# Prosody - Ansible Role This role deploys [prosody](https://prosody.im) XMPP server with all needed dependencies and prosody community modules. You can deploy a test instance using `Vagrantfile` attached to the role. This role is released under MIT Licence. We do not give no warranty for this software. # Run in production To run this role in production, do not forget to set your DNS as explained [here](./DNS_configuration.md) and to change all vars from files in `default/` to what you need. The role's defaults should be already dpeloying fully funcitonal and modern XMPP Server. It allows to add/remove any additional module (whether core or community). # Run test in Vagrant To have it work using vagrant: - `cd prosody` where `prosody`is the name of this repo. - `vagrant up` to build up the Virtual Environment. - and `ansible-playbook -b Playbooks/prosody.yml` to deploy Prosody on the Virtual Environment. # Setup turnserver for viop If you want to use viop, you need to set `turncredentials` to `true` in `default/mod.yml`. This feature depends on a third party service that needs to be installed seperatelly: coturn. To see how to set it, check [Prosody's documentation](https://prosody.im/doc/coturn) # Add LDAP authentication and vhosts To add LDAP authentication, edit `defaults/vhost.yml`, change `auth_method` from `internal_hashed` to `ldap` and change the LDAP vars in `prosody_ldap_config`. This role supports multiple vhosts.