--- ansible_python_interpreter: 'python3' pleroma_extra_files_path: '../files' pleroma_user: 'pleroma' pleroma_group: 'pleroma' pleroma_tmp_dir: '/tmp/pleroma/' pleroma_app_dir: '/opt/pleroma' pleroma_config_dir: '/etc/pleroma' pleroma_apt_list: - 'libmagic-dev' - 'libtinfo5' - 'git' - 'build-essential' - 'cmake' - 'elixir' - 'erlang-dev' - 'erlang-nox' - 'imagemagick' - 'ffmpeg' - 'libimage-exiftool-perl' - 'unzip' pleroma_host: "" pleroma_port: 4000 pleroma_scheme: "http" pleroma_proxy_pass: "{{ pleroma_scheme }}://{{ pleroma_host }}:{{ pleroma_port }}" pleroma_config_dir: '/etc/pleroma' # Configuration vars set in config.exs pleroma_link_host: "" pleroma_link_port: "80" pleroma_link_scheme: "http" pleroma_https: 'false' pleroma_instance_name: "{{ pleroma_link_host }}" pleroma_secret_key: 'CDPbJ/+rD8hd27Hcw8igvGwyIDoS/J1isK4noJOybqfCuNuW9GDm0QNiW7syrGsHQQkTTSkzSZkAlKTqdnUahQ==' #openssl rand -base64 64 | paste --delimiters '' --serial pleroma_invites_enabled: 'false' pleroma_desc: "A Pleroma fediverse instance." pleroma_char_limit: 5000 pleroma_signup_open: "true" pleroma_loglevel: ":debug" pleroma_conf_from_db: 'true' pleroma_allow_relay: 'true' pleroma_nickname_format: 'false' pleroma_remote_post_retention: '90' pleroma_db_host: "localhost" pleroma_db_superuser: "postgres" pleroma_db_passwd: 'changeme' pleroma_db: "pleroma" pleroma_db_user: "admin" pleroma_data_dir: "/srv/pleroma_data" pleroma_smtp: 'false' pleroma_ldap: 'false' pleroma_admin: 'true' pleroma_admin_user: 'admin' pleroma_admin_email: 'admin@example.lan' pleroma_admin_password: 'changeme' pleroma_download_url: 'https://akkoma-updates.s3-website.fr-par.scw.cloud/stable/akkoma-{{ pleroma_arch }}.zip' #akkoma #pleroma_download_url: "https://git.pleroma.social/api/v4/projects/2/jobs/artifacts/stable/download?job={{pleroma_arch}}" #pleroma pleroma_arch: 'amd64' pleroma_nofile: '500000' pleroma_instance_favicons: 'true' pleroma_remoteip: 'true' pleroma_proxies: '[""]' pleroma_captcha: 'false' pleroma_custom_emoji: 'true' pleroma_custom_emoji_list: - name: 'blobbear' url: 'https://labo.lacoloc.cafe/june/blobbears/raw/branch/master/manifest.json' - name: 'blobcat' url: 'https://fedi.absturztau.be/emoji-packs/manifest.json' pleroma_frontends: - name: 'mangane' conf: 'primary' # primary means the frontend that will be served by default for general requests ref: 'dist' url: 'https://github.com/BDX-town/Mangane/releases/latest/download/static.zip' - name: 'admin-fe' conf: 'admin' ref: 'develop' - name: 'pleroma-fe' conf: 'pleroma' ref: 'develop' # If you want to upload custom config files for frontends, specify below using the example #pleroma_frontend_custom_configs: # - name: 'mangane' # filename: 'soapbox.json' # confpath: 'static/instance/soapbox.json' pleroma_mrf_simple: 'true' pleroma_mrf_policies: - policy: 'reject' servers: - host: 'x.com' reason: 'cause elon suxx' - host: 'test.com' reason: 'reason 2' - policy: 'media_nsfw' servers: - host: 'x.com' reason: 'bleh' - host: 'test.com' reason: 'reason 2' # Mangane vars (used in config.exs) mangane_authenticatedProfile: "true" mangane_homeDescription: "This is the Exemple.org instance of Akkoma." mangane_singleUserMode: "false" mangane_brandColor: "#F24173" mangane_accentColor: "#D00A42" mangane_navlinks: - title: 'Link to TOS' url: 'https://example.org/tos' - title: 'Link to PP' url: 'https://example.org/pp' mangane_copyright: "Soyons de bons humains." #Postgres postgresql_version: 13 postgresql_listen_addresses: - "" postgresql_pg_hba_default: - { type: local, database: all, user: '{{ postgresql_admin_user }}', address: '', method: '{{ postgresql_default_auth_method }}', comment: '' } - { type: local, database: all, user: all, address: '', method: '{{ postgresql_default_auth_method }}', comment: '"local" is for Unix domain socket connections only' } - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '', method: '{{ postgresql_default_auth_method_hosts }}', comment: 'IPv4 local connections:' } postgresql_databases: - name: pleroma owner: admin # optional; specify the owner of the database uuid_ossp: yes postgresql_database_extensions: - db: pleroma extensions: - citext - pg_trgm # hstore: no # flag to install the hstore extension on this database (yes/no) #uuid_ossp: yes # flag to install the uuid-ossp extension on this database (yes/no) #citext: yes # flag to install the citext extension on this database (yes/no) postgresql_users: - name: admin pass: changeme encrypted: yes # denotes if the password is already encrypted. postgresql_user_privileges: - name: admin # user name db: pleroma # database priv: "ALL" # privilege string format: example: INSERT,UPDATE/table:SELECT/anothertable:ALL role_attr_flags: "" # role attribute flags #NGINX SETUP nginx_default_vhost_ssl: 'pleroma.example.lan' nginx_default_vhost: 'pleroma.example.lan' nginx_HSTS_policy: 'true' ##NGINX VHOST nginx_vhosts: - name: 'pleroma.example.lan' template: 'pleroma' upstream_proto: 'http' upstream_port: '4000' upstream_name: 'localhost' upstream_maxfail: '5' upstream_failtimeout: '60s' proxycache_path: '/tmp/pleroma-media-cache' proxycache_level: '1:2' proxycache_keyzone: 'pleroma_media_cache:10m' proxycache_maxsize: '10g' proto: 'http' listen: '80' use_error_log: 'true' nginx_error_log_level: 'warn' redirect_https: 'true' letsencrypt: 'false' secure_site: 'false' #header_sameorigin: 'true' nc_max_upload: '50M' nginx_HSTS_policy: 'false' state: 'enable'