To create a slave, pass ENEMY_IMMUNE for hp in create_enemy(). tip: create_enemyg(...) is an abbreviation for create_enemy(&global.enemies, ...).
There is something like a super fancy event system for Enemies' logic rules now: logic_rule will be called with t = negative special values like EVENT_BIRTH or EVENT_DEATH on corresponding events. cool, isn't it? well those values have to be filtered out (like if(t < 0) return;) if you don't use them so they don't do strange things with your locus.
improvements on the slave system. it's player dependent and unglobalized. slaves are controlled by two different kinds of rules: a draw rule and a logic rule. this is necessary because some slaves need special appearances like Myon and drawing is only possible in stage_draw(). this also makes them configurable enough for different shot types and stuff.
Another Sarrg commit implementing score, different items and alternative player shot modes. Some things need improvements, some don't. But this commit fixes a bug with bomb counting, which is I think enough reason to push it now.
The static texture loading was replaced by a dynamic loader. Every png file in gfx/ is (recursively) loaded at the beginning and accessed via get_tex(name) or get_ani(name).name for "gfx/stage1/border.png" would be "stage1/border".
Sprite information is to be specified in the filename in the pattern: ani_${row count}_${col count}_${animation frequency}_${name}.png
Ever thought about abusing C1 as R2? I tried and it turned out to be very comfortable, especially when you realize that you can use massive imaginary power to move your rice. I also fixed various things on the way which I forgot. hm.
After this short break, I have to announce that this project is no longer called openth. The name was stereotypical and conflicted with Open Theme Hospital. Thus, gentlemen, we are now working on Seiyou (西洋). Thanks to lachs0r for this wonderful suggestion.
Also the lincense has changed. Farewell, gnutardedness, hello MIT. I feel somehow relieved now after freeing the project of nearly one thousand lines.
I built some font support (new dependency: SDL_ttf). The Biolinum font of the Libertine project was included as the new ingame font.
Shot at fairies and you will get power. The system is pretty dumb currently, i guess i'll improve it somwhen. If you get a power level >= 2 you get a better shot. anyway, just testing. the player projectiles are somewhat uncomfortable to look at. to do.