--- gitea_bindir: "/usr/local/bin/gitea" gitea_lib_dir: "/var/lib/gitea" gitea_user: 'git' gitea_group: 'git' gitea_confdir: '/etc/gitea/app.ini' gitea_version: '1.16.2' #[CONFIG] # App.ini file variables gitea_base_config: - 'APP_NAME = Gitea: Git with a cup of tea' - 'RUN_USER = git' - 'RUN_MODE = prod' gitea_oauth2_config: - 'JWT_SECRET = ' #41 random chars gitea_ui_config: - 'DEFAULT_THEME = arc-green' gitea_security_config: - 'INTERNAL_TOKEN = ' #106 random chars - 'INSTALL_LOCK = true' - 'SECRET_KEY = ' #64 random chars gitea_database_config: - 'DB_TYPE = postgres' - 'HOST = localhost:5432' - 'NAME = gitea' - 'USER = admin' - 'PASSWD = changeme' - 'SSL_MODE = disable' - 'PATH = /home/git/data/gitea.db' gitea_repository_config: - 'ROOT = /home/git/gitea-repositories' gitea_server_config: - 'SSH_DOMAIN = git.example.org' - 'DOMAIN = git.example.org' - 'HTTP_PORT = 3000' - 'ROOT_URL = https://git.example.org' - 'DISABLE_SSH = false' - 'SSH_PORT = 22' - 'LFS_START_SERVER = true' - 'LFS_CONTENT_PATH = /home/git/data/lfs' - 'LFS_JWT_SECRET = ' #40 random chars - 'OFFLINE_MODE = false' gitea_mailer_config: - 'ENABLED = true' - 'HOST = mail.example.org:587' - 'FROM = noreply@example.org' - 'USER = noreply@example.org' - 'PASSWD = CHANGEME' #PASSWD - 'IS_TLS_ENABLED = true' gitea_service_config: - 'REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = true' - 'ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = true' - 'DISABLE_REGISTRATION = false' - 'ALLOW_ONLY_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION = false' - 'ENABLE_CAPTCHA = false' - 'REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = true' - 'DEFAULT_KEEP_EMAIL_PRIVATE = true' - 'DEFAULT_ALLOW_CREATE_ORGANIZATION = true' - 'DEFAULT_ENABLE_TIMETRACKING = true' - 'NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = noreply@example.org' gitea_mirror_config: - 'ENABLED = true' gitea_picture_config: - 'DISABLE_GRAVATAR = true' - 'ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR = true' gitea_openid_config: - 'ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN = false' - 'ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP = false' gitea_session_config: - 'PROVIDER = file' gitea_log_config: - 'MODE = file' - 'LEVEL = Info' - 'ROOT_PATH = /home/git/log' #apt gitea_apt_list: - git # POSTGRES postgresql_version: 12 postgresql_listen_addresses: - "" postgresql_pg_hba_default: - { type: local, database: all, user: '{{ postgresql_admin_user }}', address: '', method: '{{ postgresql_default_auth_method }}', comment: '' } - { type: local, database: all, user: all, address: '', method: '{{ postgresql_default_auth_method }}', comment: '"local" is for Unix domain socket connections only' } - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '', method: '{{ postgresql_default_auth_method_hosts }}', comment: 'IPv4 local connections:' } postgresql_databases: - name: gitea owner: admin # optional; specify the owner of the database hstore: no # flag to install the hstore extension on this database (yes/no) uuid_ossp: no # flag to install the uuid-ossp extension on this database (yes/no) citext: no # flag to install the citext extension on this database (yes/no) postgresql_users: - name: admin pass: changeme encrypted: yes # denotes if the password is already encrypted. postgresql_user_privileges: - name: admin # user name db: gitea # database priv: "ALL" # privilege string format: example: INSERT,UPDATE/table:SELECT/anothertable:ALL role_attr_flags: "" # role attribute flags