option( 'developer', type : 'combo', choices : ['true', 'false', 'auto'], value : 'false', deprecated : ['auto'], description : 'Make a "developer" build with cheats and extra debugging features' ) option('vfs_zip', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Support loading of game data from ZIP packages (requires libzip)' ) option( 'enable_zip', type : 'boolean', deprecated : 'vfs_zip', description : 'DEPRECATED: use vfs_zip instead', ) option( 'package_data', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Package the game’s assets into a compressed archive (requires vfs_zip)' ) option( 'install_relocatable', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Install everything into the same directory, don\'t hardcode absolute paths into the executable. Prefix is assumed to be an empty directory reserved for Taisei in this mode.' ) option( 'install_relative', type : 'combo', choices : ['auto', 'true', 'false'], deprecated : 'install_relocatable', description : 'DEPRECATED: use install_relocatable instead', ) option( 'install_freedesktop', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Install freedesktop.org integration files (launchers, icons, replay file associations, etc.). Mostly relevant for Linux/BSD/etc. desktop systems' ) option( 'install_macos_bundle', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'auto', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Install into a macOS application bundle' ) option( 'macos_bundle', type : 'boolean', deprecated : 'install_macos_bundle', description : 'DEPRECATED: use install_macos_bundle instead', ) option( 'install_angle', type : 'boolean', value : false, description : 'Install pre-built ANGLE libraries. Required for Windows/macOS OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0' ) option( 'angle_libgles', type : 'string', description : 'Path to ANGLE\'s libGLESv2 dynamic library (see install_angle)' ) option( 'angle_libegl', type : 'string', description : 'Path to ANGLE\'s libEGL dynamic library (see install_angle)' ) option( 'win_console', type : 'boolean', value : false, description : 'Use the console subsystem on Windows' ) option( 'static', type : 'boolean', value : false, deprecated : 'prefer_static', description : 'DEPRECATED: use prefer_static instead', ) option( 'docs', type : 'feature', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Build and install documentation (requires docutils)' ) option( 'shader_transpiler', type : 'feature', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Enable shader trans-compilation (requires shaderc)' ) option( 'validate_glsl', type : 'feature', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Enable validation of GLSL shaders (requires glslc)' ) option( 'r_default', type : 'combo', choices : ['auto', 'gl33', 'gles20', 'gles30', 'null'], description : 'Which rendering backend to use by default' ) option( 'r_gl33', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Build the OpenGL 3.3 Core renderer' ) option( 'r_gles20', type : 'feature', value : 'disabled', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Build the OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer (incomplete)' ) option( 'r_gles30', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Build the OpenGL ES 3.0 renderer' ) option( 'r_null', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Build the no-op renderer (nothing is displayed). Required for --verify-replay to work properly' ) option( 'a_default', type : 'combo', choices : ['auto', 'sdl', 'null'], description : 'Which audio backend to use by default' ) option( 'a_sdl', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Build the SDL audio backend' ) option( 'a_null', type : 'feature', value : 'auto', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Build the no-op audio backend (silence); you want this on!' ) option( 'use_libcrypto', type : 'feature', deprecated : {'true' : 'enabled', 'false' : 'disabled'}, description : 'Use libcrypto from OpenSSL for better SHA implementations' ) option( 'deprecation_warnings', choices : ['default', 'error', 'no-error', 'ignore'], type : 'combo', description : 'Treatment of deprecation warnings' ) option( 'force_vendored_shader_tools', type : 'boolean', value : false, description : 'Build shaderc and spirv-cross CLI tools from subprojects even if system versions exist' ) option( 'stages_live_reload', type : 'boolean', value : false, description : 'Enable live-reloading workflow for stages (for development only)' ) option( 'gamemode', type : 'feature', description: 'Integrate with the GameMode daemon, if running' ) option( 'tests', type : 'feature', description : 'Build various test programs' )