Compare commits


No commits in common. "release/20211226.0.42348" and "master" have entirely different histories.

391 changed files with 2 additions and 16417 deletions

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

.gitattributes vendored
View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
* text eol=lf

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
WAIT! Before you file an issue here, please keep in mind that your issue is _probably_ more appropriately filed somewhere else.
Specifically, if your issue is in regards to the documentation of an image, it should be filed at
If your issue is in regards to a specific image, please see the "Issues" section of the relevant image's description on the Docker Hub for information about where to file issues for that image. For example, issues with the "python" image should be filed at, NOT here.

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
# NOTE: this is *not* a good example for integrating these tests into your own repository!
# If you want that, check out instead.
bashbrewDir="$1"; shift
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
git fetch --quiet master
changes="$(git diff --no-renames --name-only --diff-filter='d' FETCH_HEAD...HEAD -- library/)"
repos="$(xargs -rn1 basename <<<"$changes")"
set -- $repos
for repo; do
newStrategy="$(GITHUB_REPOSITORY="$repo" GENERATE_STACKBREW_LIBRARY='cat "library/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY"' "$bashbrewDir/scripts/github-actions/")"
newStrategy="$(jq -c --arg repo "$repo" '.matrix.include = [
| ([ .meta.entries[].tags[0] ]) as $tags
| .name = ($tags | join(", "))
# replace "build" steps with something that uses "bashbrew" instead of "docker build"
| .runs.prepare += "\ngit clone --depth 1 ~/bashbrew\n~/bashbrew/ --version"
| = (
(if .os | startswith("windows-") then "export BASHBREW_ARCH=windows-amd64 BASHBREW_CONSTRAINTS=" + ([ .meta.entries[].constraints[] ] | join(", ") | @sh) + "\n" else "" end)
+ "export BASHBREW_LIBRARY=\"$PWD/library\"\n"
+ ([ $tags[] | "~/bashbrew/ build " + @sh ] | join("\n"))
# use our local clone of official-images for running tests (so test changes can be tested too, if they live in the PR with the image change)
| .runs.test |= gsub("[^\n\t ]+/run[.]sh "; "./test/ ")
]' <<<"$newStrategy")"
jq -c . <<<"$newStrategy" > /dev/null # sanity check
strategy="$(jq -c '
def meld(a; b):
if (a | type) == "object" and (b | type) == "object" then
# for some reason, "a" and "b" go out of scope for reduce??
a as $a | b as $b |
reduce (a + b | keys_unsorted[]) as $k
({}; .[$k] = meld($a[$k]; $b[$k]))
elif (a | type) == "array" and (b | type) == "array" then
a + b
elif b == null then
meld(.[0]; .[1])
' <<<"[$strategy,$newStrategy]")"
jq -c . <<<"$strategy" > /dev/null # sanity check
if [ -t 1 ]; then
jq <<<"$strategy"
cat <<<"$strategy"

View file

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
name: Munge PR
contents: read
pull-requests: write
shell: 'bash -Eeuo pipefail -x {0}'
name: Gather Metadata
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# ideally this would be "github.event.pull_request.merge_commit_sha" but according to if "mergeable" is null (meaning there's a background job in-progress to check mergeability), that value is undefined...
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
fetch-depth: 0
- id: gather
name: Affected Images
run: |
(set +x; echo "::stop-commands::$(echo -n ${{ github.token }} | sha256sum | head -c 64)")
git fetch --quiet master
images="$(git diff --no-renames --name-only FETCH_HEAD...HEAD -- library/)"
if [ -n "$images" ]; then
new="$(git diff --no-renames --name-only --diff-filter=A FETCH_HEAD...HEAD -- $images)"
deleted="$(git diff --no-renames --name-only --diff-filter=D FETCH_HEAD...HEAD -- $images)"
export images new deleted
images="$(jq -cn '
(env.images | rtrimstr("\n") | split("\n")) as $images
| ( | rtrimstr("\n") | split("\n")) as $new
| (env.deleted | rtrimstr("\n") | split("\n")) as $deleted
| {
images: $images,
count: ($images | length),
new: $new,
deleted: $deleted,
jq . <<<"$images"
set +x
echo "::$(echo -n ${{ github.token }} | sha256sum | head -c 64)::"
echo "::set-output name=images::$images"
images: '${{ steps.gather.outputs.images }}'
name: Apply Labels
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: gather
if: fromJSON(needs.gather.outputs.images).count > 0
- name: Apply Labels
uses: actions/github-script@v5
IMAGES: ${{ needs.gather.outputs.images }}
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
script: |
const data = JSON.parse(process.env.IMAGES);
var labels = data.images;
if ( > 0) {
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
issue_number: context.payload.pull_request.number,
labels: labels,
name: Diff Comment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: gather
if: fromJSON(needs.gather.outputs.images).count > 0
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# again, this would ideally be "github.event.pull_request.merge_commit_sha" but we might not have that yet when this runs, so we compromise by checkout out the latest code from the target branch (so we get the latest "" script to run)
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Prepare Environment
run: |
# this mimics "", but without running repo-local scripts (to avoid CVE-2020-15228 via the scripts being updated to write nasty things to $GITHUB_ENV)
bashbrewVersion="$(< bashbrew-version)"
docker build --pull --tag oisupport/bashbrew:base "$bashbrewVersion"
docker build --tag oisupport/bashbrew:diff-pr .
- name: Gather Maintainers
IMAGES: ${{ needs.gather.outputs.images }}
run: |
files="$(jq <<<"$IMAGES" -r '.images | map(@sh) | join(" ")')"
eval "set -- $files"
for f; do
if [ -s "$f" ]; then
docker run --rm --read-only --tmpfs /tmp oisupport/bashbrew:diff-pr \
bashbrew cat --format ' - `{{ $.RepoName }}`:{{ range .Manifest.Global.Maintainers }} @{{ .Handle }}{{ end }}' "$f"
done | tee "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/oi-pr.maint"
- name: Generate Diff
GITHUB_PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
run: |
docker run --rm --read-only --tmpfs /tmp oisupport/bashbrew:diff-pr ./ "$GITHUB_PR_NUMBER" | tee "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/oi-pr.diff"
- name: Comment
uses: actions/github-script@v5
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
script: |
const commentText = 'Diff for ' + context.payload.pull_request.head.sha + ':';
needNewComment = true;
console.log('Reviewing existing comments...');
for await (const { data: comments } of github.paginate.iterator(,
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
issue_number: context.payload.pull_request.number,
)) {
for (const comment of comments) {
if (comment.user.login === 'github-actions[bot]') {
if (needNewComment && comment.body.includes(commentText)) {
needNewComment = false;
} else {
console.log('Deleting comment: ' +;
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
if (needNewComment) {
const fs = require('fs');
const diff = fs.readFileSync(process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE + '/oi-pr.diff').toString().trimEnd();
var body = "<details>\n<summary>" + commentText + "</summary>\n\n```diff\n" + diff + "\n```\n\n</details>";
const maint = fs.readFileSync(process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE + '/oi-pr.maint').toString().trimEnd();
if (maint.length > 0) {
body += "\n\nRelevant Maintainers:\n\n" + maint;
console.log('Creating new comment...');
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
issue_number: context.payload.pull_request.number,
body: body,

View file

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
git fetch --quiet master
changes="$(git diff --no-renames --name-only --diff-filter='d' FETCH_HEAD...HEAD -- library/)"
repos="$(xargs -rn1 basename <<<"$changes")"
set -- $repos
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
echo >&2 'No library/ changes detected, skipping.'
export BASHBREW_LIBRARY="$PWD/library"
bashbrew from --uniq "$@" > /dev/null
if badTags="$(bashbrew list "$@" | grep -E ':.+latest.*|:.*latest.+')" && [ -n "$badTags" ]; then
echo >&2
echo >&2 "Incorrectly formatted 'latest' tags detected:"
echo >&2 ' ' $badTags
echo >&2
echo >&2 'Read for more details.'
echo >&2
exit 1
naughtyFrom="$(./ "$@")"
if [ -n "$naughtyFrom" ]; then
echo >&2
echo >&2 "Invalid 'FROM' + 'Architectures' combinations detected:"
echo >&2
echo >&2 "$naughtyFrom"
echo >&2
echo >&2 'Read for more details.'
echo >&2
exit 1
naughtyConstraints="$(./ "$@")"
if [ -n "$naughtyConstraints" ]; then
echo >&2
echo >&2 "Invalid 'FROM' + 'Constraints' combinations detected:"
echo >&2
echo >&2 "$naughtyConstraints"
echo >&2
exit 1
naughtyCommits="$(./ "$@")"
if [ -n "$naughtyCommits" ]; then
echo >&2
echo >&2 "Unpleasant commits detected:"
echo >&2
echo >&2 "$naughtyCommits"
echo >&2
exit 1

View file

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
name: Test PR
shell: 'bash -Eeuo pipefail -x {0}'
# cancel existing runs if user makes another push
group: ${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
name: Naughty
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Check for Common Issues
run: |
git clone --depth 1 -b master ~/bashbrew
~/bashbrew/ --version > /dev/null
export PATH="$HOME/bashbrew/bin:$PATH"
bashbrew --version
name: Generate Jobs
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
strategy: ${{ steps.generate-jobs.outputs.strategy }}
length: ${{ steps.generate-jobs.outputs.length }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- id: generate-jobs
name: Generate Jobs
run: |
git clone --depth 1 -b master ~/bashbrew
strategy="$(.github/workflows/ ~/bashbrew)"
jq . <<<"$strategy" # sanity check / debugging aid
echo "::set-output name=strategy::$strategy"
length="$(jq <<<"$strategy" -r '.matrix.include | length')"
echo "::set-output name=length::$length"
needs: generate-jobs
strategy: ${{ fromJSON(needs.generate-jobs.outputs.strategy) }}
if: needs.generate-jobs.outputs.length > 0
name: ${{ }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Prepare Git
run: |
# enable symlinks on Windows (
git config --global core.symlinks true
# also, make sure Windows symlinks are *real* symlinks (
echo 'MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict' >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Prepare Environment
run: ${{ matrix.runs.prepare }}
- name: Pull Dependencies
run: ${{ matrix.runs.pull }}
- name: Build ${{ }}
run: ${{ }}
- name: History ${{ }}
run: ${{ matrix.runs.history }}
- name: Test ${{ }}
run: ${{ matrix.runs.test }}
- name: '"docker images"'
run: ${{ matrix.runs.images }}

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
- Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
- Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
- Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
- Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience
- Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
- The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
- Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
- Public or private harassment
- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement as listed in [the MAINTAINERS file]( All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant](, version 2.0, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder](
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at Translations are available at

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# FYI, this base image is built via (from
FROM oisupport/bashbrew:base
RUN set -eux; \
apt-get update; \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
# wget for downloading files (especially in tests, which run in this environment)
ca-certificates \
wget \
# git for cloning source code
git \
# gawk for
gawk \
# tar -tf in
bzip2 \
; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENV DIR /usr/src/official-images

View file

@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
Copyright 2014 Docker, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# This file lists the maintainers of the Official Images program at large, not necessarily the maintainers of any given image.
Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon)
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
# Emeritus: Talon Bowler <> (@daghack)
# Emeritus: Peter Salvatore <> (@psftw)
# To find the maintainers for a given image, see "library/IMAGENAME" in this repository, or see the "Maintained by:" section of the "Quick Reference" of the image description on Docker Hub (or in the "docs" repo at

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Checklist for Review
**NOTE:** This checklist is intended for the use of the Official Images maintainers both to track the status of your PR and to help inform you and others of where we're at. As such, please leave the "checking" of items to the repository maintainers. If there is a point below for which you would like to provide additional information or note completion, please do so by commenting on the PR. Thanks! (and thanks for staying patient with us :heart:)
- [ ] associated with or contacted upstream?
- [ ] available under [an OSI-approved license](
- [ ] does it fit into one of the common categories? ("service", "language stack", "base distribution")
- [ ] is it reasonably popular, or does it solve a particular use case well?
- [ ] does a [documentation]( PR exist? (should be reviewed and merged at roughly the same time so that we don't have an empty image page on the Hub for very long)
- [ ] official-images maintainer dockerization review for best practices and cache gotchas/improvements (ala [the official review guidelines](
- [ ] 2+ official-images maintainer dockerization review?
- [ ] existing official images have been considered as a base? (ie, if `foobar` needs Node.js, has `FROM node:...` instead of grabbing `node` via other means been considered?)
- [ ] if `FROM scratch`, tarballs only exist in a single commit within the associated history?
- [ ] passes current tests? any simple new tests that might be appropriate to add? (

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@ -1,444 +1,3 @@
# Docker Official Images # docker-library/official-images Fork
## Table of Contents This is a fork of [docker-library/official-images]( It is used by the Arch Linux team to create [automated pull requests](
1. [Docker Official Images](#docker-official-images)
1. [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
2. [What are "Official Images"?](#what-are-official-images)
3. [Architectures other than amd64?](#architectures-other-than-amd64)
4. [More FAQs?](#more-faqs)
5. [Contributing to the standard library](#contributing-to-the-standard-library)
1. [Review Guidelines](#review-guidelines)
1. [Maintainership](#maintainership)
2. [Repeatability](#repeatability)
3. [Consistency](#consistency)
4. [Clarity](#clarity)
5. [init](#init)
6. [Cacheability](#cacheability)
7. [Security](#security)
1. [Image Build](#image-build)
2. [Runtime Configuration](#runtime-configuration)
3. [Security Releases](#security-releases)
8. [Multiple Architectures](#multiple-architectures)
2. [Commitment](#commitment)
6. [Library definition files](#library-definition-files)
1. [Filenames](#filenames)
2. [Tags and aliases](#tags-and-aliases)
3. [Instruction format](#instruction-format)
4. [Creating a new repository](#creating-a-new-repository)
5. [Adding a new tag in an existing repository (that you're the maintainer of)](#adding-a-new-tag-in-an-existing-repository-that-youre-the-maintainer-of)
6. [Change to a tag in an existing repository (that you're the maintainer of)](#change-to-a-tag-in-an-existing-repository-that-youre-the-maintainer-of)
7. [Bashbrew](#bashbrew)
## What are "Official Images"?
The Docker Official Images are curated images [hosted on Docker Hub]( The main tenets are:
- Focus on [Free]( and [Open-Source]( Software
- Support [multiple architectures](#architectures-other-than-amd64)
- Exemplify [`Dockerfile` best practices](
- [Actively rebuild](#library-definition-files) for updates and security fixes
- Adhere to upstream recommendations
- Add minimal quality-of-life behavior for the container environment where fit
See [Docker's documentation]( for a good high-level overview of the program.
In essence we strive to heed upstream's recommendations on how they intend for their software to be consumed. Many images are maintained in collaboration with the relevant upstream project if not maintained directly by them. Additionally we aim to exemplify the best practices for Dockerfiles to serve as a reference when making or deriving your own images from them.
(If you are a representative of an upstream for which there exists an image and you would like to get involved, please see the [Maintainership](#maintainership) section below!)
## Architectures other than amd64?
Some images have been ported for other architectures, and many of these are officially supported (to various degrees).
- Architectures officially supported by Docker, Inc. for running Docker: (see [](
- ARMv6 32-bit (`arm32v6`):
- ARMv7 32-bit (`arm32v7`):
- ARMv8 64-bit (`arm64v8`):
- Linux x86-64 (`amd64`):
- Windows x86-64 (`windows-amd64`):
- Other architectures built by official images: (but *not* officially supported by Docker, Inc.)
- ARMv5 32-bit (`arm32v5`):
- IBM POWER8 (`ppc64le`):
- IBM z Systems (`s390x`):
- MIPS64 LE (`mips64le`):
- RISC-V 64-bit (`riscv64`):
- x86/i686 (`i386`):
As of 2017-09-12, these other architectures are included under the non-prefixed images via ["manifest lists"]( (also known as ["indexes" in the OCI image specification](, such that, for example, `docker run hello-world` should run as-is on all supported platforms.
If you're curious about how these are built, head over to to see the build scaffolding.
See the [multi-arch section](#multiple-architectures) below for recommendations in adding more architectures to an official image.
## More FAQs?
Yes! We have [a dedicated FAQ repository]( where we try to collect other common questions (both about the program and about our practices).
## Contributing to the standard library
Thank you for your interest in the Docker official images project! We strive to make these instructions as simple and straightforward as possible, but if you find yourself lost, don't hesitate to seek us out on [Libera.Chat IRC]( in channel `#docker-library` or by creating a GitHub issue here.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with [Official Repositories on Docker Hub]( and the [Best practices for writing Dockerfiles]( in the Docker documentation. These will be the foundation of the review process performed by the official images maintainers. If you'd like the review process to go more smoothly, please ensure that your `Dockerfile`s adhere to all the points mentioned there, as well as [below](, before submitting a pull request.
Also, the Hub descriptions for these images are currently stored separately in the [`docker-library/docs` repository](, whose [`` file]( explains more about how it's structured and how to contribute to it. Please be prepared to submit a PR there as well, pending acceptance of your image here.
### Review Guidelines
Because the official images are intended to be learning tools for those new to Docker as well as the base images for advanced users to build their production releases, we review each proposed `Dockerfile` to ensure that it meets a minimum standard for quality and maintainability. While some of that standard is hard to define (due to subjectivity), as much as possible is defined here, while also adhering to the "Best Practices" where appropriate.
A checklist which may be used by the maintainers during review can be found in [``](
#### Maintainership
Version bumps and security fixes should be attended to in a timely manner.
If you do not represent upstream and upstream becomes interested in maintaining the image, steps should be taken to ensure a smooth transition of image maintainership over to upstream.
For upstreams interested in taking over maintainership of an existing repository, the first step is to get involved in the existing repository. Making comments on issues, proposing changes, and making yourself known within the "image community" (even if that "community" is just the current maintainer) are all important places to start to ensure that the transition is unsurprising to existing contributors and users.
When taking over an existing repository, please ensure that the entire Git history of the original repository is kept in the new upstream-maintained repository to make sure the review process isn't stalled during the transition. This is most easily accomplished by forking the new from the existing repository, but can also be accomplished by fetching the commits directly from the original and pushing them into the new repo (ie, `git fetch master`, `git rebase FETCH_HEAD`, `git push -f`). On GitHub, an alternative is to move ownership of the git repository. This can be accomplished without giving either group admin access to the other owner's repository:
- create temporary intermediary organization
- [docker-library-transitioner]( is available for this purpose if you would like our help
- give old and new owners admin access to intermediary organization
- old owner transfers repo ownership to intermediary organization
- new owner transfers repo ownership to its new home
- recommend that old owner does not fork new repo back into the old organization to ensure that GitHub redirects will just work
#### Repeatability
Rebuilding the same `Dockerfile` should result in the same version of the image being packaged, even if the second build happens several versions later, or the build should fail outright, such that an inadvertent rebuild of a `Dockerfile` tagged as `0.1.0` doesn't end up containing `0.2.3`. For example, if using `apt` to install the main program for the image, be sure to pin it to a specific version (ex: `... apt-get install -y my-package=0.1.0 ...`). For dependent packages installed by `apt` there is not usually a need to pin them to a version.
No official images can be derived from, or depend on, non-official images with the following notable exceptions:
- [`FROM scratch`](
- [`FROM`](
- [`FROM`](
#### Consistency
All official images should provide a consistent interface. A beginning user should be able to `docker run official-image bash` (or `sh`) without needing to learn about `--entrypoint`. It is also nice for advanced users to take advantage of entrypoint, so that they can `docker run official-image --arg1 --arg2` without having to specify the binary to execute.
1. If the startup process does not need arguments, just use `CMD`:
CMD ["irb"]
2. If there is initialization that needs to be done on start, like creating the initial database, use an `ENTRYPOINT` along with `CMD`:
CMD ["postgres"]
1. Ensure that `docker run official-image bash` (or `sh`) works too. The easiest way is to check for the expected command and if it is something else, just `exec "$@"` (run whatever was passed, properly keeping the arguments escaped).
set -e
# this if will check if the first argument is a flag
# but only works if all arguments require a hyphenated flag
# -v; -SL; -f arg; etc will work, but not arg1 arg2
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "${1#-}" != "$1" ]; then
set -- mongod "$@"
# check for the expected command
if [ "$1" = 'mongod' ]; then
# init db stuff....
# use gosu (or su-exec) to drop to a non-root user
exec gosu mongod "$@"
# else default to run whatever the user wanted like "bash" or "sh"
exec "$@"
3. If the image only contains the main executable and its linked libraries (ie no shell) then it is fine to use the executable as the `ENTRYPOINT`, since that is the only thing that can run:
ENTRYPOINT ["fully-static-binary"]
CMD ["--help"]
The most common indicator of whether this is appropriate is that the image `Dockerfile` starts with [`scratch`]( (`FROM scratch`).
#### Clarity
Try to make the `Dockerfile` easy to understand/read. It may be tempting, for the sake of brevity, to put complicated initialization details into a standalone script and merely add a `RUN` command in the `Dockerfile`. However, this causes the resulting `Dockerfile` to be overly opaque, and such `Dockerfile`s are unlikely to pass review. Instead, it is recommended to put all the commands for initialization into the `Dockerfile` as appropriate `RUN` or `ENV` command combinations. To find good examples, look at the current official images.
Some examples at the time of writing:
- [php](
- [python](
- [ruby:2.2](
#### init
Following the Docker guidelines it is highly recommended that the resulting image be just one concern per container; predominantly this means just one process per container, so there is no need for a full init system. There are two situations where an init-like process would be helpful for the container. The first being signal handling. If the process launched does not handle `SIGTERM` by exiting, it will not be killed since it is PID 1 in the container (see "NOTE" at the end of the [Foreground section]( in the docker docs). The second situation would be zombie reaping. If the process spawns child processes and does not properly reap them it will lead to a full process table, which can prevent the whole system from spawning any new processes. For both of these concerns we recommend [tini]( It is incredibly small, has minimal external dependencies, fills each of these roles, and does only the necessary parts of reaping and signal forwarding.
Be sure to use tini in `CMD` or `ENTRYPOINT` as appropriate.
It is best to install tini from a distribution-provided package (ex. `apt-get install tini`). If tini is not available in your distribution or is too old, here is a snippet of a `Dockerfile` to add in tini:
# Install tini for signal processing and zombie killing
RUN set -eux; \
wget -O /usr/local/bin/tini "${TINI_VERSION}/tini"; \
wget -O /usr/local/bin/tini.asc "${TINI_VERSION}/tini.asc"; \
export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; \
gpg --batch --keyserver --recv-keys "$TINI_SIGN_KEY"; \
gpg --batch --verify /usr/local/bin/tini.asc /usr/local/bin/tini; \
command -v gpgconf && gpgconf --kill all || :; \
rm -r "$GNUPGHOME" /usr/local/bin/tini.asc; \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tini; \
tini --version
#### Cacheability
This is one place that experience ends up trumping documentation for the path to enlightenment, but the following tips might help:
- Avoid `COPY`/`ADD` whenever possible, but when necessary, be as specific as possible (ie, `COPY /somewhere/` instead of `COPY . /somewhere`).
The reason for this is that the cache for `COPY` instructions considers file `mtime` changes to be a cache bust, which can make the cache behavior of `COPY` unpredictable sometimes, especially when `.git` is part of what needs to be `COPY`ed (for example).
- Ensure that lines which are less likely to change come before lines that are more likely to change (with the caveat that each line should generate an image that still runs successfully without assumptions of later lines).
For example, the line that contains the software version number (`ENV MYSOFTWARE_VERSION 4.2`) should come after a line that sets up the APT repository `.list` file (`RUN echo 'deb some-suite main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysoftware.list`).
#### Security
##### Image Build
The `Dockerfile` should be written to help mitigate interception attacks during build. Our requirements focus on three main objectives: verifying the source, verifying author, and verifying the content; these are respectively accomplished by the following: using https where possible; importing PGP keys with the full fingerprint in the `Dockerfile` to check signatures; embedding checksums directly in the `Dockerfile`. All three should be used when possible. Just https and embedded checksum can be used when no signature is published. As a last resort, just an embedded checksum is acceptable if the site doesn't have https available and no signature.
The purpose in recommending the use of https for downloading needed artifacts is that it ensures that the download is from a trusted source which also happens to make interception much more difficult.
The purpose in recommending PGP signature verification is to ensure that only an authorized user published the given artifact. When importing PGP keys, please use the [the `` service]( when possible (preferring `` otherwise). See also the FAQ section on [keys and verification](
The purpose in recommending checksum verification is to verify that the artifact is as expected. This ensures that when remote content changes, the Dockerfile also will change and provide a natural `docker build` cache bust. As a bonus, this also prevents accidentally downloading newer-than-expected artifacts on poorly versioned files.
Below are some examples:
- **Preferred**: *download over https, PGP key full fingerprint import and `asc` verification, embedded checksum verified.*
ENV PYTHON_DOWNLOAD_SHA512 (sha512-value-here)
RUN set -eux; \
curl -fL "$PYTHON_VERSION/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz" -o python.tar.xz; \
curl -fL "$PYTHON_VERSION/Python-$PYTHON_VERSION.tar.xz.asc" -o python.tar.xz.asc; \
export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; \
# gpg: key F73C700D: public key "Larry Hastings <>" imported
gpg --batch --keyserver --recv-keys 97FC712E4C024BBEA48A61ED3A5CA953F73C700D; \
gpg --batch --verify python.tar.xz.asc python.tar.xz; \
rm -r "$GNUPGHOME" python.tar.xz.asc; \
echo "$PYTHON_DOWNLOAD_SHA512 *python.tar.xz" | sha512sum --strict --check; \
# install
- **Alternate**: *full key fingerprint imported to apt which will check signatures and checksums when packages are downloaded and installed.*
RUN set -eux; \
key='A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5'; \
export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"; \
gpg --batch --keyserver --recv-keys "$key"; \
gpg --batch --armor --export "$key" > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/mysql.gpg.asc; \
gpgconf --kill all; \
rm -rf "$GNUPGHOME"; \
apt-key list > /dev/null
RUN set -eux; \
echo "deb stretch mysql-${MYSQL_MAJOR}" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list; \
apt-get update; \
apt-get install -y mysql-community-client="${MYSQL_VERSION}" mysql-community-server-core="${MYSQL_VERSION}"; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \
# ...
(As a side note, `rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*` is *roughly* the opposite of `apt-get update` -- it ensures that the layer doesn't include the extra ~8MB of APT package list data, and enforces [appropriate `apt-get update` usage](
- **Less Secure Alternate**: *embed the checksum into the `Dockerfile`.*
ENV RUBY_DOWNLOAD_SHA256 (sha256-value-here)
RUN set -eux; \
curl -fL -o ruby.tar.gz "$RUBY_MAJOR/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.tar.gz"; \
echo "$RUBY_DOWNLOAD_SHA256 *ruby.tar.gz" | sha256sum --strict --check; \
# install
- **Note:** the use of either SHA1 or MD5 should be considered a "checksum of last resort" as both are considered generally unsafe:
- ["Single-block collision for MD5" from 2012](
- ["Announcing the first SHA1 collision" from 2017](
- **Unacceptable**: *download the file over http(s) with no verification.*
RUN curl -fL "${JULIA_VERSION%[.-]*}/julia-${JULIA_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" | tar ... \
# install
##### Runtime Configuration
By default, Docker containers are executed with reduced privileges: whitelisted Linux capabilities, Control Groups, and a default Seccomp profile (1.10+ w/ host support). Software running in a container may require additional privileges in order to function correctly, and there are a number of command line options to customize container execution. See [`docker run` Reference]( and [Seccomp for Docker]( for reference.
Official Repositories that require additional privileges should specify the minimal set of command line options for the software to function, and may still be rejected if this introduces significant portability or security issues. In general, `--privileged` is not allowed, but a combination of `--cap-add` and `--device` options may be acceptable. Additionally, `--volume` can be tricky as there are many host filesystem locations that introduce portability/security issues (e.g. X11 socket).
##### Security Releases
For image updates which constitute a security fix, there are a few things we recommend to help ensure your update is merged, built, and released as quickly as possible:
1. [Send an email to ``]( a few (business) days in advance to give us a heads up and a timing estimate (so we can schedule time for the incoming update appropriately).
2. Include `[security]` in the title of your pull request (for example, `[security] Update FooBar to 1.2.5, 1.3.7, 2.0.1`).
3. Keep the pull request free of changes that are unrelated to the security fix -- we'll still be doing review of the update, but it will be expedited so this will help us help you.
4. Be active and responsive to comments on the pull request after it's opened (as usual, but even more so if the timing of the release is of importance).
#### Multiple Architectures
Each repo can specify multiple architectures for any and all tags. If no architecture is specified, images are built in Linux on `amd64` (aka x86-64). To specify more or different architectures, use the `Architectures` field (comma-delimited list, whitespace is trimmed). Valid architectures are found in [Bashbrew's `oci-platform.go` file](
- `amd64`
- `arm32v6`
- `arm32v7`
- `arm64v8`
- `i386`
- `mips64le`
- `ppc64le`
- `riscv64`
- `s390x`
- `windows-amd64`
The `Architectures` of any given tag must be a strict subset of the `Architectures` of the tag it is `FROM`.
Images must have a single `Dockerfile` per entry in the library file that can be used for multiple architectures. This means that each supported architecture will have the same `FROM` line (e.g. `FROM debian:buster`). See [`golang`](, [`docker`](, [`haproxy`](, and [`php`]( for examples of library files using one `Dockerfile` per entry and see their respective git repos for example `Dockerfile`s.
If different parts of the Dockerfile only happen in one architecture or another, use control flow (e.g.`if`/`case`) along with `dpkg --print-architecture` or `apk -print-arch` to detect the userspace architecture. Only use `uname` for architecture detection when more accurate tools cannot be installed. See [golang]( for an example where some architectures require building binaries from the upstream source packages and some merely download the binary release.
For base images like `debian` it will be necessary to have a different `Dockerfile` and build context in order to `ADD` architecture specific binaries and this is a valid exception to the above. Since these images use the same `Tags`, they need to be in the same entry. Use the architecture specific fields for `GitRepo`, `GitFetch`, `GitCommit`, and `Directory`, which are the architecture concatenated with hyphen (`-`) and the field (e.g. `arm32v7-GitCommit`). Any architecture that does not have an architecture-specific field will use the default field (e.g. no `arm32v7-Directory` means `Directory` will be used for `arm32v7`). See the [`debian`]( or [`ubuntu`]( files in the library for examples. The following is an example for [`hello-world`](
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
GitCommit: 7d0ee592e4ed60e2da9d59331e16ecdcadc1ed87
Tags: latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
# all the same commit; easy for us to generate this way since they could be different
amd64-GitCommit: 7d0ee592e4ed60e2da9d59331e16ecdcadc1ed87
amd64-Directory: amd64/hello-world
arm32v5-GitCommit: 7d0ee592e4ed60e2da9d59331e16ecdcadc1ed87
arm32v5-Directory: arm32v5/hello-world
arm32v7-GitCommit: 7d0ee592e4ed60e2da9d59331e16ecdcadc1ed87
arm32v7-Directory: arm32v7/hello-world
arm64v8-GitCommit: 7d0ee592e4ed60e2da9d59331e16ecdcadc1ed87
arm64v8-Directory: arm64v8/hello-world
ppc64le-GitCommit: 7d0ee592e4ed60e2da9d59331e16ecdcadc1ed87
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/hello-world
s390x-GitCommit: 7d0ee592e4ed60e2da9d59331e16ecdcadc1ed87
s390x-Directory: s390x/hello-world
Tags: nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
# if there is only one architecture, you can use the unprefixed fields
Directory: amd64/hello-world/nanoserver
# or use the prefixed versions
windows-amd64-GitCommit: 7d0ee592e4ed60e2da9d59331e16ecdcadc1ed87
Constraints: nanoserver
See the [instruction format section](#instruction-format) for more information on the format of the library file.
### Commitment
Proposing a new official image should not be undertaken lightly. We expect and require a commitment to maintain your image (including and especially timely updates as appropriate, as noted above).
## Library definition files
The library definition files are plain text files found in the [`library/` directory of the `official-images` repository]( Each library file controls the current "supported" set of image tags that appear on the Docker Hub description. Tags that are removed from a library file do not get removed from the Docker Hub, so that old versions can continue to be available for use, but are not maintained by upstream or the maintainer of the official image. Tags in the library file are only built through an update to that library file or as a result of its base image being updated (ie, an image `FROM debian:buster` would be rebuilt when `debian:buster` is built). Only what is in the library file will be rebuilt when a base has updates.
Given this policy, it is worth clarifying a few cases: backfilled versions, release candidates, and continuous integration builds. When a new repository is proposed, it is common to include some older unsupported versions in the initial pull request with the agreement to remove them right after acceptance. Don't confuse this with a comprehensive historical archive which is not the intention. Another common case where the term "supported" is stretched a bit is with release candidates. A release candidate is really just a naming convention for what are expected to be shorter-lived releases, so they are totally acceptable and encouraged. Unlike a release candidate, continuous integration builds which have a fully automated release cycle based on code commits or a regular schedule are not appropriate.
It is highly recommended that you browse some of the existing `library/` file contents (and history to get a feel for how they change over time) before creating a new one to become familiar with the prevailing conventions and further help streamline the review process (so that we can focus on content instead of esoteric formatting or tag usage/naming).
### Filenames
The filename of a definition file will determine the name of the image repository it creates on the Docker Hub. For example, the `library/ubuntu` file will create tags in the `ubuntu` repository.
### Tags and aliases
The tags of a repository should reflect upstream's versions or variations. For example, Ubuntu 14.04 is also known as Ubuntu Trusty Tahr, but often as simply Ubuntu Trusty (especially in usage), so `ubuntu:14.04` (version number) and `ubuntu:trusty` (version name) are appropriate aliases for the same image contents. In Docker, the `latest` tag is a special case, but it's a bit of a misnomer; `latest` really is the "default" tag. When one does `docker run xyz`, Docker interprets that to mean `docker run xyz:latest`. Given that background, no other tag ever contains the string `latest`, since it's not something users are expected or encouraged to actually type out (ie, `xyz:latest` should really be used as simply `xyz`). Put another way, having an alias for the "highest 2.2-series release of XYZ" should be `xyz:2.2`, not `xyz:2.2-latest`. Similarly, if there is an Alpine variant of `xyz:latest`, it should be aliased as `xyz:alpine`, not `xyz:alpine-latest` or `xyz:latest-alpine`.
It is strongly encouraged that version number tags be given aliases which make it easy for the user to stay on the "most recent" release of a particular series. For example, given currently supported XYZ Software versions of 2.3.7 and 2.2.4, suggested aliases would be `Tags: 2.3.7, 2.3, 2, latest` and `Tags: 2.2.4, 2.2`, respectively. In this example, the user can use `xyz:2.2` to easily use the most recent patch release of the 2.2 series, or `xyz:2` if less granularity is needed (Python is a good example of where that's most obviously useful -- `python:2` and `python:3` are very different, and can be thought of as the `latest` tag for each of the major release tracks of Python).
As described above, `latest` is really "default", so the image that it is an alias for should reflect which version or variation of the software users should use if they do not know or do not care which version they use. Using Ubuntu as an example, `ubuntu:latest` points to the most recent LTS release, given that it is what the majority of users should be using if they know they want Ubuntu but do not know or care which version (especially considering it will be the most "stable" and well-supported release at any given time).
### Instruction format
The manifest file format is officially based on [RFC 2822](, and as such should be familiar to folks who are already familiar with the "headers" of many popular internet protocols/formats such as HTTP or email.
The primary additions are inspired by the way Debian commonly uses 2822 -- namely, lines starting with `#` are ignored and "entries" are separated by a blank line.
The first entry is the "global" metadata for the image. The only required field in the global entry is `Maintainers`, whose value is comma-separated in the format of `Name <email> (@github)` or `Name (@github)`. Any field specified in the global entry will be the default for the rest of the entries and can be overridden in an individual entry.
# this is a comment and will be ignored
Maintainers: John Smith <> (@example-jsmith),
Anne Smith <> (@example-asmith)
GitCommit: deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef
# this is also a comment, and will also be ignored
Tags: 1.2.3, 1.2, 1, latest
Directory: 1
Tags: 2.0-rc1, 2.0-rc, 2-rc, rc
GitFetch: refs/heads/2.0-pre-release
GitCommit: beefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead
Directory: 2
Bashbrew will fetch code out of the Git repository (`GitRepo`) at the commit specified (`GitCommit`). If the commit referenced is not available by fetching `master` of the associated `GitRepo`, it becomes necessary to supply a value for `GitFetch` in order to tell Bashbrew what ref to fetch in order to get the commit necessary.
The built image will be tagged as `<manifest-filename>:<tag>` (ie, `library/golang` with a `Tags` value of `1.6, 1, latest` will create tags of `golang:1.6`, `golang:1`, and `golang:latest`).
Optionally, if `Directory` is present, Bashbrew will look for the `Dockerfile` inside the specified subdirectory instead of at the root (and `Directory` will be used as the ["context" for the build]( instead of the top-level of the repository).
See the [multi-arch section](#multiple-architectures) for details on how to specify a different `GitRepo`, `GitFetch`, `GitCommit`, or `Directory` for a specific architecture.
### Creating a new repository
- Create a new file in the `library/` folder. Its name will be the name of your repository on the Hub.
- Add your tag definitions using the appropriate syntax (see above).
- Create a pull request adding the file from your forked repository to this one. Please be sure to add details as to what your repository does.
### Adding a new tag in an existing repository (that you're the maintainer of)
- Add your tag definition using the instruction format documented above.
- Create a pull request from your Git repository to this one. Please be sure to add details about what's new, if possible.
### Change to a tag in an existing repository (that you're the maintainer of)
- Update the relevant tag definition using the instruction format documented above.
- Create a pull request from your Git repository to this one. Please be sure to add details about what's changed, if possible.
## Bashbrew
Bashbrew (`bashbrew`) is a tool for cloning, building, tagging, and pushing the Docker official images. See [the Bashbrew `README`]( for more information.

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Security Policy
If you believe you have found a security vulnerability, please make every effort to report it to the appropriate maintainers responsibly so that it can be fixed discreetly (also known as "embargo").
When the issue relates to a specific image, please make an effort to (privately) contact the maintainers of that specific image. Some maintainers publish/maintain a `` in their GitHub repository, for example, which can be a great place to find information about how to report an issue appropriately.
For issues related to anything maintained under [@docker-library on GitHub]( or associated infrastructure, please [send an email to ``](
Image maintainers should also be aware of the ["Security Releases" section of the maintainer documentation]( for pre-notifying the project maintainers of upcoming security-related releases.

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
# a mimic of "bashbrew cat" which should sort slightly more deterministically (so even full-order-changing PRs should have reasonable diffs)
bashbrew list --repos --uniq "$@" \
| sort -uV \
| xargs -r bashbrew list --repos --uniq --build-order
set -- $images
declare -A seenGlobal=()
for img; do
if [ -n "$first" ]; then
echo; echo
if [ "$#" -gt 1 ]; then
echo "# $img"
if [ -z "${seenGlobal["$repo"]:-}" ]; then
bashbrew cat --format '{{ printf "%s\n" (.Manifest.Global.ClearDefaults defaults) }}' "$img"
echo "# (see also ${seenGlobal["$repo"]} above)"
bashbrew list --uniq "$img" \
| sort -V \
| xargs -r bashbrew list --uniq --build-order \
| xargs -r bashbrew cat --format '
{{- range $e := .TagEntries -}}
{{- printf "\n%s\n" ($e.ClearDefaults $.Manifest.Global) -}}
{{- end -}}

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeuo pipefail
shopt -s dotglob
# make sure we can GTFO
trap 'echo >&2 Ctrl+C captured, exiting; exit 1' SIGINT
# if bashbrew is missing, bail early with a sane error
bashbrew --version > /dev/null
usage() {
cat <<-EOUSAGE
usage: $0 [PR number] [repo[:tag]]
ie: $0 1024
$0 9001 debian php django
# TODO flags parsing
# "config_diff_2017_01_07.log"
# "ks-script-mqmz_080.log"
# "ks-script-ycfq606i.log"
# "2016-12-20/"
# "a/f8c032d2be757e1a70f00336b55c434219fee230-acl-2.2.51-12.el7-x86_64/var_uuid"
# "b42ff584.0"
# "09/401f736622f2c9258d14388ebd47900bbab126"
# prints "$2$1$3$1...$N"
join() {
local sep="$1"; shift
local out; printf -v out "${sep//%/%%}%s" "$@"
echo "${out#$sep}"
uninterestingTarballGrep="^([.]?/)?($(join '|' "${uninterestingTarballContent[@]}"))"
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
usage >&2
exit 1
pull="$1" # PR number
diffDir="$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")"
diffDir="$(dirname "$diffDir")"
tempDir="$(mktemp -d)"
trap "rm -rf '$tempDir'" EXIT
cd "$tempDir"
git clone --quiet \ \
if [ "$pull" != '0' ]; then
git -C oi fetch --quiet \
origin "pull/$pull/merge":refs/heads/pull
git -C oi fetch --quiet --update-shallow \
"$diffDir" HEAD:refs/heads/pull
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
images="$(git -C oi/library diff --no-renames --name-only HEAD...pull -- .)"
[ -n "$images" ] || exit 0
images="$(xargs -n1 basename <<<"$images")"
set -- $images
export BASHBREW_LIBRARY="$PWD/oi/library"
: "${BASHBREW_ARCH:=amd64}" # TODO something smarter with arches
# TODO something less hacky than "git archive" hackery, like a "bashbrew archive" or "bashbrew context" or something
tempDir="$(mktemp -d)"
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- range $.Entries -}}
{{- $arch := .HasArchitecture arch | ternary arch (.Architectures | first) -}}
{{- $froms := $.ArchDockerFroms $arch . -}}
{{- $outDir := join "_" $.RepoName (.Tags | last) -}}
git -C "$BASHBREW_CACHE/git" archive --format=tar
{{- " " -}}
{{- "--prefix=" -}}
{{- $outDir -}}
{{- "/" -}}
{{- " " -}}
{{- .ArchGitCommit $arch -}}
{{- ":" -}}
{{- $dir := .ArchDirectory $arch -}}
{{- (eq $dir ".") | ternary "" $dir -}}
{{- "\n" -}}
mkdir -p "$tempDir/{{- $outDir -}}" && echo "{{- .ArchFile $arch -}}" > "$tempDir/{{- $outDir -}}/.bashbrew-dockerfile-name"
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
tar -cC "$tempDir" . && rm -rf "$tempDir"
copy-tar() {
local src="$1"; shift
local dst="$1"; shift
if [ -n "$allFiles" ]; then
mkdir -p "$dst"
cp -al "$src"/*/ "$dst/"
local d dockerfiles=()
for d in "$src"/*/.bashbrew-dockerfile-name; do
[ -f "$d" ] || continue
local bf; bf="$(< "$d")"
local dDir; dDir="$(dirname "$d")"
dockerfiles+=( "$dDir/$bf" )
if [ "$bf" = 'Dockerfile' ]; then
# if "Dockerfile.builder" exists, let's check that too (busybox, hello-world)
if [ -f "$dDir/$bf.builder" ]; then
dockerfiles+=( "$dDir/$bf.builder" )
rm "$d" # remove the ".bashbrew-dockerfile-name" file we created
for d in "${dockerfiles[@]}"; do
local dDir; dDir="$(dirname "$d")"
local dDirName; dDirName="$(basename "$dDir")"
# TODO choke on "syntax" parser directive
# TODO handle "escape" parser directive reasonably
local flatDockerfile; flatDockerfile="$(
gawk '
BEGIN { line = "" }
/^[[:space:]]*#/ {
gsub(/^[[:space:]]+/, "")
if (match($0, /^(.*)(\\[[:space:]]*)$/, m)) {
line = line m[1]
print line $0
line = ""
' "$d"
local IFS=$'\n'
local copyAddContext; copyAddContext="$(awk '
toupper($1) == "COPY" || toupper($1) == "ADD" {
for (i = 2; i < NF; i++) {
if ($i ~ /^--from=/) {
if ($i !~ /^--chown=/) {
print $i
' <<<"$flatDockerfile")"
local dBase; dBase="$(basename "$d")"
local files=(
# some extra files which are likely interesting if they exist, but no big loss if they do not
' .dockerignore' # will be used automatically by "docker build"
' *.manifest' # debian/ubuntu "package versions" list
' *.ks' # fedora "kickstart" (rootfs build script)
' build*.txt' # ubuntu "build-info.txt", debian "build-command.txt"
# usefulness yet to be proven:
#' *.log'
#' {MD5,SHA1,SHA256}SUMS'
#' *.{md5,sha1,sha256}'
# (the space prefix is removed below and is used to ignore non-matching globs so that bad "Dockerfile" entries appropriately lead to failure)
unset IFS
mkdir -p "$dst/$dDirName"
local f origF failureMatters
for origF in "${files[@]}"; do
f="${origF# }" # trim off leading space (indicates we don't care about failure)
[ "$f" = "$origF" ] && failureMatters=1 || failureMatters=
local globbed
# "find: warning: -path ./xxx/ will not match anything because it ends with /."
local findGlobbedPath="${f%/}"
local globbedStr; globbedStr="$(cd "$dDir" && find -path "./$findGlobbedPath")"
local -a globbed=( $globbedStr )
if [ "${#globbed[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
globbed=( "$f" )
local g
for g in "${globbed[@]}"; do
local srcG="$dDir/$g" dstG="$dst/$dDirName/$g"
if [ -z "$failureMatters" ] && [ ! -e "$srcG" ]; then
local gDir; gDir="$(dirname "$dstG")"
mkdir -p "$gDir"
cp -alT "$srcG" "$dstG"
if [ -n "$listTarballContents" ]; then
case "$g" in
*.tar.* | *.tgz)
if [ -s "$dstG" ]; then
tar -tf "$dstG" \
| grep -vE "$uninterestingTarballGrep" \
| sed -e 's!^[.]/!!' \
| sort \
> "$dstG 'tar -t'"
mkdir temp
git -C temp init --quiet
git -C temp config 'Bogus'
git -C temp config 'bogus@bogus'
# handle "new-image" PRs gracefully
for img; do touch "$BASHBREW_LIBRARY/$img"; [ -s "$BASHBREW_LIBRARY/$img" ] || echo 'Maintainers: New Image! :D (@docker-library-bot)' > "$BASHBREW_LIBRARY/$img"; done
bashbrew list "$@" 2>>temp/_bashbrew.err | sort -uV > temp/_bashbrew-list || :
"$diffDir/" "$@" 2>>temp/_bashbrew.err > temp/_bashbrew-cat || :
for image; do
script="$(bashbrew cat --format "$template" "$image")"
mkdir tar
( eval "$script" | tar -xiC tar )
copy-tar tar temp
rm -rf tar
git -C temp add . || :
git -C temp commit --quiet --allow-empty -m 'initial' || :
git -C oi clean --quiet --force
git -C oi checkout --quiet pull
# handle "deleted-image" PRs gracefully :(
for img; do touch "$BASHBREW_LIBRARY/$img"; [ -s "$BASHBREW_LIBRARY/$img" ] || echo 'Maintainers: Deleted Image D: (@docker-library-bot)' > "$BASHBREW_LIBRARY/$img"; done
git -C temp rm --quiet -rf . || :
bashbrew list "$@" 2>>temp/_bashbrew.err | sort -uV > temp/_bashbrew-list || :
"$diffDir/" "$@" 2>>temp/_bashbrew.err > temp/_bashbrew-cat || :
script="$(bashbrew cat --format "$template" "$@")"
mkdir tar
( eval "$script" | tar -xiC tar )
copy-tar tar temp
rm -rf tar
git -C temp add .
git -C temp diff \
--find-copies-harder \
--find-copies="$findCopies" \
--find-renames="$findCopies" \
--ignore-blank-lines \
--ignore-space-at-eol \
--ignore-space-change \
--irreversible-delete \
--minimal \

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tim Düsterhus <> (@TimWolla)
Tags: 4.8.1-standalone, 4-standalone, standalone, 4.8.1, 4, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 0f6d3781a93e274faaee2020b110b7bf701dc5da
Directory: 4
Tags: 4.8.1-fastcgi, 4-fastcgi, fastcgi
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 0f6d3781a93e274faaee2020b110b7bf701dc5da
Directory: 4/fastcgi

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Lucien Volmar <> (@volmarl),
Michael Coberly <> (@mcoberly2),
Phuc Vinh <> (@pvinh-spike)
Tags: ee-
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 2d11fe93cec1c1adc86968a26b1b8827f61dc81f
Tags: ce-
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 9316b9e2dca468e2bbed08e12550f5d208447a14

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: The AlmaLinux OS Foundation <> (@AlmaLinux)
Tags: latest, 8, 8.5, 8.5-20211112
GitFetch: refs/heads/almalinux-8-x86_64-default
GitCommit: 6e2df1f70f5c144198756f4be9a30e412e8bb065
arm64v8-GitFetch: refs/heads/almalinux-8-aarch64-default
arm64v8-GitCommit: 445a8085003f2b1d2de35218d49bf12944497575
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Tags: minimal, 8-minimal, 8.5-minimal-20211112
GitFetch: refs/heads/almalinux-8-x86_64-minimal
GitCommit: a5eb1823772e0154c96351879864d0badaf3c918
arm64v8-GitFetch: refs/heads/almalinux-8-aarch64-minimal
arm64v8-GitCommit: 2d75f992852621c11016c10ea7d74b6d5d552310
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Natanael Copa <> (@ncopa)
Tags: 20210804, edge
Architectures: arm64v8, arm32v6, arm32v7, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x, i386, amd64
GitFetch: refs/heads/edge
GitCommit: a29a148442aa2d6d13d3d87b224d058ec951ad46
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
arm32v6-Directory: armhf/
arm32v7-Directory: armv7/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
riscv64-Directory: riscv64/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
i386-Directory: x86/
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
Tags: 3.15.0, 3.15, 3, latest
Architectures: arm64v8, arm32v6, arm32v7, ppc64le, s390x, i386, amd64
GitFetch: refs/heads/v3.15
GitCommit: 818c831891a18d2453ad6458011ea8cbff74d0e1
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
arm32v6-Directory: armhf/
arm32v7-Directory: armv7/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
i386-Directory: x86/
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
Tags: 3.14.3, 3.14
Architectures: arm64v8, arm32v6, arm32v7, ppc64le, s390x, i386, amd64
GitFetch: refs/heads/v3.14
GitCommit: b88b69a4da55c759a174176b9e8d1da8697fd709
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
arm32v6-Directory: armhf/
arm32v7-Directory: armv7/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
i386-Directory: x86/
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
Tags: 3.13.7, 3.13
Architectures: arm64v8, arm32v6, arm32v7, ppc64le, s390x, i386, amd64
GitFetch: refs/heads/v3.13
GitCommit: cdde2af5d054e84cb06f23bc99a1cf0827b25eff
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
arm32v6-Directory: armhf/
arm32v7-Directory: armv7/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
i386-Directory: x86/
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
Tags: 3.12.9, 3.12
Architectures: arm64v8, arm32v6, arm32v7, ppc64le, s390x, i386, amd64
GitFetch: refs/heads/v3.12
GitCommit: 2793da4774fae12a67809b5956f6d70b02f99d79
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
arm32v6-Directory: armhf/
arm32v7-Directory: armv7/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
i386-Directory: x86/
amd64-Directory: x86_64/

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: ALT Linux Team Cloud <> (@alt-cloud),
Alexey Shabalin <> (@shaba),
Gleb Fotengauer-Malinovskiy <> (@glebfm),
Mikhail Gordeev <> (@obirvalger)
Tags: p10, latest
Architectures: amd64, i386, arm64v8, arm32v7, ppc64le
GitFetch: refs/heads/p10
GitCommit: 1a75b1d52e2557c9661a3571c94010d9bed575f5
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
i386-Directory: i586/
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
arm32v7-Directory: armh/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
Tags: p9
Architectures: amd64, i386, arm64v8, arm32v7, ppc64le
GitFetch: refs/heads/p9
GitCommit: a7ea0d6982b84310d7dce8dcc6dc2d41e8b42be1
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
i386-Directory: i586/
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
arm32v7-Directory: armh/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
Tags: sisyphus
Architectures: amd64, i386, arm64v8, arm32v7, ppc64le
GitFetch: refs/heads/sisyphus
GitCommit: 7ed716e37ee5da61ea41588e454c326ce59ab06a
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
arm32v7-Directory: armh/
i386-Directory: i586/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/

View file

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Amazon Corretto Team <> (@corretto),
Dan Lutker <> (@lutkerd),
Ben Taylor <> (@benty-amzn),
Clive Verghese <> (@cliveverghese)
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: 5ca18c0be146222bc50c94f487fe0950943a7eb2
Tags: 8, 8u312, 8u312-al2, 8-al2-full, 8-al2-jdk, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 8/jdk/al2
Tags: 8-alpine3.12, 8u312-alpine3.12, 8-alpine3.12-full, 8-alpine3.12-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 8/jdk/alpine/3.12
Tags: 8-alpine3.12-jre, 8u312-alpine3.12-jre
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 8/jre/alpine/3.12
Tags: 8-alpine3.13, 8u312-alpine3.13, 8-alpine3.13-full, 8-alpine3.13-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 8/jdk/alpine/3.13
Tags: 8-alpine3.13-jre, 8u312-alpine3.13-jre
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 8/jre/alpine/3.13
Tags: 8-alpine3.14, 8u312-alpine3.14, 8-alpine3.14-full, 8-alpine3.14-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 8/jdk/alpine/3.14
Tags: 8-alpine3.14-jre, 8u312-alpine3.14-jre
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 8/jre/alpine/3.14
Tags: 8-alpine3.15, 8u312-alpine3.15, 8-alpine3.15-full, 8-alpine3.15-jdk, 8-alpine, 8u312-alpine, 8-alpine-full, 8-alpine-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 8/jdk/alpine/3.15
Tags: 8-alpine3.15-jre, 8u312-alpine3.15-jre, 8-alpine-jre, 8u312-alpine-jre
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 8/jre/alpine/3.15
Tags: 11, 11.0.13, 11.0.13-al2, 11-al2-full, 11-al2-jdk
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 11/jdk/al2
Tags: 11-alpine3.12, 11.0.13-alpine3.12, 11-alpine3.12-full, 11-alpine3.12-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 11/jdk/alpine/3.12
Tags: 11-alpine3.13, 11.0.13-alpine3.13, 11-alpine3.13-full, 11-alpine3.13-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 11/jdk/alpine/3.13
Tags: 11-alpine3.14, 11.0.13-alpine3.14, 11-alpine3.14-full, 11-alpine3.14-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 11/jdk/alpine/3.14
Tags: 11-alpine3.15, 11.0.13-alpine3.15, 11-alpine3.15-full, 11-alpine3.15-jdk, 11-alpine, 11.0.13-alpine, 11-alpine-full, 11-alpine-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 11/jdk/alpine/3.15
Tags: 17, 17.0.1, 17.0.1-al2, 17-al2-full, 17-al2-jdk
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 17/jdk/al2
Tags: 17-alpine3.12, 17.0.1-alpine3.12, 17-alpine3.12-full, 17-alpine3.12-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 17/jdk/alpine/3.12
Tags: 17-alpine3.13, 17.0.1-alpine3.13, 17-alpine3.13-full, 17-alpine3.13-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 17/jdk/alpine/3.13
Tags: 17-alpine3.14, 17.0.1-alpine3.14, 17-alpine3.14-full, 17-alpine3.14-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 17/jdk/alpine/3.14
Tags: 17-alpine3.15, 17.0.1-alpine3.15, 17-alpine3.15-full, 17-alpine3.15-jdk, 17-alpine, 17.0.1-alpine, 17-alpine-full, 17-alpine-jdk
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 17/jdk/alpine/3.15

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Amazon Linux <> (@amazonlinux),
Frédérick Lefebvre (@fred-lefebvre),
Samuel Karp (@samuelkarp),
Stewart Smith (@stewartsmith),
Jamie Anderson (@jamieand),
Christopher Miller (@mysteriouspants),
Sumit Tomer (@sktomer),
Sean Kelly (@cbgbt),
Tanu Rampal (@trampal),
Kyle Gosselin-Harris (@kgharris),
Preston Carpenter (@timidger),
Richard Kelly (@rpkelly)
GitCommit: c9ec4113f694e139e5b2fc2eaf02da0aaa3c7f6c
Tags: 2.0.20211201.0, 2, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
amd64-GitFetch: refs/heads/amzn2
amd64-GitCommit: 7c08ab3e1afa28cd5a9819e1b05d141f28ed5557
arm64v8-GitFetch: refs/heads/amzn2-arm64
arm64v8-GitCommit: eb49f67c3f8896806bf96382b43a6c50fc669bd3
Tags: 2.0.20211201.0-with-sources, 2-with-sources, with-sources
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
amd64-GitFetch: refs/heads/amzn2-with-sources
amd64-GitCommit: 6e79f8593cda0b3822595c5513895213ab7adb36
arm64v8-GitFetch: refs/heads/amzn2-arm64-with-sources
arm64v8-GitCommit: b10675df29cb7987bc231d813b2ab88ea5fbe103
Tags: 2018.03.0.20211201.0, 2018.03, 1
Architectures: amd64
amd64-GitFetch: refs/heads/2018.03
amd64-GitCommit: 1142e9739519cd6a2992a029ae25b6db686183f8
Tags: 2018.03.0.20211201.0-with-sources, 2018.03-with-sources, 1-with-sources
Architectures: amd64
amd64-GitFetch: refs/heads/2018.03-with-sources
amd64-GitCommit: 6da53c8eb5e75467c2121aa46dda93e2b0849fed

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Frank Celler <> (@fceller), Wilfried Goesgens <> (@dothebart), Vadim Kondratyev <> (@KVS85)
GitFetch: refs/heads/official
Tags: 3.7, 3.7.16
GitCommit: 71fc4a9f6a3fa2f5f02b517e25a6c5c94a6170e9
Directory: alpine/3.7.16
Tags: 3.8, 3.8.4, latest
GitCommit: 052a2fa3f1555cb45a028e7f50dddef07e456f94
Directory: alpine/3.8.4

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Santiago Torres-Arias <> (@SantiagoTorres),
Christian Rebischke <> (@shibumi),
Justin Kromlinger <> (@hashworks)
Tags: latest, base, base-20211226.0.42348
GitCommit: 1acb430bb00474d98245578d7c7d434720b06d59
GitFetch: refs/tags/v20211226.0.42348
File: Dockerfile.base
Tags: base-devel, base-devel-20211226.0.42348
GitCommit: 1acb430bb00474d98245578d7c7d434720b06d59
GitFetch: refs/tags/v20211226.0.42348
File: Dockerfile.base-devel

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Mike Pirog <> (@pirog),
Geoff St. Pierre <> (@serundeputy),
Jen Lampton <> (@jenlampton),
Pol Dellaiera <> (@drupol),
Greg Netsas <> (@klonos)
Tags: 1.17.3, 1.17, 1, 1.17.3-apache, 1.17-apache, 1-apache, apache, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: b760ba970a67f3dcdc975ed8b77f915895184577
Directory: 1/apache
Tags: 1.17.3-fpm, 1.17-fpm, 1-fpm, fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: b760ba970a67f3dcdc975ed8b77f915895184577
Directory: 1/fpm

View file

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon)
Tags: devel-20211214, devel, devel-20211214-alpine3.14, devel-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6119f1ea592d211062e33fffa96f6f70eaaa258e
Directory: devel
Tags: 5.1.12, 5.1, 5, latest, 5.1.12-alpine3.14, 5.1-alpine3.14, 5-alpine3.14, alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: ab2ef2c2f41a368260868fe06f1faf2e27bc3240
Directory: 5.1
Tags: 5.0.18, 5.0, 5.0.18-alpine3.14, 5.0-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 5.0
Tags: 4.4.23, 4.4, 4, 4.4.23-alpine3.14, 4.4-alpine3.14, 4-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 4.4
Tags: 4.3.48, 4.3, 4.3.48-alpine3.14, 4.3-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 4.3
Tags: 4.2.53, 4.2, 4.2.53-alpine3.14, 4.2-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 4.2
Tags: 4.1.17, 4.1, 4.1.17-alpine3.14, 4.1-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 4.1
Tags: 4.0.44, 4.0, 4.0.44-alpine3.14, 4.0-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 4.0
Tags: 3.2.57, 3.2, 3, 3.2.57-alpine3.14, 3.2-alpine3.14, 3-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 3.2
Tags: 3.1.23, 3.1, 3.1.23-alpine3.14, 3.1-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 3.1
Tags: 3.0.22, 3.0, 3.0.22-alpine3.14, 3.0-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 83941cc446c3e1789afaf1c849e445ddf9687a06
Directory: 3.0

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Baptiste Mesta <> (@baptistemesta),
Danila Mazour <> (@danila-m),
Emmanuel Duchastenier <> (@educhastenier),
Pascal Garcia <> (@passga),
Anthony Birembaut <> (@abirembaut),
Dumitru Corini <> (@DumitruCorini)
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
Tags: 7.11.4, 7.11
GitCommit: 231024c8290a9aa31a45b758a0765a684c21ed21
Directory: docker
Tags: 2021.1, 7.12.1, 7.12
GitCommit: c9b816249504017bb3418252bf58ec9d4fc3e86e
Directory: docker
Tags: 2021.2-u0, 2021.2, 7.13.0, 7.13, latest
GitCommit: a1d9ee5e31d38958aa553cc7f9d465f1151d902f
Directory: docker

View file

@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: bookworm-curl, testing-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 84e7e46026131a108a6480e5ed2969e8acf2d4e2
Directory: debian/bookworm/curl
Tags: bookworm-scm, testing-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 84e7e46026131a108a6480e5ed2969e8acf2d4e2
Directory: debian/bookworm/scm
Tags: bookworm, testing
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 84e7e46026131a108a6480e5ed2969e8acf2d4e2
Directory: debian/bookworm
Tags: bullseye-curl, stable-curl, curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: debian/bullseye/curl
Tags: bullseye-scm, stable-scm, scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: debian/bullseye/scm
Tags: bullseye, stable, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: debian/bullseye
Tags: buster-curl, oldstable-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: debian/buster/curl
Tags: buster-scm, oldstable-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: debian/buster/scm
Tags: buster, oldstable
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: debian/buster
Tags: sid-curl, unstable-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: debian/sid/curl
Tags: sid-scm, unstable-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: debian/sid/scm
Tags: sid, unstable
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: debian/sid
Tags: stretch-curl, oldoldstable-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 93d2a6f64abe6787b7dd25c7d5322af1fa2e3f55
Directory: debian/stretch/curl
Tags: stretch-scm, oldoldstable-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: debian/stretch/scm
Tags: stretch, oldoldstable
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: debian/stretch
Tags: bionic-curl, 18.04-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: ubuntu/bionic/curl
Tags: bionic-scm, 18.04-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: ubuntu/bionic/scm
Tags: bionic, 18.04
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: ubuntu/bionic
Tags: focal-curl, 20.04-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: ubuntu/focal/curl
Tags: focal-scm, 20.04-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: ubuntu/focal/scm
Tags: focal, 20.04
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: ubuntu/focal
Tags: hirsute-curl, 21.04-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: ubuntu/hirsute/curl
Tags: hirsute-scm, 21.04-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: ubuntu/hirsute/scm
Tags: hirsute, 21.04
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: ubuntu/hirsute
Tags: impish-curl, 21.10-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: fae040f3db68991f178f0a9631a03ca9837f5647
Directory: ubuntu/impish/curl
Tags: impish-scm, 21.10-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: fae040f3db68991f178f0a9631a03ca9837f5647
Directory: ubuntu/impish/scm
Tags: impish, 21.10
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
GitCommit: fae040f3db68991f178f0a9631a03ca9837f5647
Directory: ubuntu/impish
Tags: xenial-curl, 16.04-curl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 93d2a6f64abe6787b7dd25c7d5322af1fa2e3f55
Directory: ubuntu/xenial/curl
Tags: xenial-scm, 16.04-scm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 65d69325ad741cea6dee20781c1faaab2e003d87
Directory: ubuntu/xenial/scm
Tags: xenial, 16.04
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 98a5ab81d47a106c458cdf90733df0ee8beea06c
Directory: ubuntu/xenial

View file

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
GitCommit: 8a7173ef6719c1d1dfa4aa4d67fc80fdab76d11a
amd64-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-amd64
amd64-GitCommit: 50b2c75ecc4c23c4ec47f3a4a0a2fd82002a1a33
arm32v5-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-arm32v5
arm32v5-GitCommit: c568833afa6e2193af864e7da678ea893d8ac1d4
arm32v6-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-arm32v6
arm32v6-GitCommit: d95dcdc7c7e39129978208214990406b350bed1a
arm32v7-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-arm32v7
arm32v7-GitCommit: c2d3171adf3363b075393eb3f5a5863e53295e1e
arm64v8-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-arm64v8
arm64v8-GitCommit: d8f474ec09ec4cca2c6b786b456ca360db77ec76
i386-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-i386
i386-GitCommit: 48f62e35cb87d1bf055ac9f382145706b1ab5cd6
mips64le-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-mips64le
mips64le-GitCommit: 0722393a54d3babb454a4bfd4b9dfd534483376c
ppc64le-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-ppc64le
ppc64le-GitCommit: 0a314abc52fb1cbf90fae96a8c670a64ec9c0ae7
riscv64-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-riscv64
riscv64-GitCommit: b5385c775dd1b297eec7e800475f9fac0ab3696c
s390x-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-s390x
s390x-GitCommit: 1b8b4a7c679956c9469c8d2832aba501ac47c3c4
Tags: 1.34.1-uclibc, 1.34-uclibc, 1-uclibc, stable-uclibc, uclibc
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, riscv64
Directory: stable/uclibc
Tags: 1.34.1-glibc, 1.34-glibc, 1-glibc, stable-glibc, glibc
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: stable/glibc
Tags: 1.34.1-musl, 1.34-musl, 1-musl, stable-musl, musl
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: stable/musl
Tags: 1.34.1, 1.34, 1, stable, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
amd64-Directory: stable/uclibc
arm32v5-Directory: stable/uclibc
arm32v6-Directory: stable/musl
arm32v7-Directory: stable/uclibc
arm64v8-Directory: stable/uclibc
i386-Directory: stable/uclibc
mips64le-Directory: stable/uclibc
ppc64le-Directory: stable/glibc
riscv64-Directory: stable/uclibc
s390x-Directory: stable/glibc

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated with gomplate:
# template:
# config context:
Maintainers: Dave Henderson (@hairyhenderson)
Tags: 2.4.6-alpine, 2-alpine, alpine
SharedTags: 2.4.6, 2, latest
Directory: 2.4/alpine
GitCommit: c2a97d2c1ac79f2d20db8464d717eaa5a19c030c
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, arm32v6, arm32v7, ppc64le, s390x
Tags: 2.4.6-builder-alpine, 2-builder-alpine, builder-alpine
SharedTags: 2.4.6-builder, 2-builder, builder
Directory: 2.4/builder
GitCommit: c2a97d2c1ac79f2d20db8464d717eaa5a19c030c
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, arm32v6, arm32v7, ppc64le, s390x
Tags: 2.4.6-windowsservercore-1809, 2-windowsservercore-1809, windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 2.4.6-windowsservercore, 2-windowsservercore, windowsservercore, 2.4.6, 2, latest
Directory: 2.4/windows/1809
GitCommit: c2a97d2c1ac79f2d20db8464d717eaa5a19c030c
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 2.4.6-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 2-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 2.4.6-windowsservercore, 2-windowsservercore, windowsservercore, 2.4.6, 2, latest
Directory: 2.4/windows/ltsc2016
GitCommit: c2a97d2c1ac79f2d20db8464d717eaa5a19c030c
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 2.4.6-builder-windowsservercore-1809, 2-builder-windowsservercore-1809, builder-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 2.4.6-builder, 2-builder, builder
Directory: 2.4/windows-builder/1809
GitCommit: c2a97d2c1ac79f2d20db8464d717eaa5a19c030c
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 2.4.6-builder-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 2-builder-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, builder-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 2.4.6-builder, 2-builder, builder
Directory: 2.4/windows-builder/ltsc2016
GitCommit: c2a97d2c1ac79f2d20db8464d717eaa5a19c030c
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 4.0.1, 4.0, 4, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: f58183960ff693e4ec0c28f9f85453d69f646243
Directory: 4.0
Tags: 3.11.11, 3.11, 3
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 9e67d08a5990ba44b8464d7773f1bbbfaae834e4
Directory: 3.11
Tags: 3.0.25, 3.0
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 9e67d08a5990ba44b8464d7773f1bbbfaae834e4
Directory: 3.0

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: The CentOS Project <> (@CentOS)
Directory: docker
Tags: latest, centos8, 8, centos8.4.2105, 8.4.2105
GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-8-x86_64
GitCommit: 607af70702bacc6f46fab2ded055ab23d9113831
arm64v8-GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-8-aarch64
arm64v8-GitCommit: e79ccf67325a31bf0bb79a8a0e82d3d8a4de2da8
ppc64le-GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-8-ppc64le
ppc64le-GitCommit: 76f876b31bb82108a1acf2cee1032c1d2ebc3bd9
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
Tags: centos7, 7, centos7.9.2009, 7.9.2009
GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-7-x86_64
GitCommit: b2d195220e1c5b181427c3172829c23ab9cd27eb
arm32v7-GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-7armhfp
arm32v7-GitCommit: 8022ae6d18ddf031b1b3a80549eeb46d1deb6dcd
arm64v8-GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-7-aarch64
arm64v8-GitCommit: 02ea5808a8a155bad28677dd5857c8d382027e14
ppc64le-GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-7-ppc64le
ppc64le-GitCommit: a8e4f3da8300d18da4c0e5256d64763965e66810
i386-GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-7-i386
i386-GitCommit: 206003c215684a869a686cf9ea5f9697e577c546
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, arm32v7, ppc64le, i386
Tags: centos6, 6
GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-6
GitCommit: 23b05f6a35520ebf338e4df918e4952830da068b
i386-GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-6i386
i386-GitCommit: 53cd22704a89c6ed59d43e2e70e63316026af4f7
Architectures: amd64, i386
Tags: centos6.10, 6.10
GitFetch: refs/heads/CentOS-6.10
GitCommit: da050e2fc6c28d8d72d8bf78c49537247b5ddf76

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Jonathan A. Sternberg <> (@jsternberg),
Bucky Schwarz <> (@hoorayimhelping),
Cody Shepherd <> (@codyshepherd)
GitRepo: git://
GitCommit: 5400bab45d05774616ef25ff798f7549f495632b
Tags: 1.6, 1.6.2
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: chronograf/1.6
Tags: 1.6-alpine, 1.6.2-alpine
Directory: chronograf/1.6/alpine
Tags: 1.7, 1.7.17
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: chronograf/1.7
Tags: 1.7-alpine, 1.7.17-alpine
Directory: chronograf/1.7/alpine
Tags: 1.8, 1.8.10
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: chronograf/1.8
Tags: 1.8-alpine, 1.8.10-alpine
Directory: chronograf/1.8/alpine
Tags: 1.9, 1.9.1, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: chronograf/1.9
Tags: 1.9-alpine, 1.9.1-alpine, alpine
Directory: chronograf/1.9/alpine

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon)
GitFetch: refs/heads/dist
GitCommit: 6b155af1eeb835ab219369aeec45139b2f4ba11b
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le
amd64-Directory: arches/amd64
arm32v5-Directory: arches/arm32v5
arm64v8-Directory: arches/arm64v8
i386-Directory: arches/i386
ppc64le-Directory: arches/ppc64le
Tags: 0.5.2, 0.5, 0, latest

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: William Douglas <> (@bryteise)
Tags: latest, base
GitCommit: 98d28812b5da1f186157f952ca9e60a17ce945f9
GitFetch: refs/heads/base-35440

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: The ClefOS Project <> (@nealef)
Tags: 7, 7.7.1908, latest
GitFetch: refs/heads/7.4.1708
GitCommit: 1aa7d3771b2ced8b8b5cdc9a1a1752d93c56a60e
Architectures: s390x

View file

@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Paul Lam <> (@Quantisan),
Wes Morgan <> (@cap10morgan)
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: d59ffe938c5eb9bbde84c959cbdf503ecdbac8a3
Tags: latest
Directory: target/openjdk-17-slim-bullseye/latest
Tags: openjdk-8-lein-buster, openjdk-8-lein-2.9.8-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-8-buster/lein
Tags: openjdk-8-lein-slim-buster, openjdk-8-lein-2.9.8-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-8-slim-buster/lein
Tags: openjdk-8-boot-buster, openjdk-8-boot-2.8.3-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-8-buster/boot
Tags: openjdk-8-boot-slim-buster, openjdk-8-boot-2.8.3-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-8-slim-buster/boot
Tags: openjdk-8-buster, openjdk-8-tools-deps-buster, openjdk-8-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-8-buster/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-8-slim-buster, openjdk-8-tools-deps-slim-buster, openjdk-8-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-8-slim-buster/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-11-lein-buster, openjdk-11-lein-2.9.8-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-11-buster/lein
Tags: openjdk-11-lein-slim-buster, openjdk-11-lein-2.9.8-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-11-slim-buster/lein
Tags: openjdk-11-boot-buster, openjdk-11-boot-2.8.3-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-11-buster/boot
Tags: openjdk-11-boot-slim-buster, openjdk-11-boot-2.8.3-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-11-slim-buster/boot
Tags: openjdk-11-buster, openjdk-11-tools-deps-buster, openjdk-11-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-11-buster/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-11-slim-buster, openjdk-11-tools-deps-slim-buster, openjdk-11-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-11-slim-buster/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-17-lein-slim-buster, openjdk-17-lein-2.9.8-slim-buster, lein-slim-buster, lein-2.9.8-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-17-slim-buster/lein
Tags: openjdk-17-lein-buster, openjdk-17-lein-2.9.8-buster, lein-buster, lein-2.9.8-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-17-buster/lein
Tags: openjdk-17-boot-slim-buster, openjdk-17-boot-2.8.3-slim-buster, boot-slim-buster, boot-2.8.3-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-17-slim-buster/boot
Tags: openjdk-17-boot-buster, openjdk-17-boot-2.8.3-buster, boot-buster, boot-2.8.3-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-17-buster/boot
Tags: openjdk-17-slim-buster, openjdk-17-tools-deps-slim-buster, openjdk-17-tools-deps-, tools-deps-, tools-deps-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-17-slim-buster/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-17-buster, openjdk-17-tools-deps-buster, openjdk-17-tools-deps-, tools-deps-buster, tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-17-buster/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-18-lein-slim-buster, openjdk-18-lein-2.9.8-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-18-slim-buster/lein
Tags: openjdk-18-lein-buster, openjdk-18-lein-2.9.8-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-18-buster/lein
Tags: openjdk-18-boot-slim-buster, openjdk-18-boot-2.8.3-slim-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-18-slim-buster/boot
Tags: openjdk-18-boot-buster, openjdk-18-boot-2.8.3-buster
Directory: target/openjdk-18-buster/boot
Tags: openjdk-18-slim-buster, openjdk-18-tools-deps-slim-buster, openjdk-18-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-18-slim-buster/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-18-buster, openjdk-18-tools-deps-buster, openjdk-18-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-18-buster/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-8-lein-bullseye, openjdk-8-lein-2.9.8-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-8-bullseye/lein
Tags: openjdk-8-lein, openjdk-8-lein-2.9.8, openjdk-8-lein-slim-bullseye, openjdk-8-lein-2.9.8-slim-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-8-slim-bullseye/lein
Tags: openjdk-8-boot-bullseye, openjdk-8-boot-2.8.3-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-8-bullseye/boot
Tags: openjdk-8-boot, openjdk-8-boot-2.8.3, openjdk-8-boot-slim-bullseye, openjdk-8-boot-2.8.3-slim-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-8-slim-bullseye/boot
Tags: openjdk-8-bullseye, openjdk-8-tools-deps-bullseye, openjdk-8-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-8-bullseye/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-8, openjdk-8-slim-bullseye, openjdk-8-tools-deps, openjdk-8-tools-deps-, openjdk-8-tools-deps-slim-bullseye, openjdk-8-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-8-slim-bullseye/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-11-lein-bullseye, openjdk-11-lein-2.9.8-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-11-bullseye/lein
Tags: openjdk-11-lein, openjdk-11-lein-2.9.8, openjdk-11-lein-slim-bullseye, openjdk-11-lein-2.9.8-slim-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-11-slim-bullseye/lein
Tags: openjdk-11-boot-bullseye, openjdk-11-boot-2.8.3-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-11-bullseye/boot
Tags: openjdk-11-boot, openjdk-11-boot-2.8.3, openjdk-11-boot-slim-bullseye, openjdk-11-boot-2.8.3-slim-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-11-slim-bullseye/boot
Tags: openjdk-11-bullseye, openjdk-11-tools-deps-bullseye, openjdk-11-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-11-bullseye/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-11, openjdk-11-slim-bullseye, openjdk-11-tools-deps, openjdk-11-tools-deps-, openjdk-11-tools-deps-slim-bullseye, openjdk-11-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-11-slim-bullseye/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-17-lein, openjdk-17-lein-2.9.8, openjdk-17-lein-slim-bullseye, openjdk-17-lein-2.9.8-slim-bullseye, lein-slim-bullseye, lein-2.9.8-slim-bullseye, lein, lein-2.9.8
Directory: target/openjdk-17-slim-bullseye/lein
Tags: openjdk-17-lein-bullseye, openjdk-17-lein-2.9.8-bullseye, lein-bullseye, lein-2.9.8-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-17-bullseye/lein
Tags: openjdk-17-boot, openjdk-17-boot-2.8.3, openjdk-17-boot-slim-bullseye, openjdk-17-boot-2.8.3-slim-bullseye, boot, boot-2.8.3, boot-slim-bullseye, boot-2.8.3-slim-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-17-slim-bullseye/boot
Tags: openjdk-17-boot-bullseye, openjdk-17-boot-2.8.3-bullseye, boot-bullseye, boot-2.8.3-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-17-bullseye/boot
Tags: openjdk-17, openjdk-17-slim-bullseye, tools-deps, tools-deps-, tools-deps-, openjdk-17-tools-deps, openjdk-17-tools-deps-, openjdk-17-tools-deps-slim-bullseye, openjdk-17-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-17-slim-bullseye/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-17-bullseye, openjdk-17-tools-deps-bullseye, openjdk-17-tools-deps-, tools-deps-bullseye, tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-17-bullseye/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-18-lein, openjdk-18-lein-2.9.8, openjdk-18-lein-slim-bullseye, openjdk-18-lein-2.9.8-slim-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-18-slim-bullseye/lein
Tags: openjdk-18-lein-bullseye, openjdk-18-lein-2.9.8-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-18-bullseye/lein
Tags: openjdk-18-boot, openjdk-18-boot-2.8.3, openjdk-18-boot-slim-bullseye, openjdk-18-boot-2.8.3-slim-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-18-slim-bullseye/boot
Tags: openjdk-18-boot-bullseye, openjdk-18-boot-2.8.3-bullseye
Directory: target/openjdk-18-bullseye/boot
Tags: openjdk-18, openjdk-18-slim-bullseye, openjdk-18-tools-deps, openjdk-18-tools-deps-, openjdk-18-tools-deps-slim-bullseye, openjdk-18-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-18-slim-bullseye/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-18-bullseye, openjdk-18-tools-deps-bullseye, openjdk-18-tools-deps-
Directory: target/openjdk-18-bullseye/tools-deps
Tags: openjdk-18-lein-alpine, openjdk-18-lein-2.9.8-alpine
Architectures: amd64
Directory: target/openjdk-18-alpine/lein
Tags: openjdk-18-boot-alpine, openjdk-18-boot-2.8.3-alpine
Architectures: amd64
Directory: target/openjdk-18-alpine/boot
Tags: openjdk-18-alpine, openjdk-18-tools-deps-alpine, openjdk-18-tools-deps-
Architectures: amd64
Directory: target/openjdk-18-alpine/tools-deps

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# this file was generated using
Maintainers: Composer (@composer), Rob Bast (@alcohol)
Tags: 2.2.1, 2.2, 2, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: 4c8756779d95c1d16292d27992197a0a4e9ef593
Directory: 2.2
Tags: 1.10.24, 1.10, 1
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: 31ff8ecbf0be8415dba4d8922683af47a3aac4b8
Directory: 1.10

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Consul Team <> (@hashicorp/consul)
Tags: 1.11.1, 1.11, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 85f1536e9106178e638121e2fe574476551ea614
Directory: 0.X
Tags: 1.10.6, 1.10
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: c5493e998192edd327c3fa17cd9fc2bcac67c3f6
Directory: 0.X
Tags: 1.9.13, 1.9
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: c2a400ca113a1a7c92694a006d03a2845432bdf6
Directory: 0.X
Tags: 1.8.19, 1.8
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: a73d6ad2748282dee5ad645827f6d1543e357f71
Directory: 0.X

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Nicolas Albert <> (@nicolas-albert), Olivier Picciotto <> (@opicciotto)
GitCommit: 24339fcde9edf32bb9c8a6848096b0d11de31e32
Tags: 7.9.7, 7.9, latest
Architectures: amd64
Directory: docker/default

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Couchbase Docker Team <> (@cb-robot)
Tags: latest, enterprise, 7.0.3, enterprise-7.0.3
GitCommit: ce17444d6e082a8a08ba636c513e3460b98d3d2c
Directory: enterprise/couchbase-server/7.0.3
Tags: community, community-7.0.2
GitCommit: aec4494ab5280caf567997d72714f57572a6315b
Directory: community/couchbase-server/7.0.2
Tags: 6.6.4, enterprise-6.6.4
GitCommit: e27aaf8d37861a570ad62a96ea04c84026a59282
Directory: enterprise/couchbase-server/6.6.4
Tags: community-6.6.0
GitCommit: 5929be778eb5306f116f71cc9a0a23fea6d9a7aa
Directory: community/couchbase-server/6.6.0
Tags: 6.0.5, enterprise-6.0.5
GitCommit: 5929be778eb5306f116f71cc9a0a23fea6d9a7aa
Directory: enterprise/couchbase-server/6.0.5

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# see
# also the mailing list
Maintainers: Joan Touzet <> (@wohali)
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: c2dc5a84add2d673bce151e0aa8174d09d227d22
Tags: latest, 3.2.0, 3.2, 3
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 3.2.0
Tags: 3.1.2, 3.1
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 3.1.2
Tags: 2.3.1, 2.3, 2
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 2.3.1
# ppc64le support is dropped until we have CI support for the platform.
# 1.x is no longer supported by the Apache CouchDB team.
# dev, dev-cluster versions must not be published officially per
# ASF release policy, see:
# The middle two bullet points are the issue.

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Mathias Fußenegger <> (@mfussenegger),
Sebastian Utz <> (@seut),
Michael Kleen <> (@mkleen),
Andreas Motl <> (@amotl)
Tags: 4.6.6, 4.6, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: d057b840ff4dc986ac500996ebda13aebfb62267
Tags: 4.5.5, 4.5
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 53f8d6336816b88f09d831c073cab749762c7be6
Tags: 4.4.3, 4.4
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 2ccc43c2b34cd4182b7757298f97dd21f123b2d9
Tags: 4.3.4, 4.3
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: eae5f171ef089074d42d033af2988714a87190b6
Tags: 4.2.7, 4.2
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 441cd8bb0115a268f30633839bc29d813dfaa0db
Tags: 4.1.8, 4.1
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: fbe46a3c699dfe79242e659626a39b09325d58ab
Tags: 4.0.12, 4.0
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 7791cda08fbf054ab2ce7a988f8811074b8c3bf4
Tags: 3.3.5, 3.3
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 896c3f63e8e3d4746019e379a7aefb5225b050e3
GitFetch: refs/heads/3.3

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Alexander Thomas <> (@athomas), Tony Pujals <> (@subfuzion)
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: 196ad1276a5d911a4f740468f0a84e1f5f7f9371
Tags: 2.15.1-sdk, 2.15-sdk, 2-sdk, stable-sdk, sdk, 2.15.1, 2.15, 2, stable, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: stable/buster
Tags: 2.16.0-80.1.beta-sdk, beta-sdk, 2.16.0-80.1.beta, beta
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: beta/buster

View file

@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
# tarballs built by debuerreotype
# see
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Paul Tagliamonte <> (@paultag)
GitCommit: 99a1a65c79b0d9d0cbc4dea18b9751deda9c991b
amd64-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-amd64
amd64-GitCommit: d5eb7c589d016973bce6f3e1827b5c315b7cefbc
arm32v5-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-arm32v5
arm32v5-GitCommit: 723398411b3e853b375f958acd589b2e478c3459
arm32v7-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-arm32v7
arm32v7-GitCommit: e7d1e4560c9305b632041cc4a9168b309a97f3b6
arm64v8-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-arm64v8
arm64v8-GitCommit: 3f278a65301c14004cb19e57af3b752c902be04a
i386-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-i386
i386-GitCommit: 09dc0b3443aadd4a5a82e441fb0ab0febdd2c06b
mips64le-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-mips64le
mips64le-GitCommit: b8a544e85854ac6953983ed67d14dcb2c991f57b
ppc64le-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-ppc64le
ppc64le-GitCommit: 94974c78a441b254cb6cf0f5bbf1302d58c099b5
riscv64-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-riscv64
riscv64-GitCommit: 866432a31867c3a277145b857af48aeaaf471a00
s390x-GitFetch: refs/heads/dist-s390x
s390x-GitCommit: 1438764b5fcdb24066d3ce3b69d429d51777e5dd
# bookworm -- Debian x.y Testing distribution - Not Released
Tags: bookworm, bookworm-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: bookworm
Tags: bookworm-backports
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: bookworm/backports
Tags: bookworm-slim, bookworm-20211220-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: bookworm/slim
# bullseye -- Debian 11.2 Released 18 December 2021
Tags: bullseye, bullseye-20211220, 11.2, 11, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: bullseye
Tags: bullseye-backports
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: bullseye/backports
Tags: bullseye-slim, bullseye-20211220-slim, 11.2-slim, 11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: bullseye/slim
# buster -- Debian 10.11 Released 09 October 2021
Tags: buster, buster-20211220, 10.11, 10
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: buster
Tags: buster-backports
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: buster/backports
Tags: buster-slim, buster-20211220-slim, 10.11-slim, 10-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: buster/slim
# experimental -- Experimental packages - not released; use at your own risk.
Tags: experimental, experimental-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
Directory: experimental
# oldoldstable -- Debian 9.13 Released 18 July 2020
Tags: oldoldstable, oldoldstable-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
Directory: oldoldstable
Tags: oldoldstable-backports
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
Directory: oldoldstable/backports
Tags: oldoldstable-slim, oldoldstable-20211220-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
Directory: oldoldstable/slim
# oldstable -- Debian 10.11 Released 09 October 2021
Tags: oldstable, oldstable-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: oldstable
Tags: oldstable-backports
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: oldstable/backports
Tags: oldstable-slim, oldstable-20211220-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: oldstable/slim
# rc-buggy -- Experimental packages - not released; use at your own risk.
Tags: rc-buggy, rc-buggy-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: rc-buggy
# sid -- Debian x.y Unstable - Not Released
Tags: sid, sid-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
Directory: sid
Tags: sid-slim, sid-20211220-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
Directory: sid/slim
# stable -- Debian 11.2 Released 18 December 2021
Tags: stable, stable-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: stable
Tags: stable-backports
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: stable/backports
Tags: stable-slim, stable-20211220-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: stable/slim
# stretch -- Debian 9.13 Released 18 July 2020
Tags: stretch, stretch-20211220, 9.13, 9
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
Directory: stretch
Tags: stretch-backports
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
Directory: stretch/backports
Tags: stretch-slim, stretch-20211220-slim, 9.13-slim, 9-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
Directory: stretch/slim
# testing -- Debian x.y Testing distribution - Not Released
Tags: testing, testing-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: testing
Tags: testing-backports
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: testing/backports
Tags: testing-slim, testing-20211220-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: testing/slim
# unstable -- Debian x.y Unstable - Not Released
Tags: unstable, unstable-20211220
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
Directory: unstable
Tags: unstable-slim, unstable-20211220-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
Directory: unstable/slim

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 20.10.12, 20.10, 20, latest, 20.10.12-alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: fcbca72b6fa10cc329b70f964409f520d8fa73b8
Directory: 20.10
Tags: 20.10.12-dind, 20.10-dind, 20-dind, dind, 20.10.12-dind-alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 8baa881aab85f8398d2edbbcc0da4bd1f556dd98
Directory: 20.10/dind
Tags: 20.10.12-dind-rootless, 20.10-dind-rootless, 20-dind-rootless, dind-rootless
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 16d77b9b3258873b79b8c997d5e2b90c5533b85e
Directory: 20.10/dind-rootless
Tags: 20.10.12-git, 20.10-git, 20-git, git
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 387e351394bfad74bceebf8303c6c8e39c3d4ed4
Directory: 20.10/git
Tags: 20.10.12-windowsservercore-1809, 20.10-windowsservercore-1809, 20-windowsservercore-1809, windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 20.10.12-windowsservercore, 20.10-windowsservercore, 20-windowsservercore, windowsservercore
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 16d77b9b3258873b79b8c997d5e2b90c5533b85e
Directory: 20.10/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809

View file

@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 9.3.0-php8.0-apache-bullseye, 9.3-php8.0-apache-bullseye, 9.3.0-php8.0-apache, 9.3-php8.0-apache, 9.3.0-php8.0, 9.3-php8.0, 9.3.0-apache-bullseye, 9.3-apache-bullseye, 9.3.0-apache, 9.3-apache, 9.3.0, 9.3
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php8.0/apache-bullseye
Tags: 9.3.0-php8.0-fpm-bullseye, 9.3-php8.0-fpm-bullseye, 9.3.0-php8.0-fpm, 9.3-php8.0-fpm, 9.3.0-fpm-bullseye, 9.3-fpm-bullseye, 9.3.0-fpm, 9.3-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php8.0/fpm-bullseye
Tags: 9.3.0-php8.0-apache-buster, 9.3-php8.0-apache-buster, 9.3.0-apache-buster, 9.3-apache-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php8.0/apache-buster
Tags: 9.3.0-php8.0-fpm-buster, 9.3-php8.0-fpm-buster, 9.3.0-fpm-buster, 9.3-fpm-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php8.0/fpm-buster
Tags: 9.3.0-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.3-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.3.0-php8.0-fpm-alpine, 9.3-php8.0-fpm-alpine, 9.3.0-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.3-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.3.0-fpm-alpine, 9.3-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php8.0/fpm-alpine3.15
Tags: 9.3.0-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.14, 9.3-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.14, 9.3.0-fpm-alpine3.14, 9.3-fpm-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php8.0/fpm-alpine3.14
Tags: 9.3.0-php7.4-apache-bullseye, 9.3-php7.4-apache-bullseye, 9.3.0-php7.4-apache, 9.3-php7.4-apache, 9.3.0-php7.4, 9.3-php7.4
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php7.4/apache-bullseye
Tags: 9.3.0-php7.4-fpm-bullseye, 9.3-php7.4-fpm-bullseye, 9.3.0-php7.4-fpm, 9.3-php7.4-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php7.4/fpm-bullseye
Tags: 9.3.0-php7.4-apache-buster, 9.3-php7.4-apache-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php7.4/apache-buster
Tags: 9.3.0-php7.4-fpm-buster, 9.3-php7.4-fpm-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php7.4/fpm-buster
Tags: 9.3.0-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.3-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.3.0-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 9.3-php7.4-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php7.4/fpm-alpine3.15
Tags: 9.3.0-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.14, 9.3-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6658edcadc45f87d456ba9a351e8deb43ba1450c
Directory: 9.3/php7.4/fpm-alpine3.14
Tags: 9.2.10-php8.0-apache-bullseye, 9.2-php8.0-apache-bullseye, 9-php8.0-apache-bullseye, php8.0-apache-bullseye, 9.2.10-php8.0-apache, 9.2-php8.0-apache, 9-php8.0-apache, php8.0-apache, 9.2.10-php8.0, 9.2-php8.0, 9-php8.0, php8.0, 9.2.10-apache-bullseye, 9.2-apache-bullseye, 9-apache-bullseye, apache-bullseye, 9.2.10-apache, 9.2-apache, 9-apache, apache, 9.2.10, 9.2, 9, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a650525ec10c95b37fe462253954036e55fa56fb
Directory: 9.2/php8.0/apache-bullseye
Tags: 9.2.10-php8.0-fpm-bullseye, 9.2-php8.0-fpm-bullseye, 9-php8.0-fpm-bullseye, php8.0-fpm-bullseye, 9.2.10-php8.0-fpm, 9.2-php8.0-fpm, 9-php8.0-fpm, php8.0-fpm, 9.2.10-fpm-bullseye, 9.2-fpm-bullseye, 9-fpm-bullseye, fpm-bullseye, 9.2.10-fpm, 9.2-fpm, 9-fpm, fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a650525ec10c95b37fe462253954036e55fa56fb
Directory: 9.2/php8.0/fpm-bullseye
Tags: 9.2.10-php8.0-apache-buster, 9.2-php8.0-apache-buster, 9-php8.0-apache-buster, php8.0-apache-buster, 9.2.10-apache-buster, 9.2-apache-buster, 9-apache-buster, apache-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6fd13342e5786b1a4ee56ca9d65870179e8c1200
Directory: 9.2/php8.0/apache-buster
Tags: 9.2.10-php8.0-fpm-buster, 9.2-php8.0-fpm-buster, 9-php8.0-fpm-buster, php8.0-fpm-buster, 9.2.10-fpm-buster, 9.2-fpm-buster, 9-fpm-buster, fpm-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6fd13342e5786b1a4ee56ca9d65870179e8c1200
Directory: 9.2/php8.0/fpm-buster
Tags: 9.2.10-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.2-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.15, 9-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.15, php8.0-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.2.10-php8.0-fpm-alpine, 9.2-php8.0-fpm-alpine, 9-php8.0-fpm-alpine, php8.0-fpm-alpine, 9.2.10-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.2-fpm-alpine3.15, 9-fpm-alpine3.15, fpm-alpine3.15, 9.2.10-fpm-alpine, 9.2-fpm-alpine, 9-fpm-alpine, fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a650525ec10c95b37fe462253954036e55fa56fb
Directory: 9.2/php8.0/fpm-alpine3.15
Tags: 9.2.10-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.14, 9.2-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.14, 9-php8.0-fpm-alpine3.14, php8.0-fpm-alpine3.14, 9.2.10-fpm-alpine3.14, 9.2-fpm-alpine3.14, 9-fpm-alpine3.14, fpm-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6fd13342e5786b1a4ee56ca9d65870179e8c1200
Directory: 9.2/php8.0/fpm-alpine3.14
Tags: 9.2.10-php7.4-apache-bullseye, 9.2-php7.4-apache-bullseye, 9-php7.4-apache-bullseye, php7.4-apache-bullseye, 9.2.10-php7.4-apache, 9.2-php7.4-apache, 9-php7.4-apache, php7.4-apache, 9.2.10-php7.4, 9.2-php7.4, 9-php7.4, php7.4
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a650525ec10c95b37fe462253954036e55fa56fb
Directory: 9.2/php7.4/apache-bullseye
Tags: 9.2.10-php7.4-fpm-bullseye, 9.2-php7.4-fpm-bullseye, 9-php7.4-fpm-bullseye, php7.4-fpm-bullseye, 9.2.10-php7.4-fpm, 9.2-php7.4-fpm, 9-php7.4-fpm, php7.4-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a650525ec10c95b37fe462253954036e55fa56fb
Directory: 9.2/php7.4/fpm-bullseye
Tags: 9.2.10-php7.4-apache-buster, 9.2-php7.4-apache-buster, 9-php7.4-apache-buster, php7.4-apache-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6fd13342e5786b1a4ee56ca9d65870179e8c1200
Directory: 9.2/php7.4/apache-buster
Tags: 9.2.10-php7.4-fpm-buster, 9.2-php7.4-fpm-buster, 9-php7.4-fpm-buster, php7.4-fpm-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6fd13342e5786b1a4ee56ca9d65870179e8c1200
Directory: 9.2/php7.4/fpm-buster
Tags: 9.2.10-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.2-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.15, 9-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.15, php7.4-fpm-alpine3.15, 9.2.10-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 9.2-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 9-php7.4-fpm-alpine, php7.4-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a650525ec10c95b37fe462253954036e55fa56fb
Directory: 9.2/php7.4/fpm-alpine3.15
Tags: 9.2.10-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.14, 9.2-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.14, 9-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.14, php7.4-fpm-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6fd13342e5786b1a4ee56ca9d65870179e8c1200
Directory: 9.2/php7.4/fpm-alpine3.14
Tags: 7.84-php7.4-apache-bullseye, 7-php7.4-apache-bullseye, 7.84-php7.4-apache, 7-php7.4-apache, 7.84-php7.4, 7-php7.4, 7.84-apache-bullseye, 7-apache-bullseye, 7.84-apache, 7-apache, 7.84, 7
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 0f212235acf262edb0dfc37e5c2b4156fc6356e8
Directory: 7/php7.4/apache-bullseye
Tags: 7.84-php7.4-fpm-bullseye, 7-php7.4-fpm-bullseye, 7.84-php7.4-fpm, 7-php7.4-fpm, 7.84-fpm-bullseye, 7-fpm-bullseye, 7.84-fpm, 7-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 0f212235acf262edb0dfc37e5c2b4156fc6356e8
Directory: 7/php7.4/fpm-bullseye
Tags: 7.84-php7.4-apache-buster, 7-php7.4-apache-buster, 7.84-apache-buster, 7-apache-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 0f212235acf262edb0dfc37e5c2b4156fc6356e8
Directory: 7/php7.4/apache-buster
Tags: 7.84-php7.4-fpm-buster, 7-php7.4-fpm-buster, 7.84-fpm-buster, 7-fpm-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 0f212235acf262edb0dfc37e5c2b4156fc6356e8
Directory: 7/php7.4/fpm-buster
Tags: 7.84-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.15, 7-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.15, 7.84-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 7-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 7.84-fpm-alpine3.15, 7-fpm-alpine3.15, 7.84-fpm-alpine, 7-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 0f212235acf262edb0dfc37e5c2b4156fc6356e8
Directory: 7/php7.4/fpm-alpine3.15
Tags: 7.84-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.14, 7-php7.4-fpm-alpine3.14, 7.84-fpm-alpine3.14, 7-fpm-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 0f212235acf262edb0dfc37e5c2b4156fc6356e8
Directory: 7/php7.4/fpm-alpine3.14

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Roger Light <> (@ralight)
GitCommit: 3cbe805e71ac41a2a20cc9b2ea6b3b619f49554a
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
Tags: 2.0.14, 2.0, 2, latest
Directory: docker/2.0
Tags: 2.0.14-openssl, 2.0-openssl, 2-openssl, openssl
Directory: docker/2.0-openssl
Tags: 1.6.15, 1.6
Directory: docker/1.6
Tags: 1.6.15-openssl, 1.6-openssl
Directory: docker/1.6-openssl
Tags: 1.5.11, 1.5
Directory: docker/1.5

View file

@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
# Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK images provided by the Eclipse Foundation.
Maintainers: George Adams <> (@gdams)
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
#------------------------------v8 images---------------------------------
Tags: 8u312-b07-jdk-focal, 8-jdk-focal, 8-focal
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jdk, 8-jdk, 8
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 5bd9771ac01651e79894552b66e4007f2501316b
Directory: 8/jdk/ubuntu
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 8u312-b07-jdk-centos7, 8-jdk-centos7, 8-centos7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jdk/centos
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 8u312-b07-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 8-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 8-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jdk-windowsservercore, 8-jdk-windowsservercore, 8-windowsservercore, 8u312-b07-jdk, 8-jdk, 8
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 8u312-b07-jdk-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 8-jdk-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 8-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jdk-nanoserver, 8-jdk-nanoserver, 8-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jdk/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 8u312-b07-jdk-windowsservercore-1809, 8-jdk-windowsservercore-1809, 8-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jdk-windowsservercore, 8-jdk-windowsservercore, 8-windowsservercore, 8u312-b07-jdk, 8-jdk, 8
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 8u312-b07-jdk-nanoserver-1809, 8-jdk-nanoserver-1809, 8-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jdk-nanoserver, 8-jdk-nanoserver, 8-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jdk/windows/nanoserver-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 8u312-b07-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 8-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 8-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jdk-windowsservercore, 8-jdk-windowsservercore, 8-windowsservercore, 8u312-b07-jdk, 8-jdk, 8
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 8u312-b07-jre-focal, 8-jre-focal
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jre, 8-jre
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 5bd9771ac01651e79894552b66e4007f2501316b
Directory: 8/jre/ubuntu
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 8u312-b07-jre-centos7, 8-jre-centos7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jre/centos
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 8u312-b07-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 8-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jre-windowsservercore, 8-jre-windowsservercore, 8u312-b07-jre, 8-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jre/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 8u312-b07-jre-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 8-jre-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jre-nanoserver, 8-jre-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jre/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 8u312-b07-jre-windowsservercore-1809, 8-jre-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jre-windowsservercore, 8-jre-windowsservercore, 8u312-b07-jre, 8-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jre/windows/windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 8u312-b07-jre-nanoserver-1809, 8-jre-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jre-nanoserver, 8-jre-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jre/windows/nanoserver-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 8u312-b07-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 8-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 8u312-b07-jre-windowsservercore, 8-jre-windowsservercore, 8u312-b07-jre, 8-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 8/jre/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
#------------------------------v11 images---------------------------------
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-alpine, 11-jdk-alpine, 11-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 47934b0585c53985e98a6145ded7d87f3a3313ad
Directory: 11/jdk/alpine
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-focal, 11-jdk-focal, 11-focal
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jdk, 11-jdk, 11
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 5bd9771ac01651e79894552b66e4007f2501316b
Directory: 11/jdk/ubuntu
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-centos7, 11-jdk-centos7, 11-centos7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 47934b0585c53985e98a6145ded7d87f3a3313ad
Directory: 11/jdk/centos
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 11-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 11-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-windowsservercore, 11-jdk-windowsservercore, 11-windowsservercore, 11.0.13_8-jdk, 11-jdk, 11
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 47934b0585c53985e98a6145ded7d87f3a3313ad
Directory: 11/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 11-jdk-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 11-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-nanoserver, 11-jdk-nanoserver, 11-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 47934b0585c53985e98a6145ded7d87f3a3313ad
Directory: 11/jdk/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-windowsservercore-1809, 11-jdk-windowsservercore-1809, 11-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-windowsservercore, 11-jdk-windowsservercore, 11-windowsservercore, 11.0.13_8-jdk, 11-jdk, 11
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 47934b0585c53985e98a6145ded7d87f3a3313ad
Directory: 11/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-nanoserver-1809, 11-jdk-nanoserver-1809, 11-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-nanoserver, 11-jdk-nanoserver, 11-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 47934b0585c53985e98a6145ded7d87f3a3313ad
Directory: 11/jdk/windows/nanoserver-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 11-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 11-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jdk-windowsservercore, 11-jdk-windowsservercore, 11-windowsservercore, 11.0.13_8-jdk, 11-jdk, 11
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 47934b0585c53985e98a6145ded7d87f3a3313ad
Directory: 11/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jre-alpine, 11-jre-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 11/jre/alpine
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jre-focal, 11-jre-focal
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jre, 11-jre
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 5bd9771ac01651e79894552b66e4007f2501316b
Directory: 11/jre/ubuntu
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jre-centos7, 11-jre-centos7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 11/jre/centos
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 11-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jre-windowsservercore, 11-jre-windowsservercore, 11.0.13_8-jre, 11-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 11/jre/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jre-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 11-jre-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jre-nanoserver, 11-jre-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 11/jre/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jre-windowsservercore-1809, 11-jre-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jre-windowsservercore, 11-jre-windowsservercore, 11.0.13_8-jre, 11-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 11/jre/windows/windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jre-nanoserver-1809, 11-jre-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jre-nanoserver, 11-jre-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 11/jre/windows/nanoserver-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 11.0.13_8-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 11-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 11.0.13_8-jre-windowsservercore, 11-jre-windowsservercore, 11.0.13_8-jre, 11-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 11/jre/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
#------------------------------v16 images---------------------------------
Tags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-alpine, 16-jdk-alpine, 16-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 82d5d32783ca6b516cf52f4c4743f46b197ad83b
Directory: 16/jdk/alpine
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-focal, 16-jdk-focal, 16-focal
SharedTags: 16.0.2_7-jdk, 16-jdk, 16
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 5bd9771ac01651e79894552b66e4007f2501316b
Directory: 16/jdk/ubuntu
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-centos7, 16-jdk-centos7, 16-centos7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 63defc24ed1b9051b48f6dfc747761a1b88a3b42
Directory: 16/jdk/centos
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-windowsservercore-1809, 16-jdk-windowsservercore-1809, 16-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-windowsservercore, 16-jdk-windowsservercore, 16-windowsservercore, 16.0.2_7-jdk, 16-jdk, 16
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: c611c0d0d5c9efd70a7569a33dd7a46c31dfb06d
Directory: 16/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-nanoserver-1809, 16-jdk-nanoserver-1809, 16-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-nanoserver, 16-jdk-nanoserver, 16-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: c611c0d0d5c9efd70a7569a33dd7a46c31dfb06d
Directory: 16/jdk/windows/nanoserver-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 16-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 16-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 16.0.2_7-jdk-windowsservercore, 16-jdk-windowsservercore, 16-windowsservercore, 16.0.2_7-jdk, 16-jdk, 16
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: c611c0d0d5c9efd70a7569a33dd7a46c31dfb06d
Directory: 16/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
#------------------------------v17 images---------------------------------
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-alpine, 17-jdk-alpine, 17-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 17/jdk/alpine
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-focal, 17-jdk-focal, 17-focal
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jdk, 17-jdk, 17, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 5bd9771ac01651e79894552b66e4007f2501316b
Directory: 17/jdk/ubuntu
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-centos7, 17-jdk-centos7, 17-centos7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 17/jdk/centos
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 17-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 17-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-windowsservercore, 17-jdk-windowsservercore, 17-windowsservercore, 17.0.1_12-jdk, 17-jdk, 17, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 17/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 17-jdk-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 17-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-nanoserver, 17-jdk-nanoserver, 17-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 17/jdk/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-windowsservercore-1809, 17-jdk-windowsservercore-1809, 17-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-windowsservercore, 17-jdk-windowsservercore, 17-windowsservercore, 17.0.1_12-jdk, 17-jdk, 17, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 17/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-nanoserver-1809, 17-jdk-nanoserver-1809, 17-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-nanoserver, 17-jdk-nanoserver, 17-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 17/jdk/windows/nanoserver-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 17-jdk-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 17-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jdk-windowsservercore, 17-jdk-windowsservercore, 17-windowsservercore, 17.0.1_12-jdk, 17-jdk, 17, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f06ea446cee4810ab29df927d2d4c53f6270a5cd
Directory: 17/jdk/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jre-alpine, 17-jre-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: f27c3a25735fe05463cd42d45f8f7e76d0623790
Directory: 17/jre/alpine
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jre-focal, 17-jre-focal
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jre, 17-jre
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: f27c3a25735fe05463cd42d45f8f7e76d0623790
Directory: 17/jre/ubuntu
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jre-centos7, 17-jre-centos7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: f27c3a25735fe05463cd42d45f8f7e76d0623790
Directory: 17/jre/centos
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 17-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jre-windowsservercore, 17-jre-windowsservercore, 17.0.1_12-jre, 17-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f27c3a25735fe05463cd42d45f8f7e76d0623790
Directory: 17/jre/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jre-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 17-jre-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jre-nanoserver, 17-jre-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f27c3a25735fe05463cd42d45f8f7e76d0623790
Directory: 17/jre/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jre-windowsservercore-1809, 17-jre-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jre-windowsservercore, 17-jre-windowsservercore, 17.0.1_12-jre, 17-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f27c3a25735fe05463cd42d45f8f7e76d0623790
Directory: 17/jre/windows/windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jre-nanoserver-1809, 17-jre-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jre-nanoserver, 17-jre-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f27c3a25735fe05463cd42d45f8f7e76d0623790
Directory: 17/jre/windows/nanoserver-1809
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 17.0.1_12-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 17-jre-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 17.0.1_12-jre-windowsservercore, 17-jre-windowsservercore, 17.0.1_12-jre, 17-jre
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: f27c3a25735fe05463cd42d45f8f7e76d0623790
Directory: 17/jre/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
File: Dockerfile.releases.full
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Geo Van O <> (@vanosg)
Tags: develop
Architectures: arm32v6, arm64v8, amd64
GitCommit: f067a3393434028c1f1bf785a9c4ca062d477acc
Directory: develop
Tags: 1.9, 1.9.1, stable, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8
GitCommit: 5444df31406ef15da9fa7e6b742d093179f66d60
Directory: 1.9

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 7.16.2
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 53dedd336f9a46a3287fe4137b188527e199b798
Directory: 7
Tags: 6.8.22
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: d89d5afa00ffe783828b9f7b911e53e8ef6b0704
Directory: 6

View file

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: . <> (@c0b),
Tristan Sloughter <> (@tsloughter)
Tags: 1.13.1, 1.13, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 0b0bff16725b9c267e1380aef2cdcc328d597c5f
Directory: 1.13
Tags: 1.13.1-slim, 1.13-slim, slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 0b0bff16725b9c267e1380aef2cdcc328d597c5f
Directory: 1.13/slim
Tags: 1.13.1-alpine, 1.13-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 0b0bff16725b9c267e1380aef2cdcc328d597c5f
Directory: 1.13/alpine
Tags: 1.12.3, 1.12
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: a7a9a8ecd02b6e31e93cfa13d8c18de0328f6e1a
Directory: 1.12
Tags: 1.12.3-slim, 1.12-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: a7a9a8ecd02b6e31e93cfa13d8c18de0328f6e1a
Directory: 1.12/slim
Tags: 1.12.3-alpine, 1.12-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: a7a9a8ecd02b6e31e93cfa13d8c18de0328f6e1a
Directory: 1.12/alpine
Tags: 1.11.4, 1.11
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 045351a425a16578309053fa8f729f046fcd616f
Directory: 1.11
Tags: 1.11.4-slim, 1.11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 045351a425a16578309053fa8f729f046fcd616f
Directory: 1.11/slim
Tags: 1.11.4-alpine, 1.11-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 045351a425a16578309053fa8f729f046fcd616f
Directory: 1.11/alpine
Tags: 1.10.4, 1.10
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: a8d582c328db5864a4e8e5f869900e3a52265f38
Directory: 1.10
Tags: 1.10.4-slim, 1.10-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: a8d582c328db5864a4e8e5f869900e3a52265f38
Directory: 1.10/slim
Tags: 1.10.4-alpine, 1.10-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: a8d582c328db5864a4e8e5f869900e3a52265f38
Directory: 1.10/alpine
Tags: 1.9.4, 1.9
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 0d9f47458468a8bf1407374731cbec077ab6f895
Directory: 1.9
Tags: 1.9.4-slim, 1.9-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 0d9f47458468a8bf1407374731cbec077ab6f895
Directory: 1.9/slim
Tags: 1.9.4-alpine, 1.9-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: 0d9f47458468a8bf1407374731cbec077ab6f895
Directory: 1.9/alpine
Tags: 1.8.2, 1.8
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 4122b4840bd762d1434424e1ec693929b0198c98
Directory: 1.8
Tags: 1.8.2-slim, 1.8-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 4122b4840bd762d1434424e1ec693929b0198c98
Directory: 1.8/slim
Tags: 1.8.2-alpine, 1.8-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 4122b4840bd762d1434424e1ec693929b0198c98
Directory: 1.8/alpine
Tags: 1.8.2-otp-22, 1.8-otp-22
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 6dc5ffd3b4c2915096887b45ba8e71d391ce2398
Directory: 1.8/otp-22
Tags: 1.8.2-otp-22-alpine, 1.8-otp-22-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 6dc5ffd3b4c2915096887b45ba8e71d391ce2398
Directory: 1.8/otp-22-alpine
Tags: 1.7.4, 1.7
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 2b7dd2845d27a6dad57bf0047b305375d6182402
Directory: 1.7
Tags: 1.7.4-slim, 1.7-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 7c1f05ca3fd47bdc86cab3f0310068646a31dcac
Directory: 1.7/slim
Tags: 1.7.4-alpine, 1.7-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 2b7dd2845d27a6dad57bf0047b305375d6182402
Directory: 1.7/alpine
Tags: 1.6.6, 1.6
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 0936291249c7e11d4618a17a2b452045c9e6233a
Directory: 1.6
Tags: 1.6.6-slim, 1.6-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 0936291249c7e11d4618a17a2b452045c9e6233a
Directory: 1.6/slim
Tags: 1.6.6-alpine, 1.6-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 0936291249c7e11d4618a17a2b452045c9e6233a
Directory: 1.6/alpine
Tags: 1.6.6-otp-21, 1.6-otp-21
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: b57a72d04ddd1f1b4e2e3f5b70e44e37def4db31
Directory: 1.6/otp-21
Tags: 1.6.6-otp-21-alpine, 1.6-otp-21-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 373b3a8017bd774b7d193818a326de0fde7f6733
Directory: 1.6/otp-21-alpine

View file

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Mr C0B <> (@c0b)
Tags:, 24.2.0, 24.2, 24, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: a75a6d8aed5c584b6dade9af30218fbf422f3347
Directory: 24
Tags:, 24.2.0-slim, 24.2-slim, 24-slim, slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: f14a791cec08903d5ac34a562861bae675cf2ff8
Directory: 24/slim
Tags:, 24.2.0-alpine, 24.2-alpine, 24-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: f14a791cec08903d5ac34a562861bae675cf2ff8
Directory: 24/alpine
Tags:, 23.3.4, 23.3, 23
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: f08a85a44d90d180930a269770fdd485567b1834
Directory: 23
Tags:, 23.3.4-slim, 23.3-slim, 23-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: f08a85a44d90d180930a269770fdd485567b1834
Directory: 23/slim
Tags:, 23.3.4-alpine, 23.3-alpine, 23-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: f08a85a44d90d180930a269770fdd485567b1834
Directory: 23/alpine
Tags:, 22.3.4, 22.3, 22
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: f08a85a44d90d180930a269770fdd485567b1834
Directory: 22
Tags:, 22.3.4-slim, 22.3-slim, 22-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: f08a85a44d90d180930a269770fdd485567b1834
Directory: 22/slim
Tags:, 22.3.4-alpine, 22.3-alpine, 22-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, s390x, ppc64le
GitCommit: f08a85a44d90d180930a269770fdd485567b1834
Directory: 22/alpine
Tags:, 21.3.8, 21.3, 21
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 563db88eea30a7ae5bc5aea6643b6b186a555c35
Directory: 21
Tags:, 21.3.8-slim, 21.3-slim, 21-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 563db88eea30a7ae5bc5aea6643b6b186a555c35
Directory: 21/slim
Tags:, 21.3.8-alpine, 21.3-alpine, 21-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 563db88eea30a7ae5bc5aea6643b6b186a555c35
Directory: 21/alpine
Tags:, 20.3.8, 20.3, 20
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: abfd637ea53fff8814eee01f865a88d8b4c21c57
Directory: 20
Tags:, 20.3.8-slim, 20.3-slim, 20-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 84d8c156c9b582708c69107131834dc7fc61c0c4
Directory: 20/slim
Tags:, 20.3.8-alpine, 20.3-alpine, 20-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: abfd637ea53fff8814eee01f865a88d8b4c21c57
Directory: 20/alpine
Tags:, 19.3.6, 19.3, 19
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: abfd637ea53fff8814eee01f865a88d8b4c21c57
Directory: 19
Tags:, 19.3.6-slim, 19.3-slim, 19-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 84d8c156c9b582708c69107131834dc7fc61c0c4
Directory: 19/slim
Tags:, 18.3.4, 18.3, 18
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: e91894d9d9c3651382834b77978a05fa057338fb
Directory: 18
Tags:, 18.3.4-slim, 18.3-slim, 18-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: e91894d9d9c3651382834b77978a05fa057338fb
Directory: 18/slim

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: The Express-Gateway Team <> (@express_gateway)
Tags: 1.x, 1.16.x, 1.16.11, latest
Architectures: arm64v8, amd64, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: fa2707c3b24bbd99710a100d7859566fa28817b8
Directory: alpine

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Clement Verna <> (@cverna), Vipul Siddharth <> (@siddharthvipul)
Tags: 33
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x, arm32v7
GitFetch: refs/heads/33
GitCommit: cec7e68b76f504a1310ba12ce6e4a8d6fe2b4660
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
arm32v7-Directory: armhfp/
Tags: 34
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x, arm32v7
GitFetch: refs/heads/34
GitCommit: ea30da82d99fdf3795fd14d0411670a0fdf81697
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
arm32v7-Directory: armhfp/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
Tags: 35, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x, arm32v7
GitFetch: refs/heads/35
GitCommit: 40da686a159cbd72584bb16208e4c1384a042d83
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
arm32v7-Directory: armhfp/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/
Tags: rawhide,36
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x, arm32v7
GitFetch: refs/heads/36
GitCommit: ba2680a57fb2ea22d2d2d5be729ccf4678a8504e
amd64-Directory: x86_64/
arm64v8-Directory: aarch64/
s390x-Directory: s390x/
arm32v7-Directory: armhfp/
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/

View file

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: The Apache Flink Project <> (@ApacheFlink)
Tags: 1.14.2-scala_2.12-java8, 1.14-scala_2.12-java8, scala_2.12-java8, 1.14.2-scala_2.12, 1.14-scala_2.12, scala_2.12, 1.14.2-java8, 1.14-java8, java8, 1.14.2, 1.14, latest
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 0ebeb6ccefea52933ff60c8e5fa7d77adb4090dc
Directory: ./1.14/scala_2.12-java8-debian
Tags: 1.14.2-scala_2.12-java11, 1.14-scala_2.12-java11, scala_2.12-java11, 1.14.2-java11, 1.14-java11, java11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 0ebeb6ccefea52933ff60c8e5fa7d77adb4090dc
Directory: ./1.14/scala_2.12-java11-debian
Tags: 1.14.2-scala_2.11-java8, 1.14-scala_2.11-java8, scala_2.11-java8, 1.14.2-scala_2.11, 1.14-scala_2.11, scala_2.11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 0ebeb6ccefea52933ff60c8e5fa7d77adb4090dc
Directory: ./1.14/scala_2.11-java8-debian
Tags: 1.14.2-scala_2.11-java11, 1.14-scala_2.11-java11, scala_2.11-java11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 0ebeb6ccefea52933ff60c8e5fa7d77adb4090dc
Directory: ./1.14/scala_2.11-java11-debian
Tags: 1.13.5-scala_2.12-java8, 1.13-scala_2.12-java8, 1.13.5-scala_2.12, 1.13-scala_2.12, 1.13.5-java8, 1.13-java8, 1.13.5, 1.13
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 0ebeb6ccefea52933ff60c8e5fa7d77adb4090dc
Directory: ./1.13/scala_2.12-java8-debian
Tags: 1.13.5-scala_2.12-java11, 1.13-scala_2.12-java11, 1.13.5-java11, 1.13-java11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 0ebeb6ccefea52933ff60c8e5fa7d77adb4090dc
Directory: ./1.13/scala_2.12-java11-debian
Tags: 1.13.5-scala_2.11-java8, 1.13-scala_2.11-java8, 1.13.5-scala_2.11, 1.13-scala_2.11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 0ebeb6ccefea52933ff60c8e5fa7d77adb4090dc
Directory: ./1.13/scala_2.11-java8-debian
Tags: 1.13.5-scala_2.11-java11, 1.13-scala_2.11-java11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 0ebeb6ccefea52933ff60c8e5fa7d77adb4090dc
Directory: ./1.13/scala_2.11-java11-debian
Tags: 1.12.7-scala_2.12-java8, 1.12-scala_2.12-java8, 1.12.7-scala_2.12, 1.12-scala_2.12, 1.12.7-java8, 1.12-java8, 1.12.7, 1.12
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 79bcbe515597ed4639da10709742cdcbe331fbc3
Directory: ./1.12/scala_2.12-java8-debian
Tags: 1.12.7-scala_2.12-java11, 1.12-scala_2.12-java11, 1.12.7-java11, 1.12-java11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 79bcbe515597ed4639da10709742cdcbe331fbc3
Directory: ./1.12/scala_2.12-java11-debian
Tags: 1.12.7-scala_2.11-java8, 1.12-scala_2.11-java8, 1.12.7-scala_2.11, 1.12-scala_2.11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 79bcbe515597ed4639da10709742cdcbe331fbc3
Directory: ./1.12/scala_2.11-java8-debian
Tags: 1.12.7-scala_2.11-java11, 1.12-scala_2.11-java11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 79bcbe515597ed4639da10709742cdcbe331fbc3
Directory: ./1.12/scala_2.11-java11-debian
Tags: 1.11.6-scala_2.12-java8, 1.11-scala_2.12-java8, 1.11.6-scala_2.12, 1.11-scala_2.12, 1.11.6-java8, 1.11-java8, 1.11.6, 1.11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 79bcbe515597ed4639da10709742cdcbe331fbc3
Directory: ./1.11/scala_2.12-java8-debian
Tags: 1.11.6-scala_2.12-java11, 1.11-scala_2.12-java11, 1.11.6-java11, 1.11-java11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 79bcbe515597ed4639da10709742cdcbe331fbc3
Directory: ./1.11/scala_2.12-java11-debian
Tags: 1.11.6-scala_2.11-java8, 1.11-scala_2.11-java8, 1.11.6-scala_2.11, 1.11-scala_2.11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 79bcbe515597ed4639da10709742cdcbe331fbc3
Directory: ./1.11/scala_2.11-java8-debian
Tags: 1.11.6-scala_2.11-java11, 1.11-scala_2.11-java11
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 79bcbe515597ed4639da10709742cdcbe331fbc3
Directory: ./1.11/scala_2.11-java11-debian

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Masahiro Nakagawa <> (@repeatedly),
Fluentd developers <> (@fluent/admins)
# Alpine images
Tags: v1.14.0-1.0, v1.14-1, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a9e4cee765c7aaf7876d6fe3282aa565dbcdc2a4
Directory: v1.14/alpine
# Debian images
Tags: v1.14.0-debian-1.0, v1.14-debian-1
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a9e4cee765c7aaf7876d6fe3282aa565dbcdc2a4
Directory: v1.14/debian

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# This file is generated via
Maintainers: Friendica <> (@friendica), Philipp Holzer <> (@nupplaphil)
GitFetch: refs/heads/stable
Tags: 2021.09-apache, apache, stable-apache, 2021.09, latest, stable
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d4e093ff0623994154320e6b4d9ea906ec5a580d
Directory: 2021.09/apache
Tags: 2021.09-fpm, fpm, stable-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d4e093ff0623994154320e6b4d9ea906ec5a580d
Directory: 2021.09/fpm
Tags: 2021.09-fpm-alpine, fpm-alpine, stable-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 51dc7021f0f377a425de24ca32738b58f6867e0c
Directory: 2021.09/fpm-alpine
Tags: 2021.12-dev-apache, dev-apache, 2021.12-dev, dev
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d4e093ff0623994154320e6b4d9ea906ec5a580d
Directory: 2021.12-dev/apache
Tags: 2021.12-dev-fpm, dev-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d4e093ff0623994154320e6b4d9ea906ec5a580d
Directory: 2021.12-dev/fpm
Tags: 2021.12-dev-fpm-alpine, dev-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 8aa05541382295d09f2b4debf5c3d97e233f8599
Directory: 2021.12-dev/fpm-alpine
Tags: 2021.12-rc-apache, rc-apache, 2021.12-rc, rc
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d4e093ff0623994154320e6b4d9ea906ec5a580d
Directory: 2021.12-rc/apache
Tags: 2021.12-rc-fpm, rc-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d4e093ff0623994154320e6b4d9ea906ec5a580d
Directory: 2021.12-rc/fpm
Tags: 2021.12-rc-fpm-alpine, rc-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d4e093ff0623994154320e6b4d9ea906ec5a580d
Directory: 2021.12-rc/fpm-alpine

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Tully Foote <> (@tfoote)
# Release: 9
# Distro: ubuntu:xenial
Tags: gzserver9-xenial
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 96c8fa210caaeebd50e067ade05d5fc9a4a60c84
Directory: gazebo/9/ubuntu/xenial/gzserver9
Tags: libgazebo9-xenial
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 96c8fa210caaeebd50e067ade05d5fc9a4a60c84
Directory: gazebo/9/ubuntu/xenial/libgazebo9
# Distro: ubuntu:bionic
Tags: gzserver9, gzserver9-bionic
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 212f7553882e8f3e96af773ede6ef1848277c09e
Directory: gazebo/9/ubuntu/bionic/gzserver9
Tags: libgazebo9, libgazebo9-bionic
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 212f7553882e8f3e96af773ede6ef1848277c09e
Directory: gazebo/9/ubuntu/bionic/libgazebo9
# Release: 11
# Distro: ubuntu:bionic
Tags: gzserver11-bionic
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 178476751f93bc2b9fdd8d808be4d02061df9976
Directory: gazebo/11/ubuntu/bionic/gzserver11
Tags: libgazebo11-bionic
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 178476751f93bc2b9fdd8d808be4d02061df9976
Directory: gazebo/11/ubuntu/bionic/libgazebo11
# Distro: ubuntu:focal
Tags: gzserver11, gzserver11-focal
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 178476751f93bc2b9fdd8d808be4d02061df9976
Directory: gazebo/11/ubuntu/focal/gzserver11
Tags: libgazebo11, libgazebo11-focal, latest
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 178476751f93bc2b9fdd8d808be4d02061df9976
Directory: gazebo/11/ubuntu/focal/libgazebo11

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
# Last Modified: 2021-07-28
Tags: 11.2.0, 11.2, 11, latest, 11.2.0-bullseye, 11.2-bullseye, 11-bullseye, bullseye
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: c2c4e3ac9245fa9e5789512969cf3209e0c56136
Directory: 11
# Docker EOL: 2023-01-28
# Last Modified: 2021-04-08
Tags: 10.3.0, 10.3, 10, 10.3.0-buster, 10.3-buster, 10-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a49434c14bb5fd8aa7d1d66b366195bbafea4e7e
Directory: 10
# Docker EOL: 2022-10-08
# Last Modified: 2021-06-01
Tags: 9.4.0, 9.4, 9, 9.4.0-buster, 9.4-buster, 9-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a49434c14bb5fd8aa7d1d66b366195bbafea4e7e
Directory: 9
# Docker EOL: 2022-12-01
# Last Modified: 2021-05-14
Tags: 8.5.0, 8.5, 8, 8.5.0-buster, 8.5-buster, 8-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a49434c14bb5fd8aa7d1d66b366195bbafea4e7e
Directory: 8
# Docker EOL: 2022-11-14

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Joana Simoes <> (@doublebyte1),
Juan Luis Rodriguez <> (@juanluisrp)
Tags: 3.10.10, 3.10
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 31d40ad44face58778f31879bb0d0c5578f7cc6d
Directory: 3.10.10
Tags: 3.10.10-postgres, 3.10-postgres
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 31d40ad44face58778f31879bb0d0c5578f7cc6d
Directory: 3.10.10/postgres
Tags: 3.12.2, 3.12, 3
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 1ccafbd1dfe186d5ce277bb8e8bfdf40473d971a
Directory: 3.12.2
Tags: 3.12.2-postgres, 3.12-postgres, 3-postgres
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 1ccafbd1dfe186d5ce277bb8e8bfdf40473d971a
Directory: 3.12.2/postgres
Tags: 4.0.5, 4.0, 4, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 8e557004a50f04a2ac62a21009ce0ec745ed9b8d
Directory: 4.0.5

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 4.32.0, 4.32, 4, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: f9e21738c57f92c845497d9ea27f6f7c10b1cf9c
Directory: 4/debian
Tags: 4.32.0-alpine, 4.32-alpine, 4-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: f9e21738c57f92c845497d9ea27f6f7c10b1cf9c
Directory: 4/alpine
Tags: 3.42.8, 3.42, 3
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 14c6c9dc1673c75472eabd7b545fdf4b8dfcf4df
Directory: 3/debian
Tags: 3.42.8-alpine, 3.42-alpine, 3-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: 14c6c9dc1673c75472eabd7b545fdf4b8dfcf4df
Directory: 3/alpine

View file

@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit),
Johan Euphrosine <> (@proppy)
Tags: 1.18beta1-bullseye, 1.18-rc-bullseye, rc-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.18beta1, 1.18-rc, rc
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/bullseye
Tags: 1.18beta1-buster, 1.18-rc-buster, rc-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/buster
Tags: 1.18beta1-stretch, 1.18-rc-stretch, rc-stretch
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/stretch
Tags: 1.18beta1-alpine3.15, 1.18-rc-alpine3.15, rc-alpine3.15, 1.18beta1-alpine, 1.18-rc-alpine, rc-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/alpine3.15
Tags: 1.18beta1-alpine3.14, 1.18-rc-alpine3.14, rc-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/alpine3.14
Tags: 1.18beta1-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 1.18-rc-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, rc-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.18beta1-windowsservercore, 1.18-rc-windowsservercore, rc-windowsservercore, 1.18beta1, 1.18-rc, rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.18beta1-windowsservercore-1809, 1.18-rc-windowsservercore-1809, rc-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 1.18beta1-windowsservercore, 1.18-rc-windowsservercore, rc-windowsservercore, 1.18beta1, 1.18-rc, rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.18beta1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 1.18-rc-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, rc-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 1.18beta1-windowsservercore, 1.18-rc-windowsservercore, rc-windowsservercore, 1.18beta1, 1.18-rc, rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 1.18beta1-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 1.18-rc-nanoserver-ltsc2022, rc-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.18beta1-nanoserver, 1.18-rc-nanoserver, rc-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.18beta1-nanoserver-1809, 1.18-rc-nanoserver-1809, rc-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 1.18beta1-nanoserver, 1.18-rc-nanoserver, rc-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: be0797ac1d92bdc78647ebf8b8edb380b2d9657e
Directory: 1.18-rc/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.17.5-bullseye, 1.17-bullseye, 1-bullseye, bullseye
SharedTags: 1.17.5, 1.17, 1, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/bullseye
Tags: 1.17.5-buster, 1.17-buster, 1-buster, buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/buster
Tags: 1.17.5-stretch, 1.17-stretch, 1-stretch, stretch
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/stretch
Tags: 1.17.5-alpine3.15, 1.17-alpine3.15, 1-alpine3.15, alpine3.15, 1.17.5-alpine, 1.17-alpine, 1-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/alpine3.15
Tags: 1.17.5-alpine3.14, 1.17-alpine3.14, 1-alpine3.14, alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/alpine3.14
Tags: 1.17.5-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 1.17-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 1-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.17.5-windowsservercore, 1.17-windowsservercore, 1-windowsservercore, windowsservercore, 1.17.5, 1.17, 1, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.17.5-windowsservercore-1809, 1.17-windowsservercore-1809, 1-windowsservercore-1809, windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 1.17.5-windowsservercore, 1.17-windowsservercore, 1-windowsservercore, windowsservercore, 1.17.5, 1.17, 1, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.17.5-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 1.17-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 1.17.5-windowsservercore, 1.17-windowsservercore, 1-windowsservercore, windowsservercore, 1.17.5, 1.17, 1, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 1.17.5-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 1.17-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 1-nanoserver-ltsc2022, nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.17.5-nanoserver, 1.17-nanoserver, 1-nanoserver, nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.17.5-nanoserver-1809, 1.17-nanoserver-1809, 1-nanoserver-1809, nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 1.17.5-nanoserver, 1.17-nanoserver, 1-nanoserver, nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: dbdde931579e4a3d446b17167c67f573658d6989
Directory: 1.17/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.16.12-bullseye, 1.16-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.16.12, 1.16
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/bullseye
Tags: 1.16.12-buster, 1.16-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/buster
Tags: 1.16.12-stretch, 1.16-stretch
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/stretch
Tags: 1.16.12-alpine3.15, 1.16-alpine3.15, 1.16.12-alpine, 1.16-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/alpine3.15
Tags: 1.16.12-alpine3.14, 1.16-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/alpine3.14
Tags: 1.16.12-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 1.16-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.16.12-windowsservercore, 1.16-windowsservercore, 1.16.12, 1.16
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.16.12-windowsservercore-1809, 1.16-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 1.16.12-windowsservercore, 1.16-windowsservercore, 1.16.12, 1.16
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.16.12-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 1.16-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 1.16.12-windowsservercore, 1.16-windowsservercore, 1.16.12, 1.16
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 1.16.12-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 1.16-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.16.12-nanoserver, 1.16-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.16.12-nanoserver-1809, 1.16-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 1.16.12-nanoserver, 1.16-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 17e6986fb3b995d71eab6c19880010644638ba47
Directory: 1.16/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809

View file

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Keegan Witt <> (@keeganwitt)
# Gradle 7.x
Tags: 7.3.3-jdk8, 7.3-jdk8, 7-jdk8, jdk8
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: b53b15d8999cc61db7e51eeadfccc48c686c2768
Directory: jdk8
Tags: 7.3.3-jdk11, 7.3-jdk11, 7-jdk11, jdk11
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: b53b15d8999cc61db7e51eeadfccc48c686c2768
Directory: jdk11
Tags: 7.3.3-jdk11-alpine, 7.3-jdk11-alpine, 7-jdk11-alpine, jdk11-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: b53b15d8999cc61db7e51eeadfccc48c686c2768
Directory: jdk11-alpine
Tags: 7.3.3-jdk17, 7.3-jdk17, 7-jdk17, jdk17, 7.3.3-jdk, 7.3-jdk, 7-jdk, jdk, 7.3.3, 7.3, 7, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: b53b15d8999cc61db7e51eeadfccc48c686c2768
Directory: jdk17
Tags: 7.3.3-jdk17-alpine, 7.3-jdk17-alpine, 7-jdk17-alpine, jdk17-alpine, 7.3.3-jdk-alpine, 7.3-jdk-alpine, 7-jdk-alpine, jdk-alpine, 7.3.3-alpine, 7.3-alpine, 7-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: b53b15d8999cc61db7e51eeadfccc48c686c2768
Directory: jdk17-alpine
# Gradle 6.x
Tags: 6.9.2-jdk8, 6.9-jdk8, 6-jdk8
GitFetch: refs/heads/6
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 52b6facc824989b809f42b71ea158b54e0402587
Directory: jdk8
Tags: 6.9.2-jdk11, 6.9-jdk11, 6-jdk11
GitFetch: refs/heads/6
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 52b6facc824989b809f42b71ea158b54e0402587
Directory: jdk11
Tags: 6.9.2-jdk11-alpine, 6.9-jdk11-alpine, 6-jdk11-alpine
GitFetch: refs/heads/6
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 52b6facc824989b809f42b71ea158b54e0402587
Directory: jdk11-alpine
Tags: 6.9.2-jdk17, 6.9-jdk17, 6-jdk17, 6.9.2-jdk, 6.9-jdk, 6-jdk, 6.9.2, 6.9, 6
GitFetch: refs/heads/6
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 52b6facc824989b809f42b71ea158b54e0402587
Directory: jdk17
Tags: 6.9.2-jdk17-alpine, 6.9-jdk17-alpine, 6-jdk17-alpine, 6.9.2-jdk-alpine, 6.9-jdk-alpine, 6-jdk-alpine, 6.9.2-alpine, 6.9-alpine, 6-alpine
GitFetch: refs/heads/6
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 52b6facc824989b809f42b71ea158b54e0402587
Directory: jdk17-alpine

View file

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Keegan Witt <> (@keeganwitt)
# Groovy 3
Tags: 3.0.9-jdk8, 3.0-jdk8, jdk8
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: a3aa08aa0ceaaf13f1ad73a882aba081ff46e816
Directory: jdk8
Tags: 3.0.9-jdk11, 3.0-jdk11, jdk11
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a3aa08aa0ceaaf13f1ad73a882aba081ff46e816
Directory: jdk11
Tags: 3.0.9-jdk11-alpine, 3.0-jdk11-alpine, jdk11-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: a3aa08aa0ceaaf13f1ad73a882aba081ff46e816
Directory: jdk11-alpine
Tags: 3.0.9-jdk17, 3.0-jdk17, jdk17, 3.0.9-jdk, 3.0-jdk, 3.0.9, 3.0, 3, jdk, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a3aa08aa0ceaaf13f1ad73a882aba081ff46e816
Directory: jdk17
Tags: 3.0.9-jdk17-alpine, 3.0-jdk17-alpine, jdk17-alpine, 3.0.9-jdk-alpine, 3.0-jdk-alpine, 3.0.9-alpine, 3.0-alpine, 3-alpine, jdk-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: a3aa08aa0ceaaf13f1ad73a882aba081ff46e816
Directory: jdk17-alpine
# Groovy 4
Tags: 4.0.0-rc-1-jdk8, 4.0.0-jdk8, 4.0-jdk8
GitFetch: refs/heads/4.0
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 4c993448bfbb2501cceeef588304786a820641a8
Directory: jdk8
Tags: 4.0.0-rc-1-jdk11, 4.0.0-jdk11, 4.0-jdk11
GitFetch: refs/heads/4.0
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 4c993448bfbb2501cceeef588304786a820641a8
Directory: jdk11
Tags: 4.0.0-rc-1-jdk11-alpine, 4.0.0-jdk11-alpine, 4.0-jdk11-alpine
GitFetch: refs/heads/4.0
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 4c993448bfbb2501cceeef588304786a820641a8
Directory: jdk11-alpine
Tags: 4.0.0-rc-1-jdk17, 4.0.0-jdk17, 4.0-jdk17, 4.0.0-rc-1-jdk, 4.0.0-jdk, 4.0.0-rc-1, 4.0.0, 4.0, 4
GitFetch: refs/heads/4.0
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 4c993448bfbb2501cceeef588304786a820641a8
Directory: jdk17
Tags: 4.0.0-rc-1-jdk17-alpine, 4.0.0-jdk17-alpine, 4.0-jdk17-alpine, 4.0.0-rc-1-jdk-alpine, 4.0.0-jdk-alpine, 4.0.0-rc-1-alpine, 4.0.0-alpine, 4.0-alpine, 4-alpine
GitFetch: refs/heads/4.0
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 4c993448bfbb2501cceeef588304786a820641a8
Directory: jdk17-alpine

View file

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 2.6-dev0, 2.6-dev, 2.6-dev0-bullseye, 2.6-dev-bullseye
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 50b6692229b0d82c35f925548c8cd24111319d18
Directory: 2.6-rc
Tags: 2.6-dev0-alpine, 2.6-dev-alpine, 2.6-dev0-alpine3.15, 2.6-dev-alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 633f24fd7cddfe751c62c9490925721e087cd172
Directory: 2.6-rc/alpine
Tags: 2.5.0, 2.5, latest, 2.5.0-bullseye, 2.5-bullseye, bullseye
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 50b6692229b0d82c35f925548c8cd24111319d18
Directory: 2.5
Tags: 2.5.0-alpine, 2.5-alpine, alpine, 2.5.0-alpine3.15, 2.5-alpine3.15, alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 633f24fd7cddfe751c62c9490925721e087cd172
Directory: 2.5/alpine
Tags: 2.4.10, 2.4, lts, 2.4.10-bullseye, 2.4-bullseye, lts-bullseye
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6cba82d16640e7843483486e0de6ebb2543233cf
Directory: 2.4
Tags: 2.4.10-alpine, 2.4-alpine, lts-alpine, 2.4.10-alpine3.15, 2.4-alpine3.15, lts-alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 6cba82d16640e7843483486e0de6ebb2543233cf
Directory: 2.4/alpine
Tags: 2.3.16, 2.3, 2.3.16-bullseye, 2.3-bullseye
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 07c64064f7cb0f9d82e369bb623fe3fdc11cd76f
Directory: 2.3
Tags: 2.3.16-alpine, 2.3-alpine, 2.3.16-alpine3.15, 2.3-alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 633f24fd7cddfe751c62c9490925721e087cd172
Directory: 2.3/alpine
Tags: 2.2.19, 2.2, 2.2.19-bullseye, 2.2-bullseye
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d8b5ff11d4587a5ab0aa24eb92e4303410782505
Directory: 2.2
Tags: 2.2.19-alpine, 2.2-alpine, 2.2.19-alpine3.15, 2.2-alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d8b5ff11d4587a5ab0aa24eb92e4303410782505
Directory: 2.2/alpine
Tags: 2.0.26, 2.0, 2.0.26-buster, 2.0-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 4e8e42f7d8e647a8a8b9040e419a8c86bcd4ee51
Directory: 2.0
Tags: 2.0.26-alpine, 2.0-alpine, 2.0.26-alpine3.15, 2.0-alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 4e8e42f7d8e647a8a8b9040e419a8c86bcd4ee51
Directory: 2.0/alpine
Tags: 1.8.30, 1.8, 1.8.30-buster, 1.8-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 47dd63fdb9a0674dae6cc2acb3ab4484bb51674a
Directory: 1.8
Tags: 1.8.30-alpine, 1.8-alpine, 1.8.30-alpine3.15, 1.8-alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 633f24fd7cddfe751c62c9490925721e087cd172
Directory: 1.8/alpine
Tags: 1.7.14, 1.7, 1.7.14-buster, 1.7-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 47dd63fdb9a0674dae6cc2acb3ab4484bb51674a
Directory: 1.7
Tags: 1.7.14-alpine, 1.7-alpine, 1.7.14-alpine3.12, 1.7-alpine3.12
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 47dd63fdb9a0674dae6cc2acb3ab4484bb51674a
Directory: 1.7/alpine

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Alistair Burrowes <> (@AlistairB),
Herbert Valerio Riedel <> (@hvr)
Tags: 9.2.1-buster, 9.2-buster, 9-buster, buster, 9.2.1, 9.2, 9, latest
GitCommit: 71b980bfedb718c656ab6152998da8f500202469
Directory: 9.2/buster
Tags: 9.0.1-buster, 9.0-buster, 9.0.1, 9.0
GitCommit: f08ade43f48981b87505fbecca852194954fa61b
Directory: 9.0/buster
Tags: 8.10.7-buster, 8.10-buster, 8-buster, 8.10.7, 8.10, 8
GitCommit: f08ade43f48981b87505fbecca852194954fa61b
Directory: 8.10/buster

View file

@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Andy Li <> (@andyli)
Tags: 4.2.4-bullseye, 4.2-bullseye
SharedTags: 4.2.4, 4.2, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: 0292fae1a29c23dee119205b3b75ad9e27f6cf32
Directory: 4.2/bullseye
Tags: 4.2.4-buster, 4.2-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: 3ef7cb9a5509396e576e5ee77cf112fb91545fd0
Directory: 4.2/buster
Tags: 4.2.4-windowsservercore-1809, 4.2-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 4.2.4-windowsservercore, 4.2-windowsservercore, 4.2.4, 4.2, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 3ef7cb9a5509396e576e5ee77cf112fb91545fd0
Directory: 4.2/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.2.4-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4.2-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 4.2.4-windowsservercore, 4.2-windowsservercore, 4.2.4, 4.2, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 3ef7cb9a5509396e576e5ee77cf112fb91545fd0
Directory: 4.2/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 4.2.4-alpine3.15, 4.2-alpine3.15, 4.2.4-alpine, 4.2-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: b0098b4b730d0d9ff21dbf3d543464228d6b7e99
Directory: 4.2/alpine3.15
Tags: 4.2.4-alpine3.14, 4.2-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 3ef7cb9a5509396e576e5ee77cf112fb91545fd0
Directory: 4.2/alpine3.14
Tags: 4.2.4-alpine3.13, 4.2-alpine3.13
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 3ef7cb9a5509396e576e5ee77cf112fb91545fd0
Directory: 4.2/alpine3.13
Tags: 4.2.4-alpine3.12, 4.2-alpine3.12
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 3ef7cb9a5509396e576e5ee77cf112fb91545fd0
Directory: 4.2/alpine3.12
Tags: 4.1.5-bullseye, 4.1-bullseye
SharedTags: 4.1.5, 4.1
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: 0292fae1a29c23dee119205b3b75ad9e27f6cf32
Directory: 4.1/bullseye
Tags: 4.1.5-buster, 4.1-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: adf0e23e460a657c77c44f2502e5fa8cf820d020
Directory: 4.1/buster
Tags: 4.1.5-windowsservercore-1809, 4.1-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 4.1.5-windowsservercore, 4.1-windowsservercore, 4.1.5, 4.1
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: c01eea28361debd68bc2e1f5318aa0bf28ebb05a
Directory: 4.1/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.1.5-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 4.1.5-windowsservercore, 4.1-windowsservercore, 4.1.5, 4.1
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: c01eea28361debd68bc2e1f5318aa0bf28ebb05a
Directory: 4.1/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 4.1.5-alpine3.15, 4.1-alpine3.15, 4.1.5-alpine, 4.1-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: b0098b4b730d0d9ff21dbf3d543464228d6b7e99
Directory: 4.1/alpine3.15
Tags: 4.1.5-alpine3.14, 4.1-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 71afcb74d885cfbcf9bff439d7aba47a79b541b1
Directory: 4.1/alpine3.14
Tags: 4.1.5-alpine3.13, 4.1-alpine3.13
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: c195ebc0755b9debcfacbd6edc977a8ad1cd450e
Directory: 4.1/alpine3.13
Tags: 4.1.5-alpine3.12, 4.1-alpine3.12
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: adf0e23e460a657c77c44f2502e5fa8cf820d020
Directory: 4.1/alpine3.12
Tags: 4.0.5-bullseye, 4.0-bullseye
SharedTags: 4.0.5, 4.0
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: 0292fae1a29c23dee119205b3b75ad9e27f6cf32
Directory: 4.0/bullseye
Tags: 4.0.5-buster, 4.0-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: adf0e23e460a657c77c44f2502e5fa8cf820d020
Directory: 4.0/buster
Tags: 4.0.5-stretch, 4.0-stretch
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: adf0e23e460a657c77c44f2502e5fa8cf820d020
Directory: 4.0/stretch
Tags: 4.0.5-windowsservercore-1809, 4.0-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 4.0.5-windowsservercore, 4.0-windowsservercore, 4.0.5, 4.0
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 38b1ceb14a5692ae2c655c056baaff79d963da33
Directory: 4.0/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.0.5-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 4.0.5-windowsservercore, 4.0-windowsservercore, 4.0.5, 4.0
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 38b1ceb14a5692ae2c655c056baaff79d963da33
Directory: 4.0/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 4.0.5-alpine3.15, 4.0-alpine3.15, 4.0.5-alpine, 4.0-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: b0098b4b730d0d9ff21dbf3d543464228d6b7e99
Directory: 4.0/alpine3.15
Tags: 4.0.5-alpine3.14, 4.0-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 71afcb74d885cfbcf9bff439d7aba47a79b541b1
Directory: 4.0/alpine3.14
Tags: 4.0.5-alpine3.13, 4.0-alpine3.13
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: c195ebc0755b9debcfacbd6edc977a8ad1cd450e
Directory: 4.0/alpine3.13
Tags: 4.0.5-alpine3.12, 4.0-alpine3.12
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: adf0e23e460a657c77c44f2502e5fa8cf820d020
Directory: 4.0/alpine3.12
Tags: 3.4.7-buster, 3.4-buster
SharedTags: 3.4.7, 3.4
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: 1f586bf85c12ce5c9300f24079912b94c73bc3f7
Directory: 3.4/buster
Tags: 3.4.7-stretch, 3.4-stretch
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: e57329c158b19f881c57a0496afbaf4446895fca
Directory: 3.4/stretch
Tags: 3.4.7-windowsservercore-1809, 3.4-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 3.4.7-windowsservercore, 3.4-windowsservercore, 3.4.7, 3.4
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 7df74d220cce33998dde7623f8c9176d7fa938f7
Directory: 3.4/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 3.4.7-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 3.4-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 3.4.7-windowsservercore, 3.4-windowsservercore, 3.4.7, 3.4
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 7df74d220cce33998dde7623f8c9176d7fa938f7
Directory: 3.4/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 3.4.7-alpine3.13, 3.4-alpine3.13, 3.4.7-alpine, 3.4-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: c195ebc0755b9debcfacbd6edc977a8ad1cd450e
Directory: 3.4/alpine3.13
Tags: 3.4.7-alpine3.12, 3.4-alpine3.12
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: d902612570437c75dc21b83b6fe0afd39a8c260d
Directory: 3.4/alpine3.12
Tags: 3.3.0-rc.1-buster, 3.3.0-buster, 3.3-buster
SharedTags: 3.3.0-rc.1, 3.3.0, 3.3
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: 1f586bf85c12ce5c9300f24079912b94c73bc3f7
Directory: 3.3/buster
Tags: 3.3.0-rc.1-stretch, 3.3.0-stretch, 3.3-stretch
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: e57329c158b19f881c57a0496afbaf4446895fca
Directory: 3.3/stretch
Tags: 3.3.0-rc.1-windowsservercore-1809, 3.3.0-windowsservercore-1809, 3.3-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 3.3.0-rc.1-windowsservercore, 3.3.0-windowsservercore, 3.3-windowsservercore, 3.3.0-rc.1, 3.3.0, 3.3
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 7df74d220cce33998dde7623f8c9176d7fa938f7
Directory: 3.3/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 3.3.0-rc.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 3.3.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 3.3-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 3.3.0-rc.1-windowsservercore, 3.3.0-windowsservercore, 3.3-windowsservercore, 3.3.0-rc.1, 3.3.0, 3.3
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 7df74d220cce33998dde7623f8c9176d7fa938f7
Directory: 3.3/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 3.3.0-rc.1-alpine3.13, 3.3.0-rc.1-alpine, 3.3.0-alpine3.13, 3.3-alpine3.13, 3.3.0-alpine, 3.3-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: c195ebc0755b9debcfacbd6edc977a8ad1cd450e
Directory: 3.3/alpine3.13
Tags: 3.3.0-rc.1-alpine3.12, 3.3.0-alpine3.12, 3.3-alpine3.12
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: d902612570437c75dc21b83b6fe0afd39a8c260d
Directory: 3.3/alpine3.12
Tags: 3.2.1-buster, 3.2-buster
SharedTags: 3.2.1, 3.2
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: 1f586bf85c12ce5c9300f24079912b94c73bc3f7
Directory: 3.2/buster
Tags: 3.2.1-stretch, 3.2-stretch
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: e57329c158b19f881c57a0496afbaf4446895fca
Directory: 3.2/stretch
Tags: 3.2.1-windowsservercore-1809, 3.2-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 3.2.1-windowsservercore, 3.2-windowsservercore, 3.2.1, 3.2
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 7df74d220cce33998dde7623f8c9176d7fa938f7
Directory: 3.2/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 3.2.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 3.2-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 3.2.1-windowsservercore, 3.2-windowsservercore, 3.2.1, 3.2
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 7df74d220cce33998dde7623f8c9176d7fa938f7
Directory: 3.2/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 3.2.1-alpine3.13, 3.2-alpine3.13, 3.2.1-alpine, 3.2-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: c195ebc0755b9debcfacbd6edc977a8ad1cd450e
Directory: 3.2/alpine3.13
Tags: 3.2.1-alpine3.12, 3.2-alpine3.12
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: d902612570437c75dc21b83b6fe0afd39a8c260d
Directory: 3.2/alpine3.12
Tags: 3.1.3-stretch, 3.1-stretch
SharedTags: 3.1.3, 3.1
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
GitCommit: e57329c158b19f881c57a0496afbaf4446895fca
Directory: 3.1/stretch
Tags: 3.1.3-windowsservercore-1809, 3.1-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 3.1.3-windowsservercore, 3.1-windowsservercore, 3.1.3, 3.1
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 7df74d220cce33998dde7623f8c9176d7fa938f7
Directory: 3.1/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 3.1.3-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 3.1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 3.1.3-windowsservercore, 3.1-windowsservercore, 3.1.3, 3.1
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 7df74d220cce33998dde7623f8c9176d7fa938f7
Directory: 3.1/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
GitCommit: c6676f682a833388a087758d8789b43fbe003397
Tags: linux
SharedTags: latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, riscv64, s390x
amd64-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
amd64-Directory: amd64/hello-world
arm32v5-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
arm32v5-Directory: arm32v5/hello-world
arm32v7-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
arm32v7-Directory: arm32v7/hello-world
arm64v8-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
arm64v8-Directory: arm64v8/hello-world
i386-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
i386-Directory: i386/hello-world
mips64le-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
mips64le-Directory: mips64le/hello-world
ppc64le-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
ppc64le-Directory: ppc64le/hello-world
riscv64-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
riscv64-Directory: riscv64/hello-world
s390x-GitCommit: 3332fbee4210b41738d83f6cfdc301a42b96e30d
s390x-Directory: s390x/hello-world
Tags: nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: nanoserver, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
windows-amd64-GitCommit: c6676f682a833388a087758d8789b43fbe003397
windows-amd64-Directory: amd64/hello-world/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022
Tags: nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: nanoserver, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
windows-amd64-GitCommit: a6fdcbffb08c09e63c48cda1878e15fefcb6460a
windows-amd64-Directory: amd64/hello-world/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# this file was generated using
Maintainers: Thijs Feryn <> (@thijsferyn),
Guillaume Quintard <> (@gquintard)
Tags: 1, 1.7, 1.7.2, 1.7.2-1, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 054c998138c8f8ec6be03c7db711b8435de41e2b

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 2.4.52, 2.4, 2, latest, 2.4.52-bullseye, 2.4-bullseye, 2-bullseye, bullseye
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a7acc047c8970e0502f4c6b577775f840f1f99b6
Directory: 2.4
Tags: 2.4.52-alpine, 2.4-alpine, 2-alpine, alpine, 2.4.52-alpine3.15, 2.4-alpine3.15, 2-alpine3.15, alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: a7acc047c8970e0502f4c6b577775f840f1f99b6
Directory: 2.4/alpine

View file

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Paul Tagliamonte <> (@paultag), Hy Docker Team (@hylang/docker)
GitCommit: a96651faa387b5fd876e68a98cc081cb483d9b22
Directory: dockerfiles-generated
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.10-bullseye, python3.10-bullseye, 1.0a3-bullseye, bullseye
SharedTags: 1.0a3-python3.10, python3.10, 1.0a3, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.10-bullseye
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.10-buster, python3.10-buster, 1.0a3-buster, buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.10-buster
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.10-alpine3.15, python3.10-alpine3.15, 1.0a3-alpine3.15, alpine3.15, 1.0a3-python3.10-alpine, python3.10-alpine, 1.0a3-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.10-alpine3.15
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.10-alpine3.14, python3.10-alpine3.14, 1.0a3-alpine3.14, alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.10-alpine3.14
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.9-bullseye, python3.9-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.0a3-python3.9, python3.9
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.9-bullseye
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.9-buster, python3.9-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.9-buster
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.9-alpine3.15, python3.9-alpine3.15, 1.0a3-python3.9-alpine, python3.9-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.9-alpine3.15
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.9-alpine3.14, python3.9-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.9-alpine3.14
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.9-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, python3.9-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.0a3-python3.9, python3.9
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
File: Dockerfile.python3.9-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.9-windowsservercore-1809, python3.9-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 1.0a3-python3.9, python3.9
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.python3.9-windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.9-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, python3.9-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 1.0a3-python3.9, python3.9
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
File: Dockerfile.python3.9-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.8-bullseye, python3.8-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.0a3-python3.8, python3.8
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.8-bullseye
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.8-buster, python3.8-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.8-buster
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.8-alpine3.15, python3.8-alpine3.15, 1.0a3-python3.8-alpine, python3.8-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.8-alpine3.15
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.8-alpine3.14, python3.8-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.8-alpine3.14
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.7-bullseye, python3.7-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.0a3-python3.7, python3.7
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.7-bullseye
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.7-buster, python3.7-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.7-buster
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.7-alpine3.15, python3.7-alpine3.15, 1.0a3-python3.7-alpine, python3.7-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.7-alpine3.15
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.7-alpine3.14, python3.7-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.7-alpine3.14
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.6-bullseye, python3.6-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.0a3-python3.6, python3.6
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.6-bullseye
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.6-buster, python3.6-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.6-buster
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.6-alpine3.15, python3.6-alpine3.15, 1.0a3-python3.6-alpine, python3.6-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.6-alpine3.15
Tags: 1.0a3-python3.6-alpine3.14, python3.6-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
File: Dockerfile.python3.6-alpine3.14
Tags: 1.0a3-pypy3.8-bullseye, pypy3.8-bullseye, 1.0a3-pypy-bullseye, pypy-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.0a3-pypy3.8, pypy3.8, 1.0a3-pypy, pypy
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, i386
File: Dockerfile.pypy3.8-bullseye
Tags: 1.0a3-pypy3.8-buster, pypy3.8-buster, 1.0a3-pypy-buster, pypy-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, i386, s390x
File: Dockerfile.pypy3.8-buster
Tags: 1.0a3-pypy3.8-windowsservercore-1809, pypy3.8-windowsservercore-1809, 1.0a3-pypy-windowsservercore-1809, pypy-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 1.0a3-pypy3.8, pypy3.8, 1.0a3-pypy, pypy
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.pypy3.8-windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.0a3-pypy3.7-bullseye, pypy3.7-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.0a3-pypy3.7, pypy3.7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, i386
File: Dockerfile.pypy3.7-bullseye
Tags: 1.0a3-pypy3.7-buster, pypy3.7-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, i386, s390x
File: Dockerfile.pypy3.7-buster
Tags: 1.0a3-pypy3.7-windowsservercore-1809, pypy3.7-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 1.0a3-pypy3.7, pypy3.7
Architectures: windows-amd64
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
File: Dockerfile.pypy3.7-windowsservercore-1809

View file

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
# IBM Semeru Runtimes official Docker images.
Maintainers: Surya Narkedimilli <> (@narkedi)
GitFetch: refs/heads/ibm
#-----------------------------openj9 v8 images---------------------------------
Tags: open-8u312-b07-jdk-focal, open-8-jdk-focal
SharedTags: open-8u312-b07-jdk, open-8-jdk
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, s390x, arm64v8
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 8/jdk/ubuntu
Tags: open-8u312-b07-jdk-centos7, open-8-jdk-centos7
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, arm64v8
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 8/jdk/centos
Tags: open-8u312-b07-jre-focal, open-8-jre-focal
SharedTags: open-8u312-b07-jre, open-8-jre
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, s390x, arm64v8
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 8/jre/ubuntu
Tags: open-8u312-b07-jre-centos7, open-8-jre-centos7
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, arm64v8
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 8/jre/centos
#-----------------------------openj9 v11 images---------------------------------
Tags: open-11.0.13_8-jdk-focal, open-11-jdk-focal
SharedTags: open-11.0.13_8-jdk, open-11-jdk
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, s390x, arm64v8
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 11/jdk/ubuntu
Tags: open-11.0.13_8-jdk-centos7, open-11-jdk-centos7
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, arm64v8
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 11/jdk/centos
Tags: open-11.0.13_8-jre-focal, open-11-jre-focal
SharedTags: open-11.0.13_8-jre, open-11-jre
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, s390x, arm64v8
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 11/jre/ubuntu
Tags: open-11.0.13_8-jre-centos7, open-11-jre-centos7
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, arm64v8
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 11/jre/centos
#-----------------------------openj9 v16 images---------------------------------
Tags: open-16.0.2_7-jdk-focal, open-16-jdk-focal
SharedTags: open-16.0.2_7-jdk, open-16-jdk
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 16/jdk/ubuntu
Tags: open-16.0.2_7-jdk-centos7, open-16-jdk-centos7
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 16/jdk/centos
Tags: open-16.0.2_7-jre-focal, open-16-jre-focal
SharedTags: open-16.0.2_7-jre, open-16-jre
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 16/jre/ubuntu
Tags: open-16.0.2_7-jre-centos7, open-16-jre-centos7
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 16/jre/centos
#-----------------------------openj9 v17 images---------------------------------
Tags: open-17.0.1_12-jdk-focal, open-17-jdk-focal
SharedTags: open-17.0.1_12-jdk, open-17-jdk
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 17/jdk/ubuntu
Tags: open-17.0.1_12-jdk-centos7, open-17-jdk-centos7
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 17/jdk/centos
Tags: open-17.0.1_12-jre-focal, open-17-jre-focal
SharedTags: open-17.0.1_12-jre, open-17-jre
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 17/jre/ubuntu
Tags: open-17.0.1_12-jre-centos7, open-17-jre-centos7
Architectures: amd64, ppc64le
GitCommit: f651958cdf652a184902b10dbd23d16b828964ce
Directory: 17/jre/centos

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# ibmjava official images
Maintainers: Jayashree Gopi <> (@jayasg12)
Tags: 8-jre, jre, 8, latest
Architectures: amd64, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 2189f24ee864a89ba0da763d01ce2cb13822bb8a
Directory: ibmjava/8/jre/ubuntu
Tags: 8-jre-alpine, jre-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 2189f24ee864a89ba0da763d01ce2cb13822bb8a
Directory: ibmjava/8/jre/alpine
Tags: 8-sfj, sfj
Architectures: amd64, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 2189f24ee864a89ba0da763d01ce2cb13822bb8a
Directory: ibmjava/8/sfj/ubuntu
Tags: 8-sfj-alpine, sfj-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 2189f24ee864a89ba0da763d01ce2cb13822bb8a
Directory: ibmjava/8/sfj/alpine
Tags: 8-sdk, sdk
Architectures: amd64, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 2189f24ee864a89ba0da763d01ce2cb13822bb8a
Directory: ibmjava/8/sdk/ubuntu
Tags: 8-sdk-alpine, sdk-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 2189f24ee864a89ba0da763d01ce2cb13822bb8a
Directory: ibmjava/8/sdk/alpine

View file

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Will Baker <> (@wbaker85)
GitRepo: git://
GitCommit: 36c56521d30243c486fb572792ca1dd0ea6a2481
Tags: 1.7, 1.7.11
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: influxdb/1.7
Tags: 1.7-alpine, 1.7.11-alpine
Directory: influxdb/1.7/alpine
Tags: 1.7-data, 1.7.11-data
Directory: influxdb/1.7/data
Tags: 1.7-data-alpine, 1.7.11-data-alpine
Directory: influxdb/1.7/data/alpine
Tags: 1.7-meta, 1.7.11-meta
Directory: influxdb/1.7/meta
Tags: 1.7-meta-alpine, 1.7.11-meta-alpine
Directory: influxdb/1.7/meta/alpine
Tags: 1.8, 1.8.10
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: influxdb/1.8
Tags: 1.8-alpine, 1.8.10-alpine
Directory: influxdb/1.8/alpine
Tags: 1.8-data, 1.8.10-data, data
Directory: influxdb/1.8/data
Tags: 1.8-data-alpine, 1.8.10-data-alpine, data-alpine
Directory: influxdb/1.8/data/alpine
Tags: 1.8-meta, 1.8.10-meta, meta
Directory: influxdb/1.8/meta
Tags: 1.8-meta-alpine, 1.8.10-meta-alpine, meta-alpine
Directory: influxdb/1.8/meta/alpine
Tags: 1.9-data, 1.9.5-data
Directory: influxdb/1.9/data
Tags: 1.9-data-alpine, 1.9.5-data-alpine
Directory: influxdb/1.9/data/alpine
Tags: 1.9-meta, 1.9.5-meta
Directory: influxdb/1.9/meta
Tags: 1.9-meta-alpine, 1.9.5-meta-alpine
Directory: influxdb/1.9/meta/alpine
Tags: 2.0, 2.0.9
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: influxdb/2.0
Tags: 2.0-alpine, 2.0.9-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: influxdb/2.0/alpine
Tags: 2.1, 2.1.1, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: influxdb/2.1
Tags: 2.1-alpine, 2.1.1-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: influxdb/2.1/alpine

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Jessie Frazelle <> (@jessfraz),
Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon)
Tags: 1.2.3, 1.2, 1, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 1828e23a4b14600e1194c911bbdab6e927748351
Directory: debian
Tags: 1.2.3-alpine, 1.2-alpine, 1-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 1828e23a4b14600e1194c911bbdab6e927748351
Directory: alpine

View file

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Greg Wilkins <> (@gregw),
Lachlan Roberts <> (@lachlan-roberts),
Olivier Lamy <> (@olamy),
Joakim Erdfelt <> (@joakime)
Tags: 11.0.7-jre11-slim, 11.0-jre11-slim, 11-jre11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 11.0-jre11-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 11.0.7-jre11, 11.0-jre11, 11-jre11
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 11.0-jre11
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 11.0.7-jdk17-slim, 11.0-jdk17-slim, 11-jdk17-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 11.0-jdk17-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 11.0.7, 11.0, 11, 11.0.7-jdk17, 11.0-jdk17, 11-jdk17
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 11.0-jdk17
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 11.0.7-jdk11-slim, 11.0-jdk11-slim, 11-jdk11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 11.0-jdk11-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 11.0.7-jdk11, 11.0-jdk11, 11-jdk11
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 11.0-jdk11
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 10.0.7-jre11-slim, 10.0-jre11-slim, 10-jre11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 10.0-jre11-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 10.0.7-jre11, 10.0-jre11, 10-jre11
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 10.0-jre11
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 10.0.7-jdk17-slim, 10.0-jdk17-slim, 10-jdk17-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 10.0-jdk17-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 10.0.7, 10.0, 10, 10.0.7-jdk17, 10.0-jdk17, 10-jdk17
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 10.0-jdk17
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 10.0.7-jdk11-slim, 10.0-jdk11-slim, 10-jdk11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 10.0-jdk11-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 10.0.7-jdk11, 10.0-jdk11, 10-jdk11
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 10.0-jdk11
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jre11-slim, 9.4-jre11-slim, 9-jre11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jre11-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jre11, 9.4-jre11, 9-jre11
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jre11
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jre8-slim, 9.4-jre8-slim, 9-jre8-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jre8-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jre8, 9.4-jre8, 9-jre8
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jre8
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jdk17-slim, 9.4-jdk17-slim, 9-jdk17-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jdk17-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44, 9.4, 9, 9.4.44-jdk17, 9.4-jdk17, 9-jdk17, latest, jdk17
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jdk17
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jdk11-slim, 9.4-jdk11-slim, 9-jdk11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jdk11-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jdk11, 9.4-jdk11, 9-jdk11
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jdk11
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jdk8-slim, 9.4-jdk8-slim, 9-jdk8-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jdk8-slim
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.4.44-jdk8, 9.4-jdk8, 9-jdk8
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.4-jdk8
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.3.30-jre8, 9.3-jre8, 9.3
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.3-jre8
GitCommit: 4b79189d08d3ae2695ce275e304ffd03ccb4360b
Tags: 9.2.30-jre8, 9.2-jre8, 9.2
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: 9.2-jre8
GitCommit: fb52367c984dda5b886738a30c54a686ac3e17bb

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: C. Dylan Shearer <> (@dshearer)
Tags: 1.4.4-alpine3.11, 1.4-alpine3.11, 1-alpine3.11, latest
GitCommit: cd07d76987097b5389aa9be5f48df041aa74d699
GitFetch: refs/heads/maint-1.4
Directory: alpine3.11

View file

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Llewellyn van der Merwe <> (@Llewellynvdm),
Harald Leithner <> (@HLeithner)
Tags: 4.0.5-php7.4-apache, 4.0-php7.4-apache, 4-php7.4-apache, php7.4-apache
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 786a6f32362959d4de9096ab5e93ff122c54e35a
Directory: 4.0/php7.4/apache
Tags: 4.0.5-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 4.0-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 4-php7.4-fpm-alpine, php7.4-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 786a6f32362959d4de9096ab5e93ff122c54e35a
Directory: 4.0/php7.4/fpm-alpine
Tags: 4.0.5-php7.4-fpm, 4.0-php7.4-fpm, 4-php7.4-fpm, php7.4-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 786a6f32362959d4de9096ab5e93ff122c54e35a
Directory: 4.0/php7.4/fpm
Tags: 4.0.5, 4.0, 4, latest, 4.0.5-apache, 4.0-apache, 4-apache, apache, 4.0.5-php8.0, 4.0-php8.0, 4-php8.0, php8.0, 4.0.5-php8.0-apache, 4.0-php8.0-apache, 4-php8.0-apache, php8.0-apache
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 786a6f32362959d4de9096ab5e93ff122c54e35a
Directory: 4.0/php8.0/apache
Tags: 4.0.5-php8.0-fpm-alpine, 4.0-php8.0-fpm-alpine, 4-php8.0-fpm-alpine, php8.0-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 786a6f32362959d4de9096ab5e93ff122c54e35a
Directory: 4.0/php8.0/fpm-alpine
Tags: 4.0.5-php8.0-fpm, 4.0-php8.0-fpm, 4-php8.0-fpm, php8.0-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 786a6f32362959d4de9096ab5e93ff122c54e35a
Directory: 4.0/php8.0/fpm
Tags: 3.10.4-php7.3-apache, 3.10-php7.3-apache, 3-php7.3-apache
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 3f0da93150f4b8d3623fdae365e70e41ecc3525e
Directory: 3.10/php7.3/apache
Tags: 3.10.4-php7.3-fpm-alpine, 3.10-php7.3-fpm-alpine, 3-php7.3-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 3f0da93150f4b8d3623fdae365e70e41ecc3525e
Directory: 3.10/php7.3/fpm-alpine
Tags: 3.10.4-php7.3-fpm, 3.10-php7.3-fpm, 3-php7.3-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 3f0da93150f4b8d3623fdae365e70e41ecc3525e
Directory: 3.10/php7.3/fpm
Tags: 3.10.4, 3.10, 3, 3.10.4-apache, 3.10-apache, 3-apache, 3.10.4-php7.4, 3.10-php7.4, 3-php7.4, 3.10.4-php7.4-apache, 3.10-php7.4-apache, 3-php7.4-apache
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 3f0da93150f4b8d3623fdae365e70e41ecc3525e
Directory: 3.10/php7.4/apache
Tags: 3.10.4-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 3.10-php7.4-fpm-alpine, 3-php7.4-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 3f0da93150f4b8d3623fdae365e70e41ecc3525e
Directory: 3.10/php7.4/fpm-alpine
Tags: 3.10.4-php7.4-fpm, 3.10-php7.4-fpm, 3-php7.4-fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 3f0da93150f4b8d3623fdae365e70e41ecc3525e
Directory: 3.10/php7.4/fpm

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: JRuby Admin <> (@jruby),
Charles Oliver Nutter <> (@headius),
Thomas E Enebo <> (@enebo)
GitFetch: refs/heads/master
GitCommit: 90c3bf884c410a800ff7ec832c20c818010bf813
Tags: latest, 9, 9.3, 9.3.2, 9.3-jre, 9.3-jre8, 9.3.2-jre, 9.3.2-jre8,,,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.3/jre8
Tags: 9-jdk, 9-jdk8, 9.3-jdk, 9.3-jdk8, 9.3.2-jdk, 9.3.2-jdk8,,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.3/jdk8
Tags: 9.3-jre11, 9.3.2-jre11,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.3/jre11
Tags: 9.3-jdk11, 9.3.2-jdk11,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.3/jdk11
Tags: 9.3-jdk17, 9.3.2-jdk17,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.3/jdk17
Tags: 9.2, 9.2.20, 9.2-jre, 9.2-jre8, 9.2.20-jre, 9.2.20-jre8,,,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.2/jre8
Tags: 9.2-jdk, 9.2-jdk8, 9.2.20-jdk, 9.2.20-jdk8,,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.2/jdk8
Tags: 9.2-jre11, 9.2.20-jre11,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.2/jre11
Tags: 9.2-jdk11, 9.2.20-jdk11,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.2/jdk11
Tags: 9.2-jdk17, 9.2.20-jdk17,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.2/jdk17
Tags: 9.2-onbuild, 9.2.20-onbuild,
Architectures: amd64
Directory: 9.2/onbuild-jdk8

View file

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 1.7.0-bullseye, 1.7-bullseye, 1-bullseye, bullseye
SharedTags: 1.7.0, 1.7, 1, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 9c3bc606c8a83c7f65fb6ddf2b541be25785d9f4
Directory: 1.7/bullseye
Tags: 1.7.0-buster, 1.7-buster, 1-buster, buster
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 9c3bc606c8a83c7f65fb6ddf2b541be25785d9f4
Directory: 1.7/buster
Tags: 1.7.0-alpine3.15, 1.7-alpine3.15, 1-alpine3.15, alpine3.15, 1.7.0-alpine, 1.7-alpine, 1-alpine, alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 9c3bc606c8a83c7f65fb6ddf2b541be25785d9f4
Directory: 1.7/alpine3.15
Tags: 1.7.0-alpine3.14, 1.7-alpine3.14, 1-alpine3.14, alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 9c3bc606c8a83c7f65fb6ddf2b541be25785d9f4
Directory: 1.7/alpine3.14
Tags: 1.7.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 1.7-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 1-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.7.0, 1.7, 1, latest, 1.7.0-windowsservercore, 1.7-windowsservercore, 1-windowsservercore, windowsservercore
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 9c3bc606c8a83c7f65fb6ddf2b541be25785d9f4
Directory: 1.7/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.7.0-windowsservercore-1809, 1.7-windowsservercore-1809, 1-windowsservercore-1809, windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 1.7.0, 1.7, 1, latest, 1.7.0-windowsservercore, 1.7-windowsservercore, 1-windowsservercore, windowsservercore
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 9c3bc606c8a83c7f65fb6ddf2b541be25785d9f4
Directory: 1.7/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.7.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 1.7-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 1-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 1.7.0, 1.7, 1, latest, 1.7.0-windowsservercore, 1.7-windowsservercore, 1-windowsservercore, windowsservercore
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 9c3bc606c8a83c7f65fb6ddf2b541be25785d9f4
Directory: 1.7/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 1.6.5-bullseye, 1.6-bullseye
SharedTags: 1.6.5, 1.6
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 52273f729e87e22389794a4eae4dbd3a38a6cd79
Directory: 1.6/bullseye
Tags: 1.6.5-buster, 1.6-buster
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386
GitCommit: 52273f729e87e22389794a4eae4dbd3a38a6cd79
Directory: 1.6/buster
Tags: 1.6.5-alpine3.15, 1.6-alpine3.15, 1.6.5-alpine, 1.6-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 52273f729e87e22389794a4eae4dbd3a38a6cd79
Directory: 1.6/alpine3.15
Tags: 1.6.5-alpine3.14, 1.6-alpine3.14
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 52273f729e87e22389794a4eae4dbd3a38a6cd79
Directory: 1.6/alpine3.14
Tags: 1.6.5-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 1.6-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 1.6.5, 1.6, 1.6.5-windowsservercore, 1.6-windowsservercore
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 52273f729e87e22389794a4eae4dbd3a38a6cd79
Directory: 1.6/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 1.6.5-windowsservercore-1809, 1.6-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 1.6.5, 1.6, 1.6.5-windowsservercore, 1.6-windowsservercore
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 52273f729e87e22389794a4eae4dbd3a38a6cd79
Directory: 1.6/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 1.6.5-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 1.6-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 1.6.5, 1.6, 1.6.5-windowsservercore, 1.6-windowsservercore
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 52273f729e87e22389794a4eae4dbd3a38a6cd79
Directory: 1.6/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Jonathan A. Sternberg <> (@jsternberg),
Cody Shepherd <> (@codyshepherd),
j. Emrys Landivar <> (@docmerlin)
GitRepo: git://
GitCommit: 9badda3a1d58922f45dd57fc676d4be76dd9cb2f
Tags: 1.5, 1.5.9
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
Directory: kapacitor/1.5
Tags: 1.5-alpine, 1.5.9-alpine
Directory: kapacitor/1.5/alpine
Tags: 1.6, 1.6.2, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Directory: kapacitor/1.6
Tags: 1.6-alpine, 1.6.2-alpine, alpine
Directory: kapacitor/1.6/alpine

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 7.16.2
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 5ca74e65e55e6ad7722ec7889ca3b696a3274594
Directory: 7
Tags: 6.8.22
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: d054cfa8b5dbb4ce60aa0ce04943a82fde49805c
Directory: 6

View file

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Kong Docker Maintainers <> (@thekonginc)
# needs "Constraints" to match "centos" (which this image is "FROM")
Tags: 2.7.0-alpine, 2.7.0, 2.7, alpine, latest
GitCommit: 4896c55914e46d044183c6a6541cf50366f5cffa
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.7.0
Directory: alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Tags: 2.7.0-ubuntu, 2.7-ubuntu, ubuntu
GitCommit: 4896c55914e46d044183c6a6541cf50366f5cffa
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.7.0
Directory: ubuntu
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Tags: 2.7.0-centos, 2.7-centos, centos
GitCommit: 4896c55914e46d044183c6a6541cf50366f5cffa
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.7.0
Directory: centos
Architectures: amd64
Tags: 2.6.0-alpine, 2.6.0, 2.6
GitCommit: 76ba9c46dd932e518016d48a8414d7af185c2a76
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.6.0
Directory: alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Tags: 2.6.0-ubuntu, 2.6-ubuntu
GitCommit: 76ba9c46dd932e518016d48a8414d7af185c2a76
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.6.0
Directory: ubuntu
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Tags: 2.6.0-centos, 2.6-centos
GitCommit: 76ba9c46dd932e518016d48a8414d7af185c2a76
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.6.0
Directory: centos
Architectures: amd64
Tags: 2.5.1-alpine, 2.5.1, 2.5
GitCommit: 7b610b2e566274d70aed60dd3f10a8e43fe91fb4
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.5.1
Directory: alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Tags: 2.5.1-ubuntu, 2.5-ubuntu
GitCommit: 7b610b2e566274d70aed60dd3f10a8e43fe91fb4
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.5.1
Directory: ubuntu
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
Tags: 2.5.1-centos, 2.5-centos
GitCommit: 7b610b2e566274d70aed60dd3f10a8e43fe91fb4
GitFetch: refs/tags/2.5.1
Directory: centos
Architectures: amd64

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Lightstreamer Server Development Team <> (@lightstreamer)
Tags: 6.0.3, 6.0
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: eeab1ae534273b1b05c973e577a1f3eec8d58427
Directory: 6.0
Tags: 6.1.0, 6.1, 6
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: eeab1ae534273b1b05c973e577a1f3eec8d58427
Directory: 6.1
Tags: 7.0.3-jdk8-openjdk, 7.0-jdk8-openjdk, 7.0.3-jdk8, 7.0-jdk8
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: f3aaece15133b9405aef20c5d378c5a83aba7585
Directory: 7.0/jdk8
Tags: 7.0.3-jdk11-openjdk, 7.0-jdk11-openjdk, 7.0.3-jdk11, 7.0-jdk11, 7.0.3, 7.0
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: f3aaece15133b9405aef20c5d378c5a83aba7585
Directory: 7.0/jdk11
Tags: 7.1.2-jdk8-openjdk, 7.1-jdk8-openjdk, 7.1.2-jdk8, 7.1-jdk8
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 7bdd2632e1cae0bf838899d591aadb2dd128c41a
Directory: 7.1/jdk8
Tags: 7.1.2-jdk11-openjdk, 7.1-jdk11-openjdk, 7.1.2-jdk11, 7.1-jdk11, 7.1.2, 7.1
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 7bdd2632e1cae0bf838899d591aadb2dd128c41a
Directory: 7.1/jdk11
Tags: 7.2.0-jdk11-openjdk, 7.2-jdk11-openjdk, 7-jdk11-openjdk, 7.2.0-jdk11, 7.2-jdk11, 7-jdk11, 7.2.0, 7.2, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: fe38e8a5b87c4cb29b964a49f9ce7f0a50752b48
Directory: 7.2/jdk11
Tags: 7.2.0-jdk8-openjdk, 7.2-jd8-openjdk, 7-jdk8-openjdk, 7.2.0-jdk8, 7.2-jdk8, 7-jdk8
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: fe38e8a5b87c4cb29b964a49f9ce7f0a50752b48
Directory: 7.2/jdk8

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 7.16.2
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 9e4c70aeed0e9e75323aed29912190dfc5e6a227
Directory: 7
Tags: 6.8.22
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: f1217485facf54d9b79f08458d0bc19e90d8e929
Directory: 6

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Juan Luis Baptiste <> (@juanluisbaptiste)
Tags: 8,latest
GitCommit: 067e6df19c568e101a42dc71b77f6a2de5992c70
GitFetch: refs/heads/dist
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
amd64-Directory: dist/8/x86_64
arm32v7-Directory: dist/8/armv7hl
arm64v8-Directory: dist/8/aarch64
Tags: 7
GitCommit: 067e6df19c568e101a42dc71b77f6a2de5992c70
GitFetch: refs/heads/dist
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
amd64-Directory: dist/7/x86_64
arm32v7-Directory: dist/7/armv7hl
arm64v8-Directory: dist/7/aarch64
Tags: cauldron
GitCommit: 067e6df19c568e101a42dc71b77f6a2de5992c70
GitFetch: refs/heads/dist
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8
amd64-Directory: dist/cauldron/x86_64
arm32v7-Directory: dist/cauldron/armv7hl
arm64v8-Directory: dist/cauldron/aarch64

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Daniel Black <> (@grooverdan),
Daniel Bartholomew <> (@dbart)
Tags: 10.7.1-focal, 10.7-focal, 10.7.1, 10.7
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d4efdb8951f606fe2837e9cc4db37225a5b7a621
Directory: 10.7
Tags: 10.6.5-focal, 10.6-focal, 10-focal, focal, 10.6.5, 10.6, 10, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d711333929498046f354e14430cbe65e4767fc63
Directory: 10.6
Tags: 10.5.13-focal, 10.5-focal, 10.5.13, 10.5
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 8414e4ff9ebff49f28148a860d85131e11c049c6
Directory: 10.5
Tags: 10.4.22-focal, 10.4-focal, 10.4.22, 10.4
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 435a47c85a80be384524051f23cc3e8f132c31ff
Directory: 10.4
Tags: 10.3.32-focal, 10.3-focal, 10.3.32, 10.3
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: a98e19f16db72ff1f6148cd797a0cb53dacacef3
Directory: 10.3
Tags: 10.2.41-bionic, 10.2-bionic, 10.2.41, 10.2
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 9c804d5875d9faa880133b7720fdf7ccf35d6393
Directory: 10.2

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# This file is generated via
Maintainers: Pierre Ozoux <> (@pierreozoux)
Tags: 4.6.2-apache, 4.6-apache, 4-apache, apache, 4.6.2, 4.6, 4, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 880c73dcd3381c3850e892cea9edf3eb0bd93669
Directory: apache
Tags: 4.6.2-fpm, 4.6-fpm, 4-fpm, fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 880c73dcd3381c3850e892cea9edf3eb0bd93669
Directory: fpm
Tags: 4.6.2-fpm-alpine, 4.6-fpm-alpine, 4-fpm-alpine, fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 880c73dcd3381c3850e892cea9edf3eb0bd93669
Directory: fpm-alpine

View file

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: Carlos Sanchez <> (@carlossg)
Tags: 3.8.4-jdk-11, 3.8-jdk-11, 3-jdk-11
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-11
Tags: 3.8.4-jdk-11-slim, 3.8-jdk-11-slim, 3-jdk-11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-11-slim
Tags: 3.8.4-jdk-8, 3.8-jdk-8, 3-jdk-8
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-8
Tags: 3.8.4-jdk-8-slim, 3.8-jdk-8-slim, 3-jdk-8-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-8-slim
Tags: 3.8.4-openjdk-11, 3.8-openjdk-11, 3-openjdk-11
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-11
Tags: 3.8.4-openjdk-11-slim, 3.8-openjdk-11-slim, 3-openjdk-11-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-11-slim
Tags: 3.8.4-openjdk-17, 3.8.4, 3.8.4-openjdk, 3.8-openjdk-17, 3.8, 3.8-openjdk, 3-openjdk-17, 3, latest, 3-openjdk, openjdk
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-17
Tags: 3.8.4-openjdk-17-slim, 3.8-openjdk-17-slim, 3-openjdk-17-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-17-slim
Tags: 3.8.4-openjdk-8, 3.8-openjdk-8, 3-openjdk-8
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-8
Tags: 3.8.4-openjdk-8-slim, 3.8-openjdk-8-slim, 3-openjdk-8-slim
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: openjdk-8-slim
Tags: 3.8.4-eclipse-temurin-11, 3.8-eclipse-temurin-11, 3-eclipse-temurin-11
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: eclipse-temurin-11
Tags: 3.8.4-eclipse-temurin-11-alpine, 3.8-eclipse-temurin-11-alpine, 3-eclipse-temurin-11-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 70981755895616b08e0718e3f0dd7e8fa4de4f6c
Directory: eclipse-temurin-11-alpine
Tags: 3.8.4-eclipse-temurin-16, 3.8-eclipse-temurin-16, 3-eclipse-temurin-16
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: eclipse-temurin-16
Tags: 3.8.4-eclipse-temurin-16-alpine, 3.8-eclipse-temurin-16-alpine, 3-eclipse-temurin-16-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 70981755895616b08e0718e3f0dd7e8fa4de4f6c
Directory: eclipse-temurin-16-alpine
Tags: 3.8.4-eclipse-temurin-17, 3.8.4-eclipse-temurin, 3.8-eclipse-temurin-17, 3.8-eclipse-temurin, 3-eclipse-temurin-17, 3-eclipse-temurin, eclipse-temurin
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: eclipse-temurin-17
Tags: 3.8.4-eclipse-temurin-17-alpine, 3.8-eclipse-temurin-17-alpine, 3-eclipse-temurin-17-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 70981755895616b08e0718e3f0dd7e8fa4de4f6c
Directory: eclipse-temurin-17-alpine
Tags: 3.8.4-eclipse-temurin-8, 3.8-eclipse-temurin-8, 3-eclipse-temurin-8
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: eclipse-temurin-8
Tags: 3.8.4-ibmjava-8, 3.8.4-ibmjava, 3.8-ibmjava-8, 3.8-ibmjava, 3-ibmjava-8, 3-ibmjava, ibmjava
Architectures: amd64, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: ibmjava-8
Tags: 3.8.4-ibmjava-8-alpine, 3.8.4-ibmjava-alpine, 3.8-ibmjava-8-alpine, 3.8-ibmjava-alpine, 3-ibmjava-8-alpine, ibmjava-alpine
Architectures: amd64
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: ibmjava-8-alpine
Tags: 3.8.4-amazoncorretto-11, 3.8.4-amazoncorretto, 3.8-amazoncorretto-11, 3.8-amazoncorretto, 3-amazoncorretto-11, 3-amazoncorretto, amazoncorretto
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: amazoncorretto-11
Tags: 3.8.4-amazoncorretto-17, 3.8-amazoncorretto-17, 3-amazoncorretto-17
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: amazoncorretto-17
Tags: 3.8.4-amazoncorretto-8, 3.8-amazoncorretto-8, 3-amazoncorretto-8
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 59bdaf8b1ec69a787d7857cd1025f1f3efd7b216
Directory: amazoncorretto-8

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
Maintainers: David Barratt <> (@davidbarratt),
Kunal Mehta <> (@legoktm),
addshore <> (@addshore)
GitCommit: daebab6abd474474deb62c5544127f86dd507172
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le
Tags: 1.37.1, 1.37, stable, latest
Directory: 1.37/apache
Tags: 1.37.1-fpm, 1.37-fpm, stable-fpm
Directory: 1.37/fpm
Tags: 1.37.1-fpm-alpine, 1.37-fpm-alpine, stable-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le
Directory: 1.37/fpm-alpine
Tags: 1.36.3, 1.36, legacy
Directory: 1.36/apache
Tags: 1.36.3-fpm, 1.36-fpm, legacy-fpm
Directory: 1.36/fpm
Tags: 1.36.3-fpm-alpine, 1.36-fpm-alpine, legacy-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le
Directory: 1.36/fpm-alpine
Tags: 1.35.5, 1.35, lts, legacylts
Directory: 1.35/apache
Tags: 1.35.5-fpm, 1.35-fpm, lts-fpm, legacylts-fpm
Directory: 1.35/fpm
Tags: 1.35.5-fpm-alpine, 1.35-fpm-alpine, lts-fpm-alpine, legacylts-fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le
Directory: 1.35/fpm-alpine

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 1.6.12, 1.6, 1, latest, 1.6.12-bullseye, 1.6-bullseye, 1-bullseye, bullseye
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: e0b2a7e2288f313824b2e860d6225d3fd018a7f7
Directory: debian
Tags: 1.6.12-alpine, 1.6-alpine, 1-alpine, alpine, 1.6.12-alpine3.15, 1.6-alpine3.15, 1-alpine3.15, alpine3.15
Architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
GitCommit: d8dc76b68917cb51e3ecbbf0fc85ca6afc53902a
Directory: alpine

View file

@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 5.0.5-focal, 5.0-focal, 5-focal, focal
SharedTags: 5.0.5, 5.0, 5, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: a4d7c8bc23c54b2ce1430597df041f2402717ebc
Directory: 5.0
Tags: 5.0.5-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 5.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 5-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 5.0.5-windowsservercore, 5.0-windowsservercore, 5-windowsservercore, windowsservercore, 5.0.5, 5.0, 5, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 5.0/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 5.0.5-windowsservercore-1809, 5.0-windowsservercore-1809, 5-windowsservercore-1809, windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 5.0.5-windowsservercore, 5.0-windowsservercore, 5-windowsservercore, windowsservercore, 5.0.5, 5.0, 5, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: a4d7c8bc23c54b2ce1430597df041f2402717ebc
Directory: 5.0/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 5.0.5-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 5.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 5-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 5.0.5-windowsservercore, 5.0-windowsservercore, 5-windowsservercore, windowsservercore, 5.0.5, 5.0, 5, latest
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: a4d7c8bc23c54b2ce1430597df041f2402717ebc
Directory: 5.0/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 5.0.5-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 5.0-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 5-nanoserver-ltsc2022, nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 5.0.5-nanoserver, 5.0-nanoserver, 5-nanoserver, nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 5.0/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 5.0.5-nanoserver-1809, 5.0-nanoserver-1809, 5-nanoserver-1809, nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 5.0.5-nanoserver, 5.0-nanoserver, 5-nanoserver, nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: a4d7c8bc23c54b2ce1430597df041f2402717ebc
Directory: 5.0/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.4.11-rc0-focal, 4.4-rc-focal
SharedTags: 4.4.11-rc0, 4.4-rc
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 517182aee599f78c066e5f38e8dede370ff3cb55
Directory: 4.4-rc
Tags: 4.4.11-rc0-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 4.4-rc-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.4.11-rc0-windowsservercore, 4.4-rc-windowsservercore, 4.4.11-rc0, 4.4-rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 4.4-rc/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.4.11-rc0-windowsservercore-1809, 4.4-rc-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 4.4.11-rc0-windowsservercore, 4.4-rc-windowsservercore, 4.4.11-rc0, 4.4-rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 517182aee599f78c066e5f38e8dede370ff3cb55
Directory: 4.4-rc/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.4.11-rc0-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4.4-rc-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 4.4.11-rc0-windowsservercore, 4.4-rc-windowsservercore, 4.4.11-rc0, 4.4-rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 517182aee599f78c066e5f38e8dede370ff3cb55
Directory: 4.4-rc/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 4.4.11-rc0-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 4.4-rc-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.4.11-rc0-nanoserver, 4.4-rc-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 4.4-rc/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.4.11-rc0-nanoserver-1809, 4.4-rc-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 4.4.11-rc0-nanoserver, 4.4-rc-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 517182aee599f78c066e5f38e8dede370ff3cb55
Directory: 4.4-rc/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.4.10-focal, 4.4-focal, 4-focal
SharedTags: 4.4.10, 4.4, 4
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 1edf40cdc57f393bb5340c298eb6baa98ae94a5f
Directory: 4.4
Tags: 4.4.10-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 4.4-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 4-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.4.10-windowsservercore, 4.4-windowsservercore, 4-windowsservercore, 4.4.10, 4.4, 4
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 4.4/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.4.10-windowsservercore-1809, 4.4-windowsservercore-1809, 4-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 4.4.10-windowsservercore, 4.4-windowsservercore, 4-windowsservercore, 4.4.10, 4.4, 4
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 0e9642ea9938888cdf5bb21fa8bf4e7b83de30c4
Directory: 4.4/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.4.10-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4.4-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 4.4.10-windowsservercore, 4.4-windowsservercore, 4-windowsservercore, 4.4.10, 4.4, 4
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 0e9642ea9938888cdf5bb21fa8bf4e7b83de30c4
Directory: 4.4/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 4.4.10-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 4.4-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 4-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.4.10-nanoserver, 4.4-nanoserver, 4-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 4.4/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.4.10-nanoserver-1809, 4.4-nanoserver-1809, 4-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 4.4.10-nanoserver, 4.4-nanoserver, 4-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 0e9642ea9938888cdf5bb21fa8bf4e7b83de30c4
Directory: 4.4/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.2.18-rc0-bionic, 4.2-rc-bionic
SharedTags: 4.2.18-rc0, 4.2-rc
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 57a4239b4a777da4a9f07b2f8e93448c5f2c3faf
Directory: 4.2-rc
Tags: 4.2.18-rc0-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 4.2-rc-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.2.18-rc0-windowsservercore, 4.2-rc-windowsservercore, 4.2.18-rc0, 4.2-rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 57a4239b4a777da4a9f07b2f8e93448c5f2c3faf
Directory: 4.2-rc/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.2.18-rc0-windowsservercore-1809, 4.2-rc-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 4.2.18-rc0-windowsservercore, 4.2-rc-windowsservercore, 4.2.18-rc0, 4.2-rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 57a4239b4a777da4a9f07b2f8e93448c5f2c3faf
Directory: 4.2-rc/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.2.18-rc0-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4.2-rc-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 4.2.18-rc0-windowsservercore, 4.2-rc-windowsservercore, 4.2.18-rc0, 4.2-rc
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 57a4239b4a777da4a9f07b2f8e93448c5f2c3faf
Directory: 4.2-rc/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 4.2.18-rc0-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 4.2-rc-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.2.18-rc0-nanoserver, 4.2-rc-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 57a4239b4a777da4a9f07b2f8e93448c5f2c3faf
Directory: 4.2-rc/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.2.18-rc0-nanoserver-1809, 4.2-rc-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 4.2.18-rc0-nanoserver, 4.2-rc-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 57a4239b4a777da4a9f07b2f8e93448c5f2c3faf
Directory: 4.2-rc/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.2.17-bionic, 4.2-bionic
SharedTags: 4.2.17, 4.2
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 1edf40cdc57f393bb5340c298eb6baa98ae94a5f
Directory: 4.2
Tags: 4.2.17-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 4.2-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.2.17-windowsservercore, 4.2-windowsservercore, 4.2.17, 4.2
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 4.2/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.2.17-windowsservercore-1809, 4.2-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 4.2.17-windowsservercore, 4.2-windowsservercore, 4.2.17, 4.2
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 12e079ff6afc835615d8767b63a819c94fedaa1c
Directory: 4.2/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.2.17-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4.2-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 4.2.17-windowsservercore, 4.2-windowsservercore, 4.2.17, 4.2
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 12e079ff6afc835615d8767b63a819c94fedaa1c
Directory: 4.2/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 4.2.17-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 4.2-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.2.17-nanoserver, 4.2-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 4.2/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.2.17-nanoserver-1809, 4.2-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 4.2.17-nanoserver, 4.2-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 12e079ff6afc835615d8767b63a819c94fedaa1c
Directory: 4.2/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.0.27-xenial, 4.0-xenial
SharedTags: 4.0.27, 4.0
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 1edf40cdc57f393bb5340c298eb6baa98ae94a5f
Directory: 4.0
Tags: 4.0.27-windowsservercore-ltsc2022, 4.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.0.27-windowsservercore, 4.0-windowsservercore, 4.0.27, 4.0
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 4.0/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.0.27-windowsservercore-1809, 4.0-windowsservercore-1809
SharedTags: 4.0.27-windowsservercore, 4.0-windowsservercore, 4.0.27, 4.0
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: a84ae7f3427e4c5940682f80a2c064b66fbaae16
Directory: 4.0/windows/windowsservercore-1809
Constraints: windowsservercore-1809
Tags: 4.0.27-windowsservercore-ltsc2016, 4.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SharedTags: 4.0.27-windowsservercore, 4.0-windowsservercore, 4.0.27, 4.0
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: a84ae7f3427e4c5940682f80a2c064b66fbaae16
Directory: 4.0/windows/windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Constraints: windowsservercore-ltsc2016
Tags: 4.0.27-nanoserver-ltsc2022, 4.0-nanoserver-ltsc2022
SharedTags: 4.0.27-nanoserver, 4.0-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: 5543d8dc4583fb1104c9d4202e95154dabc19c12
Directory: 4.0/windows/nanoserver-ltsc2022
Constraints: nanoserver-ltsc2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022
Tags: 4.0.27-nanoserver-1809, 4.0-nanoserver-1809
SharedTags: 4.0.27-nanoserver, 4.0-nanoserver
Architectures: windows-amd64
GitCommit: a84ae7f3427e4c5940682f80a2c064b66fbaae16
Directory: 4.0/windows/nanoserver-1809
Constraints: nanoserver-1809, windowsservercore-1809

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Nick Cox <> (@knickers)
GitCommit: 26e7ea94e4d222de7d52531caee52149ac093c26
Tags: 1.0.0-alpha.4, 1.0.0-alpha, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8
GitCommit: 4b43fe8a1206434cb32a006cd155dd71462f092f
Tags: 0.54.0, 0.54
Architectures: amd64, arm64v8

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# This file is generated via
Maintainers: Alexis Saettler <> (@asbiin)
Tags: 3.5.0-apache, 3.5-apache, 3-apache, apache, 3.5.0, 3.5, 3, latest
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: apache
GitCommit: 03744c868b21cdd00d66e329b105f8b3d22c1173
Tags: 3.5.0-fpm-alpine, 3.5-fpm-alpine, 3-fpm-alpine, fpm-alpine
Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: fpm-alpine
GitCommit: 03744c868b21cdd00d66e329b105f8b3d22c1173
Tags: 3.5.0-fpm, 3.5-fpm, 3-fpm, fpm
Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, mips64le, ppc64le, s390x
Directory: fpm
GitCommit: 03744c868b21cdd00d66e329b105f8b3d22c1173

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Jo Shields <> (@directhex),
Alexander Köplinger <> (@akoeplinger)
Tags:, latest, 6.12.0, 6.12, 6
Architectures: amd64, i386, arm32v7, arm32v5, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: 0403aaf506b8f6859332a5035f660a7a228d3a97
Tags:, slim, 6.12.0-slim, 6.12-slim, 6-slim
Architectures: amd64, i386, arm32v7, arm32v5, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: 0403aaf506b8f6859332a5035f660a7a228d3a97
Tags:, 6.10.0, 6.10
Architectures: amd64, i386, arm32v7, arm32v5, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: 0403aaf506b8f6859332a5035f660a7a228d3a97
Tags:, 6.10.0-slim, 6.10-slim
Architectures: amd64, i386, arm32v7, arm32v5, arm64v8, ppc64le
GitFetch: refs/heads/main
GitCommit: 0403aaf506b8f6859332a5035f660a7a228d3a97

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# this file is generated via
Maintainers: Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon),
Joseph Ferguson <> (@yosifkit)
Tags: 8.0.27, 8.0, 8, latest
GitCommit: 15fe7357b165ee8aaa3ce165386f910a53a75087
Directory: 8.0
File: Dockerfile.debian
Tags: 5.7.36, 5.7, 5
GitCommit: bdf0905b75bc9f7d91cedd859476af8d7629e539
Directory: 5.7
File: Dockerfile.debian
Tags: 5.6.51, 5.6
GitCommit: d60655b1b42f677c315d5fe2ca0e87126ca921f5
Directory: 5.6
File: Dockerfile.debian

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more