# This file is part of account_bank module for Tryton. # The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains # the full copyright notices and license terms. from sql import Null from sql.aggregate import BoolOr from sql.operators import In from decimal import Decimal from trytond.model import ModelView, fields from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta from trytond.pyson import Eval, Bool, If from trytond.transaction import Transaction from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateTransition, StateView, Button __all__ = ['PaymentType', 'BankAccount', 'Party', 'Invoice', 'Reconciliation', 'Line', 'CompensationMoveStart', 'CompensationMove'] ACCOUNT_BANK_KIND = [ ('none', 'None'), ('party', 'Party'), ('company', 'Company'), ('other', 'Other'), ] class PaymentType: __metaclass__ = PoolMeta __name__ = 'account.payment.type' account_bank = fields.Selection(ACCOUNT_BANK_KIND, 'Account Bank Kind', select=True, required=True) party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party', states={ 'required': Eval('account_bank') == 'other', 'invisible': Eval('account_bank') != 'other', }, depends=['account_bank']) bank_account = fields.Many2One('bank.account', 'Bank Account', domain=[ If(Eval('party', None) == None, ('id', '=', -1), ('owners.id', '=', Eval('party')), ), ], states={ 'required': Eval('account_bank') == 'other', 'invisible': Eval('account_bank') != 'other', }, depends=['party', 'account_bank']) @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(PaymentType, cls).__setup__() cls._check_modify_fields |= set(['account_bank', 'party', 'bank_account']) @staticmethod def default_account_bank(): return 'none' class BankAccount: __metaclass__ = PoolMeta __name__ = 'bank.account' @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(BankAccount, cls).__setup__() cls._check_owners_fields = set(['owners']) cls._check_owners_related_models = set([ ('account.invoice', 'bank_account'), ]) cls._error_messages.update({ 'modifiy_with_related_model': ('It is not possible to modify ' 'the owner of bank account "%(account)s" as it is used on ' 'en el %(field)s del %(model)s "%(name)s"'), }) @classmethod def write(cls, *args): actions = iter(args) all_accounts = [] for accounts, values in zip(actions, actions): if set(values.keys()) & cls._check_owners_fields: all_accounts += accounts super(BankAccount, cls).write(*args) cls.check_owners(all_accounts) @classmethod def check_owners(cls, accounts): pool = Pool() IrModel = pool.get('ir.model') Field = pool.get('ir.model.field') account_ids = [a.id for a in accounts] for value in cls._check_owners_related_models: model_name, field_name = value Model = pool.get(model_name) records = Model.search([(field_name, 'in', account_ids)]) model, = IrModel.search([('model', '=', model_name)]) field, = Field.search([ ('model.model', '=', model_name), ('name', '=', field_name), ], limit=1) for record in records: target = record.account_bank_from account = getattr(record, field_name) if target not in account.owners: error_args = { 'account': account.rec_name, 'model': model.name, 'field': field.field_description, 'name': record.rec_name, } cls.raise_user_error('modifiy_with_related_model', error_args) class Party: __metaclass__ = PoolMeta __name__ = 'party.party' @classmethod def write(cls, *args): pool = Pool() BankAccount = pool.get('bank.account') actions = iter(args) all_accounts = [] for parties, values in zip(actions, actions): if set(values.keys()) & set(['bank_accounts']): all_accounts += list(set( [a for p in parties for a in p.bank_accounts])) super(Party, cls).write(*args) BankAccount.check_owners(all_accounts) class BankMixin(object): account_bank = fields.Function(fields.Selection(ACCOUNT_BANK_KIND, 'Account Bank'), 'on_change_with_account_bank') account_bank_from = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Account Bank From'), 'on_change_with_account_bank_from') bank_account = fields.Many2One('bank.account', 'Bank Account', domain=[ If(Eval('account_bank_from', None) == None, ('id', '=', -1), ('owners.id', '=', Eval('account_bank_from')), ), ], states={ 'readonly': Eval('account_bank') == 'other', 'invisible': ~Bool(Eval('account_bank_from')), }, depends=['party', 'payment_type', 'account_bank_from', 'account_bank'], ondelete='RESTRICT') @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(BankMixin, cls).__setup__() cls._error_messages.update({ 'party_without_bank_account': ('%s has no any %s bank ' 'account.\nPlease set up one if you want to use this ' 'payment type.'), }) @fields.depends('payment_type') def on_change_with_account_bank(self, name=None): if self.payment_type: return self.payment_type.account_bank def _get_bank_account(self): pool = Pool() Party = pool.get('party.party') self.bank_account = None if self.party and self.payment_type: if self.payment_type.account_bank == 'other': self.bank_account = self.payment_type.bank_account else: party_fname = '%s_bank_account' % self.payment_type.kind if hasattr(Party, party_fname): account_bank = self.payment_type.account_bank if account_bank == 'company': party_company_fname = ('%s_company_bank_account' % self.payment_type.kind) company_bank = getattr(self.party, party_company_fname, None) if company_bank: self.bank_account = company_bank elif hasattr(self, 'company') and self.company: default_bank = getattr( self.company.party, party_fname) self.bank_account = default_bank return elif account_bank == 'party' and self.party: default_bank = getattr(self.party, party_fname) self.bank_account = default_bank return @fields.depends('party', 'payment_type', methods=['payment_type']) def on_change_with_bank_account(self): ''' Add account bank when changes payment_type or party. ''' if hasattr(self, 'on_change_with_payment_type'): self.payment_type = self.on_change_with_payment_type() self._get_bank_account() return self.bank_account.id if self.bank_account else None @fields.depends('payment_type', 'party', methods=['payment_type']) def on_change_with_account_bank_from(self, name=None): ''' Sets the party where get bank account for this move line. ''' pool = Pool() Company = pool.get('company.company') if hasattr(self, 'on_change_with_payment_type'): self.payment_type = self.on_change_with_payment_type() if self.payment_type and self.party: payment_type = self.payment_type party = self.party if payment_type.account_bank == 'party': return party.id elif payment_type.account_bank == 'company': company = Transaction().context.get('company', False) return Company(company).party.id elif payment_type.account_bank == 'other': return payment_type.party.id class Invoice(BankMixin): __metaclass__ = PoolMeta __name__ = 'account.invoice' @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(Invoice, cls).__setup__() readonly = ~Eval('state').in_(['draft', 'validated']) previous_readonly = cls.bank_account.states.get('readonly') if previous_readonly: readonly = readonly | previous_readonly cls.bank_account.states.update({ 'readonly': readonly, }) cls._error_messages.update({ 'invoice_without_bank_account': ('Invoice "%(invoice)s" has ' 'no bank account associated but payment type ' '"%(payment_type)s" requires it.'), }) @classmethod def compute_default_bank_account(cls, values): pool = Pool() Party = pool.get('party.party') Company = pool.get('company.company') PaymentType = pool.get('account.payment.type') payment_type = values.get('payment_type') bank_account = values.get('bank_account') party = values.get('party') company = values.get('company', Transaction().context.get('company')) changes = {} if not bank_account and payment_type and party and company: invoice = cls() invoice.party = Party(party) invoice.company = Company(company) invoice.payment_type = PaymentType(payment_type) invoice._get_bank_account() changes['bank_account'] = invoice.bank_account.id \ if invoice.bank_account else None return changes @classmethod def create(cls, vlist): vlist = [x.copy() for x in vlist] for values in vlist: values.update(cls.compute_default_bank_account(values)) return super(Invoice, cls).create(vlist) @fields.depends('payment_type', 'party', 'company') def on_change_party(self): ''' Add account bank to invoice line when changes party. ''' super(Invoice, self).on_change_party() self.bank_account = None if self.payment_type: self._get_bank_account() @classmethod def post(cls, invoices): ''' Check up invoices that requires bank account because its payment type, has one ''' for invoice in invoices: account_bank = (invoice.payment_type and invoice.payment_type.account_bank or 'none') if (invoice.payment_type and account_bank != 'none' and not invoice.bank_account): cls.raise_user_error('invoice_without_bank_account', { 'invoice': invoice.rec_name, 'payment_type': invoice.payment_type.rec_name, }) super(Invoice, cls).post(invoices) class Reconciliation: __metaclass__ = PoolMeta __name__ = 'account.move.reconciliation' @classmethod def create(cls, vlist): Invoice = Pool().get('account.invoice') reconciliations = super(Reconciliation, cls).create(vlist) moves = set() for reconciliation in reconciliations: moves |= set(l.move for l in reconciliation.lines) invoices = [] for move in moves: if (move.origin and isinstance(move.origin, Invoice) and move.origin.state == 'posted'): invoices.append(move.origin) if invoices: Invoice.process(invoices) return reconciliations @classmethod def delete(cls, reconciliations): Invoice = Pool().get('account.invoice') moves = set() for reconciliation in reconciliations: moves |= set(l.move for l in reconciliation.lines) invoices = [] for move in moves: if move.origin and isinstance(move.origin, Invoice): invoices.append(move.origin) super(Reconciliation, cls).delete(reconciliations) if invoices: Invoice.process(invoices) class Line: __metaclass__ = PoolMeta __name__ = 'account.move.line' reverse_moves = fields.Function(fields.Boolean('With Reverse Moves'), 'get_reverse_moves', searcher='search_reverse_moves') netting_moves = fields.Function(fields.Boolean('With Netting Moves'), 'get_netting_moves', searcher='search_netting_moves') def get_reverse_moves(self, name): if (not self.account or self.account.kind not in ['receivable', 'payable']): return False domain = [ ('account', '=', self.account.id), ('reconciliation', '=', None), ] if self.party: domain.append(('party', '=', self.party.id)) if self.credit > Decimal('0.0'): domain.append(('debit', '>', 0)) if self.debit > Decimal('0.0'): domain.append(('credit', '>', 0)) moves = self.search(domain, limit=1) return len(moves) > 0 @classmethod def search_reverse_moves(cls, name, clause): pool = Pool() Account = pool.get('account.account') MoveLine = pool.get('account.move.line') operator = 'in' if clause[2] else 'not in' lines = MoveLine.__table__() move_line = MoveLine.__table__() account = Account.__table__() cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor() reverse = move_line.join(account, condition=( account.id == move_line.account)).select( move_line.account, move_line.party, where=(account.reconcile & (move_line.reconciliation == Null)), group_by=(move_line.account, move_line.party), having=((BoolOr((move_line.debit) != Decimal(0))) & (BoolOr((move_line.credit) != Decimal(0)))) ) query = lines.select(lines.id, where=( In((lines.account, lines.party), reverse))) # Fetch the data otherwise its too slow cursor.execute(*query) return [('id', operator, [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()])] def get_netting_moves(self, name): if (not self.account or self.account.kind not in ['receivable', 'payable']): return False if not self.account.party_required: return False domain = [ ('party', '=', self.party.id), ('reconciliation', '=', None), ] if self.credit > Decimal('0.0'): domain.append(('debit', '>', 0)) if self.debit > Decimal('0.0'): domain.append(('credit', '>', 0)) moves = self.search(domain, limit=1) return len(moves) > 0 @classmethod def search_netting_moves(cls, name, clause): pool = Pool() Account = pool.get('account.account') MoveLine = pool.get('account.move.line') operator = 'in' if clause[2] else 'not in' move_line = MoveLine.__table__() account = Account.__table__() query = move_line.join(account, condition=( account.id == move_line.account)).select( move_line.party, where=(account.reconcile & (move_line.reconciliation == Null)), group_by=(move_line.party,), having=((BoolOr((move_line.debit) != Decimal(0))) & (BoolOr((move_line.credit) != Decimal(0)))) ) return [('party', operator, query)] class CompensationMoveStart(ModelView): 'Create Compensation Move Start' __name__ = 'account.move.compensation_move.start' party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party', readonly=True) account = fields.Many2One('account.account', 'Account', required=True) date = fields.Date('Date') maturity_date = fields.Date('Maturity Date') @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(CompensationMoveStart, cls).__setup__() cls._error_messages.update({ 'normal_reconcile': ('Selected moves are balanced. Use ' 'concile wizard instead of creating a compensation move.'), 'different_parties': ('Parties can not be mixed to create a ' 'compensation move. Party "%s" in line "%s" is different ' 'from previous party "%s"'), }) @staticmethod def default_date(): pool = Pool() return pool.get('ir.date').today() @staticmethod def default_maturity_date(): pool = Pool() return pool.get('ir.date').today() @classmethod def default_get(cls, fields, with_rec_name=True): pool = Pool() Line = pool.get('account.move.line') defaults = super(CompensationMoveStart, cls).default_get(fields, with_rec_name) party = None company = None amount = Decimal('0.0') lines = Line.browse(Transaction().context.get('active_ids', [])) for line in lines: amount += line.debit - line.credit if not party: party = line.party elif party != line.party: cls.raise_user_error('different_parties', (line.party.rec_name, line.rec_name, party.rec_name)) if not company: company = line.account.company if (company and company.currency.is_zero(amount) and len(set([x.account for x in lines])) == 1): cls.raise_user_error('normal_reconcile') if party: defaults['party'] = party.id if amount > 0: defaults['account'] = (party.account_receivable.id if party.account_receivable else None) else: defaults['account'] = (party.account_payable.id if party.account_payable else None) return defaults class CompensationMove(Wizard): 'Create Compensation Move' __name__ = 'account.move.compensation_move' start = StateView('account.move.compensation_move.start', 'account_bank.compensation_move_lines_start_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Create', 'create_move', 'tryton-ok', default=True), ]) create_move = StateTransition() def transition_create_move(self): pool = Pool() Move = pool.get('account.move') Line = pool.get('account.move.line') move_lines = [] lines = Line.browse(Transaction().context.get('active_ids')) for line in lines: if (line.account.kind not in ('payable', 'receivable') or line.reconciliation): continue move_lines.append(self.get_counterpart_line(line)) if not lines or not move_lines: return 'end' move = self.get_move(lines) extra_lines, origin = self.get_extra_lines(lines, self.start.account, self.start.party) if origin: move.origin = origin move.lines = move_lines + extra_lines move.save() Move.post([move]) to_reconcile = {} for line in lines: to_reconcile.setdefault(line.account.id, []).append(line) for line in move.lines: append = True for extra_line in extra_lines: if self.is_extra_line(line, extra_line): append = False break if append: to_reconcile.setdefault(line.account.id, []).append(line) for lines_to_reconcile in to_reconcile.values(): Line.reconcile(lines_to_reconcile) return 'end' def is_extra_line(self, line, extra_line): " Returns true if both lines are equal" return (line.debit == extra_line.debit and line.credit == extra_line.credit and line.maturity_date == extra_line.maturity_date) def get_counterpart_line(self, line): 'Returns the counterpart line to create from line' pool = Pool() Line = pool.get('account.move.line') new_line = Line() new_line.account = line.account new_line.debit = line.credit new_line.credit = line.debit new_line.description = line.description new_line.second_curency = line.second_currency new_line.amount_second_currency = line.amount_second_currency new_line.party = line.party return new_line def get_move(self, lines): 'Returns the new move to create from lines' pool = Pool() Move = pool.get('account.move') Period = pool.get('account.period') Date = pool.get('ir.date') period_id = Period.find(lines[0].account.company.id) move = Move() move.period = Period(period_id) move.journal = lines[0].move.journal move.date = Date.today() return move def get_extra_lines(self, lines, account, party): 'Returns extra lines to balance move and move origin' pool = Pool() Line = pool.get('account.move.line') amount = Decimal('0.0') origins = {} for line in lines: line_amount = line.debit - line.credit amount += line_amount if line.origin: if line.origin not in origins: origins[line.origin] = Decimal('0.0') origins[line.origin] += abs(line_amount) if not account or not party: ([], None) extra_line = Line() extra_line.account = account extra_line.party = party extra_line.maturity_date = self.start.maturity_date extra_line.credit = extra_line.debit = Decimal('0.0') if amount > 0: extra_line.debit = amount else: extra_line.credit = abs(amount) origin = None for line_origin, line_amount in sorted(origins.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]): if abs(amount) < line_amount: origin = line_origin break return [extra_line], origin