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# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from trytond.model import fields
from trytond.pool import PoolMeta, Pool
from trytond.pyson import Eval
__all__ = ['Template', 'Product']
__metaclass__ = PoolMeta
class Template:
__name__ = 'product.template'
occupy_space = fields.Boolean('Occupy space',
help='Determines if product occupies space in storage locations')
def __setup__(cls):
super(Template, cls).__setup__()
def default_occupy_space():
return False
def _extend_measure_field(cls, field):
f = getattr(cls, field, None)
if not f:
req = Eval('occupy_space')
if not f.states.get('required'):
f.states['required'] = req
f.states['required'] = f.states['required'] | req
class Product:
__name__ = 'product.product'
def get_products_occupy_space(cls):
pool = Pool()
Product = pool.get('product.product')
products =[('occupy_space', '=', True)])
return [ for p in products] or []
def get_space(self, quantity, uom=None):
pool = Pool()
UOM = pool.get('product.uom')
ModelData = pool.get('')
meter = UOM(ModelData.get_id('product', 'uom_meter'))
if not getattr(self, 'occupy_space', False):
return float(0)
qty = UOM.compute_qty(uom if uom else self.default_uom,
quantity, self.default_uom)
return UOM.compute_qty(self.length_uom, self.length, meter) * qty
def get_quantity_from_space(self, space):
pool = Pool()
UOM = pool.get('product.uom')
ModelData = pool.get('')
meter = UOM(ModelData.get_id('product', 'uom_meter'))
if not getattr(self, 'occupy_space', False):
return space
return int(space / UOM.compute_qty(self.length_uom, self.length, meter))