
1.1 KiB

Docker to build a custom Tryton Server image

How to use this repo

Configure environment variables

Complete .env file with backend user and password info.

Complete repos.cfg modules file

Add sections to configparser file called "repos.cfg" with the desired Tryton modules.

branch = 5.4
repo = hg

url =
path = core_modules

Copy id_rsa*

Copy in root path your files id_rsa and for using in container

Complete requirements.txt

Add your additional package dependencies

Customize your docker-compose.yml

Copy the compose file sample and modify if proceed the services (trytond with uwsgi+nginx, cron, worker, ...)

cp docker-compose.yml.sample docker-compose.yml

Build image and run containers


Clone repositories

docker exec -it tryton bash -c "invoke scm.clone; invoke scm.create-links"

Update module repositories on container

invoke scm.pull -r country
trytond-admin -d <database> -u country -v