version_deps += custom_target('version information', command : [preprocess_command, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'], build_by_default : true, build_always_stale : true, input : '', output : 'version_auto.c', ) if host_machine.system() == 'windows' winmod = import('windows') rcpath = join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'taisei.rc') icons_dir = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'misc', 'icons') icon_main = join_paths(icons_dir, 'taisei.ico') icon_replay = join_paths(icons_dir, 'taisei-replay.ico') manifest = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'taisei.manifest') rcdefs = [ '-DICON_MAIN=@0@'.format(icon_main), '-DICON_REPLAY=@0@'.format(icon_replay), '-DMANIFEST=@0@'.format(manifest), ] if is_debug_build rcdefs += ['-DBUILDTYPE_DEFINE=#define DEBUG_BUILD'] else rcdefs += ['-DBUILDTYPE_DEFINE=#define RELEASE_BUILD'] endif # rc_target = custom_target('windows-resource', command : [preprocess_command, rcdefs, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'], build_always_stale : true, build_by_default : true, input : '', output : 'taisei.rc', ) version_deps += winmod.compile_resources( rc_target, depend_files : files( 'taisei.manifest', icon_main, icon_replay, ) ) # msvcrt is dumb and only supports up to c89. # with this defined, alternative implementations from mingw for e.g. the # printf family of functions will be used, which conform to c11. config.set('__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO', 1) endif taisei_src = files( 'aniplayer.c', 'boss.c', 'cli.c', 'color.c', 'color.c', 'common_tasks.c', 'config.c', 'coroutine.c', 'credits.c', 'dialog.c', 'difficulty.c', 'dynarray.c', 'ending.c', 'enemy.c', 'enemy_classes.c', 'entity.c', 'events.c', 'framerate.c', 'gamepad.c', 'global.c', 'hashtable.c', 'hirestime.c', 'item.c', 'laser.c', 'list.c', 'log.c', 'main.c', 'move.c', 'player.c', 'plrmodes.c', 'portrait.c', 'progress.c', 'projectile.c', 'projectile_prototypes.c', 'random.c', 'refs.c', 'replay.c', 'stage.c', 'stagedraw.c', 'stageinfo.c', 'stageobjects.c', 'stagetext.c', 'stageutils.c', 'stats.c', 'taskmanager.c', 'transition.c', 'version.c', 'video.c', 'video_postprocess.c', ) if get_option('objpools') taisei_src += files( 'objectpool.c', ) else taisei_src += files( 'objectpool_fake.c', ) endif if host_machine.system() == 'nx' taisei_src += files( 'arch_switch.c', ) endif subdir('audio') subdir('dialog') subdir('eventloop') subdir('menu') subdir('pixmap') subdir('plrmodes') subdir('renderer') subdir('resource') subdir('rwops') subdir('stages') subdir('util') subdir('vfs') configure_file(configuration : config, output : 'build_config.h') taisei_src += [ audio_src, dialog_src, eventloop_src, menu_src, pixmap_src, plrmodes_src, renderer_src, resource_src, rwops_src, stages_src, util_src, vfs_src, ] taisei_deps += [ audio_deps, renderer_deps, util_deps, ] taisei_basename = (macos_app_bundle ? 'Taisei' : 'taisei') if host_machine.system() == 'emscripten' if get_option('b_staticpic') warning('b_staticpic is not compatible with the LLVM WebAssembly backend') endif em_debug = is_debug_build em_link_outputs = [] em_link_output_suffixes = ['html', 'wasm', 'js'] # first element is significant em_data_dir = config.get_unquoted('TAISEI_BUILDCONF_DATA_PATH') em_common_args = [ '-s', 'STRICT=1', ] em_link_args = [ '-O@0@'.format(get_option('optimization')), '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-s', 'DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE=["$autoResumeAudioContext"]', '-s', 'ENVIRONMENT=web', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=0', '-s', 'EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=["_main", "_vfs_sync_callback"]', '-s', 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=["ccall"]', '-s', 'FILESYSTEM=1', '-s', 'FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1', '-s', 'GL_POOL_TEMP_BUFFERS=0', '-s', 'GL_PREINITIALIZED_CONTEXT=1', '-s', 'GL_SUPPORT_AUTOMATIC_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS=0', '-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=268435456', '-s', 'LZ4=1', '-s', 'MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2', '-s', 'MIN_WEBGL_VERSION=2', '-s', 'MODULARIZE=0', '-s', 'WASM=1', '-s', 'LLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED', '-lGL', '-legl.js', '-lidbfs.js', ] em_link_args += subproject('koishi').get_variable('koishi_external_link_args') taisei_c_args += ['-s', 'STRICT=1'] if em_debug em_link_output_suffixes += [''] em_link_args += [ '--emrun', '--profiling', '-g4', '--source-map-base', meson.get_cross_property('source_map_base', ''), '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=2', '-s', 'GL_DEBUG=1', '-s', 'GL_ASSERTIONS=1', '-s', 'GL_TRACK_ERRORS=1', ] else em_link_args += [ '-O@0@'.format(get_option('optimization')), '-g0', '-s', 'ASSERTIONS=0', '-s', 'GL_TRACK_ERRORS=0', ] if get_option('optimization') != '0' em_link_args += ['--closure', '1'] endif endif foreach suffix : em_link_output_suffixes em_link_outputs += ['@0@.@1@'.format(taisei_basename, suffix)] endforeach libtaisei = static_library(taisei_basename, taisei_src, version_deps, dependencies : taisei_deps, c_pch : 'pch/taisei_pch.h', c_args : [em_common_args, taisei_c_args], install : false, ) taisei = static_library(taisei_basename + '-full', link_whole : libtaisei, ) taisei_html = custom_target(em_link_outputs[0], # NOTE: Unfortunately we can't just put 'taisei' directly into the command array. # Meson then makes an invalid assumption that we are going to execute it ("use as a generator"), # and aborts because there's no exe wrapper in the cross file (which wouldn't make sense to have). command : [ meson.get_compiler('cpp').cmd_array(), taisei.full_path(), '--pre-js', em_preamble, em_bundle_link_args, '--shell-file', em_shell, get_option('c_args'), get_option('c_link_args'), em_common_args, em_link_args, '-o', '@OUTPUT0@', ], build_by_default : true, depends : [taisei], output : em_link_outputs, install : true, install_dir : bindir, console : true, ) bindist_deps += taisei_html elif host_machine.system() == 'nx' taisei_elf_name = '@0@.elf'.format(taisei_basename) taisei_elf = executable(taisei_elf_name, taisei_src, version_deps, dependencies : taisei_deps, c_args : taisei_c_args, c_pch : 'pch/taisei_pch.h', install : is_debug_build, install_dir : bindir, override_options: ['strip=false'], ) bindist_deps += taisei_elf taisei_nacp_name = '@0@.nacp'.format(taisei_basename) taisei_nacp = custom_target(taisei_nacp_name, command : [ find_program('nacptool'), '--create', nx_app_title, nx_app_author, taisei_version_string, '@OUTPUT@', ], build_by_default : true, install : false, output : taisei_nacp_name, ) taisei_nro_name = '@0@.nro'.format(taisei_basename) taisei_nro = custom_target(taisei_nro_name, # NOTE: Unfortunately we can't just put 'taisei_elf' directly into the command array. # Meson then makes an invalid assumption that we are going to execute it ("use as a generator"), # and aborts because there's no exe wrapper in the cross file (which wouldn't make sense to have). command : [ find_program('elf2nro'), taisei_elf.full_path(), # workaround for the above issue '@OUTPUT@', '--nacp=@0@'.format(taisei_nacp.full_path()), # if we could pass the path in a standalone argument, we could have meson generate an implicit dependency here... '--icon=@0@'.format(nx_icon_path), ], build_by_default : true, depends : [taisei_elf, taisei_nacp], install : true, install_dir : bindir, output : taisei_nro_name, ) bindist_deps += taisei_nro else taisei = executable(taisei_basename, taisei_src, version_deps, dependencies : taisei_deps, c_args : taisei_c_args, c_pch : 'pch/taisei_pch.h', gui_app : not get_option('win_console'), install : true, install_dir : bindir, ) bindist_deps += taisei endif