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Pleroma/Akkoma role

Pleroma/Akkoma role was initially based on role by (Luke Hoersten)[] with heavy modifications (basically re-written).

This role deploys and updates OTP akkoma (default) or pleroma instance. Currently supported distributions are debian based. Role requires Disroot's (nginx)[] role and (postgresql)[]. Other nginx / postgres roles could be used but may require changes in variables.

You can deploy test instance using Vagrantfile attached to the role. vagrant up

ansible-playbook -b Playbooks/pleroma.yml

Then you can then access gitea from your computer on

To update pleroma include upgrade tag.


This role also deploys Mangane as the default frontend (this can be changed with pleroma_frontends var). Mangane can be configured in defaults/main.yml (See the # Mangane vars section).

⚠️ If you have already deployed Mangane and have changed config from then you have to first remove this config from DB with sudo -u pleroma /opt/pleroma/release/bin/pleroma_ctl config delete pleroma frontend_configurations. Then run the role with ansible-playbook -b Playbooks/pleroma.yml --tags upgrade


In the files folder, avi.png is the default user avatar. You can also changes logo that you can find there.

If you have already deployed but want to do any change, like change logo, avatar or a config, then run the role with ansible-playbook -b Playbooks/pleroma.yml --tags upgrade.