. */ session_start(); //session_start(); on the top of the code. $sessionStarted = true; require_once 'includes/autoloader-inc.php'; //ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); // in order to avoid Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded . $cdaViewObj = new CdaView(); $cdaContrObj = new CdaContr(); $cdaContrObj->checkIfLoggedIn("Location: login.php?error=notloggedin"); require "header.php"; ?>

-- Error: Topic ID is not found!"); } $selectedCateg = 'n'; require_once "selectednavbar.php"; ?>

Below are displayed the groups that contain the selected proposals.

To select a group you can click on its id.

categMsg($categToShow); $tgpcrInTotalToShow = $totalnumOfG; //declared in viewgroups_in2.php unset($tgpcrObj); require 'btnshowmoretgpcr.php'; } elseif ($orderBy != 'DATE' && $checkRequestVars == true) { ?>

Total number of groups in topic: