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- name: 'roster'
description: 'Allow users to have a roster.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'saslauth'
description: 'Authentication for clients and servers. Recommended if you want to log in.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'tls'
description: 'Add support for secure TLS on c2s/s2s connections'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'dialback'
description: 's2s dialback support'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'compat_dialback'
description: 'This module provides a workaround for servers that do not set the to attribute on stream headers, which is required per RFC6120'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'disco'
description: 'Service discovery'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'private'
description: 'Private XML storage'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'vcard4'
description: 'User profiles (stored in PEP)'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'vcard_legacy'
description: 'Conversion between legacy vCard and PEP Avatar'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'version'
description: 'Replies to server version requests'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'uptime'
description: 'Report how long server has been running'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'time'
description: 'Let others know the time here on this server'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'ping'
description: 'Replies to XMPP pings with pongs'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'pep'
description: 'Enables users to publish their mood, activity, playing music and more'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'carbons'
description: 'Keep multiple clients in sync'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'register'
description: 'Allow users to register on this server using a client and change passwords'
module_enabled: 'false'
- name: 'carbons_adhoc' # not sure it is needed Zash says if you dont knwo what it is probably you dont need it
description: 'carbons for legacy clients'
module_enabled: 'false'
- name: 'carbons_copies' # not sure it is needed Zash says if you dont knwo what it is probably you dont need it
description: 'carbons for legacy clients'
module_enabled: 'false'
- name: 'smacks'
description: 'Allows to resume a disconnected session and prevents message loss'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'default_bookmarks'
description: 'Add a default bookmarks to new users'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'default_bookmarks = { jid = "room@muc.server.com", name = "Shared room" };'
- name: 'cloud_notify'
description: 'Allows clients to register an “app server”.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'push_notification_important_body = "Important message";'
- 'push_notification_with_body = false -- Whether or not to send the message body to remote pubsub node'
- 'push_notification_with_sender = false -- Whether or not to send the message sender to remote pubsub node'
- 'push_max_errors = 5 -- persistent push errors are tolerated before notifications for the identifier in question are disabled'
- 'push_max_devices = 3 -- number of allowed devices per user'
- name: 'csi'
description: 'Implements Client State Indication'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'csi_simple'
description: 'Buffer unimportant traffic to inactive devices'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'throttle_presence'
description: 'Cuts down on presence traffic when clients indicate they are inactive'
module_enabled: 'false'
- name: 'filter_chatstates'
description: 'https://modules.prosody.im/mod_filter_chatstates.html'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'admin_adhoc'
description: 'Allows administration via an XMPP client that supports ad-hoc commands'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'bosh'
description: 'Enable BOSH clients'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'websocket'
description: 'Supports for XMPP connections over Websockets'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'consider_websocket_secure = true'
- 'cross_domain_websocket = true'
- name: 'posix'
description: 'POSIX functionality, sends server to background, enables syslog, etc.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'daemonize = true'
- name: 'limits'
description: 'Enable bandwidth limiting for XMPP connections.'
module_enabled: 'false'
- name: 'groups'
description: 'Shared roster support.'
module_enabled: 'false'
- name: 'announce'
description: 'Send announcement to all online users'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'welcome'
description: 'Welcome users who register accounts'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'watchregistrations'
description: 'Alert admins of registrations'
module_enabled: 'false'
- name: 'motd'
description: 'Send a message to users when they log in'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'legacyauth'
description: 'Legacy authentication. Only used by some old clients and bots.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'log_auth'
description: 'Log failed authentication attempts with their IP address'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'register_redirect'
description: 'Registration Redirect.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'registrarion_url = "https://registration.example.com"'
- 'registration_text = "Your custom instructions banner here"'
- name: 'mam'
description: 'Implementation of XEP-0313: Message Archive Management https://modules.prosody.im/mod_mam.html'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'max_archive_query_results = 50;'
- 'archive_expires_after = "6m"; -- six months'
- 'default_archive_policy = true; -- default'
- 'archive_cleanup_interval = 3600*24 -- how often it checks if there are messages older than archive_expires_after. In seconds.'
- name: 'blocklist'
description: 'ability to block users'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'uptime_presence'
description: 'responds to a presence probe with timestamp from when the server was started'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'bookmarks'
description: 'This module fetches users’ bookmarks from Private XML and pushes them to PEP on login'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'admin_blocklist'
description: 'Uses the blocklists set by admins for blocking s2s connections'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'presence_cache'
description: 'This module stores a timestamp of the latest presence received from users contacts'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'presence_cache_size = 99'
- name: 'nodeinfo2'
description: 'This module exposes a nodeinfo2 .well-known URL for use e.g. from the-federation.info.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'nodeinfo2_expose_users = false -- if you don’t want to expose statistics about the amount of users you host'
- 'nodeinfo2_expose_posts = false -- if you don’t want to expose statistics about the amount of messages being exchanged by your users'
- name: 'lastlog'
description: 'Simple module that stores the timestamp of when a user logs in.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'lastlog_ip_address = false'
- 'lastlog_stamp_offline = false'
- name: 'http'
description: 'Prosody contains a mini built-in HTTP server, which is used for BOSH and other modules.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'watch_spam_reports'
description: 'This module sends a message to the server admins for incoming spam reports.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'spam_reporting'
description: 'When someone reports spam or abuse, a line about this is logged and an event is fired so that other modules can act on the report.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'server_contact_info'
description: 'Provides contact addresses.'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'contact_info = {'
- 'admin = { "mailto:{{ prosody_admins }}", "xmpp:{{ prosody_admins }}" };'
- 'abuse = { "mailto:{{ prosody_abuse_info }}", "xmpp:{{ prosody_abuse_info }}" };'
- 'support = { "mailto:{{ prosody_contact_info }}", "xmpp:{{ prosody_contact_info }}" };'
- '};'
- name: 'turncredentials'
description: 'Setup turnserver for viop'
module_enabled: 'false'
- 'turncredentials_secret = mysecret'
- 'turncredentials_host = turn.example.com'
- 'turncredentials_port = 3478'
- 'turncredentials_ttl = 86400;'
- name: 'firewall'
description: 'Can efficiently block, bounce, drop, forward, copy, redirect stanzas and more.'
module_enabled: '{{ firewall_module_enabled }}'
- 'firewall_scripts = { "{{ prosody_community_modules_path }}/mod_firewall/scripts/spam-blocking.pfw", "{{ prosody_custom_script_path }}/servers_blocklist.pfw", "{{ prosody_custom_script_path }}/users_blocklist.pfw" }'
# spam-blocking.pfw is the default Prosody one, needed by the two following
- name: 'http_altconnect'
description: 'This module helps make BOSH and WebSocket connection endpoints discoverable via the HTTP'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'http_upload'
description: 'Upload files via http'
module_enabled: 'true'
- 'http_upload_file_size_limit = 1024*1024 --bytes'
- 'http_upload_expire_after = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 -- a week in seconds'
- 'http_upload_path = "/srv/prosody/files"'
- 'http_upload_quota = 1234 -- bytes, maximum size of all uploaded files per user'
- name: 'admin_blocklist'
description: 'This module uses the blocklists set by admins for blocking s2s connections'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'statistics'
description: 'Provide statistic feed for monitoring'
module_enabled: 'true'
- name: 'checkcerts'
description: 'Checks your certificate to see if it is about to expire soon'
module_enabled: 'false'
- name: 'muc_ban_ip'
description: 'Allows the user’s server to enforce bans by IP address'
module_enabled: 'true'