Doing it in the vertex shader isn't very efficient. This also cleans up light setup code and avoids compatibility problems with arrays of varying structs in shaders, which SPIRV-cross can't translate for 'legacy' targets yet (KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Cross#1604).
107 lines
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107 lines
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* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* See COPYING for further information.
* ---
* Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber <laochailan@web.de>.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev <akari@taisei-project.org>.
#ifndef IGUARD_stageutils_h
#define IGUARD_stageutils_h
#include "taisei.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "global.h" // remove when STAGE3D_DEFAULT_ASPECT aspect is removed
typedef struct Stage3D Stage3D;
typedef void (*SegmentDrawRule)(vec3 pos);
typedef uint (*SegmentPositionRule)(Stage3D *s3d, vec3 q, float maxrange); // returns number of elements written to Stage3D pos_buffer
typedef struct Stage3DSegment {
SegmentDrawRule draw;
SegmentPositionRule pos;
} Stage3DSegment;
typedef union Camera3DRotation {
struct { float pitch, yaw, roll; };
vec3 v;
} Camera3DRotation;
typedef struct Camera3D {
vec3 pos;
vec3 vel;
Camera3DRotation rot;
real fovy;
real aspect;
real near;
real far;
} Camera3D;
typedef struct PointLight3D {
vec3 pos;
vec3 radiance;
} PointLight3D;
// NOTE: should match PBR_MAX_LIGHTS in lib/pbr.glslh
#define STAGE3D_DEPRECATED(...) attr_deprecated(__VA_ARGS__)
struct Stage3D {
union {
Camera3D cam;
struct {
vec3 cx STAGE3D_DEPRECATED("Use .cam.pos instead");
vec3 cv STAGE3D_DEPRECATED("Use .cam.vel instead");
vec3 crot STAGE3D_DEPRECATED("Use .cam.rot instead");
vec3 *pos_buffer;
uint pos_buffer_size;
extern Stage3D stage_3d_context;
#define STAGE3D_DEFAULT_FOVY ((float)M_PI / 4.258f)
#define STAGE3D_DEFAULT_ASPECT ((0.75f * VIEWPORT_W) / VIEWPORT_H) // deprecated
void stage3d_init(Stage3D *s, uint pos_buffer_size);
void stage3d_update(Stage3D *s);
void stage3d_shutdown(Stage3D *s);
void stage3d_apply_transforms(Stage3D *s, mat4 mat);
void stage3d_draw_segment(Stage3D *s, SegmentPositionRule pos_rule, SegmentDrawRule draw_rule, float maxrange);
void stage3d_draw(Stage3D *s, float maxrange, uint nsegments, const Stage3DSegment segments[nsegments]);
void camera3d_init(Camera3D *cam) attr_nonnull(1);
void camera3d_update(Camera3D *cam) attr_nonnull(1);
void camera3d_apply_transforms(Camera3D *cam, mat4 mat) attr_nonnull(1, 2);
void camera3d_unprojected_ray(Camera3D *cam, cmplx pos, vec3 dest) attr_nonnull(1, 3);
void camera3d_set_point_light_uniforms(
Camera3D *cam,
uint num_lights,
PointLight3D lights[num_lights]
) attr_nonnull(1, 3);
void camera3d_fill_point_light_uniform_vectors(
Camera3D *cam,
uint num_lights,
PointLight3D lights[num_lights],
vec3 out_lpos[num_lights],
vec3 out_lrad[num_lights]
) attr_nonnull(1, 3, 4);
uint linear3dpos(Stage3D *s3d, vec3 q, float maxrange, vec3 p, vec3 r);
uint single3dpos(Stage3D *s3d, vec3 q, float maxrange, vec3 p);
void skip_background_anim(void (*update_func)(void), int frames, int *timer, int *timer2);
#endif // IGUARD_stageutils_h