#include #include #include #include #include /* explicitly compile with -D_OFFSET_FILE_BITS=64 if it fails at 2G */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #define TUI #define BARLEN 200 #define NAME "filefiller" #define VERSION "0.1" #define ME "cancer" /* #define DEBUG */ #define BLOCKSIZE (unsigned long long)4096 #define REFRESHINTERVAL 1024 #define FILLCHAR 0x00 void usage(char *binname) { printf("%s v%s\n\n Usage:\n %s filename blocks\n\n This executable uses:\n BLOCKSIZE = %llu\n REFRESHINTERVAL = %d\n FILLCHAR = 0x%X\n\n~%s\n", NAME, VERSION, binname, BLOCKSIZE, REFRESHINTERVAL, FILLCHAR, ME); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 3) usage(argv[0]); FILE *fd; fd = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if(fd != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("File exists, removing."); #endif fclose(fd); remove(argv[1]); } fd = fopen(argv[1], "wb"); size_t x = 0; char *b = malloc(sizeof(char)*BLOCKSIZE); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Allocated %llu bytes.\n", BLOCKSIZE); #endif unsigned long long c = atoll(argv[2]); memset(b, FILLCHAR, BLOCKSIZE); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Zeroed %llu bytes.\n", BLOCKSIZE); #endif #ifdef TUI puts("FILENAME PERCENT BLOCKS_DONE BLOCKS_LEFT BLOCKS_TOT FILESIZE"); #endif for(unsigned long long i = 1; i <= c; i++) { if((x = fwrite(b, sizeof(char), BLOCKSIZE, fd)) < BLOCKSIZE) { #ifdef DEBUG if(ferror(fd)) { printf("ferror\n"); printf("%d %s \n", errno, strerror(errno)); } else if(feof(fd)) { printf("\reof\n"); } else { printf("\r%d %s \n", errno, strerror(errno)); } printf("Wrote %llu bytes instead of %llu.\n", (unsigned long long)x, BLOCKSIZE); #endif puts("\n"); fclose(fd); remove(argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(i % REFRESHINTERVAL == 0 || i == c) { #ifdef TUI printf("\r%-8s %-7.2lf %-11llu %-11llu %-11llu", argv[1], ((double)i/(double)c*100), i, c-i, c); unsigned long long x = i*BLOCKSIZE; char *sizes = " KMGTPEZY"; while(x >= 1024) { x = x >> 10; sizes++; } printf("%llu%c\033[K\n[\033[7m\033[2G", x, *sizes); for(unsigned int j = 2; j < (unsigned int)((double)i/(double)c*BARLEN); j++) { printf(" "); } printf("\033[0m\033[200G]\033[1A\r"); #endif } } puts("\n"); #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(TUI) printf("Wrote %llu blocks of %llu (=%llu bytes) to file %s.\n", c, BLOCKSIZE, c*BLOCKSIZE, argv[1]); #endif free(b); fclose(fd); }