/* * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. * See COPYING for further information. * --- * Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber . * Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev . */ #include "taisei.h" #include "credits.h" #include "global.h" #include "stages/stage6.h" #include "video.h" #include "resource/model.h" #include "renderer/api.h" #include "util/glm.h" #include "dynarray.h" typedef struct CreditsEntry { char **data; int lines; int time; } CreditsEntry; static struct { DYNAMIC_ARRAY(CreditsEntry) entries; float panelalpha; int end; bool skipable; CallChain cc; } credits; #define CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEIN 200.0 #define CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEOUT 100.0 #define CREDITS_FADEOUT 180 // ideally, this should be timed so that: // (ENTRY_TIME * numEntries) + (HEADER_TIME * numHeaders) ~= 7190 #define ENTRY_TIME 412 #define HEADER_TIME 300 #define YUKKURI_TIME 200 static void credits_add(char *data, int time); static void credits_fill(void) { // In case the shortened URLs break, // Tuck V's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaw73cuHLnFCSpjOtt_9pyg // InsideI's bandcamp: https://vnutriya.bandcamp.com/ dynarray_ensure_capacity(&credits.entries, 24); credits_add("Taisei Project\nbrought to you by…", HEADER_TIME); credits_add(( "laochailan\n" "Lukas Weber\n" "laochailan@web.de\n\n" "Programming, game design," "\ngraphics" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "Akari\n" "Andrei Alexeyev\n" "akari@taisei-project.org\n\n" "Programming, game design" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "Tuck V\n" "Discord: @Tuck#1679\n" "YouTube: https://is.gd/exafez\n\n" "Original soundtrack" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "afensorm\n" "https://gensokyo.social/@afensorm\n" "https://pixiv.me/afens\n\n" "Character art" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "mia\n" "Mia Herkt\n" "mia@hong-mailing.de\n\n" "Hosting, packaging, editing,\n" "spiritual guidance" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "Alice D\n" "https://twitter.com/AmyZenunim\n" "https://github.com/starwitch\n\n" "Lead story writer\n" "macOS QA + debugging" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "Adam\n" "https://twitter.com/adam_dnh\n\n" "Dialogue writing (Iku, Elly)" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "Haru\n" "https://venusers.tumblr.com/\n" "https://twitter.com/violet_fantasia\n\n" "Dialogue writing (Hina, Kurumi)" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "makise-homura\n" "Igor Molchanov\n" "akemi_homura@kurisa.ch\n\n" "Code contributions\n" "Elbrus compatible™" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "aiju\n" "Julius Schmidt\n" "http://aiju.de/\n\n" "I don't remember\n" "what this guy did" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add("Special Thanks", HEADER_TIME); credits_add(( "ZUN\n" "for Tōhō Project\n" "http://www16.big.or.jp/~zun/" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "InsideI\n" "Mikhail Novik\n" "Bandcamp: https://is.gd/owojix\n\n" "Various sound effects" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "Free Software\n" "Simple DirectMedia Layer\n" "https://libsdl.org/\n\n" "libpng\n" "http://libpng.org/\n\n" "libwebp\n" "https://git.io/WebP\n\n" "FreeType\n" "https://freetype.org/\n\n" "Ogg Opus\n" "https://www.opus-codec.org/" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "\n" "zlib\n" "https://zlib.net/\n\n" "libzip\n" "https://libzip.org/\n\n" "Meson build system\n" "https://mesonbuild.com/\n\n" "Krita\n" "https://krita.org/\n\n" "and many other projects" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "…and You!\n" "for playing" ), ENTRY_TIME); credits_add(( "Visit Us\n" "https://taisei-project.org/\n\n" "And join our IRC channel\n" "#taisei-project at irc.freenode.net\n\n" "Or our Discord server\n" "https://discord.gg/JEHCMzW" ), ENTRY_TIME); // Yukkuri Kyouko! credits_add("*\nAnd don't forget to take it easy!", YUKKURI_TIME); } static void credits_add(char *data, int time) { CreditsEntry *e; char *c, buf[256]; int l = 0, i = 0; assert(time > CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEOUT); e = dynarray_append(&credits.entries); e->time = time - CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEOUT; e->lines = 1; for(c = data; *c; ++c) if(*c == '\n') e->lines++; e->data = malloc(e->lines * sizeof(char*)); for(c = data; *c; ++c) { if(*c == '\n') { buf[i] = 0; e->data[l] = malloc(strlen(buf) + 1); strcpy(e->data[l], buf); i = 0; ++l; } else { buf[i++] = *c; } } buf[i] = 0; e->data[l] = malloc(strlen(buf) + 1); strcpy(e->data[l], buf); credits.end += time; } static void credits_towerwall_draw(vec3 pos) { r_shader("tower_wall"); r_uniform_sampler("tex", "stage6/towerwall"); r_uniform_float("lendiv", 2800.0 + 300.0 * sin(global.frames / 77.7)); r_mat_mv_push(); r_mat_mv_translate(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); r_mat_mv_scale(30,30,30); r_draw_model("towerwall"); r_mat_mv_pop(); r_shader_standard(); } static void credits_init(void) { memset(&credits, 0, sizeof(credits)); stage3d_init(&stage_3d_context, 64); stage_3d_context.cx[0] = 0; stage_3d_context.cx[1] = 600; stage_3d_context.crot[0] = 0; global.frames = 0; credits_fill(); credits.end += 200 + CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEOUT; // Should be >1, because if we get here, that means we have achieved an // ending just now, which this counter includes. // That is unless we're in `taisei --credits`. But in that case, skipping is // presumably not desired anyway. credits.skipable = progress_times_any_ending_achieved() > 1; start_bgm("credits"); } static double entry_height(CreditsEntry *e, double *head, double *body) { double total = *head = *body = 0; if(!e->lines) { return total; } if(e->lines > 0) { if(*(e->data[0]) == '*') { total += *head = sprite_padded_height(res_sprite("kyoukkuri")); } else { total += *head = font_get_lineskip(res_font("big")); } if(e->lines > 1) { total += *body += (e->lines - 0.5) * font_get_lineskip(res_font("standard")); } } return total; } static float yukkuri_jump(float t) { float k = 0.2; float l = 1 - k; if(t > 1 || t < 0) { return 0; } if(t > k) { t = (t - k) / l; float b = glm_ease_bounce_out(t); float e = glm_ease_sine_out(b); return 1 - lerp(b, e, glm_ease_sine_out(t)); } return glm_ease_quad_out(t / k); } static void credits_draw_entry(CreditsEntry *e) { int time = global.frames - 200; float fadein = 1, fadeout = 1; for(CreditsEntry *o = credits.entries.data; o != e; ++o) { time -= o->time + CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEOUT; } double h_total, h_head, h_body; h_total = entry_height(e, &h_head, &h_body); // random asspull approximation to make stuff not overlap too much int ofs = (1 - pow(1 - h_total / SCREEN_H, 2)) * SCREEN_H * 0.095; time -= ofs; if(time < 0) { return; } ofs *= 2; if(time <= CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEIN) { fadein = time / CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEIN; } if(time - e->time - CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEIN + ofs > 0) { fadeout = fmax(0, 1 - (time - e->time - CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEIN + ofs) / CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEOUT); } if(!fadein || !fadeout) { return; } Sprite *yukkuri_spr = NULL; if(*e->data[0] == '*') { yukkuri_spr = res_sprite("kyoukkuri"); } r_state_push(); r_mat_mv_push(); if(fadein < 1) { r_mat_mv_translate(0, SCREEN_W * pow(1 - fadein, 2) * 0.5, 0); } else if(fadeout < 1) { r_mat_mv_translate(0, SCREEN_W * pow(1 - fadeout, 2) * -0.5, 0); } r_color(RGBA_MUL_ALPHA(1, 1, 1, fadein * fadeout)); r_mat_mv_translate(0, h_body * -0.5, 0); for(int i = 0; i < e->lines; ++i) { if(yukkuri_spr && !i) { float t = ((global.frames) % 90) / 59.0; float elevation = yukkuri_jump(t); float squeeze = (elevation - yukkuri_jump(t - 0.03)) * 0.4; float halfheight = sprite_padded_height(yukkuri_spr) * 0.5; r_draw_sprite(&(SpriteParams) { .sprite_ptr = yukkuri_spr, .pos.y = -60 * elevation * fadein + halfheight * squeeze, .shader = "sprite_default", .scale.x = 1.0 - squeeze, .scale.y = 1.0 + squeeze, }); r_mat_mv_translate(0, halfheight, 0); } else { Font *font = res_font(i ? "standard" : "big"); r_shader("text_default"); text_draw(e->data[i], &(TextParams) { .align = ALIGN_CENTER, .font_ptr = font, }); r_shader_standard(); r_mat_mv_translate(0, font_get_lineskip(font), 0); } } r_mat_mv_pop(); r_state_pop(); } static void credits_draw(void) { r_clear(CLEAR_ALL, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1), 1); colorfill(1, 1, 1, 1); // don't use r_clear for this, it screws up letterboxing r_mat_mv_push(); r_enable(RCAP_DEPTH_TEST); r_mat_proj_perspective(M_PI/3, 0.7f, 100, 9000); r_mat_proj_translate(0, SCREEN_H / 3.0f, 0); stage3d_draw(&stage_3d_context, 10000, 1, (Stage3DSegment[]) { credits_towerwall_draw, stage6_towerwall_pos }); r_mat_mv_pop(); set_ortho(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); r_mat_mv_push(); r_color4(0, 0, 0, credits.panelalpha * 0.7); r_mat_mv_translate(SCREEN_W/4*3, SCREEN_H/2, 0); r_mat_mv_scale(300, SCREEN_H, 1); r_shader_standard_notex(); r_draw_quad(); r_color4(1, 1, 1, 1); r_mat_mv_pop(); r_mat_mv_push(); r_mat_mv_translate(SCREEN_W/4*3, SCREEN_H/2, 0); r_shader_standard(); dynarray_foreach_elem(&credits.entries, CreditsEntry *e, { credits_draw_entry(e); }); r_mat_mv_pop(); draw_transition(); } static void credits_finish(void *arg) { credits.end = 0; set_transition(TransLoader, 0, FADE_TIME*10); } static void credits_process(void) { TIMER(&global.frames); stage_3d_context.cx[2] = 200 - global.frames * 50; stage_3d_context.cx[1] = 500 + 100 * psin(global.frames / 100.0) * psin(global.frames / 200.0 + M_PI); stage_3d_context.cx[0] = 25 * sin(global.frames / 75.7) * cos(global.frames / 99.3); FROM_TO(100, 200, 1) credits.panelalpha += 0.01; if(global.frames >= credits.end - CREDITS_ENTRY_FADEOUT) { credits.panelalpha -= 1 / 120.0; } if(global.frames == credits.end) { set_transition_callback(TransFadeWhite, CREDITS_FADEOUT, CREDITS_FADEOUT, credits_finish, NULL); } } static void credits_free(void) { dynarray_foreach_elem(&credits.entries, CreditsEntry *e, { for(int i = 0; i < e->lines; ++i) { free(e->data[i]); } free(e->data); }); dynarray_free_data(&credits.entries); stage3d_shutdown(&stage_3d_context); } void credits_preload(void) { preload_resource(RES_BGM, "credits", RESF_OPTIONAL); preload_resource(RES_SHADER_PROGRAM, "tower_wall", RESF_DEFAULT); preload_resource(RES_SPRITE, "kyoukkuri", RESF_DEFAULT); preload_resources(RES_TEXTURE, RESF_DEFAULT, "stage6/towerwall", "loading", // for transition NULL); } static LogicFrameAction credits_logic_frame(void *arg) { update_transition(); events_poll(NULL, 0); credits_process(); global.frames++; if(credits.end == 0) { return LFRAME_STOP; } else if(credits.skipable && gamekeypressed(KEY_SKIP)) { return LFRAME_SKIP; } else { return LFRAME_WAIT; } } static RenderFrameAction credits_render_frame(void *arg) { credits_draw(); return RFRAME_SWAP; } static void credits_end_loop(void *ctx) { credits_free(); progress_unlock_bgm("credits"); run_call_chain(&credits.cc, NULL); } void credits_enter(CallChain next) { credits_preload(); credits_init(); credits.cc = next; eventloop_enter(&credits, credits_logic_frame, credits_render_frame, credits_end_loop, FPS); }