--- #LUFI DEFAULT VARIABLES lufi_version: '0.05.14' lufi_build_options: '--deployment --without=test --without=postgresql --without=mysql' lufi_username: 'lufi' lufi_uid: '1003' lufi_group: 'lufi' lufi_gid: '1003' lufi_app_dir: '/var/www/lufi' lufi_listen: 'http://localhost:8080' lufi_proxy: '1' lufi_contact: 'support[at]example.lan' lufi_report: 'support@example.lan' lufi_mail_sender: no-reply@example.lan lufi_mail_disable: '0' lufi_instance_name: 'lufi' lufi_secrets: 'secret' lufi_theme: 'default' lufi_custom_themes: - name: '' #add name of the theme repo: '' #add git repository of the theme lufi_workers: '30' lufi_clients: '1' lufi_url_lenght: '8' lufi_provis_step: '5' lufi_provisioning: '100' lufi_token_lenght: '32' lufi_max_file_size: '1073741824' lufi_default_delay: '30' lufi_max_delay: '60' lufi_delay_for_size: - filesize: '10000000' delay: '60' description: 'between 10MB and 50MB => max is 60 days, less than 10MB => max is max_delay (see above)' - filesize: '50000000' delay: '30' description: 'between 50MB ans 100MB => max is 30 days' - filesize: '100000000' delay: '15' description: 'between 100MB and 1GB => max is 15 days' - filesize: '1000000000' delay: '2' description: 'more than 1GB => max is 2 days' lufi_db_path: 'lufi.db' lufi_upload_dir: '/srv/lufi_files' lufi_keep_senders_ip: '1' lufi_total_size: '10*1024*1024*1024' lufi_when_dir_full: 'warn' lufi_delete_old_files: '65' lufi_mail_from: 'noreply@example.lan' lufi_mail_smtp_host: 'example.lan' lufi_mail_user: 'noreply@example.lan' lufi_mail_passwd: 'changeme' lufi_password_on_files: '1' # 0 is default lufi_apt_list: - carton - build-essential - libpq-dev - git - cpanminus lufi_dbtype: 'sqlite' ## postgresql or mysqldb #if you use mysql or postgres add those mysql_variables #lufi_dbname: 'lufi' #lufi_dbhost: 'localhost' #lufi_dbport: '5432' #or 3306 for mysql #lufi_dbuser: 'DBUSER' #lufi_dbpassword: 'changeme' #lufi_dbconections: '1' #CRONJOBS cronjobs: - '00 5 * * * {{ lufi_username }} cd {{ lufi_app_dir }} && carton exec script/lufi cron cleanbdd --mode production' - '00 6 * * * {{ lufi_username }} cd {{ lufi_app_dir }} && carton exec script/lufi cron cleanfiles --mode production' #NGINX SETUP nginx_default_vhost_ssl: 'upload.example.lan' nginx_default_vhost: 'upload.example.lan' nginx_HSTS_policy: 'true' #NGINX VHOST nginx_vhosts: - name: 'upload.example.lan' template: 'lufi' upstream_proto: 'http' upstream_port: '8080' upstream_name: 'localhost' proto: 'http' listen: '80' use_error_log: 'true' nginx_error_log_level: 'warn' redirect_https: 'true' letsencrypt: 'false' secure_site: 'true' #header_sameorigin: 'true' nc_max_upload: '1024M' nginx_HSTS_policy: 'true' state: 'enable'