To use this theme, `git clone` it on your computer.
Create a `beetroot` folder in `/var/www/searx/searx/static/themes` and in `/var/www/searx/searx/templates`.
Then, copy the content of `beetroot_static` in `/var/www/searx/searx/static/themes/beetroot` and the content of `beetroot_template` in `/var/www/searx/searx/templates/beetroot`.
Enable the beetroot them by editing `/var/www/searx/searx/settings.yml` and changing:
When changing static elements (css, images etc), edit files in `src/`. Once done run `grunt` to compile. To do so, in your running searxng instance, your first need to:
If you want to test in live mode all your changes to the `beetroot` theme, you need working searx instance with your changes pulled into it. You can then either select the theme from UI or run searx with theme by running `LIVE_THEME=beetroot make run` from searx-src folder and edit.