2 Submitting
Fede.- edited this page 2023-08-07 01:38:02 +00:00

Submitting our changes

1. Committing & pushing changes

The set of modifications and files created in our local copy is what we call a "commit". In order for our changes to be implemented, we must "push" (submit) them to Disroot's remote repository.

To see this procedure in detail, we can read this tutorial.

2. Requesting the merge of our changes

Once we think our work is finished and ready to be published on the website, it is time to "merge" it to the main branch.

Merging is the process of integrating commits from different branches.

This is done from the Forgejo interface where it is called Pull Request. To learn how to do it, we can read this tutorial.

3.Updating our local repository

We need to remember that if we want to keep the local main branch for future translations or howtos we will need to "pull" the changes integrated to the recently updated remote because ours will no longer be up-to-date with the remote main one.

"Pull" is an operation to update a local version of a remote repository.

In the terminal, this is done with the command git pull. So if we are still on our local branch and we want to "update" it after commits were sent and accepted, we need to:

  1. Make sure we are on the local main branch or in another. We can use the git branch command which will shows us the branch we are.

Once we are on the main branch, write:

git pull

This will download the modifications added to the main branch and update our local copy with them.

In Pulsar or VSCodium we only need to click on the Pull function.