# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full # copyright notices and license terms. __all__ = [ 'SIIReport', 'SIIReportLine', 'IssuedTrytonInvoiceMapper', 'RecievedTrytonInvoiceMapper', ] import unicodedata from logging import getLogger from decimal import Decimal from operator import attrgetter from pyAEATsii import service from pyAEATsii import mapping from pyAEATsii import callback_utils from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, fields, Workflow from trytond.model import Model from trytond.pyson import Eval from trytond.pool import Pool from trytond.transaction import Transaction _logger = getLogger(__name__) _ZERO = Decimal('0.0') COMMUNICATION_TYPE = [ # L0 ('A0', 'New Invoices'), ('A1', 'Modify Invoices'), # ('A4', 'Modify (Travelers)'), Not suported ('C0', 'Query Invoices'), # Not in L0 ('D0', 'Delete Invoices'), # Not In L0 ] BOOK_KEY = [ (None, ''), ('E', 'Issued Invoices'), ('I', 'Investment Goods'), ('R', 'Received Invoices'), ('U', 'Particular Intracommunity Operations'), ] OPERATION_KEY = [ # L2_EMI - L2_RECI (None, ''), ('F1', 'Invoice'), ('F2', 'Simplified Invoice'), ('R1', 'Credit Note (Art 80.1 y 80.2)'), ('R2', 'Credit Note (Art 80.3)'), ('R3', 'Credit Note (Art 80.4)'), ('R4', 'Credit Note'), ('R5', 'Credit Note on simplified Invoices'), ('F3', 'Invoice issued as a substitute\n' 'for simplified invoices\n' 'Billed and declared\n'), ('F4', 'Invoice Summary Account Move'), ('F5', 'Import (DUA)'), ('F6', 'Other accounting documents'), ] PARTY_IDENTIFIER_TYPE = [ (None, ''), ('02', 'NIF'), ('03', 'Passport'), ('04', 'Official Document Emmited by\n' 'the Country of Residence'), ('05', 'Certificate of fiscal resident'), ('06', 'Other proving document'), ('07', 'Not on the Census'), ] SEND_SPECIAL_REGIME_KEY = [ # L3.1 (None, ''), ('01', 'Common System Operation'), ('02', 'Export'), ('03', 'Operations to which the special arrangements for\n' 'second-hand goods, art objects, antiques and collectors\n' 'articles apply (135-139 LIVA)'), ('04', 'Special investment gold regime'), ('05', 'Special travel agencies'), ('06', 'Special group of entities in VAT (Advanced Level)'), ('07', 'Special scheme for cash'), ('08', 'Operations subject to IPSI / IGIC'), ('09', 'Invoicing of travel agency services acting\n' 'as mediators in the name and for the account\n' 'of others (D.A.4a RD1619 2012)'), ('10', 'Collection on behalf of third parties of\n' 'professional fees or rights derived from\n' 'industrial property, author or others...'), ('11', 'Business premises lease transactions' 'subject to withholding'), ('12', 'Non-retention business lease operations'), ('13', 'Lease transactions of business premises\n' 'subject to and not subject to withholding'), ('14', 'Invoice with tax pending of accrual\n' '(certifications of works whose addresses\n' 'is a Public Administration)'), ('15', 'Invoice with VAT pending accrual -\n' 'operations of successive tract'), ] RECEIVE_SPECIAL_REGIME_KEY = [ (None, ''), ('01', 'Common system operation'), ('02', 'Operations by which employers ' 'satisfy REAGYP compensation'), ('03', 'Operations to which the special arrangements\n' 'for second-hand goods, art objects, antiques\n' 'and collectors articles apply (135-139 LIVA)'), ('04', 'Special investment gold regime'), ('05', 'Special travel agencies'), ('06', 'Special group of entities in VAT (Advanced Level)'), ('07', 'Special scheme for cash'), ('08', 'Operations subject to IPSI / IGIC'), ('09', 'Intra-Community acquisitions of goods and services'), ('12', 'Business premises lease operations'), ('13', 'Invoice corresponding to an import\n' '(reported without associating with a DUA)') ] AEAT_COMMUNICATION_STATE = [ (None, ''), ('Correcto', 'Accepted'), ('ParcialmenteCorrecto', 'Partially Accepted'), ('Incorrecto', 'Rejected') ] AEAT_INVOICE_STATE = [ (None, ''), ('Correcto', 'Accepted '), ('Correcta', 'Accepted'), # You guys are disgusting ('AceptadoConErrores', 'Accepted with Errors '), ('AceptadaConErrores', 'Accepted with Errors'), # Shame on AEAT ('Anulada', 'Deleted'), ('Incorrecto', 'Rejected') ] PROPERTY_STATE = [ # L6 ('0', ''), ('1', '1. Property with cadastral reference\n' 'located at any point in the\n' 'Spanish territory, except the Basque\n' 'Country and Navarra.'), ('2', '2. Property located in the Autonomous\n' 'Community of the Basque Country or\n' 'in the Comunidad Foral de Navarra.'), ('3', '3. Property in any of the above\n' 'situations but without cadastral\n' 'reference.'), ('4', '4. Property located in the foreign\n' 'country.'), ] # L7 - Iva Subjected IVA_SUBJECTED = [ (None, ''), ('S1', 'Subjected - Not Excempt'), ('S2', 'Subjected - Not Excempt , Inv. Suj. Pass'), ('S3', 'Subjected - Not Excempt , With and Withot Inv. Suj. Pass') ] # L9 - Excemption cause EXCEMPTION_CAUSE = [ (None, ''), ('E1', 'Excempt. Article 20'), ('E2', 'Excempt. Article 21'), ('E3', 'Excempt. Article 22'), ('E4', 'Excempt. Article 24'), ('E5', 'Excempt. Article 25'), ('E6', 'Excempt. Other'), ] # L11 Payment Type PAYMENT_TYPE = [ ('01', 'Transference'), ('02', 'Check'), ('03', 'Not Paid (ERE)'), ('04', 'Other') ] # L12 INTRACOMUNITARY_TYPE = [ (None, ''), ('A', 'The sending or receiving of goods for\n' 'the execution of the partial\n' 'reports or works Mentioned in \n' 'article 70, paragraph one, number 7,\n' 'of the Tax Law (Law 37/1992).'), ('B', 'Transfers of goods and intra-Community\n' 'acquisitions of goods covered by In \n' 'articles 9, paragraph 3, and 16, \n' 'section 2, of the \n' 'Tax Law (Law 37/1992).'), ] def remove_accents(unicode_string): if isinstance(unicode_string, str): unicode_string_bak = unicode_string try: unicode_string = unicode_string_bak.decode('iso-8859-1') except UnicodeDecodeError: try: unicode_string = unicode_string_bak.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return unicode_string_bak if not isinstance(unicode_string, unicode): return unicode_string # From http://www.leccionespracticas.com/uncategorized/eliminar-tildes-con-python-solucionado unicode_string_nfd = ''.join( (c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', unicode_string) if (unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn' or c in (u'\u0327', u'\u0303')) # ç or ñ )) # It converts nfd to nfc to allow unicode.decode() return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', unicode_string_nfd) _STATES = { 'readonly': Eval('state') != 'draft', } _DEPENDS = ['state'] class SIIReport(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView): ''' SII Report ''' __name__ = 'aeat.sii.report' company = fields.Many2One('company.company', 'Company', required=True, states={ 'readonly': Eval('state') != 'draft', }, depends=['state']) currency = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('currency.currency', 'Currency'), 'on_change_with_currency') fiscalyear = fields.Many2One('account.fiscalyear', 'Fiscal Year', required=True, states={ 'readonly': Eval('state') != 'draft', }, depends=['state']) company_vat = fields.Char('VAT', size=9, states={ 'required': Eval('state').in_(['confirmed', 'done']), 'readonly': ~Eval('state').in_(['draft', 'confirmed']), }, depends=['state']) period = fields.Many2One('account.period', 'Period', required=True, domain=[('fiscalyear', '=', Eval('fiscalyear'))], states={ 'readonly': Eval('state') != 'draft', }, depends=['state', 'fiscalyear']) operation_type = fields.Selection(COMMUNICATION_TYPE, 'Operation Type', required=True, states={ 'readonly': ~Eval('state').in_(['draft', 'confirmed']), }, depends=['state']) book = fields.Selection(BOOK_KEY, 'Book', required=True, states={ 'readonly': ~Eval('state').in_(['draft', 'confirmed']), }, depends=['state']) state = fields.Selection([ ('draft', 'Draft'), ('confirmed', 'Confirmed'), ('done', 'Done'), ('cancelled', 'Cancelled'), ('sent', 'Sent'), ], 'State', readonly=True) communication_state = fields.Selection(AEAT_COMMUNICATION_STATE, 'Communication State', readonly=True) csv = fields.Char( 'CSV', readonly=True ) version = fields.Selection([ ('0.7', '0.7'), ], 'Version', required=True, states={ }, depends=['state']) lines = fields.One2Many('aeat.sii.report.lines', 'report', 'Lines', states={ 'readonly': ~Eval('state').in_(['draft']), }, depends=['state']) @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(SIIReport, cls).__setup__() cls._buttons.update({ 'draft': { 'invisible': ~Eval('state').in_(['confirmed', 'cancelled']), 'icon': 'tryton-go-previous', }, 'confirm': { 'invisible': ~Eval('state').in_(['draft']), 'icon': 'tryton-go-next', }, 'send': { 'invisible': ~Eval('state').in_(['confirmed']), 'icon': 'tryton-ok', }, 'cancel': { 'invisible': Eval('state').in_(['cancelled', 'sent']), 'icon': 'tryton-cancel', }, 'load_invoices': { 'invisible': ~(Eval('state').in_(['draft']) & Eval('operation_type').in_(['A0', 'A1'])), } }) cls._transitions |= set(( ('draft', 'confirmed'), ('draft', 'cancelled'), ('confirmed', 'draft'), ('confirmed', 'sent'), ('confirmed', 'cancelled'), ('cancelled', 'draft'), )) @staticmethod def default_company(): return Transaction().context.get('company') @fields.depends('company') def on_change_with_currency(self, name=None): if self.company: return self.company.currency.id @staticmethod def default_fiscalyear(): FiscalYear = Pool().get('account.fiscalyear') return FiscalYear.find( Transaction().context.get('company'), exception=False) @staticmethod def default_state(): return 'draft' @staticmethod def default_version(): return '0.7' @fields.depends('company') def on_change_with_company_vat(self): if self.company: return self.company.party.sii_vat_code @classmethod def copy(cls, records, default=None): if default is None: default = {} else: default = default.copy() default['communication_state'] = None return super(SIIReport, cls).copy(records, default=default) @classmethod @ModelView.button @Workflow.transition('draft') def draft(cls, reports): pass @classmethod @ModelView.button @Workflow.transition('confirmed') def confirm(cls, reports): pass @classmethod @ModelView.button @Workflow.transition('sent') def send(cls, reports): for report in reports: if report.book == 'E': # issued invoices if report.operation_type in {'A0', 'A1'}: report.submit_issued_invoices() elif report.operation_type == 'C0': report.query_issued_invoices() elif report.operation_type == 'D0': report.delete_issued_invoices() else: raise NotImplementedError elif report.book == 'R': if report.operation_type in {'A0', 'A1'}: report.submit_recieved_invoices() elif report.operation_type == 'C0': report.query_recieved_invoices() elif report.operation_type == 'D0': report.delete_recieved_invoices() else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise NotImplementedError _logger.debug('Done sending reports to AEAT SII') @classmethod @ModelView.button @Workflow.transition('cancelled') def cancel(cls, reports): pass @classmethod @ModelView.button def load_invoices(cls, reports): pool = Pool() Invoice = pool.get('account.invoice') ReportLine = pool.get('aeat.sii.report.lines') for report in reports: domain = [ ('sii_book_key', '=', report.book), ('move.period', '=', report.period.id), ('state', 'in', ['posted', 'paid']), ] if report.operation_type == 'A0': domain.append(('sii_state', '=', None)) elif report.operation_type in ('A1', 'A4'): domain.append(('sii_state', 'in', [ 'ACEPTADOCONERRORES', 'INCORRECTO'])) _logger.debug('Searching invoices for SII report: %s', domain) invoices = Invoice.search(domain) report.lines = [ ReportLine(invoice=invoice, report=report) for invoice in invoices ] report.save() def submit_issued_invoices(self): _logger.info('Sending report %s to AEAT SII', self.id) headers = mapping.get_headers( name=self.company.party.name, vat=self.company_vat, comm_kind=self.operation_type) pool = Pool() mapper = IssuedTrytonInvoiceMapper(pool=pool) res = None with self.company.tmp_ssl_credentials() as (crt, key): srv = service.bind_issued_invoices_service(crt, key, test=True) res = srv.submit( headers, (line.invoice for line in self.lines), mapper=mapper) # TODO: assert response order matches report order for (report_line, response_line) in zip( self.lines, res.RespuestaLinea): report_line.write([report_line], { 'state': response_line.EstadoRegistro, 'communication_code': response_line.CodigoErrorRegistro, 'communication_msg': response_line.DescripcionErrorRegistro, }) self.write([self], { 'communication_state': res.EstadoEnvio, 'csv': res.CSV, }) def delete_issued_invoices(self): headers = mapping.get_headers( name=self.company.party.name, vat=self.company_vat, comm_kind=self.operation_type) pool = Pool() mapper = IssuedTrytonInvoiceMapper(pool=pool) res = None with self.company.tmp_ssl_credentials() as (crt, key): srv = service.bind_issued_invoices_service(crt, key, test=True) res = srv.cancel( headers, (line.invoice for line in self.lines), mapper=mapper) # TODO: assert response order matches report order for (report_line, response_line) in zip( self.lines, res.RespuestaLinea): report_line.write([report_line], { 'state': response_line.EstadoRegistro, 'communication_code': response_line.CodigoErrorRegistro, 'communication_msg': response_line.DescripcionErrorRegistro, }) self.write([self], { 'communication_state': res.EstadoEnvio, 'csv': res.CSV, }) def query_issued_invoices(self): res = None pool = Pool() Invoice = pool.get('account.invoice') headers = mapping.get_headers( name=self.company.party.name, vat=self.company_vat, comm_kind=self.operation_type) with self.company.tmp_ssl_credentials() as (crt, key): srv = service.bind_issued_invoices_service( crt, key, test=True) res = srv.query( headers, year=self.fiscalyear.name, period=self.period.start_date.month) registers = \ res.RegistroRespuestaConsultaLRFacturasEmitidas # FIXME: the number can be repeated over time invoices_list = Invoice.search([ ('number', 'in', [ reg.IDFactura.NumSerieFacturaEmisor for reg in registers ]) ]) invoices_ids = { invoice.number: invoice.id for invoice in invoices_list } lines_to_create = [ { 'invoice': invoices_ids.get( reg.IDFactura.NumSerieFacturaEmisor), 'state': reg.EstadoFactura.EstadoRegistro, 'communication_code': reg.EstadoFactura.CodigoErrorRegistro, 'communication_msg': reg.EstadoFactura.DescripcionErrorRegistro, # FIXME: store any other info from the response } for reg in registers ] self.write([self], { 'lines': [('create', lines_to_create)] }) def submit_recieved_invoices(self): _logger.info('Sending report %s to AEAT SII', self.id) headers = mapping.get_headers( name=self.company.party.name, vat=self.company_vat, comm_kind=self.operation_type) pool = Pool() mapper = RecievedTrytonInvoiceMapper(pool=pool) res = None with self.company.tmp_ssl_credentials() as (crt, key): srv = service.bind_recieved_invoices_service(crt, key, test=True) res = srv.submit( headers, (line.invoice for line in self.lines), mapper=mapper) # TODO: assert response order matches report order for (report_line, response_line) in zip( self.lines, res.RespuestaLinea): report_line.write([report_line], { 'state': response_line.EstadoRegistro, 'communication_code': response_line.CodigoErrorRegistro, 'communication_msg': response_line.DescripcionErrorRegistro, }) self.write([self], { 'communication_state': res.EstadoEnvio, 'csv': res.CSV, }) def delete_recieved_invoices(self): headers = mapping.get_headers( name=self.company.party.name, vat=self.company_vat, comm_kind=self.operation_type) pool = Pool() mapper = RecievedTrytonInvoiceMapper(pool=pool) res = None with self.company.tmp_ssl_credentials() as (crt, key): srv = service.bind_recieved_invoices_service(crt, key, test=True) res = srv.cancel( headers, (line.invoice for line in self.lines), mapper=mapper) # TODO: assert response order matches report order for (report_line, response_line) in zip( self.lines, res.RespuestaLinea): report_line.write([report_line], { 'state': response_line.EstadoRegistro, 'communication_code': response_line.CodigoErrorRegistro, 'communication_msg': response_line.DescripcionErrorRegistro, }) self.write([self], { 'communication_state': res.EstadoEnvio, 'csv': res.CSV, }) def query_recieved_invoices(self): res = None pool = Pool() Invoice = pool.get('account.invoice') headers = mapping.get_headers( name=self.company.party.name, vat=self.company_vat, comm_kind=self.operation_type) with self.company.tmp_ssl_credentials() as (crt, key): srv = service.bind_recieved_invoices_service( crt, key, test=True) res = srv.query( headers, year=self.fiscalyear.name, period=self.period.start_date.month) _logger.debug(res) registers = \ res.RegistroRespuestaConsultaLRFacturasRecibidas # FIXME: the reference is not forced to be unique invoices_list = Invoice.search([ ('reference', 'in', [ reg.IDFactura.NumSerieFacturaEmisor for reg in registers ]) ]) invoices_ids = { invoice.reference: invoice.id for invoice in invoices_list } lines_to_create = [ { 'invoice': invoices_ids.get( reg.IDFactura.NumSerieFacturaEmisor), 'state': reg.EstadoFactura.EstadoRegistro, 'communication_code': reg.EstadoFactura.CodigoErrorRegistro, 'communication_msg': reg.EstadoFactura.DescripcionErrorRegistro, # FIXME: store any other info from the response } for reg in registers ] self.write([self], { 'lines': [('create', lines_to_create)] }) class BaseTrytonInvoiceMapper(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseTrytonInvoiceMapper, self).__init__() self.pool = Pool() year = attrgetter('move.period.fiscalyear.name') period = attrgetter('move.period.start_date.month') nif = attrgetter('company.party.sii_vat_code') issue_date = attrgetter('invoice_date') invoice_kind = attrgetter('sii_operation_key') rectified_invoice_kind = callback_utils.fixed_value('I') not_exempt_kind = attrgetter('sii_subjected_key') counterpart_name = attrgetter('party.name') counterpart_nif = attrgetter('party.sii_vat_code') counterpart_id_type = attrgetter('party.identifier_type') counterpart_country = attrgetter('party.sii_vat_country') counterpart_id = counterpart_nif taxes = attrgetter('taxes') tax_rate = attrgetter('tax.rate') tax_base = attrgetter('base') tax_amount = attrgetter('amount') tax_equivalence_surcharge_rate = callback_utils.fixed_value(None) tax_equivalence_surcharge_amount = callback_utils.fixed_value(None) def description(self, invoice): return ( invoice.description or invoice.lines[0].description or self.serial_number(invoice) ) def final_serial_number(self, invoice): try: SaleLine = self.pool.get('sale.line') except KeyError: SaleLine = None if SaleLine is not None: return max([ line.origin.number for line in invoice.lines if isinstance(line.origin, SaleLine) ]) class IssuedTrytonInvoiceMapper( mapping.IssuedInvoiceMapper, BaseTrytonInvoiceMapper ): """ Tryton Issued Invoice to AEAT mapper """ serial_number = attrgetter('number') specialkey_or_trascendence = attrgetter('sii_issued_key') class RecievedTrytonInvoiceMapper( mapping.RecievedInvoiceMapper, BaseTrytonInvoiceMapper ): """ Tryton Recieved Invoice to AEAT mapper """ serial_number = attrgetter('reference') specialkey_or_trascendence = attrgetter('sii_received_key') move_date = attrgetter('move.date') deductible_amount = attrgetter('tax_amount') # most of the times class SIIReportLine(ModelSQL, ModelView): ''' AEAT SII Issued ''' __name__ = 'aeat.sii.report.lines' report = fields.Many2One( 'aeat.sii.report', 'Issued Report', ondelete='CASCADE') invoice = fields.Many2One('account.invoice', 'Invoice') state = fields.Selection(AEAT_INVOICE_STATE, 'State') communication_code = fields.Integer( 'Communication Code', readonly=True) communication_msg = fields.Char( 'Communication Message', readonly=True) company = fields.Many2One( 'company.company', 'Company', required=True, select=True) @staticmethod def default_company(): return Transaction().context.get('company') @classmethod def copy(cls, records, default=None): if default is None: default = {} else: default = default.copy() default['state'] = None default['communication_code'] = None default['communication_msg'] = None return super(SIIReportLine, cls).copy(records, default=default)