The iqms were converted from the objs with the official iqm "compiler",
but can be also exported directly from Blender with a script from the
In addition, indexed rendering was fixed (it's not useless anymore), and
the winding order convention changed from counter-clockwise to clockwise
to facilitate faster model loading.
A limited subset of IQM functionality is currently supported:
- One mesh per model.
- Only floating point data in vertex arrays.
- Only standard vertex arrays: positions, UVs, normals,
- No animations etc.
The "standard" shader interface now receives an additional vec4 tangent
attribute. This attribute is currently ignored by shaders. The bitangent
vector can be computed in a vertex shader as:
vec3 bitangent = cross(normal, * tangent.w;
* iqm: remove axis scrambling and re-export models
* remove debug stuff