Andrei Alexeyev 5c43f75807
pbr: transform light pos on CPU w/ helper function
Doing it in the vertex shader isn't very efficient.
This also cleans up light setup code and avoids compatibility problems
with arrays of varying structs in shaders, which SPIRV-cross can't
translate for 'legacy' targets yet (KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Cross#1604).
2021-02-26 10:31:25 +02:00

107 lines
2.9 KiB

* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* See COPYING for further information.
* ---
* Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber <laochailan@web.de>.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev <akari@taisei-project.org>.
#ifndef IGUARD_stageutils_h
#define IGUARD_stageutils_h
#include "taisei.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "global.h" // remove when STAGE3D_DEFAULT_ASPECT aspect is removed
typedef struct Stage3D Stage3D;
typedef void (*SegmentDrawRule)(vec3 pos);
typedef uint (*SegmentPositionRule)(Stage3D *s3d, vec3 q, float maxrange); // returns number of elements written to Stage3D pos_buffer
typedef struct Stage3DSegment {
SegmentDrawRule draw;
SegmentPositionRule pos;
} Stage3DSegment;
typedef union Camera3DRotation {
struct { float pitch, yaw, roll; };
vec3 v;
} Camera3DRotation;
typedef struct Camera3D {
vec3 pos;
vec3 vel;
Camera3DRotation rot;
real fovy;
real aspect;
real near;
real far;
} Camera3D;
typedef struct PointLight3D {
vec3 pos;
vec3 radiance;
} PointLight3D;
// NOTE: should match PBR_MAX_LIGHTS in lib/pbr.glslh
#define STAGE3D_DEPRECATED(...) attr_deprecated(__VA_ARGS__)
struct Stage3D {
union {
Camera3D cam;
struct {
vec3 cx STAGE3D_DEPRECATED("Use .cam.pos instead");
vec3 cv STAGE3D_DEPRECATED("Use .cam.vel instead");
vec3 crot STAGE3D_DEPRECATED("Use .cam.rot instead");
vec3 *pos_buffer;
uint pos_buffer_size;
extern Stage3D stage_3d_context;
#define STAGE3D_DEFAULT_FOVY ((float)M_PI / 4.258f)
#define STAGE3D_DEFAULT_ASPECT ((0.75f * VIEWPORT_W) / VIEWPORT_H) // deprecated
void stage3d_init(Stage3D *s, uint pos_buffer_size);
void stage3d_update(Stage3D *s);
void stage3d_shutdown(Stage3D *s);
void stage3d_apply_transforms(Stage3D *s, mat4 mat);
void stage3d_draw_segment(Stage3D *s, SegmentPositionRule pos_rule, SegmentDrawRule draw_rule, float maxrange);
void stage3d_draw(Stage3D *s, float maxrange, uint nsegments, const Stage3DSegment segments[nsegments]);
void camera3d_init(Camera3D *cam) attr_nonnull(1);
void camera3d_update(Camera3D *cam) attr_nonnull(1);
void camera3d_apply_transforms(Camera3D *cam, mat4 mat) attr_nonnull(1, 2);
void camera3d_unprojected_ray(Camera3D *cam, cmplx pos, vec3 dest) attr_nonnull(1, 3);
void camera3d_set_point_light_uniforms(
Camera3D *cam,
uint num_lights,
PointLight3D lights[num_lights]
) attr_nonnull(1, 3);
void camera3d_fill_point_light_uniform_vectors(
Camera3D *cam,
uint num_lights,
PointLight3D lights[num_lights],
vec3 out_lpos[num_lights],
vec3 out_lrad[num_lights]
) attr_nonnull(1, 3, 4);
uint linear3dpos(Stage3D *s3d, vec3 q, float maxrange, vec3 p, vec3 r);
uint single3dpos(Stage3D *s3d, vec3 q, float maxrange, vec3 p);
void skip_background_anim(void (*update_func)(void), int frames, int *timer, int *timer2);
#endif // IGUARD_stageutils_h