Docker to build a custom Tryton Server image ============================================ # How to use this repo ## Configure environment variables Complete .env file with backend user and password info. ## Complete repos.cfg modules file Add sections to configparser file called "repos.cfg" with the desired Tryton modules. ```console [DEFAULT] branch = 5.4 repo = hg [country] url = path = core_modules ``` ## Copy id_rsa* Copy in root path your files id_rsa and for using in container ## Complete requirements.txt Add your additional package dependencies ## Customize your docker-compose.yml Copy the compose file sample and modify if proceed the services (trytond with uwsgi+nginx, cron, worker, ...) ```console cp docker-compose.yml.sample docker-compose.yml ``` ## Build image and run containers ```console ./ ``` ## Clone repositories ```console docker exec -it tryton bash -c "invoke scm.clone; invoke scm.create-links" ``` ## Update module repositories on container ```console ./6.0/ invoke scm.pull -r country trytond-admin -d -u country -v ```