dialogue text autowrapping, fpslimit off key, fixes

This commit is contained in:
Andrei Alexeyev 2017-10-23 13:10:40 +03:00
parent 57f6f9d891
commit 4bdfe5f408
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 363707CD4C7FE8A4
8 changed files with 90 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#define GPKEYDEFS \

View file

@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ void draw_dialog(Dialog *dialog) {
if(dialog->messages[dialog->pos].side == Right)
draw_text(AL_Center, VIEWPORT_W/2, VIEWPORT_H-110, dialog->messages[dialog->pos].msg, _fonts.standard);
draw_text_auto_wrapped(AL_Center, VIEWPORT_W/2, VIEWPORT_H-110, dialog->messages[dialog->pos].msg, VIEWPORT_W * 0.85, _fonts.standard);
if(dialog->messages[dialog->pos].side == Right)

View file

@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ bool player_event(Player *plr, uint8_t type, uint16_t value) {
player_setinputflag(plr, value, false);
useful = player_setinputflag(plr, value, false);
case EV_AXIS_LR:

View file

@ -213,6 +213,12 @@ void draw_text(Alignment align, float x, float y, const char *text, TTF_Font *fo
void draw_text_auto_wrapped(Alignment align, float x, float y, const char *text, int width, TTF_Font *font) {
char buf[strlen(text) * 2];
wrap_text(buf, sizeof(buf), text, width, font);
draw_text(align, x, y, buf, font);
int stringwidth(char *s, TTF_Font *font) {
int w;
TTF_SizeUTF8(font, s, &w, NULL);
@ -248,3 +254,60 @@ void shorten_text_up_to_width(char *s, float width, TTF_Font *font) {
void wrap_text(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *src, int width, TTF_Font *font) {
assert(buf != NULL);
assert(src != NULL);
assert(font != NULL);
assert(bufsize > strlen(src) + 1);
assert(width > 0);
char src_copy[strlen(src) + 1];
char *sptr = src_copy;
char *next = NULL;
char *curline = buf;
strcpy(src_copy, src);
*buf = 0;
while(next = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\n", &sptr)) {
int curwidth;
if(!*next) {
if(*curline) {
curwidth = stringwidth(curline, font);
} else {
curwidth = 0;
char tmpbuf[strlen(curline) + strlen(next) + 2];
strcpy(tmpbuf, curline);
strcat(tmpbuf, " ");
strcat(tmpbuf, next);
int totalwidth = stringwidth(tmpbuf, font);
if(totalwidth > width) {
if(curwidth == 0) {
"Single word '%s' won't fit on one line. "
"Word width: %i, max width: %i, source string: %s",
next, stringwidth(next, font), width, src
strlcat(buf, "\n", bufsize);
curline = strchr(curline, 0);
} else {
if(*curline) {
strlcat(buf, " ", bufsize);
strlcat(buf, next, bufsize);

View file

@ -40,12 +40,15 @@ SDL_Surface* fontrender_render(FontRenderer *f, const char *text, TTF_Font *font
Texture *load_text(const char *text, TTF_Font *font);
void draw_text(Alignment align, float x, float y, const char *text, TTF_Font *font);
void draw_text_auto_wrapped(Alignment align, float x, float y, const char *text, int width, TTF_Font *font);
void draw_text_prerendered(Alignment align, float x, float y, SDL_Surface *surf);
int stringwidth(char *s, TTF_Font *font);
int stringheight(char *s, TTF_Font *font);
int charwidth(char c, TTF_Font *font);
void shorten_text_up_to_width(char *s, float width, TTF_Font *font);
void wrap_text(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *src, int width, TTF_Font *font);
void init_fonts(void);
void uninit_fonts(void);

View file

@ -280,10 +280,6 @@ bool stage_input_handler_gameplay(SDL_Event *event, void *arg) {
switch(type) {
if(code == KEY_NOBACKGROUND) {
if(code == KEY_HAHAIWIN) {
#ifdef DEBUG
@ -516,7 +512,11 @@ typedef struct StageFrameState {
} StageFrameState;
static bool stage_fpslimit_condition(void *arg) {
#ifdef DEBUG
return !gamekeypressed(KEY_FPSLIMIT_OFF) && (global.replaymode != REPLAY_PLAY || !gamekeypressed(KEY_SKIP)) && !global.frameskip;
return (global.replaymode != REPLAY_PLAY || !gamekeypressed(KEY_SKIP)) && !global.frameskip;
static bool stage_frame(void *arg) {

View file

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ Dialog *stage5_boss_dialog(void) {
dadd_msg(d,Right, "Werent those earlier bombs enough of\na deterrent? As this world is cutting\ninto the space of Heaven, only those\nauthorized are allowed to investigate.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "Youre not a Celestial or anyone else\nfrom Heaven. That means you cannot go\nfurther.");
dadd_msg(d,Left, "Cmon, youre good at readin the atmosphere,\nright? Then ya should know that Im not gonna\nback down after comin this far.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "I dont have time to reason with you,\nunfortunately. When it comes to an average\nhuman sticking out arrogantly, theres only one reasonable\ncourse of action for a bolt of lightning to take.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "I dont have time to reason with you,\nunfortunately.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "When it comes to an average\nhuman sticking out arrogantly, theres only one reasonable\ncourse of action for a bolt of lightning to take.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "Prepare to be struck down from\nHeavens door!");
} else if(pc->id == PLR_CHAR_YOUMU) {
dadd_msg(d,Left, "You were quite difficult to pin down.\nDont worry; Ill listen to whatever warning\nyou have before I continue forward.");

View file

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ Dialog *stage6_dialog(void) {
dadd_msg(d,Right, "That is because you completely misunderstand.\nI am not a shikigami, and never was. My duty\nwas once to protect a powerful youkai, but when she\nleft for Gensokyo, I was left behind.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "Together with my friend, Kurumi, we left for the\nOutside World and were stranded there. But I gained an incredible\nnew power once I realized my true calling as a mathematical theorist.");
dadd_msg(d,Left, "I dont completely follow, but if youre a youkai,\nI cant see how you could be a scientist.\nIt goes against your nature.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "An unenlightened fool such as yourself could never\ncomprehend my transcendence. I have become more than a simple youkai,\nfor I alone am now capable of discovering the secrets\nbehind the illusion of reality!");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "An unenlightened fool such as yourself could never\ncomprehend my transcendence.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "I have become more than a simple youkai,\nfor I alone am now capable of discovering the secrets\nbehind the illusion of reality!");
dadd_msg(d,Left, "Well, whatever youre doing here is disintegrating\nthe barrier of common sense and madness keeping Gensokyo\nfrom collapsing into the Outside World.");
dadd_msg(d,Left, "Youre also infringing on the Netherworlds\nspace and my mistress is particularly upset\nabout that. That means I have to stop you, no matter what.");
dadd_msg(d,Right, "Pitiful servant of the dead. Youll never\nbe able to stop my lifes work from being fulfilled!\nIll simply unravel that nonsense behind your half-and-half\nexistence!");
@ -47,9 +48,13 @@ static Dialog *stage6_interboss_dialog(void) {
PlayerCharacter *pc = global.plr.mode->character;
Dialog *d = create_dialog(pc->dialog_sprite_name, "dialog/elly");
dadd_msg(d, Right, "Youve gotten this far… I cant believe it!\nBut that will not matter once I show you the\ntruth of this world, and every world. Space, time, dimensions…\nit all becomes clear when you understand\nThe Theory of Everything!\nPrepare to see the barrier destroyed!");
dadd_msg(d, Right, "Youve gotten this far… I cant believe it!\nBut that will not matter once I show you the\ntruth of this world, and every world.");
dadd_msg(d, Right, "Space, time, dimensions…\nit all becomes clear when you understand\nThe Theory of Everything!");
dadd_msg(d, Right, "Prepare to see the barrier destroyed!");
return d;
int stage6_hacker(Enemy *e, int t) {
@ -1555,6 +1560,12 @@ Boss* stage6_spawn_elly(complex pos) {
return b;
static void elly_insert_interboss_dialog(Boss *b, int t) {
if(t == 0) {
global.dialog = stage6_interboss_dialog();
Boss* create_elly(void) {
Boss *b = stage6_spawn_elly(-200.0*I);
@ -1571,6 +1582,7 @@ Boss* create_elly(void) {
boss_add_attack_from_info(b, &stage6_spells.baryon.spacetime_curvature, false);
boss_add_attack(b, AT_Normal, "Baryon", 40, 50000, elly_baryonattack2, NULL);
boss_add_attack_from_info(b, &stage6_spells.baryon.higgs_boson_uncovered, false);
boss_add_attack(b, AT_Move, "", 0, 0, elly_insert_interboss_dialog, NULL);
boss_add_attack(b, AT_Move, "Explode", 6, 10, elly_baryon_explode, NULL);
boss_add_attack_from_info(b, &stage6_spells.extra.curvature_domination, false);
boss_add_attack_from_info(b, &stage6_spells.final.theory_of_everything, false);