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FeDisroot: Interacting

First steps

Now we can

  • write/reply a post;
  • search for people or things we are interested on;
  • follow others.

The first thing we can do is to briefly introduce ourselves and share our interests by writing our first post to let others know of our arrival in the Fediverse (it is also a common practice in most of its instances).


A post is something you write and/or share, it can be just a few lines long or something more elaborated with images or polls.

To compose a post we can start writing directly in the post editor box, or by clicking on the Compose button in the left panel.

A post can contain

  • hashtags, useful to group content about a particular topic, making it easy for people to find content they are interested on; and/or
  • mentions. We can mention one or more people by writing @user or @user@instance.domain. The mention will become a link to the user's profile and those who are mentioned will get a notification about the post.

At the bottom of the post editor we have the "editing options". They are:

  • Attachments: to attach (or upload) a file. FeDisroot's file size limit is 128MB.
  • Emojis: to insert emojis in our post.
  • Polls: to embed a poll in our post. Its use is very simple: we write the choices, set the duration and publish it.
  • Visibility scope (or privacy options): to control who will be able to view our posts. We can choose our posts to be:
    • Public: this is the default mode. Public posts can be viewed by anyone and they appear in the public timelines.
    • Unlisted: posts marked with this option will not appear in the public timelines, although they still can be viewed by anyone who comes accross them (for example, via our profile or by direct linking). These posts will also appear in public searches.
    • Followers only: to make our post visible only for those who follow us.
    • Direct: to send a post or message only to the people explicitly mentioned in it.
  • Schedule: to schedule when we want our post to be published (for example, we can write a post today and set it to be published on a different specific date).
  • Subject (or Content Warning): to add a header to our post and/or to warn others about its content. If it is used as a header, the content below will be visible. If it is used as CW, the content below will be hide under a warning message.
  • Markdown: to enable/disable Markdown format. When enabled we can use Markdown, BBCode or HTML code to visually improve our text (for example, to add typographic styles -bold, italic-, custom links, lists, etc) otherwise posts are published in plaintext format.

At the right of these options is the characters counter (the limit is set to 5000 characters) and the Post button.

When other people react, comment, reply or share our posts, we will be notified through the Notifications button in the left panel. Interactions are also shown at the bottom of the post.