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2023-04-04 22:12:14 +02:00
beetroot_static added small fixes to the theme. mainly top margin in the front page and change of font color on the top bar 2023-04-04 22:12:14 +02:00
beetroot_template fixed conflict 2023-04-04 21:23:00 +02:00
img first commit 2023-03-19 10:58:17 +01:00 fixed conflict 2023-04-04 21:23:00 +02:00


Disroot theme for Searxng.

How to use

To use this theme, git clone it on your computer.

Create a beetroot folder in /var/www/searx/searx/static/themes and in /var/www/searx/searx/templates.

Then, copy the content of beetroot_static in /var/www/searx/searx/static/themes/beetroot and the content of beetroot_template in /var/www/searx/searx/templates/beetroot.

Enable the beetroot them by editing /var/www/searx/searx/settings.yml and changing:

default_theme : beetroot

Restart searx: service uwsgi restart

How to edit/change this theme

Simply clone the theme to your machine. All changes done to the the templates do not require compilation, only searxng reload. When changing static elements (css, images etc), edit files in src/. Once done run grunt to compile. You may need to install all dependencies first by running npm install.

If you want to test in live mode all your changes to the beetroot theme, you need working searx instance with your changes pulled into it. You can then either select the theme from UI or run searx with theme by running LIVE_THEME=beetroot make run from searx-src folder and edit.


Light mode

Light mode Light mode Light mode

Dark mode

Dark mode Dark mode Dark mode