added some kind of reference system (see list.h) to ensure particles/projectiles/enemies storing pointers to each other that they will not access a borked address.
After this short break, I have to announce that this project is no longer called openth. The name was stereotypical and conflicted with Open Theme Hospital. Thus, gentlemen, we are now working on Seiyou (西洋). Thanks to lachs0r for this wonderful suggestion.
Also the lincense has changed. Farewell, gnutardedness, hello MIT. I feel somehow relieved now after freeing the project of nearly one thousand lines.
yay. look, i cut some of that annoying list code repetitions you always have with linked lists in C. let's just pretend C had templates, put some void-pointers in, add the necessary (void *) casts to show that you are really serious about this and wazaah, you created another funny piece of (C++)--