
UnevenCapsule c = {
.pos = s,
.radius.a = fmax(lseg->width.a * 0.5 - 4, 2),
.radius.b = fmax(lseg->width.b * 0.5 - 4, 2),
double d = ucapsule_dist_from_point(global.plr.pos, c);
if(d < 0) {
return true;
if(graze && d < graze_dist) {
double f = lineseg_closest_factor(c.pos, plrpos);
graze_pos = clerp(c.pos.a, c.pos.b, f);
cmplx v = cnormalize(plrpos - graze_pos);
graze_pos += 0.5 * clerp(lseg->width.a, lseg->width.b, f) * v;
graze_dist = d;
if(graze_dist < graze_maxdist) {
player_graze(&global.plr, graze_pos, 7, 5, &l->color);
l->next_graze = global.frames + 4;
return false;
bool laser_intersects_ellipse(Laser *l, Ellipse ellipse) {
// NOTE: This function does not take laser width into account.
// It also can't test culled parts of the laser, because culling
// is done at the quantization stage.
// But surely this won't ever be a problem, right…?
int num_segs = l->_internal.num_segments;
if(num_segs < 1) {
return false;
Rect e_bbox = ellipse_bbox(ellipse);
Rect l_bbox = laser_bbox_rect(l);
if(!rect_rect_intersect(e_bbox, l_bbox, true, true)) {
return false;
LaserSegment *segs = dynarray_get_ptr(&lintern.segments, l->_internal.segments_ofs);
for(int i = 0; i < num_segs; ++i) {
LaserSegment *lseg = segs + i;
LineSegment s = { lseg->pos.a, lseg->pos.b };
if(lineseg_ellipse_intersect(s, ellipse)) {
return true;
return false;
bool laser_intersects_circle(Laser *l, Circle circle) {
Ellipse ellipse = {
.origin = circle.origin,
.axes = circle.radius * 2 * (1 + I),
return laser_intersects_ellipse(l, ellipse);
cmplx las_linear(Laser *l, float t) {
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
return 0;
return l->pos + l->args[0]*t;
cmplx las_accel(Laser *l, float t) {
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
return 0;
return l->pos + l->args[0]*t + 0.5*l->args[1]*t*t;
cmplx las_weird_sine(Laser *l, float t) { // [0] = velocity; [1] = sine amplitude; [2] = sine frequency; [3] = sine phase
// XXX: this used to be called "las_sine", but it's actually not a proper sine wave
// do we even still need this?
if(t == EVENT_BIRTH) {
return 0;