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InvoiceNinja Ansible role
This role is maintained by Disroot.org team
This role takes care of installation of invoice ninja. Below some initial notes:
- APP_KEY - before running the role, make sure to generate APP_KEY for your installtion. You can do it by running for example:
echo "base64:$(openssl rand -base64 32)"
and pasting it to your host_vars under:ninja_app_key
variable - Web Setup - Unfortunatelly looks like there is no way to skip the initial setup of invoice ninja, and after successfully running the role, you will need to input db related data as well as create your initial user.
- Update - Running precompiled version of invoiceninja (as in this case ATM) allows for an automated in-app update process. This means there is no need for updating via commandline/ansible. For now it should be sufficient, however if needed the update process is fairly simple as well if we were to implement it via ansible. In anycase though, prior the update you should create a database backup.