# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full # copyright notices and license terms. from trytond.model import ModelView, fields from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateView, StateTransition, Button from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta from trytond.pyson import Eval from trytond.transaction import Transaction from sql.operators import In from sql.aggregate import Max from .aeat import ( OPERATION_KEY, BOOK_KEY, SEND_SPECIAL_REGIME_KEY, RECEIVE_SPECIAL_REGIME_KEY, AEAT_INVOICE_STATE, IVA_SUBJECTED, EXCEMPTION_CAUSE, INTRACOMUNITARY_TYPE) __all__ = [ 'Invoice', 'ReasignSIIRecord', 'ReasignSIIRecordStart', 'ReasignSIIRecordEnd' ] class Invoice: __metaclass__ = PoolMeta __name__ = 'account.invoice' sii_book_key = fields.Selection([(None, ''), ] + BOOK_KEY, 'SII Book Key') sii_operation_key = fields.Selection([(None, ''), ] + OPERATION_KEY, 'SII Operation Key') sii_issued_key = fields.Selection([(None, ''),] + SEND_SPECIAL_REGIME_KEY, 'SII Issued Key', states={ 'invisible': ~Eval('type').in_(['out_invoice', 'out_credit_note']), }) sii_received_key = fields.Selection([(None, ''),] + RECEIVE_SPECIAL_REGIME_KEY, 'SII Recived Key', states={ 'invisible': Eval('type').in_(['out_invoice', 'out_credit_note']), }) sii_subjected = fields.Selection([(None, '')]+ IVA_SUBJECTED, 'Subjected') sii_excemtion_cause = fields.Selection([(None, '')] + EXCEMPTION_CAUSE, 'Excemption Cause') sii_intracomunity_key = fields.Selection([(None, ''),] + INTRACOMUNITARY_TYPE, 'SII Intracommunity Key', # TODO # states={ # 'invisible': ~Eval('type').in_(['out_invoice', 'out_credit_note']), # } ) sii_records = fields.One2Many('aeat.sii.report.lines', 'invoice', "Sii Report Lines") sii_state = fields.Function(fields.Selection(AEAT_INVOICE_STATE, 'SII State'), 'get_sii_state', searcher='search_sii_state') @classmethod def search_sii_state(cls, name, clause): pool = Pool() SIILines = pool.get('aeat.sii.report.lines') table = SIILines.__table__() cursor = Transaction().cursor cursor.execute(*table.select(Max(table.id), table.invoice, group_by=table.invoice)) invoices = [] lines = [] for id_, invoice in cursor.fetchall(): invoices.append(invoice) lines.append(id_) if clause[-1] == None: return [('id', 'not in', invoices)] clause2 = [tuple(('state',)) + tuple(clause[1:])] + \ [('id', 'in', lines)] print "clause2:", clause2 res_lines = SIILines.search(clause2) return [('id', 'in', [x.invoice.id for x in res_lines])] @classmethod def get_sii_state(cls, invoices, names): pool = Pool() SIILines = pool.get('aeat.sii.report.lines') result = {} for name in names: result[name] = dict((i.id, '') for i in invoices) table = SIILines.__table__() cursor = Transaction().cursor cursor.execute(*table.select(Max(table.id), table.invoice, where=table.invoice.in_([x.id for x in invoices]), group_by=table.invoice)) lines = [a[0] for a in cursor.fetchall()] if lines: cursor.execute(*table.select(table.state, table.invoice, where=table.id.in_(lines))) for state, inv in cursor.fetchall(): result['sii_state'][inv] = state return result class ReasignSIIRecordStart(ModelView): """ Reasign AEAT SII Records Start """ __name__ = "aeat.sii.reasign.records.start" book_key = fields.Selection(BOOK_KEY, 'Book Key', sort=False) operation_key = fields.Selection(OPERATION_KEY, 'Operation Key', sort=False) class ReasignSIIRecordEnd(ModelView): """ Reasign AEAT SII Records End """ __name__ = "aeat.sii.reasign.records.end" class ReasignSIIRecord(Wizard): """ Reasign AEAT SII Records """ __name__ = "aeat.sii.reasign.records" start = StateView('aeat.sii.reasign.records.start', 'aeat_sii.aeat_sii_reasign_start_view', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Reasign', 'reasign', 'tryton-ok', default=True), ]) reasign = StateTransition() done = StateView('aeat.sii.reasign.records.end', 'aeat_sii.aeat_sii_reasign_end_view', [ Button('Ok', 'end', 'tryton-ok', default=True), ]) @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(ReasignSIIRecord, cls).__setup__() cls._error_messages.update({ 'sii_book_key_not_available': ( 'The AEAT Sii Book Key "%s" is not available for any of ' 'selected invoices.'), }) def transition_reasign(self): Invoice = Pool().get('account.invoice') Line = Pool().get('account.invoice.line') cursor = Transaction().cursor invoices = Invoice.browse(Transaction().context['active_ids']) invoice = Invoice.__table__() value = self.start.book_key value2 = self.start.operation_key # Update to allow to modify key for posted invoices cursor.execute(*invoice.update(columns=[invoice.sii_book_key, invoice.sii_operation_key], values=[value, value2], where=In(invoice.id, [x.id for x in invoices]))) # invoices = Invoice.browse(invoices) # Invoice.create_aeat340_records(invoices) return 'done'