Bernat d9b30fb509 Remove not used fields. (#7)
* Remove not used fields.
Remove from invoice 2 SII fields not used any more in there. Now us the
tax deffined.
Fix some bugs.

* Fix bug in tax call.

* Add missing import for raise messages.

* Fix the way we change the anem of a field. Fix problem getting some especial taxes not duplicate. Fix translation. Update some sii tax information

* Update raise error information.

Update 'Sujeto Pasivo' tax information to update correctly on SII
2021-02-16 16:05:33 +01:00

43 lines
2.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. -->
<data grouped="1">
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_missing_fernet_key">
<field name="text">Missing Fernet key configuration</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_missing_pem_cert">
<field name="text">Missing PEM certificate</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_delete_cancel">
<field name="text">Report "%(report)s" must be cancelled before deletion.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_invoices_sii">
<field name="text">The next invoices are related with SII books:
If you edit them take care if you need to update again to SII</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_invoices_sii_pending">
<field name="text">The next invoices are related with SII books on draft state.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_error_loading_pkcs12">
<field name="text">Unable to load PKCS12: %(message)s</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="reports_exist">
<field name="text">There are some reports in draft and/or confirmed. Any report won't be created until this reports will be processed.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_service_message">
<field name="text">%(message)s</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_missing_nif">
<field name="text">The party of the invoice %(invoice)s must has a valid Tax Identifier.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_sii_operation_key_wrong">
<field name="text">The invoice %(invoice)s has wrong subjected and opertion sii combination.</field>
<record model="ir.message" id="msg_wrong_identifier_type">
<field name="text">The party [%(party)s] of the invoice %(invoice)s must has a valid SII Identifier [VAT (only for intracommunity operators)].</field>