
178 lines
7.6 KiB

Crowd Discusses Alternatives is a web application for more organized discussions that help people create alternative solutions, evaluate and rank them.
Copyright 2021-2022 Stavros Kalognomos
This file is part of Crowd Discusses Alternatives.
Crowd Discusses Alternatives is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Crowd Discusses Alternatives is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Crowd Discusses Alternatives. If not, see <>.
session_start(); //session_start(); on the top of the code.
$sessionStarted = true;
require_once 'includes/autoloader-inc.php';
//ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); // in order to avoid Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded .
$cdaViewObj = new CdaView();
$cdaContrObj = new CdaContr();
$cdaContrObj->checkIfLoggedIn("Location: login.php?error=notloggedin");
require "header.php";
if (!isset($_REQUEST['selectedt'])) {
exit("<br><br><b>-- Error: Topic ID is not found!<b>");
require_once "viewproposalsnavbar.php";
<div id="div_toolbardata" style="display: none;">
<div id="div_numofproposals"><?php echo $_SESSION["numofproposals"] ?></div>
<div id="div_numofcomments"><?php echo $_SESSION["numofcomments"] ?></div>
<div id="div_cbshowcomments"><?php echo $_SESSION["cbshowcomments"] ?></div>
<div id="div_numofreferences"><?php echo $_SESSION["numofreferences"] ?></div>
<div id="div_cbshowreferences"><?php echo $_SESSION["cbshowreferences"] ?></div>
<div id="div_orderby"><?php echo $_SESSION["orderby"] ?></div>
<div id="div_ascdesc"><?php echo $_SESSION["ascdesc"] ?></div>
<div id="div_selectedt"><?php echo $_REQUEST['selectedt'] ?></div>
if (isset($_REQUEST['selectedm'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['selectedm'] != '') {
<p class="class_tip">Proposals of selected team-members are displayed.</p>
} else {
<p class="class_tip"><b>Please notice that you have not selected team-members in order to view their proposals!</b></p>
if (isset($_REQUEST['scoreincateg'], $_REQUEST['numofmemb'])) {
<p class="class_tip"><b>Below are displayed the proposals of the first <?php echo $_REQUEST['numofmemb']; ?> team-member(s) whose <?php echo $_REQUEST['scoreincateg']; ?> are the most voted in topic.</b></p>
if (isset($_REQUEST['selectedp'])) {
<p class="class_tip"><b>Proposals of selected IDs are displayed.</b></p>
if (isset($_REQUEST['lcp'])) {
<p class="class_tip"><b>Below are displayed the latest commented proposals.</b></p>
if (isset($_REQUEST['viewp'], $_REQUEST['strs'], $_REQUEST['m'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['m'] == 'currentmember') {
$msgM = 'you';
} else {
$msgM = 'all team-members';
$displayedTip = "Below are displayed the proposals that some of their comments (created by " . $msgM . ") contain the specified word/phrase: \"" . $_REQUEST['strs'] . "\".";
<p class="class_tip"><b><?php echo $displayedTip; ?></b></p>
if (isset($_REQUEST['v1by'])) {
<p class="class_tip"><b>Below are displayed the proposals that you have voted +1.</b></p>
if (isset($_REQUEST['viewp_excls_v1by'])) {
<p class="class_tip"><b>Below are displayed the proposals of the topic, excluding the proposals that are second in order inside the similarities that you have voted +1.</b> Maximum number of displayed proposals: 1000.</p>
<p class="class_tip">To select a proposal you can click on its id. You can also group multiple proposals by clicing on each of their text and then pressing:</p>
<button type="button" onclick="groupProposals()">Select</button>
<p class="paragraphafterbutton"> proposals for grouping.</p>
<p class="class_tip">You can report multiple proposals as similar by clicing on each of their text and then pressing:</p>
<button type="button" onclick="similarProposals()">Select</button>
<p class="paragraphafterbutton"> proposals for reporting them as similar.</p>
<button type="button" onclick="viewGroupsThatContainSelectedProposals()">View</button>
<p class="paragraphafterbutton"> groups that contain selected proposals. You can select multiple proposals by clicing on each of their text (content).</p>
<button type="button" onclick="viewProposalsWithSpecificIds()">View</button>
<p class="paragraphafterbutton"> proposals with ids: </p>
<input type="text" name="input_proposalsids" id="input_proposalsids" class="input_ids_entries" placeholder="Enter IDs of proposals separated with commas (e.g. 3,7,21,5)..." title="Enter IDs of proposals separated with commas (e.g. 3,7,21,5)"></input>
<p class="paragraphafterbutton"> (separate ids with commas e.g. 3,7,21,5) </p>
<button type="button" onclick="viewProposalsOfMembersWithHighestScoreInCateg()">View</button>
<p class="paragraphafterbutton"> proposals of the first </p>
<select id="select_numofmembers" name="select_numofmembers" class="select_numofmemb">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="3" selected="selected">3</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="10">10</option>
<option value="20">20</option>
<p class="paragraphafterbutton">team-members that have written the most voted </p>
<select id="select_selectedcategory" name="select_selectedcategory" class="select_selectedcateg">
<option value="groups">groups</option>
<option value="proposals">proposals</option>
<option value="references" selected="selected">references</option>
<option value="similarities">similarities</option>
<p class="paragraphafterbutton">in the topic.</p>
<div class="tgpcrAll">
require "headeroftable.php";
require "viewproposals_in2.php";
if (!isset($_REQUEST['lcp']) && !isset($_REQUEST['selectedm']) && !isset($_REQUEST['scoreincateg']) && !isset($_REQUEST['selectedp']) && !isset($_REQUEST['viewp']) && !isset($_REQUEST['v1by']) && !isset($_REQUEST['viewp_excls_v1by'])) {
$checkRequestVars = true;
} else {
$checkRequestVars = false;
if ($orderBy == 'DATE' && $checkRequestVars == true) { //When isset($_REQUEST['lcp']) proposals are sorted by the most recently commented.
$categToShow = 'p';
$tgpcrObj = new Tgpcr();
$categMsgToShow = $tgpcrObj->categMsg($categToShow);
$tgpcrInTotalToShow = $totalnumOfP; //declared in viewproposals_in2.php
require 'btnshowmoretgpcr.php';
} elseif ($orderBy != 'DATE' && $checkRequestVars == true) {
<p class="class_tip">Total number of proposals in topic: <?php echo $totalnumOfP; ?></p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./viewtgpcr.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./viewproposals.js"></script>
unset($cdaViewObj); //Declared in viewproposals_in2.php
require "footer.php";