[Monitoring] - Jitsi #99

opened 2021-07-19 06:22:20 +02:00 by muppeth · 6 comments
  • Monitor amount of conferences
  • Monitor amount of connections
  • Monitor amount of users
- Monitor amount of conferences - Monitor amount of connections - Monitor amount of users
muppeth added this to the (deleted) milestone 2021-07-19 06:22:20 +02:00
muppeth added the
label 2021-07-19 06:22:20 +02:00
muppeth added this to the (deleted) project 2021-09-16 01:05:42 +02:00

done, though I'm not sure what is the difference between amount of connections and amount of users...

done, though I'm not sure what is the difference between amount of connections and amount of users...
meaz added this to the 23.08 - August milestone 2023-07-31 16:10:02 +02:00
  • Create the script.
  • Edit userparameters on zabbix role.
  • Add all needed zabix vars on service host_vars.
  • Add needed cronjob vars on service host_vars.
  • PR on host_vars merged
  • Run cron role.
  • Run zabbix_agent playbook.
  • Create a service template on zabbix with new data.
  • Create a service dashboard with the service template.
- [x] Create the script. - [x] Edit userparameters on zabbix role. - [x] Add all needed zabix vars on service host_vars. - [x] Add needed cronjob vars on service host_vars. - [x] PR on host_vars merged - [x] Run cron role. - [x] Run zabbix_agent playbook. - [ ] Create a service template on zabbix with new data. - [ ] Create a service dashboard with the service template.
muppeth was assigned by meaz 2023-08-03 22:29:06 +02:00
muppeth modified the milestone from 23.08 - August to 23.09 - September 2023-09-03 21:04:16 +02:00

I checked your proposal, and extended it a bit. Using the stats endpoint it gives us much more possibilities to gather data. So instead of just pulling two values, we could get rid of the script and call curl directly from zabbix. We could then add any parameters into the zabbix template for jitsi and those would be directly retrieved from jitsi without the need them each time to both script and zabbix template. Do you agree? If it's not clear, ping me on xmpp.

I checked your proposal, and extended it a bit. Using the stats endpoint it gives us much more possibilities to gather data. So instead of just pulling two values, we could get rid of the script and call curl directly from zabbix. We could then add any parameters into the zabbix template for jitsi and those would be directly retrieved from jitsi without the need them each time to both script and zabbix template. Do you agree? If it's not clear, ping me on xmpp.

fine with me

fine with me
meaz modified the milestone from 23.09 - September to 23.10 - October 2023-10-19 18:22:58 +02:00

Using the stats endpoint it gives us much more possibilities to gather data. So instead of just pulling two values, we could get rid of the script and call curl directly from zabbix.

How can I do that?

> Using the stats endpoint it gives us much more possibilities to gather data. So instead of just pulling two values, we could get rid of the script and call curl directly from zabbix. How can I do that?

Nevermind I found on my own. This is done.

Nevermind I found on my own. This is done.
meaz closed this issue 2023-10-26 13:12:49 +02:00
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Reference: Disroot/Disroot-Project#99
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