/* * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. * See COPYING for further information. * --- * Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber . * Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev . */ #include "taisei.h" #include "stagetext.h" #include "list.h" #include "global.h" static StageText *textlist = NULL; StageText* stagetext_add(const char *text, cmplx pos, Alignment align, Font *font, const Color *clr, int delay, int lifetime, int fadeintime, int fadeouttime) { StageText *t = (StageText*)objpool_acquire(stage_object_pools.stagetext); list_append(&textlist, t); if(text != NULL) { assert(strlen(text) < sizeof(t->text)); strcpy(t->text, text); } t->font = font; t->pos = pos; t->align = align; t->color = *clr; t->time.spawn = global.frames + delay; t->time.fadein = fadeintime; t->time.fadeout = fadeouttime; t->time.life = lifetime + fadeouttime; return t; } static void stagetext_numeric_update(StageText *txt, int t, float a) { format_huge_num(0, (uintptr_t)txt->custom.data1 * pow(a, 5), sizeof(txt->text), txt->text); } StageText* stagetext_add_numeric(int n, cmplx pos, Alignment align, Font *font, const Color *clr, int delay, int lifetime, int fadeintime, int fadeouttime) { StageText *t = stagetext_add(NULL, pos, align, font, clr, delay, lifetime, fadeintime, fadeouttime); t->custom.data1 = (void*)(intptr_t)n; t->custom.update = stagetext_numeric_update; return t; } static void* stagetext_delete(List **dest, List *txt, void *arg) { objpool_release(stage_object_pools.stagetext, list_unlink(dest, txt)); return NULL; } void stagetext_free(void) { list_foreach(&textlist, stagetext_delete, NULL); } static inline float stagetext_alpha(StageText *txt) { int t = global.frames - txt->time.spawn; return clamp((txt->time.life - t) / (float)txt->time.fadeout, 0, clamp(t / (float)txt->time.fadein, 0, 1)); } static void stagetext_update_single(StageText *txt) { if(global.frames < txt->time.spawn) { return; } if(global.frames > txt->time.spawn + txt->time.life) { stagetext_delete((List**)&textlist, (List*)txt, NULL); return; } if(txt->custom.update) { txt->custom.update(txt, global.frames - txt->time.spawn, stagetext_alpha(txt)); } } static void stagetext_draw_single(StageText *txt) { if(global.frames < txt->time.spawn) { return; } if(global.frames > txt->time.spawn + txt->time.life) { log_warn("FIXME: deleting stagetext [%s] in draw function", txt->text); stagetext_delete((List**)&textlist, (List*)txt, NULL); return; } int t = global.frames - txt->time.spawn; float f = 1.0 - stagetext_alpha(txt); float ofs_x, ofs_y; if(txt->time.life - t < txt->time.fadeout) { ofs_y = 10 * pow(f, 2); ofs_x = 0; } else { ofs_x = ofs_y = 10 * pow(f, 2); } TextParams params = { 0 }; params.font_ptr = txt->font; params.align = txt->align; params.blend = BLEND_PREMUL_ALPHA; params.shader_ptr = res_shader("text_stagetext"); params.shader_params = &(ShaderCustomParams){{ 1 - f }}, params.aux_textures[0] = res_texture("titletransition"); params.pos.x = creal(txt->pos) + ofs_x; params.pos.y = cimag(txt->pos) + ofs_y; params.color = &txt->color; text_draw(txt->text, ¶ms); } void stagetext_update(void) { for(StageText *t = textlist, *next = NULL; t; t = next) { next = t->next; stagetext_update_single(t); } } void stagetext_draw(void) { for(StageText *t = textlist, *next = NULL; t; t = next) { next = t->next; stagetext_draw_single(t); } } static void stagetext_table_push(StageTextTable *tbl, StageText *txt, bool update_pos) { list_append(&tbl->elems, list_wrap_container(txt)); if(update_pos) { tbl->pos += text_height(txt->font, txt->text, 0) * I; } tbl->delay += 5; } void stagetext_begin_table(StageTextTable *tbl, const char *title, const Color *titleclr, const Color *clr, double width, int delay, int lifetime, int fadeintime, int fadeouttime) { memset(tbl, 0, sizeof(StageTextTable)); tbl->pos = VIEWPORT_W/2 + VIEWPORT_H/2*I; tbl->clr = *clr; tbl->width = width; tbl->lifetime = lifetime; tbl->fadeintime = fadeintime; tbl->fadeouttime = fadeouttime; tbl->delay = delay; StageText *txt = stagetext_add(title, tbl->pos, ALIGN_CENTER, res_font("big"), titleclr, tbl->delay, lifetime, fadeintime, fadeouttime); stagetext_table_push(tbl, txt, true); } void stagetext_end_table(StageTextTable *tbl) { cmplx ofs = -0.5 * I * (cimag(tbl->pos) - VIEWPORT_H/2); for(ListContainer *c = tbl->elems; c; c = c->next) { ((StageText*)c->data)->pos += ofs; } list_free_all(&tbl->elems); } static void stagetext_table_add_label(StageTextTable *tbl, const char *title) { StageText *txt = stagetext_add(title, tbl->pos - tbl->width * 0.5, ALIGN_LEFT, res_font("standard"), &tbl->clr, tbl->delay, tbl->lifetime, tbl->fadeintime, tbl->fadeouttime); stagetext_table_push(tbl, txt, false); } void stagetext_table_add(StageTextTable *tbl, const char *title, const char *val) { stagetext_table_add_label(tbl, title); StageText *txt = stagetext_add(val, tbl->pos + tbl->width * 0.5, ALIGN_RIGHT, res_font("standard"), &tbl->clr, tbl->delay, tbl->lifetime, tbl->fadeintime, tbl->fadeouttime); stagetext_table_push(tbl, txt, true); } void stagetext_table_add_numeric(StageTextTable *tbl, const char *title, int n) { stagetext_table_add_label(tbl, title); StageText *txt = stagetext_add_numeric(n, tbl->pos + tbl->width * 0.5, ALIGN_RIGHT, res_font("standard"), &tbl->clr, tbl->delay, tbl->lifetime, tbl->fadeintime, tbl->fadeouttime); stagetext_table_push(tbl, txt, true); } void stagetext_table_add_numeric_nonzero(StageTextTable *tbl, const char *title, int n) { if(n) { stagetext_table_add_numeric(tbl, title, n); } } void stagetext_table_add_separator(StageTextTable *tbl) { tbl->pos += I * 0.5 * font_get_lineskip(res_font("standard")); } StageText *stagetext_list_head(void) { return textlist; }