/* * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. * See COPYING for further information. * --- * Copyright (c) 2011-2024, Lukas Weber . * Copyright (c) 2012-2024, Andrei Alexeyev . */ #include "rectpack.h" #include "util.h" /* * This implements a slightly modified Guillotine rect-packing algorithm. * All subdivisions are tracked with a tree data structure, which enables fairly * efficient deallocation. * Rotations are not supported. */ // #define RP_DEBUG #if defined RP_DEBUG #undef RP_DEBUG #define RP_DEBUG(...) log_debug(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define RP_DEBUG(...) ((void)0) #endif static inline bool section_is_unused(RectPackSection *s) { return s->next != s; } static inline void section_make_used(RectPack *rp, RectPackSection *s) { assert(section_is_unused(s)); list_unlink(&rp->unused_sections, s); s->next = s->prev = s; } static RectPackSection *acquire_section(RectPackSectionSource secsrc) { return mempool_acquire(secsrc.pool, secsrc.arena); } static void release_section(RectPackSectionSource secsrc, RectPackSection *s) { mempool_release(secsrc.pool, s); } void rectpack_init(RectPack *rp, double width, double height) { *rp = (RectPack) { .root.rect = { .top_left = CMPLX(0, 0), .bottom_right = CMPLX(width, height), }, }; list_push(&rp->unused_sections, &rp->root); assert(rectpack_is_empty(rp)); } bool rectpack_is_empty(RectPack *rp) { if(rp->unused_sections == &rp->root) { assert(rp->root.next == NULL); return true; } return false; } static double section_fitness(RectPackSection *s, double w, double h) { double sw = rect_width(s->rect); double sh = rect_height(s->rect); if(w > sw || h > sh) { return NAN; } return sw * sh - w * h; // best area fit } void rectpack_reclaim(RectPack *rp, RectPackSectionSource secsrc, RectPackSection *s) { assume(s->children[0] == NULL); assume(s->children[1] == NULL); double attr_unused w = rect_width(s->rect); double attr_unused h = rect_height(s->rect); RP_DEBUG("BEGIN RECLAIM %p[%gx%g]", (void*)s, w, h); if(s->sibling && section_is_unused(s->sibling)) { RP_DEBUG("has free sibling; merging and reclaiming parent"); RectPackSection *parent = s->parent; assume(parent != NULL); assume(s->sibling->parent == parent); assert(!section_is_unused(s->parent)); assert(!section_is_unused(s)); list_unlink(&rp->unused_sections, s->sibling); // NOTE: the following frees s->sibling and s, in unspecified order release_section(secsrc, parent->children[0]); parent->children[0] = NULL; release_section(secsrc, parent->children[1]); parent->children[1] = NULL; if(parent != NULL) { rectpack_reclaim(rp, secsrc, parent); } RP_DEBUG("done reclaiming parent of %p", (void*)s); } else { RP_DEBUG("added to free list"); list_push(&rp->unused_sections, s); assert(s != &rp->root || rectpack_is_empty(rp)); } RP_DEBUG("END RECLAIM %p[%gx%g]", (void*)s, w, h); } static RectPackSection *select_fittest_section( RectPack *rp, RectPackSectionSource secsrc, double *width, double *height, bool allow_rotation ) { RectPackSection *best = NULL; double fitness = DBL_MAX; RP_DEBUG("trying to fit %gx%g...", width, height); bool rotated = false; for(RectPackSection *s = rp->unused_sections; s; s = s->next) { assume(s->children[0] == NULL); assume(s->children[1] == NULL); double f = section_fitness(s, *width, *height); if(!isnan(f) && f < fitness) { best = s; fitness = f; rotated = false; RP_DEBUG("candidate: %g (%gx%g)", fitness, rect_width(best->rect), rect_height(best->rect)); } if(allow_rotation) { f = section_fitness(s, *height, *width); if(!isnan(f) && f < fitness) { best = s; fitness = f; rotated = true; RP_DEBUG("candidate: %g (%gx%g) (rotated)", fitness, rect_width(best->rect), rect_height(best->rect)); } } } if(best) { RP_DEBUG("fitness for %gx%g: %f (%gx%g)", width, height, fitness, rect_width(best->rect), rect_height(best->rect)); } else { RP_DEBUG("%gx%g doesn't fit at all", width, height); } if(rotated) { SWAP(*width, *height); } return best; } static RectPackSection *split_horizontal( RectPack *rp, RectPackSectionSource secsrc, RectPackSection *s, double width, double height); static RectPackSection *split_vertical( RectPack *rp, RectPackSectionSource secsrc, RectPackSection *s, double width, double height); static RectPackSection *split_horizontal( RectPack *rp, RectPackSectionSource secsrc, RectPackSection *s, double width, double height ) { RP_DEBUG("spliting section %p of size %gx%g for rect %gx%g", (void*)s, rect_width(s->rect), rect_height(s->rect), width, height); assert(rect_width(s->rect) >= width); assert(rect_height(s->rect) >= height); if(rect_height(s->rect) == height) { assert(rect_width(s->rect) > width); RP_DEBUG("delegated to vertical split"); return split_vertical(rp, secsrc, s, width, height); } auto sub = acquire_section(secsrc); rect_set_xywh(&sub->rect, rect_x(s->rect), rect_y(s->rect), rect_width(s->rect), height ); section_make_used(rp, sub); sub->parent = s; s->children[0] = sub; s->children[1] = acquire_section(secsrc); rect_set_xywh(&s->children[1]->rect, rect_x(s->rect), rect_y(s->rect) + height, rect_width(s->rect), rect_height(s->rect) - height ); s->children[1]->parent = s; sub->sibling = s->children[1]; s->children[1]->sibling = sub; list_push(&rp->unused_sections, s->children[1]); RP_DEBUG("made new subsections from %p: %p[%gx%g]; %p[%gx%g]", (void*)s, (void*)s->children[0], rect_width(s->children[0]->rect), rect_height(s->children[0]->rect), (void*)s->children[1], rect_width(s->children[1]->rect), rect_height(s->children[1]->rect) ); if(rect_width(sub->rect) != width) { sub = split_vertical(rp, secsrc, sub, width, height); } return sub; } static RectPackSection *split_vertical( RectPack *rp, RectPackSectionSource secsrc, RectPackSection *s, double width, double height ) { assert(rect_width(s->rect) >= width); assert(rect_height(s->rect) >= height); RP_DEBUG("spliting section %p of size %gx%g for rect %gx%g", (void*)s, rect_width(s->rect), rect_height(s->rect), width, height); if(rect_width(s->rect) == width) { assert(rect_height(s->rect) > height); RP_DEBUG("delegated to horizontal split"); return split_horizontal(rp, secsrc, s, width, height); } auto sub = acquire_section(secsrc); rect_set_xywh(&sub->rect, rect_x(s->rect), rect_y(s->rect), width, rect_height(s->rect) ); section_make_used(rp, sub); sub->parent = s; s->children[0] = sub; s->children[1] = acquire_section(secsrc); rect_set_xywh(&s->children[1]->rect, rect_x(s->rect) + width, rect_y(s->rect), rect_width(s->rect) - width, rect_height(s->rect) ); s->children[1]->parent = s; sub->sibling = s->children[1]; s->children[1]->sibling = sub; list_push(&rp->unused_sections, s->children[1]); RP_DEBUG("made new subsections from %p: %p[%gx%g]; %p[%gx%g]", (void*)s, (void*)s->children[0], rect_width(s->children[0]->rect), rect_height(s->children[0]->rect), (void*)s->children[1], rect_width(s->children[1]->rect), rect_height(s->children[1]->rect) ); if(rect_height(sub->rect) != height) { sub = split_horizontal(rp, secsrc, sub, width, height); } return sub; } static RectPackSection *split( RectPack *rp, RectPackSectionSource secsrc, RectPackSection *s, double width, double height ) { // short leftover axis split if(rect_width(s->rect) - width < rect_height(s->rect) - height) { return split_horizontal(rp, secsrc, s, width, height); } else { return split_vertical(rp, secsrc, s, width, height); } } RectPackSection *rectpack_add( RectPack *rp, RectPackSectionSource secsrc, double width, double height, bool allow_rotation ) { RectPackSection *s = select_fittest_section(rp, secsrc, &width, &height, allow_rotation); if(s == NULL) { return NULL; } section_make_used(rp, s); if(rect_width(s->rect) == width && rect_height(s->rect) == height) { return s; } return split(rp, secsrc, s, width, height); } Rect rectpack_section_rect(RectPackSection *s) { return s->rect; }