
120 lines
5.1 KiB

Crowd Discusses Alternatives is a web application for more organized discussions that help people create alternative solutions, evaluate and rank them.
Copyright 2021-2022 Stavros Kalognomos
This file is part of Crowd Discusses Alternatives.
Crowd Discusses Alternatives is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Crowd Discusses Alternatives is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Crowd Discusses Alternatives. If not, see <>.
session_start(); //session_start(); on the top of the code.
require_once 'includes/autoloader-inc.php';
require "header.php";
$cdaContrObj = new CdaContr();
$cdaViewObj = new CdaView();
$tgpcrObj = new Tgpcr();
if (!(isset($_REQUEST['selected']))) {
exit("<br><br><b>-- Error: ID of selected proposal is not found!<b>");
$selectedCateg = 'n';
require_once "selectednavbar.php";
$selectedCateg = substr($_REQUEST['selected'], 0, 1);
$selectedTgpcrID = intval(substr($_REQUEST['selected'], 1));
$tgpcr = $cdaViewObj->showSelectedTgpcr($selectedCateg, (int)$selectedTgpcrID);
$selectedCategMsg = $tgpcrObj->categMsg($selectedCateg);
if ($selectedCategMsg == 'Non-existent category!') {
exit('-- Error: Category sent to server does not exist!');
} elseif ($selectedCategMsg != 'proposal') {
exit('-- Error: Category of proposal (for editing) was expected to be sent to server!');
if (!(isset($_REQUEST['edit']) && $_REQUEST['edit'] == 'success')) {
if ($tgpcr['edit_state'] < 1) {
exit('-- Error: Proposal is not in editing phase!');
$topicInfo = $cdaViewObj->showSelectedTopicInfo((int)$tgpcr['topic_id']); //id of topic.
if ($topicInfo === null || $topicInfo["timetable_changed"] == -1) {
exit("<br><br>-- Note: The time table of the topic has not been created yet. You can contact with the initiator of the topic via a personal message.");
$maxEditingPhaseDuration = ($topicInfo["groups_state"] - 15*24*3600)/(24*3600);
$currentEditingPhaseDuration = round($tgpcr['seconds_from_edit_closing_date']/(24*3600), 1);
$minEditingPhaseDuration = 15 - $tgpcr['seconds_from_date_time']/(24*3600);
if ($maxEditingPhaseDuration < 0) {
exit('-- Error: Note that the editing phase of the proposal must end at least 15 days before fourth phase ends!');
}elseif ($minEditingPhaseDuration < 0) {
$minEditingPhaseDuration = 0;
<p>Selected <?php echo $selectedCategMsg; ?>:</p>
<div class="tgpcrAll">
require_once "headeroftable.php";
$category = $selectedCateg;
require "viewtgpcr.php";
if (!(isset($_REQUEST['edit']) && $_REQUEST['edit'] == 'success')) {
<label form="form_create">Edit selected proposal</label>
<form action="includes/editproposal-inc.php" method="post" name="form_create" id="form_create">
<textarea name="textarea_name" id="textarea_name" placeholder="Improved proposal..." maxlength="700" cols="30" required></textarea> <!-- wrap="hard" -->
<div class="div_inputlabel_timetable">
<label class="label_for" for="editingphaseduration">Specify duration of <b>editing phase of proposal</b> (in days):</label>
<input class="input_time_table" type="number" step="0.000000000000001" id="editingphaseduration" name="editingphaseduration" title="Minimum 15 days after creation of proposal, maximum 15 days before fourth phase ends." placeholder="Current: ~<?php echo $currentEditingPhaseDuration; ?> days" min="<?php echo $minEditingPhaseDuration; ?>" max="<?php echo $maxEditingPhaseDuration; ?>">
<p>Note that if you leave this field empty, the current duration will remain the same.</p>
<div id="selecteddata" style="display: none;">
<input type="text" id="selectedpid" name="selectedpid" value="<?php echo $selectedTgpcrID; ?>">
<button type="submit" name="create_submit">OK</button>
<p>of selected topic:</p>
$tgpcr = $cdaViewObj->showSelectedTgpcr('t', (int)$tgpcr['topic_id']);
$category = 't';
require "viewtgpcr.php";
<p id="p_create_urlvar"></p>
<script type="module" src="./editproposal.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./viewtgpcr.js"></script>
require "footer.php";