Giancarlo Razzolini 50cd99055f
roles/archwiki: Add a task to configure the wiki
Deploy LocalSettings.php with the changes required to run archwiki.
2018-03-02 18:14:00 -03:00

54 lines
1.9 KiB

- name: install packages
pacman: name=git state=present
- name: make archwiki user
user: name="{{ archwiki_user }}" shell=/bin/false home="{{ archwiki_dir }}" createhome=no
register: user_created
- name: fix home permissions
file: state=directory owner="{{ archwiki_user }}" group="{{ archwiki_user }}" path="{{ archwiki_dir }}"
- name: set up nginx
template: src=nginx.d.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.d/archwiki.conf owner=root group=root mode=644
- reload nginx
- name: make nginx log dir
file: path=/var/log/nginx/{{ archwiki_domain }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0755
- name: clone archwiki repo
git: repo={{ archwiki_domain }}.git dest="{{ archwiki_dir }}/public"
become: true
become_user: "{{ archwiki_user }}"
register: release
- name: fix home permissions
file: state=directory owner="{{ archwiki_user }}" group="{{ archwiki_user }}" path="{{ archwiki_dir }}"
- name: configure archwiki
template: src=LocalSettings.php.j2 dest="{{ archwiki_dir }}/public/LocalSettings.php" owner="{{ archwiki_user }}" group="{{ archwiki_user }}" mode=0640
register: config
no_log: true
- name: create archwiki db
mysql_db: name="{{ archwiki_db }}" login_host="{{ archwiki_db_host }}" login_password="{{ mariadb_users.root }}"
register: db_created
- name: create archwiki db user
mysql_user: name={{ archwiki_db_user }} password={{ archwiki_db_password }}
login_host="{{ archwiki_db_host }}" login_password="{{ mariadb_users.root }}"
priv="{{ archwiki_db }}.*:ALL"
no_log: true
- name: configure php-fpm
src=php-fpm.conf.j2 dest="/etc/php/php-fpm.d/{{ archwiki_user }}.conf"
owner=root group=root mode=0644
- restart php-fpm@{{ archwiki_user }}
- name: start and enable systemd socket
service: name=php-fpm@{{ archwiki_user }}.socket state=started enabled=true