## MUC prosody_muc_enabled: 'true' prosody_muc: - url: 'chat.example.org' name: 'Example.org chatroom server' restrict: 'false' prosody_muc_modules: - name: 'swedishchef' description: 'This module does some conversions on message bodys passed through it causing them to look like our beloved swedish chef had typed them.' module_enabled: 'false' extra_options: - 'swedishchef_trigger = "!chef"; -- optional, converts only when the message starts with "!chef"' - name: 'muc_badge' description: 'Add badges to muc room.' module_enabled: 'true' - name: 'bob' description: 'This module extracts cid: URIs and replies with its content.' module_enabled: 'true' - name: 'muc_limits' description: 'This module allows you to control the maximum rate of ‘events’ in a MUC room.' module_enabled: 'true' extra_options: - 'muc_event_rate = 0.5 -- The maximum number of events per second.' - 'muc_burst_factor = 6 -- Allow temporary bursts of this multiple.' - 'muc_max_nick_length = 64 -- The maximum allowed length of user nicknames' - name: 'muc_mam' description: 'Message Archive Management for MUC' module_enabled: 'true' extra_options: - 'muc_log_by_default = true; -- Enable logging by default (can be disabled in room config)' - 'muc_log_all_rooms = false; -- set to true to force logging of all rooms' - 'max_history_messages = 20; -- This is the largest number of messages that are allowed to be retrieved when joining a room.' - 'muc_log_presences = false; -- Archiving of joins and parts.' - 'muc_log_expires_after = "6m" -- 6 months' - 'muc_log_cleanup_interval = 3600*24 -- how often it checks if there are messages older than archive_expires_after. In seconds.' - name: 'vcard_muc' description: 'This module adds the ability to set vCard for MUC rooms.' module_enabled: 'true' - name: 'muc_moderation' description: 'This module adds the ability to moderate a muc.' module_enabled: 'true' - name: 'muc_webchat_url' description: 'Allows to make the webchat url discoverable via the XMPP service discovery protocol.' module_enabled: 'true' extra_options: - 'muc_webchat_baseurl = "https://webchat.example.org/#converse/room?jid={jid}"' - name: 'muc_offline_delivery' description: 'implements support for sending messages in a MUC to affiliated users who are not in the room.' module_enabled: 'true'