/* * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. * See COPYING for further information. * --- * Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber . * Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev . */ #pragma once #include "taisei.h" /* * Simple generalized projectile movement based on laochailan's idea */ typedef struct MoveParams { cmplx velocity, acceleration, retention; cmplx attraction; cmplx attraction_point; real attraction_exponent; } MoveParams; cmplx move_update(cmplx *restrict pos, MoveParams *restrict params); cmplx move_update_multiple(uint times, cmplx *restrict pos, MoveParams *restrict params); INLINE MoveParams move_next(cmplx pos, MoveParams move) { move_update(&pos, &move); return move; } INLINE MoveParams move_linear(cmplx vel) { return (MoveParams) { vel, 0, 1 }; } INLINE MoveParams move_accelerated(cmplx vel, cmplx accel) { return (MoveParams) { vel, accel, 1 }; } INLINE MoveParams move_asymptotic(cmplx vel0, cmplx vel1, cmplx retention) { return (MoveParams) { vel0, vel1 * (1 - retention), retention }; } INLINE MoveParams move_asymptotic_halflife(cmplx vel0, cmplx vel1, double halflife) { return move_asymptotic(vel0, vel1, exp2(-1.0 / halflife)); } INLINE MoveParams move_asymptotic_simple(cmplx vel, double boost_factor) { // NOTE: this matches the old asymptotic rule semantics exactly double retention = 0.8; return move_asymptotic(vel * (1 + boost_factor), vel, retention); } INLINE MoveParams move_towards(cmplx target, cmplx attraction) { return (MoveParams) { .attraction = attraction, .attraction_point = target, .attraction_exponent = 1 }; } INLINE MoveParams move_towards_power(cmplx target, cmplx attraction, real exponent) { return (MoveParams) { .attraction = attraction, .attraction_point = target, .attraction_exponent = exponent }; } INLINE MoveParams move_dampen(cmplx vel, cmplx retention) { return (MoveParams) { .velocity = vel, .retention = retention, }; } attr_deprecated("Use move_dampen instead") INLINE MoveParams move_stop(cmplx retention) { return (MoveParams) { .retention = retention }; }