2020-03-04 22:26:45 +02:00

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* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
* See COPYING for further information.
* ---
* Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Lukas Weber <laochailan@web.de>.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Andrei Alexeyev <akari@taisei-project.org>.
#ifndef IGUARD_projectile_h
#define IGUARD_projectile_h
#include "taisei.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "resource/sprite.h"
#include "resource/shader_program.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "objectpool.h"
#include "renderer/api.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "move.h"
#include "coroutine.h"
#if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(RNG_API_CHECK)
#define PROJ_DEBUG
enum {
typedef struct Projectile Projectile;
typedef LIST_ANCHOR(Projectile) ProjectileList;
typedef LIST_INTERFACE(Projectile) ProjectileListInterface;
typedef int (*ProjRule)(Projectile *p, int t);
// typedef void (*ProjDrawRule)(Projectile *p, int t);
typedef bool (*ProjPredicate)(Projectile *p);
typedef union {
float32 as_float[2];
cmplx32 as_cmplx;
} ProjDrawRuleArgs[RULE_ARGC];
typedef struct ProjDrawRule {
void (*func)(Projectile *p, int t, ProjDrawRuleArgs args);
ProjDrawRuleArgs args;
} ProjDrawRule;
typedef enum {
PROJ_ENEMY, // hazard, collides with player
PROJ_DEAD, // no collision, will be cleared shortly
PROJ_PARTICLE, // no collision, not a hazard
PROJ_PLAYER, // collides with enemies and bosses
} ProjType;
typedef enum ProjFlags {
// NOTE: Many of these flags are only meaningful for a specific type(s) of projectile.
// The relevant ProjType enum(s) are specified in [square brackets], or [ALL] if all apply.
PFLAG_NOSPAWNFLARE = (1 << 0), // [PROJ_ENEMY] Don't spawn the standard particle effect when spawned.
PFLAG_NOSPAWNFADE = (1 << 1), // [PROJ_ENEMY] Don't fade in when spawned; assume 100% opacity immediately.
PFLAG_NOGRAZE = (1 << 3), // [PROJ_ENEMY] Can't be grazed.
PFLAG_NOCLEAR = (1 << 4), // [PROJ_ENEMY] Can't be cleared (unless forced).
PFLAG_NOCLEAREFFECT = (1 << 5), // [PROJ_ENEMY, PROJ_DEAD] Don't spawn the standard particle effect when cleared.
PFLAG_NOCOLLISIONEFFECT = (1 << 6), // [PROJ_ENEMY, PROJ_DEAD, PROJ_PLAYER] Don't spawn the standard particle effect on collision.
PFLAG_NOCLEARBONUS = (1 << 7), // [PROJ_ENEMY, PROJ_DEAD] Don't spawn any bonus items on clear.
PFLAG_NOMOVE = (1 << 8), // [ALL] Don't call move_update for this projectile.
PFLAG_NOREFLECT = (1 << 9), // [ALL] Don't render a "reflection" of this on the Stage 1 water surface.
PFLAG_REQUIREDPARTICLE = (1 << 10), // [PROJ_PARTICLE] Visible at "minimal" particles setting.
PFLAG_PLRSPECIALPARTICLE = (1 << 11), // [PROJ_PARTICLE] Apply Power Surge effect to this particle, as if it was a PROJ_PLAYER.
PFLAG_NOCOLLISION = (1 << 12), // [PROJ_ENEMY, PROJ_PLAYER] Disable collision detection.
PFLAG_INTERNAL_DEAD = (1 << 13), // [ALL] Delete as soon as processed. (internal flag, do not use)
PFLAG_MANUALANGLE = (1 << 14), // [ALL] Don't automatically update the angle.
} ProjFlags;
// FIXME: prototype stuff awkwardly shoved in this header because of dependency cycles.
typedef struct ProjPrototype ProjPrototype;
struct Projectile {
cmplx pos;
cmplx pos0;
cmplx prevpos; // used to lerp trajectory for collision detection; set this to pos if you intend to "teleport" the projectile in the rule!
cmplx size; // affects out-of-viewport culling and grazing
cmplx collision_size; // affects collision with player (TODO: make this work for player projectiles too?)
cmplx args[RULE_ARGC];
ProjRule rule;
ProjDrawRule draw_rule;
ShaderProgram *shader;
Sprite *sprite;
ProjPrototype *proto;
MoveParams move;
struct {
CoEvent killed;
} events;
Color color;
attr_deprecated("this won't work") ShaderCustomParams shader_params;
BlendMode blend;
int birthtime;
float damage;
float angle;
ProjType type;
DamageType damage_type;
int max_viewport_dist;
ProjFlags flags;
uint clear_flags;
cmplx32 scale;
float32 opacity;
// XXX: this is in frames of course, but needs to be float
// to avoid subtle truncation and integer division gotchas.
float timeout;
int graze_counter_reset_timer;
int graze_cooldown;
short graze_counter;
DebugInfo debug;
typedef struct ProjArgs {
ProjPrototype *proto;
const Color *color;
const char *sprite;
Sprite *sprite_ptr;
const char *shader;
ShaderProgram *shader_ptr;
attr_deprecated("this won't work") const ShaderCustomParams *shader_params;
ProjectileList *dest;
ProjRule rule;
cmplx args[RULE_ARGC];
ProjDrawRule draw_rule;
cmplx pos;
cmplx size; // affects default draw order, out-of-viewport culling, and grazing
cmplx collision_size; // affects collision with player (TODO: make this work for player projectiles too?)
MoveParams move;
ProjType type;
ProjFlags flags;
BlendMode blend;
float angle;
float damage;
DamageType damage_type;
int max_viewport_dist;
drawlayer_t layer;
cmplx32 scale;
float32 opacity;
// XXX: this is in frames of course, but needs to be float
// to avoid subtle truncation and integer division gotchas.
float timeout;
} attr_designated_init ProjArgs;
struct ProjPrototype {
void (*preload)(ProjPrototype *proto);
void (*process_args)(ProjPrototype *proto, ProjArgs *args);
void (*init_projectile)(ProjPrototype *proto, Projectile *p);
void (*deinit_projectile)(ProjPrototype *proto, Projectile *p);
void *private;
#define PP(name) \
extern ProjPrototype _pp_##name; \
extern ProjPrototype *pp_##name; \
#include "projectile_prototypes/all.inc.h"
typedef enum ProjCollisionType {
PCOL_ENTITY = (1 << 0),
PCOL_VOID = (1 << 2),
} ProjCollisionType;
typedef struct ProjCollisionResult {
ProjCollisionType type;
bool fatal; // for the projectile
cmplx location;
DamageInfo damage;
EntityInterface *entity;
} ProjCollisionResult;
Projectile* create_projectile(ProjArgs *args);
Projectile* create_particle(ProjArgs *args);
Projectile* _proj_attach_dbginfo(Projectile *p, DebugInfo *dbg, const char *callsite_str);
#define _PROJ_WRAP_SPAWN(p) _proj_attach_dbginfo((p), _DEBUG_INFO_PTR_, #p)
#define _PROJ_WRAP_SPAWN(p) (p)
#define _PROJ_GENERIC_SPAWN(constructor, ...) _PROJ_WRAP_SPAWN((constructor)((&(ProjArgs) { __VA_ARGS__ })))
#define PROJECTILE(...) _PROJ_GENERIC_SPAWN(create_projectile, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PARTICLE(...) _PROJ_GENERIC_SPAWN(create_particle, __VA_ARGS__)
void delete_projectiles(ProjectileList *projlist);
void calc_projectile_collision(Projectile *p, ProjCollisionResult *out_col);
void apply_projectile_collision(ProjectileList *projlist, Projectile *p, ProjCollisionResult *col);
int trace_projectile(Projectile *p, ProjCollisionResult *out_col, ProjCollisionType stopflags, int timeofs);
bool projectile_in_viewport(Projectile *proj);
void process_projectiles(ProjectileList *projlist, bool collision);
bool projectile_is_clearable(Projectile *p);
Projectile* spawn_projectile_collision_effect(Projectile *proj);
Projectile* spawn_projectile_clear_effect(Projectile *proj);
Projectile* spawn_projectile_highlight_effect(Projectile *proj);
void projectile_set_prototype(Projectile *p, ProjPrototype *proto);
void projectile_set_layer(Projectile *p, drawlayer_t layer);
bool clear_projectile(Projectile *proj, uint flags);
void kill_projectile(Projectile *proj);
int linear(Projectile *p, int t);
int accelerated(Projectile *p, int t);
int asymptotic(Projectile *p, int t);
#define DEPRECATED_DRAW_RULE attr_deprecated("")
void ProjDrawCore(Projectile *proj, const Color *c);
void ProjDraw(Projectile *proj, int t, ProjDrawRuleArgs args) DEPRECATED_DRAW_RULE;
void Shrink(Projectile *p, int t, ProjDrawRuleArgs) DEPRECATED_DRAW_RULE;
void DeathShrink(Projectile *p, int t, ProjDrawRuleArgs) DEPRECATED_DRAW_RULE;
void Fade(Projectile *p, int t, ProjDrawRuleArgs) DEPRECATED_DRAW_RULE;
void GrowFade(Projectile *p, int t, ProjDrawRuleArgs) DEPRECATED_DRAW_RULE;
void ScaleFade(Projectile *p, int t, ProjDrawRuleArgs) DEPRECATED_DRAW_RULE;
void ScaleSquaredFade(Projectile *p, int t, ProjDrawRuleArgs) DEPRECATED_DRAW_RULE;
ProjDrawRule pdraw_basic(void);
ProjDrawRule pdraw_timeout_scalefade_exp(cmplx32 scale0, cmplx32 scale1, float32 opacity0, float32 opacity1, float32 opacity_exp);
ProjDrawRule pdraw_timeout_scalefade(cmplx32 scale0, cmplx32 scale1, float32 opacity0, float32 opacity1);
ProjDrawRule pdraw_timeout_scale(cmplx32 scale0, cmplx32 scale1);
ProjDrawRule pdraw_timeout_fade(float32 opacity0, float32 opacity1);
ProjDrawRule pdraw_petal(float32 rot_angle, vec3 rot_axis);
ProjDrawRule pdraw_petal_random(void);
ProjDrawRule pdraw_blast(void);
void Petal(Projectile *p, int t);
void petal_explosion(int n, cmplx pos);
void Blast(Projectile *p, int t);
void projectiles_preload(void);
void projectiles_free(void);
cmplx projectile_graze_size(Projectile *p);
float32 projectile_timeout_factor(Projectile *p);
int projectile_time(Projectile *p);
SpriteParams projectile_sprite_params(Projectile *proj, SpriteParamsBuffer *spbuf);
#endif // IGUARD_projectile_h