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February 2021 MoneyBuster on Android 0.1.8
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MoneyBuster: A Cospend mobile client

MoneyBuster is a shared budget manager app that you can sync with Nextcloud Cospend. With this app you can choose to keep your project local or make it synchronize with your Disroot Cloud.

How to get it?

You can download it from the F-Droid FOSS App Store.

How to use it with your Disroot account

Setup it up

The first time you run MoneyBuster a setup wizard will guide you.

  1. Select Configure Nextcloud account.

  1. If you already have installed the Nextcloud mobile client, here you can choose to use the same account it is set up with or enter the Disroot Cloud server address and tap CONNECT.

  1. Now the app will ask you to grant it access.

  1. Enter your Disroot credentials and tap Log in.

  1. Grant access to the app. Now we can start to use it.

Using the App

If you already have any Cospend project in the Cloud it will appear in the app screen and you can add a new bill by tapping on the +$ button.

If not, then you will need to create a project first. To do so open the menu by clicking on the menu icon or swiping it from the left side of the screen.

To create a new project, tap on the + icon.

The Add project screen will open.

  1. Select CREATE
  2. Select COSPEND
  3. The Disroot server address will appear by default as you have already configured the app with your account. You can modify it enetering the address of any Nextcloud instance where you have the Cospend project.
  4. Add an ID or a name for the project
  5. Set a password if you want to
  6. Add a title for the project
  7. Add a contact email

The process of creating a project or a bill is very similar to the web.