[a Work In Progress fork, expect history overwriting]
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Taisei 1. Introduction Taisei is an open clone of the Touhou series. Touhou is a one-man project of shoot-em-up games set in an isolated world full of Japanese folklore. 2. Installation Dependencies: - SDL, SDL_ttf - libpng, ZLIB - OpenGL - OpenAL, ALUT - CMake (build system) Optional: - libogg, libvorbis, libvorbisfile (to play .ogg BGMs) To build and install Taisei just follow these steps. mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$yourprefix .. make make install This will install game data to $prefix/share/taisei/ and build this path _statically_ into the executable. This might be a package maintainer's choice. Alternatively you may want to add -DRELATIVE=TRUE to get a relative structure like $prefix/taisei $prefix/data/ ($prefix/config) RELATIVE is always set when building for Windows. 3. NOTE ABOUT REPLAYS As of version 1.0 replays are not guaranteed to work between different operating systems or architectures (or compiler versions). Screen capture your replays if you really want to publish them. 4. NOTE ABOUT BACKGROUND MUSIC Currently Taisei does not include any background music. To use this feature, you should have required audio files in bgm/ subdirectory. BGM may either be in .wav format, or in .ogg; last one apply only if you have compiled Taisei with libogg, libvorbis and libvorbisfile (automatically enabled if cmake is able to find them). Complete music pack consists of 16 bgm_*.ogg or bgm_*.wav files, where `*' mean: credits BGM for credits screen ending BGM for ending gameover BGM for game over screen menu BGM for menus (excluding in-game menu which pauses BGM) stageN N=1..6, standard stage theme stageNboss N=1..6, boss theme for a stage If you want to specify stage/boss theme names to be shown during gameplay, you may do it in bgm/bgm.conf file. This file contains some lines, each of which consists of bgm filename (without extension), space of tab, and theme name. No space/tab allowed either in beginning of line or BGM filenames listed in this file; theme names may contain them. 5. Contact http://taisei-project.org/ #taisei-project on Freenode