2019-01-30 22:15:52 +01:00

388 lines
14 KiB

# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from trytond.model import Unique
from import Report
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.model import ModelSQL, ModelView, fields
from trytond.pyson import Eval
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.wizard import StateReport
from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateTransition, StateView, Button
__all__ = ['ProductLimit', 'ShipmentOut', 'ShipmentOutReturn', 'Location',
'ProductLimitNote', 'PrintProductLimitNote',
'PrintProductLimitNoteParam', 'DeliveryNote', 'RestockingList',
class ProductLimit(ModelSQL, ModelView):
"""Location product limit"""
__name__ = 'stock.location.product_limit'
location = fields.Many2One('stock.location', 'Location',
ondelete='CASCADE', required=True,
domain=[('type', '=', 'customer'), ],
context={'product': Eval('product')},
product = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Product',
required=True, ondelete='RESTRICT')
quantity = fields.Float('Quantity', required=True,
digits=(16, Eval('uom_digits', 2)),
uom_category = fields.Function(
fields.Many2One('product.uom.category', 'UOM Category'),
uom = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'UOM', required=True,
ondelete='RESTRICT', domain=[
('category', '=', Eval('uom_category'))],
uom_digits = fields.Function(
fields.Integer('UOM Digits'), 'on_change_with_uom_digits')
def __setup__(cls):
super(ProductLimit, cls).__setup__()
t = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints = [
('location_product_uniq', Unique(t, t.location, t.product),
'The pair location, product must be unique.')
def on_change_product(self):
if self.product:
self.uom = self.product.default_uom
def on_change_with_uom_category(self, name=None):
if self.product:
def on_change_with_uom_digits(self, name=None):
if self.uom:
return self.uom.digits
return 2
def product_limits_by_location(cls, location_id, product_ids=[],
pool = Pool()
Product = pool.get('product.product')
Uom = pool.get('product.uom')
context = Transaction().context.copy()
'locations': [location_id],
'with_childs': True
if at_date:
context['stock_date_end'] = at_date
products_with_limit =[
('location', '=', location_id),
('product', 'in', product_ids) if product_ids else ()])
if not product_ids:
product_ids = [ for l in products_with_limit]
products = Product.browse(product_ids)
with Transaction().set_context(context):
products = Product.get_quantity(products, 'forecast_quantity')
p_forecast = {k: value for k, value in products.iteritems()
if value}
ret = []
for pl in products_with_limit:
if not in p_forecast:
item = pl.product.rec_name
assigned = Uom.compute_qty(pl.uom, pl.quantity,
stock = p_forecast[]
diff = assigned - stock
unit = pl.product.default_uom
'item': item,
'assigned': assigned,
'stock': stock,
'diff': diff,
'unit': unit
return ret
class ShipmentOut:
__name__ = 'stock.shipment.out'
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
def __setup__(cls):
super(ShipmentOut, cls).__setup__()
'The limit of the product %s is exceeded.'
def product_limits_by_location(self):
ProductLimit = Pool().get('stock.location.product_limit')
return ProductLimit.product_limits_by_location(
def wait(cls, shipments):
# TODO: implement with wizard in a new method 'wait_try'
# similar to 'assign_try'.
super(ShipmentOut, cls).wait(shipments)
ProductLimit = Pool().get('stock.location.product_limit')
Uom = Pool().get('product.uom')
cache = set()
for shipment in shipments:
location = shipment.customer_location
for move in shipment.outgoing_moves:
if (move.product, move.quantity) in cache:
pls =[
('product', '=', move.product),
('location', '=', location)])
if len(pls) > 0:
limit = pls[0].quantity
uom = pls[0].uom
context = Transaction().context
context['product'] =
with Transaction().set_context(context):
forecast_qty = pls[0].location.get_quantity(
[pls[0].location], 'forecast')[pls[0]]
if forecast_qty > Uom.compute_qty(uom,
limit, move.product.default_uom):
'product_limit_exceeded_%s_%s' % (,,
cache.add((move.product, move.quantity))
class ShipmentOutReturn:
__name__ = 'stock.shipment.out.return'
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
def product_limits_by_location(self):
ProductLimit = Pool().get('stock.location.product_limit')
return ProductLimit.product_limits_by_location(
class Location:
__name__ = 'stock.location'
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
limits = fields.One2Many('stock.location.product_limit', 'location',
limit_quantity = fields.Function(
fields.Float('Limit quantity'), 'get_limit_quantity')
diff_quantity = fields.Function(
fields.Float('Diff. quantity'), 'get_diff_quantity')
def get_limit_quantity(cls, locations, name):
pool = Pool()
Uom = pool.get('product.uom')
Product = pool.get('product.product')
product_id = Transaction().context.get('product')
res = dict([(, 0) for l in locations])
if not product_id or not isinstance(product_id, (int, long)):
return res
default_uom = Product(product_id).default_uom
for location in locations:
if not location.limits:
res[] = sum(Uom.compute_qty(
l.uom, l.quantity, default_uom) for l in location.limits
if == product_id)
return res
def get_diff_quantity(cls, locations, name):
return dict([(, l.limit_quantity -
(l.quantity or 0)) for l in locations])
class ProductLimitNote(Report):
"""Location Product limit note"""
__name__ = 'stock.location.product_limit.note'
def get_context(cls, records, data):
pool = Pool()
Product = pool.get('product.product')
Company = pool.get('')
Location = pool.get('stock.location')
ProductLimit = pool.get('stock.location.product_limit')
report_context = super(ProductLimitNote, cls).get_context(records,
report_context['company'] = Company(data['company'])
report_context['product'] = Product(data['product'])
report_context['location'] = Location(data['location'])
def get_stock_context(start_date, end_date):
return {
'stock_date_start': start_date,
'stock_date_end': end_date,
'forecast': True}
location_id = data['location']
product_id = data['product']
with Transaction().set_context(**get_stock_context(
None, data['start_date'] + relativedelta(days=-1))):
stock = Product.products_by_location([location_id],
with_childs=True, grouping_filter=([product_id], )).get(
(location_id, product_id), 0)
with Transaction().set_context(
**get_stock_context(data['start_date'], data['end_date'])):
qties = Product.products_by_location([location_id],
grouping=('product', 'effective_date', 'origin', 'shipment'),
grouping_filter=([product_id], )
values = {(data['start_date'] + relativedelta(days=-1), None): stock}
for key, qty in qties.iteritems():
_origin = key[3] or key[4]
if _origin:
model, id = _origin.split(',')
_origin_value = pool.get(model)(id)
_origin_value = None
values.setdefault((key[2], _origin_value), 0)
values[(key[2], _origin_value)] += qty
report_context['moves'] = cls._get_sorted_moves(values)
report_context['models'] = cls.get_models(report_context['moves'])
report_context['limit'] = ProductLimit.product_limits_by_location(
location_id, product_ids=[product_id], at_date=data['end_date'])
cumulate = 0
cumulate_moves = {}
for k, v in report_context['moves']:
cumulate_moves.setdefault(k[0], cumulate)
cumulate_moves[k[0]] += v
cumulate += v
report_context['cumulate'] = sorted([(k, v) for k, v in
cumulate_moves.iteritems()], key=lambda x: x[0])
return report_context
def _get_sorted_moves(cls, moves):
new_moves = [(k, v) for k, v in moves.iteritems()]
new_moves = sorted(new_moves, key=lambda x: x[0][0])
return new_moves
def get_models(cls, moves):
IrModel = Pool().get('ir.model')
models = [m[0][1].__name__ if m[0][1] else None for m in moves]
models =[
('model', 'in', models),
res = {None: ''}
res.update({m.model: for m in models})
return res
class PrintProductLimitNoteParam(ModelView):
"""Print location product limit note param"""
__name__ = 'stock.location.product_limit.note_print.params'
start_date = fields.Date('Start date', required=True)
end_date = fields.Date('End date', required=True)
product = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Product', required=True)
location = fields.Many2One('stock.location', 'Location', required=True,
domain=[('limits', '!=', None)])
class PrintProductLimitNote(Wizard):
"""Print Location product limit note"""
__name__ = 'stock.location.product_limit.note_print'
start = StateTransition()
params = StateView('stock.location.product_limit.note_print.params',
[Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
Button('Print', 'print_', 'tryton-print', default=True)])
print_ = StateReport('stock.location.product_limit.note')
def transition_start(self):
return 'params'
def do_print_(self, action):
data = {}
if Transaction().context.get('active_ids'):
_ = Transaction().context['active_ids'].pop()
data['company'] = Transaction().context['company']
data['start_date'] = self.params.start_date
data['end_date'] = self.params.end_date
data['product'] =
data['location'] =
return action, data
class DeliveryNote:
__name__ = 'stock.shipment.out.delivery_note'
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
def get_context(cls, records, data):
Conf = Pool().get('stock.configuration')
report_context = super(DeliveryNote, cls).get_context(records, data)
show_limit = Conf(1).show_limit
report_context['product_limits'] = {}
for r in records:
values = []
if show_limit:
values = r.product_limits_by_location()
report_context['product_limits'][] = values
return report_context
class RestockingList:
__name__ = 'stock.shipment.out.return.restocking_list'
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
def get_context(cls, records, data):
Conf = Pool().get('stock.configuration')
report_context = super(RestockingList, cls).get_context(records, data)
show_limit = Conf(1).show_limit
report_context['product_limits'] = {}
for r in records:
values = []
if show_limit:
values = r.product_limits_by_location()
report_context['product_limits'][] = values
return report_context
class Configuration:
__name__ = 'stock.configuration'
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
show_limit = fields.Boolean('Show product limits', help=(
'If checked a summary of product limits is shown in shipment reports.')
def default_show_limit():
return True