added var to define config file path for zabbix scripts; linted the damn thing #12

muppeth merged 1 commit from staging into main 2024-12-30 08:43:48 +01:00

Added variable to define path for zabbix-script config path and fixed a bit the formatting of the role implementing suggestions from lint and decission regarding roles we have made.

Added variable to define path for zabbix-script config path and fixed a bit the formatting of the role implementing suggestions from lint and decission regarding roles we have made.
muppeth added 1 commit 2024-11-16 10:12:06 +01:00
meaz approved these changes 2024-11-20 07:07:27 +01:00
muppeth merged commit de01805965 into main 2024-12-30 08:43:48 +01:00
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Reference: Disroot-Ansible/zabbix#12
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