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# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, fields
from trytond.model import Unique, DeactivableMixin
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.pyson import Eval
__all__ = ['Calendar', 'WorkPlace', 'Employee', 'CalendarDay',
class Calendar(ModelView, ModelSQL):
__name__ = 'staff.calendar'
name = fields.Char('Name')
year = fields.Integer('Year', required=True,
states={'readonly': Eval('id', 0) > 0},
country = fields.Many2One('country.country', 'Country')
subdivision = fields.Many2One("country.subdivision",
'Subdivision', domain=[('country', '=', Eval('country'))],
city = fields.Char('City')
days = fields.One2Many('staff.calendar.day', 'calendar', 'Days',
order=[('date_', 'ASC')])
rest_day = fields.Selection([
(None, ''),
('1', 'Monday'),
('2', 'Tuesday'),
('3', 'Wednesday'),
('4', 'Thursday'),
('5', 'Friday'),
('6', 'Saturday'),
('7', 'Sunday')], 'Rest Day', sort=False)
def get_rec_name(self, name):
return str(self.name) + ' - ' + str(self.year)
def default_rest_day():
return '7'
def date_type(self, date):
pool = Pool()
calendarDay = pool.get('staff.calendar.day')
if self.rest_day and date.isoweekday() == int(self.rest_day):
return 'rest'
res = calendarDay.search_read([
('calendar', '=', self),
('date_', '=', date)], fields_names=['day_type'], limit=1)
if res:
return res[0]['day_type']
return 'work'
class WorkPlace(DeactivableMixin, ModelView, ModelSQL):
__name__ = 'staff.workplace'
code = fields.Char('Code', required=True)
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
calendars = fields.Many2Many('staff.workplace.calendar', 'workplace',
'calendar', 'Calendars')
calendar = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('staff.calendar', 'Calendar'),
def date_type(self, date):
for calendar in self.calendars:
if calendar.year == date.year:
return calendar.date_type(date)
return 'work'
def get_calendar(self, name=None):
pool = Pool()
Date = pool.get('ir.date')
cal = self._get_calendar(Date.today().year)
return cal.id if cal else None
def _get_calendar(self, year):
for calendar in self.calendars:
if calendar.year == year:
return calendar
return None
class WorkPlaceCalendar(ModelSQL):
"""WorkPlace - Calendar"""
__name__ = 'staff.workplace.calendar'
workplace = fields.Many2One('staff.workplace', 'WorkPlace', required=True)
calendar = fields.Many2One('staff.calendar', 'Calendar', required=True)
def __setup__(cls):
super(WorkPlaceCalendar, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints = [
('wp_cal_uk', Unique(t, t.workplace, t.calendar),
'Combination of Workplace and Calendar must be unique.')
'unique_year': ('Cannot add to Workplace "%s" many calendars '
'for a year.')
def validate(cls, records):
super(WorkPlaceCalendar, cls).validate(records)
def check_validation(cls, records):
values = {}
for record in records:
values.setdefault(record.workplace.id, [])
if record.calendar.year in values[record.workplace.id]:
cls.raise_user_error('unique_year', record.workplace.rec_name)
others = cls.search([
('id', 'not in', list(map(int, records))),
('workplace', 'in', [r.workplace.id for r in records])])
for other in others:
if other.calendar.year in values[other.workplace.id]:
cls.raise_user_error('unique_year', other.workplace.rec_name)
class Employee(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'company.employee'
workplace = fields.Many2One('staff.workplace', 'WorkPlace')
class CalendarDay(ModelView, ModelSQL):
"""Calendar Day"""
__name__ = 'staff.calendar.day'
name = fields.Char('Name')
calendar = fields.Many2One('staff.calendar', 'Calendar', required=True,
states={'readonly': Eval('id', 0) > 0},
date_ = fields.Date('Date', required=True)
day_type = fields.Selection([
('holiday', 'holiday'),
('local_holiday', 'Local Holiday'),
('rest', 'Rest')], 'Day Type', required=True)
def __setup__(cls):
super(CalendarDay, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints = [
('calendar_date_uk', Unique(t, t.calendar, t.date_),
'Date must be unique per Calendar.')
cls._order.insert(0, ('date_', 'ASC'))